Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 392

Chapter 388: Astral Development Plan

It’s been two years since the Avengers joined forces with their alien allies against Thanos and resolved the threat of the Destroyer.

In October 2021, after two years of preparation, the first starship “Pioneer” in human history with a space warp engine was finally completed.

In the past two years, with the gradual opening of Galaxy’s advanced technology and Wakanda, the highest level of human technology has gradually been ready to integrate with interstellar technology.

The 2020 “Earth Guardian Award Lifetime Achievement Award” was unsurprisingly awarded to Oaks, the “World Will Spokesperson” who can be said to have saved the earth twice in a row and is still continuing to improve the earth’s environment.

Taking this opportunity, Oaks reorganized Rendehui and Oak Tree Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., transferred personnel to cooperate with the Avengers to a certain extent, and established a new external organization “Pioneer Alliance”.

The pioneer alliance with the Emerald Dream as its headquarters still aims to achieve a balance between man and nature, but its scope has expanded from the earth to the extraterrestrial.

The primary goal of the Pioneer Alliance is to promote human alien immigration!

What shocked all the countries in the world is that the realization time of this plan is not the illusory decades and hundreds of years, but a mere year!

When the Trailblazers Alliance announced the discovery of an uninhabited planet with a slightly modified ecosystem that could adapt to human habitation, there was a global uproar.

But no one didn’t believe it.

When Tiamut appeared outside the earth, everyone in the world basically got the news.

This can’t be hidden at all.

And as the Avengers and Oaks, there is no need for them to deceive people around the world on this matter.

At least the leaders of various countries are very clear about the concept of a ‘spokesperson of the will of the world”.

Well, what’s more, Oaks is not just a spokesperson.

Therefore, this great project named “Astral Development Project” by the Trailblazer Alliance, although the countries in the world still have various concerns, they still agree to be led by the Trailblazer Alliance.

This is an engineering project open to the whole world. All countries will explore an entire unknown planet with the ecological dome built by the Pioneer Alliance as the center!

This planet is the location of the first spiritual seed on Oaks’ Emerald Dream Link, and was named “Emerald No. 1” by Oaks.

The Eagles chosen by Oaks are all planets that have no intelligent life, but have an ecological circle.

Well, the “Garden” star who lost his chance to become Thanos’ hideout is also among them.

But it’s so beautiful there, Oaks decided to use it as a private plot for vacation~

The planet Jade No. 1 has an ecosystem, but the composition of the atmosphere and the composition of life are quite different from those of the Earth.

In particular, the animals, microorganisms and many natural environments on it are problems that must be solved in the migration of human groups.

Therefore, the ecological dome and micro-ecosphere prepared by Oaks, which completely simulates the earth’s ecological circle, is an indispensable base for the early human pioneers.

The inauguration ceremony of the Pioneer starship was presided over by chief engineer Tony, and Oaks personally came to the “Emerald One” to inspect the ecological dome that had been completed for half a year.

“The snap of the fingers back then, the Jade Dream was shaken a lot, is it finally repaired now?”

Gu Yi, who lived in seclusion in the Emerald Dream, came here with Oaks.

She will serve as the hidden guardian of “Emerald No. 1” to solve possible fatal dangers for mankind.

“Yes, it took me a lot of work.”

Oaks sighed with emotion. The sharing of the Emerald Dream made him not severely injured after snapping his fingers two times in a row. He just recovered completely after a period of training.

But this still had a big impact on the Emerald Dream itself——

After all, the current Emerald Dream is not a complete dream dimension, but only a part of it.

The most notable point is that the dimensional space carries the powerful energy of the six Infinity Gems, which creates a certain disorder.

But there are also advantages, that is, this energy is used by Oaks to deal with those dream demons beyond his control——

Without much effort, the miscellaneous fish that breed in nightmares are almost dead.

The remaining die-hards have also been approached by Oaks to talk one by one in the past two years. Now they have either become working men in the Emerald Dream, or have been deprived of their right to exist.

If it weren’t for the limited effect of the Infinity Stones on the dimensional space that is independent of the universe, Oaks would want to snap his fingers to directly expand the entire Emerald Dream to the full dream dimension.

After all, each Infinity Glove can theoretically snap its fingers twice.

Moreover, now Oaks has found Aitri to re-repair the natural clenched fist.

“The Infinity Stones are the source of disputes that the major forces in the universe will never let go of. I’ve wondered more than once in the past few years whether to destroy them directly.”

Oaks also thought about destroying gems with gems like Thanos.

Because their allure is too strong.

All-knowing and omnipotent, realizing all wishes, and reaching the limit of a single universe, how many people can refuse this plug-in?

But Oaks also clearly realized that the limit of the Infinity Stones is the scope of a single universe.

The infinite energy of this thing may continue to feed users in the multiverse, but it’s a complete waste in terms of manipulating the rules.

Strength, or your own, is real.

