Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 397

Chapter 393: Roots Of The World Tree

Hundreds of black poisonous snakes more than ten meters long gathered together, silently and firmly eating the soil…

How weird is this picture.

No, that’s not eating dirt.

From Gungnir’s abnormal reaction, Oaks came to a conclusion that he couldn’t believe, but had to believe——

“Those things that look like hills…”

Oaks’ complexion became complicated. There were surprises, surprises, and understanding. The rest was solemn.

“It’s some kind of rotten plant… No, or it can be basically concluded, it’s a rotten tree root.”

“The world tree, a small piece of tree root!”

Oaks still has some research on mythology, especially Norse mythology.

In Norse mythology, the underworld of Hel was not as simple as it is now.

It should be in the depths of a wider, more primitive world where one of the three taproots of the world tree is located.

“The world tree has three main roots, extending to Asgard, one of the upper three realms, Jotunheim, one of the middle three realms, and one of the lower three realms…”

Oaks looked around at the extremely cold fog that quickly enveloped him again, and sighed:

“I should have thought of this long ago, this kind of environment…’Niflheim, the Land of Fog’!”

Hull Underworld, deep in Niflheim, is the real land of the dead, the seat of Nibelungen.

But since becoming an advisor to the Asgardian royal family, Oakes has always felt that this is just a myth and misrepresentation.

After all, there is no record of Niflheim in Asgard.

But everything in reality can’t help him not believe.

Gungnir’s unprecedented response has confirmed that these huge “hills” in front of him are the same material as the branches of the World Tree with its gun barrel.

Then the decayed World Tree roots that were devoured by poisonous snakes made Oaks naturally think of a more troublesome existence.

“Dragon of Despair, Nidhogg… If this is really Niflheim, then it is likely to disappear with the World Tree, leaving only the Hull Underworld as one of the New Nine Realms. ”

After trying to understand the pass, Oaks couldn’t help but have a headache.

These poisonous snakes are said to devour the roots of the World Tree together with Nidhogg, the black dragon.

When this main root is eaten up, the World Tree will wither and decay, heralding the arrival of Ragnarok.

Like Baldur’s death, Nidhogg biting off the root of the World Tree was also a harbinger of Ragnarok.

Unlike Baldr, Nidhogg is one of the few creatures that can survive Ragnarok.

So Niflheim, or even the disappearance of the World Tree, has something to do with it?

Although this version of Nidhogg doesn’t seem to be as strong as a certain medium, since he can indeed cause serious damage to the World Tree, he must be an extremely difficult guy to deal with.

According to Oaks’ estimate, the size of the World Tree should be at least above a single Infinity Stone, and how many Infinity Stones are equivalent to it is not certain——

Of course, it is definitely far from the height of the six gems.

“Whether it’s Odin’s last wish or in order to find the World Tree, it seems that this trip will have to face such a world-destroying boss…”

Oaks touched the heart gem necklace, a little fortunate.

Now he can be regarded as the lowest strength in recent years.

But he couldn’t pass up this opportunity and do nothing.

The root of the World Tree in front of you has obviously been corrupted by the gnawing of the poisonous snake, but following it, you can definitely find the main root that has not been corrupted!


The yellow light of the soul gem rose sharply. Now that he knew that Nidhogg might exist, Oaks must preserve his strength.

Utilizing the power of the Infinity Stones is undoubtedly the safest—

Physical strength and magic power need to be preserved, so use the mind gem to launch a celestial-level spell attack!

Sen Han’s fog turned into a violent ice storm, a natural magic that was dozens of times stronger than the one that Oaks himself had cast just now, slaughtering the group of low-IQ poisonous snakes in front of him who hadn’t realized what was going on!

“Tsk… I have to say, it’s pretty miserable.”

Unlike the one of the same kind killed by Oaks himself, almost none of the poisonous snakes killed by the ice storm left a complete corpse.

The huge and tough body was strangled into pieces by the endless ice slag.

After losing their vitality, these things were finally frozen into huge blocks of ice like normal biological tissues, and smashed to the ground incessantly.

“The Guard is Here”

Maybe the undead creatures will like it, but now, Oaks has no interest in them.

“This…how many years have passed.”

When you get close, standing under this huge “hill”, with Oaks’ natural magic attainment, can you barely perceive the special nature of these rotten roots in front of you.

“No wonder there are only so many venomous snakes left here, and I am so close, that Gungnir has a new reaction…

It’s not the same as the previous reaction from a distant planet. I’m afraid the previous reaction was aimed at the World Tree body. ”

Oaks frowned, perceiving the roots of the World Tree whose vitality was almost completely dissipated.

