Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 386

Chapter 382: Earth Does Not Need God To Save

The powerful cosmic energy beam directly penetrated Ox’s body from behind, and also penetrated Ajak’s corpse in front of him, and then caused a violent explosion.

But it wasn’t over, the continuous beams bombarded like rain, smashing the entire hut to smithereens.

Yin Kalis suspended silently in the air outside the hut, landed slowly, and sighed softly.

“Ajak, I’m sorry, but I didn’t expect you to leave behind… But compared to Circe, President Oaks is a bigger threat.”

“Although he promoted the growth of the population, killed Thanos, and avoided the delay of the gods, I can’t let anyone influence the incubation of the gods…”

“…So you’re trying to provoke an opponent who doesn’t know the details at all?”

Yin Kalis looked startled, turned his head shyly, and saw behind him, a portal opened, and Oaks walked out of the portal with an indifferent face.

“A terrible healing power…”

Yin Kalis frowned tightly. There was still a huge hole in Oaks’ clothes that was penetrated by the beam just now, but he was not injured at all.

“Under that kind of attack, you shouldn’t have time to heal at all!”

“Don’t judge me by your narrow eyes, Incalis.”

The light flashed on Oaks, and the dress of the Heart of Nature shirt was completed.

He squeezed the natural fist, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

“It turns out that… Ajak was killed by you, even if it wasn’t your direct hand, it would definitely have nothing to do with you.

It seems that you want the earth and your companions to die for the **** group in the heart of the earth for no apparent reason? ”

Oaks’ anger rose in his heart, but he didn’t show it.

“You stay here alone and attack me, do you want to kill me and then grab the Mind Stone, so that we can never get together the six Infinity Stones?”

He touched the necklace on his chest and sneered:

“Didn’t Zhu Ke tell you that I singled out to kill Thanos?”


Yin Kalis’ eyes widened, and the next moment, his whole body was blasted out by an irresistible force.

“Gilgamesh won’t be cheap in front of me, do you think you can?”

The huge star bear slowly appeared in front of the embarrassed Yin Kalis:

“Originally, I was still worried about how to obtain the soul gem, but now it seems that there is a way…

The soul of the Eternal Race should be much stronger than that of ordinary humans, right? ”

Incalis was slapped out again, and he was not even inferior to Gilgamesh’s powerful strength, and seemed completely vulnerable in front of Oaks:

“So, maybe we can talk to it about the conditions?”

“You…don’t get too carried away!”


Two terrifying energy beams bombarded, and the beams launched by Yinkalis with all their strength, even the mutants with unbelievably strong vitality would be fatally injured.

This time he flew directly into the air and launched an attack!

But a brilliant sunbeam fell straight down and enveloped him in it.


The two beams failed to break through the shield of Oaks, so they went out——

Yin Calis only felt a pounding sound in his head, his eyes seemed to be pierced by a scorching iron rod, and he couldn’t help crying!


Yin Kalis couldn’t even maintain the flight, and fell straight to the ground, making a big hole.

“The way to deal with the Eternals, I have mastered it years ago…

If Thanos didn’t have mutant genes, and the way cosmic energy operates was different from that of the Eternals, I wouldn’t have to spend so much effort against him! ”

Countless magical vines slowly rose from the ground, tying Yinkalis firmly.

Every magic vine is filled with powerful cosmic energy fluctuations.

Being **** by them, Yin Kalis only felt that the infinite cosmic energy in his body could not be used by himself!

“How can… there is such a thing…”

This guy can easily wipe out all the Eternals on Earth if he wants to!

“I have always been friendly to the Eternals, but you seem to have forgotten your identity…”

The starlight leopard’s sharp claws lightly touched Yinkalis’s shoulder, and easily scratched a bloodstain on his skin that had not been injured in thousands of years:

“The earth is the earth of the people of the earth, don’t really regard yourself as a god!”

“…Why didn’t you kill me!”

Incalis struggled for a moment, desperate to find that there was no way to get rid of these **** vines.

He slumped to give up the struggle:

“What do you want to know?”

“Where did the mutants come from? You said that they were wiped out hundreds of years ago. It’s not your fault!”

Oakes’ claws slammed him to the ground:

“The danger of these things to the earth is unquestionable, tell me their information!”

“God-induced increases in core temperature are causing glaciers in northern Alaska to melt.”

At this point, Yinkalis did not continue to hide, after all, mutants are indeed his enemies:

“The number of these mutants is not large. They are frozen in the glacier because of this accident!”