The Emerald Dream has the potential to break through to the multiverse level, but the Infinity Stones do not.

And he doesn’t want to rule the entire universe, and holding six Infinity Stones all the time has no more significant effect than making him the target of public criticism.

“The existence of the Infinity Stones naturally has a reason. If it is destroyed, although many problems can be solved once and for all, it will also make the future extremely dangerous.”

During the centuries when the Ancient One held the Time Stone, the earth has never been so safe.

“At least your current arrangement is very reasonable. Human beings are now in the initial stage of entering the universe, and there are too many unknown dangers.”

Oaks kept the Mind Stone, and the other Infinity Stones were handed over to different people.

The Time Stone was returned to Strange, the Space Stone was returned to Asgard, and the Soul Stone was thrown back to Vormir—

Except for the Guardians of the Galaxy and Oaks himself, no one else knows the location of the Soul Stone, which is equivalent to giving the Soul Stone to the Guardians of the Galaxy for protection.

After asking Asgard for advice on the Reality Gem Orx, Orx gave it to Hela for safekeeping.

Princess Asgard is not idle in the underworld of Hull. Now she is concentrating on the power of death and is trying to link her power with the underworld of Hull.

So the reality gem is still very safe in Hela, who is about to have the power of the world.

Of course, she is rational enough now, and will not take the initiative to do things that devour the nine worlds.

Finally, the power gem with the strongest pure power is jointly kept by the Avengers.

Tony has built a nanotechnology-based deformation vehicle that can be used by multiple people to carry the power of the Power Gem.

Together with the Time Stone, it will protect against threats from the magical and real worlds, respectively.

“Heh… After the “Book of Emperor Weishan” was returned, the dimension lords of Mephisto still did not move. It seems that the infinite gems have indeed made the earth less troublesome.”

Oaks really admires Mephisto’s patience.

His two godsons, Billy and Tommy, were four years old, and there was no doubt that Mr. Model Worker would not let go of these two soul fragments.

But since the “Book of Weishandi” disappeared, there was no way to lead him out, so Oaks and the others could only wait patiently.

“Mephisto and Nightmare are not the same level. It’s okay if he doesn’t come… At least we can have more time to prepare.”

Gu Yi smiled, I am afraid that when this old opponent is finally ready to launch a conspiracy, the guy beside him is already strong enough that he is no longer an opponent.

“There is no problem with the parameters of the ecological dome… It is really hard for you to create such a huge closed ecosystem with the power of the Emerald Dream.”

Gu Yi is still feeling that this ecological dome is not just a building or a small city.

It has a complete internal topographic structure and artificial weather system, and a variety of animal and plant microbial populations, and the area has reached an astonishing 50,000 square kilometers!

That’s about the size of a country in Costa Rica.

Of course, Costa Rica has a population of about 5 million, and the Eco-Dome can’t do that.

The emerald-colored mask covering the entire surface area of 50,000 square kilometers blocks the unmodified natural environment of the original planet from the outside, and only sunlight is used as a necessary external input energy, which is converted and supplied to the interior.

In order to maintain an ecological cycle that is basically close to the average level of the earth under these conditions, the initial carrying population of this ecological dome is limited to less than 10,000——

It’s almost a five-to-one ratio.

Although it is far lower than the surface area to population ratio of the entire earth, or even more than 0.6 points, but with the stability of the early human pioneering team, human technology will gradually find ways to adapt or transform the natural environment of the planet.

The ecological dome will gradually expand, eventually merging with the environment of the planet itself.

At that time, mankind will have a second home.

With the help of the Blazers League, this time will be greatly shortened.

“According to the progress of Jade No. 1, I will open Jade No. 2 to Earth in due course—

The second-most uninhabited ecological planet from Earth. ”

Oaks and Gu Yi can survive directly outside the dome, and even transforming the natural environment is not impossible for the current Oaks.

But if you give too much, you will become indebted, which is not a good thing for mankind.

“The pioneer team of 10,000 people will arrive tomorrow on a starship, and most of this group of people are elite scientists from various disciplines.

However, apart from China, Wuchang didn’t send the top-notch people over. ”

Speaking of which~www.readwn.com~ Gu looked at Oaks and raised his eyebrows:

“Just because you offered to extend the life of a Chinese scientist?”

“Originally, the loss of Mr. Yuan this year was a loss for a country, but in this era, it is a huge loss for the entire human race.”

Oakes shrugged, if it wasn’t for Zhang’s timely feedback, it would be difficult to explain to ordinary people using resurrection:

“Besides, I haven’t violated the laws of nature very much. The treatment two years ago only allowed him to live an extra thirty years.”


Gu Yi was at a loss for words, the scientist is only 91 years old now!

“You also traveled through time and space to take a hologram of their founding ceremony as a gift to celebrate the 70th anniversary of their founding…”

“It was just a random shot during the test. I made a lot of money for the highest honor, the “Friendship Medal” and my full support for the Trail Blazers program.”

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