That’s right, this is just a mere root, the world tree is so huge that it can support the nine worlds, and the meager root is as huge as a hill!

The good news is that the World Tree body should still be there, and it is indeed related to the seal here being broken, so Gungnir can react at such a long distance.

The bad news is that the world tree is probably not very good-

After all, according to the original time, Ragnarok has already happened.

Nidhogg gnawed off the main root of the World Tree, not the cause of Ragnarok, but its omen.

Ragnarok didn’t happen, Balder didn’t die, how is the situation of World Tree?

If Nidhogg’s mission in Asgard civilization is to gnaw on tree roots every season, what role does he play when the World Tree disappears during the entire season of civilization?

“It’s really… more and more interesting!”

Touring the world is what Oaks really wanted to do a long time ago.

But this world is not only at stake, but also unfathomable. If you want to travel without any scruples, at least you have to make sure that nothing can threaten you.

Becoming a dimension lord is just to achieve the basic invincible realm within the dimension.

But since you want to visit the world, you can’t squat in the dimensional space all the time.

As for the power of the real world, Oaks only mastered the earth, not even the Emerald No. 1 planet, let alone the remaining more than a thousand planets.

Egg gave him a way to become stronger, but the process was extremely difficult.

Finding and communicating with the World Tree is one of the few ways that Oaks can safely and quickly improve his strength.

It is also one of the most wonderful scenery on his way to travel the world.

So, Nidhogg, he’s dead.

“Since the World Tree will be my helper, Nidhogg’s existence is gnawing at my old foundation, and this kind of guy must not stay.”

Carefully perceiving the residual life force in the decaying roots, Oaks found the direction to the main root system with difficulty.

Seeing the endless root system “mountains” crawling on the ground like ancient giant beasts in front of him, his eyes flashed with excitement.

“Although it is extremely weak and almost dissipated, the quality is undoubtedly higher than it has ever been before, no wonder it can support so many poisonous snakes.

This kind of life force is almost the top level, shouldn’t World Tree already have complete consciousness? ”

With the size of the World Tree, even the mere name of the God of Nature is not qualified to carry it at all.

However, the larger the body, the more difficult it is to generate a complete self-awareness, especially for plant life.

“Huh… Then let’s find out, there seems to be a disgusting aura in front of it… It seems that these venomous snakes are really everywhere.”

Walking along the roots to the main root system, this scene feels a little familiar to Oaks.

Before meeting Bruce Banner for the first time that year, Oakes practiced natural magic in the Amazon rainforest.

As the second longest river in the world and the most flowing river, the Amazon River has about 15,000 tributaries.

Oaks has done it, starting from a small tributary, going back to the source layer by layer, and finally finding the main road of the Amazon River to which it belongs.

What to do now seems to be very similar to what it was back then.

Enjoying this process, Oaks began to push the poisonous snakes left in the root system of the World Tree.

After an unknown number of years, most of the roots of this Niflheim taproot have fallen into decay.

Otherwise, Oaks wouldn’t need to use this stupid method to orient the taproot at all.

The closer it is to the main root system, the larger the remaining group of poisonous snakes, and the stronger the individual strength.

Even later, a poisonous snake can be dozens of meters long, and the poisonous gas emitted from a long distance can cause ordinary people to be poisoned directly.

But they still can’t stop Oaks’ footsteps.

It’s just that Oaks walked for so long, but he didn’t find any trace of Hela’s battle.

“It seems that the space conversion at the beginning sent me and Hela to different roots.

I don’t know how long Hela has been here. It is much easier for the Reality Gem to break through here than the Mind Gem…

She should also be able to discover the secrets here, so Nidhogg…”

Just thinking of this, Oaks, who was moving forward, stopped.

In the direction where his forward direction was deflected by more than ten degrees, there were terrifying energy fluctuations.

“Someone is fighting…on a huge scale!”

But this kind of full-power explosive battle energy fluctuation only lasted for just a dozen seconds, and then it became quiet.

Oaks looked in that direction, and then looked at the root system of the World Tree beside him~www.readwn.com~ It was already a secondary root several times larger than the previous root.

“There is a high probability that the taproot is there, and the probability is even higher that Hela is there.”

Transformed into a death raven, Oaks flew directly in that direction:

“Hela, wasn’t that the move against Nidhogg just now? With that level of death magic, she has already touched the threshold of life-death transition?”

Hela, who can achieve this level, fell silent after a dozen seconds of eruption. This…

Niflheim is too big, more than any of the nine realms currently.

At the speed of Oaks, it took a long time to reach the place where the energy exploded just now.

But only the bodies of countless venomous snakes and a huge black object were left at the scene.

“Dragon scale…”

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