“What happened to Ajak? It seems that your leader doesn’t think the same as you.”

After a short check just now, Oaks had discovered that Ajak was pierced by countless sharp weapons, but that was not the real cause of death.

What really caused her death was the disappearance of the cosmic energy source within her body, just as a machine lost its energy core.

Obviously, the source of her cosmic energy was taken away by the mutant race in London that attacked Dane and Circe. It even used this energy core to evolve and possess the healing power of Ajak.

Mutants are indeed very dangerous, they can use some favorable factors from the outside world to evolve…

For thousands of years, God knows how many evolutionary samples of earth creatures they have absorbed. It can be said that this group of things can no longer be regarded as alien species. It is no wonder that Gaia’s consciousness can’t distinguish it.

“… Ajak has feelings for humans. She doesn’t want the birth of the **** group to destroy the earth, so I used mutants to kill her.”

Yin Calis was silent for a moment, and then said the answer:

“Listen, Oaks, Arisham’s order is for us to guard life on Earth until a new celestial group is born—

If this process is interrupted, the universe will lose a new creator god, which will directly affect the balance of the universe…

Moreover, Arisham will never let you go. At that time, the earth will still be judged by Arisham himself, and the fate of ashes cannot be avoided! ”

Incalis learns all the truth about the mission from Ajak:

“Arisham is not comparable to a guy like Thanos, he is the **** who really created planets and galaxies!

Exploding the Earth with your bare hands is definitely not a joke! ”

“Then the earth deserves to die? The billions of people on the earth deserve to be the food of the gods?”

Oaks sneered, it is not surprising that Yinkalis, as an eternal family, is loyal to the **** group that created him.

On the contrary, Ajak and Circe who betrayed Arisom like that are the outliers.

But that’s what they need a headache for.

Since seeing Zhu Ke, Oaks has already said that the earthlings can save themselves, no gods are needed to save them!

“I tried my best to solve the threat of Thanos, not to reduce the population of the earth by half, to a direct explosion!”


“Okay, I already have an idea.”

Oaks controlled the magic vines to entangle Yincalis and threw him into the Emerald Dream.

There, Yin Kalis couldn’t escape even if his movements were not restricted!

“The whole video of this incident, please send it to the Eternals…”

Oakes told Malorne:

“Tell them that Incalis tried to attack me, so his life is now mine.

If you are not convinced, they are welcome to come to me at any time! ”

“Brother, if the Eternals are going to make trouble…”

Malorne was a little worried:

“They are a very powerful force. At this critical moment, is it really good to anger them?”

“They dare to come, and the Avengers won’t agree–

What’s more, if they were rational enough, they wouldn’t force me to kill a few more Eternals at this time!

Also, to contact the Guardians of the Galaxy, I need to talk to Gamora. ”

“Yes, brother.”

When Zhuke and the others received the summons from Malorne, they had already found Gilgamesh and Tina, as well as Ginger, and were going to Yinrak to find the Tama.

They were still happy when they learned that the acorn necklace Oakes had given to solve Tina’s mental problems.

But when Malorne’s clone appeared in person and brought the news to them, all of them were confused.

Yinkalis killed Ajak with the hands of the mutants, and tried to prevent them from suspending the incubation of the **** group? !

Everything he said before was false!


Spike was the first to break out:

“That Earthling is lying to us! It’s impossible for Yinkalis to do such a thing!”

“No, it’s normal for him to do this kind of thing.”

Zhu Ke spoke calmly:

“Spike, don’t let your emotions sway your judgment. You know, Yinkalis… he is the best, and he is also the most unwavering in his mission to Arisam.”

He recalled the night when the Aztec civilization died out, and laughed lowly at himself:

“Incalis wanted to kill me at that time, so if Ajak betrayed Arisam’s mission, Incalis would definitely kill her without hesitation.”

“But what is that Druyin going to do to Yinkalis now?”

Ginger has always followed Yinkalis~www.readwn.com~ He took an offensive posture towards Malorne with an ugly expression:

“Deer, if we catch you, Yinkalis will come back, right?”

“Sorry, it’s impossible.”

Malorne shook his head slightly:

“From now on, until the problem is really solved, if you do anything to harm humanity, then you will be the enemy of the Avengers.

The president has always treated you with courtesy and thank you for your information.

But now at this critical time…”

Malorne’s gentle eyes also became sharp:

“I hope everyone, don’t make a mistake!”

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