Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: What Kind Of Evil Can A Kitten Have?

Since there was such a funny guy following him, he could only walk back to the store. Fortunately, he was in Brooklyn, so it wasn’t too far away.

Oaks greeted the cat slave Zhang Shuren to go home, mainly because of the scars caused by the Primordial Devourer, which cannot be healed in the ordinary sense.

A certain braised egg director should have a deep understanding.

Although it was caused by the cheap hands of cat slaves, since Gugu is now Ox’s cat, he still thinks he has to be responsible.

In particular, Oaks is one of the few people who can heal the wounds of the Primordial Beast.

As for whether Gugu will be dissatisfied…

In fact, this little cutie has a good temper, but she just can’t stand some people committing suicide.

“What’s your name?”

In the crisis-ridden slums, Oaks still switched back to English. If two young people with apparently Asian faces talked and laughed recklessly in Chinese, the probability of danger would increase accordingly.

Believe it or not, many white people discriminate against African Americans, but more African Americans also discriminate against Asian Americans, and they are even more reckless.

The people around the small rainforest only account for a very small part, not even a single block, and the area of the slum occupies less than half of Brooklyn.

“Uh, my name is Zhang Shuren, a graduate student at Columbia University.”

Zhang Shuren, a young man with glasses, touched his still sore nose and hot face, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

“If you’re not used to it or don’t know how to call it, you can call me ‘Antonio’ by my English nickname.”

“…If you speak Chinese, I’m still a little confident, but outside of the written form, you should still call yourself Antonio Zhang.”

Oakes shrugged. He was extremely sure and certain that if this young man insisted on using his real name for oral communication, he would experience embarrassing incidents such as the professor naming the wrong name, identifying the wrong person, making a mistake in credits, and even failing to get the courier.

Because he has seen too many such things.

“Okay… uh, sir?”

Zhang Shuren, um, Antonio, um, let’s call him Zhang.

Zhang’s envious eyes frequently glanced at Gu Gu, who was quietly squatting on Oaks’ shoulders, but he didn’t dare to fall behind at all. He understood the power of this block:

“What’s the name of this gentleman? You are so good in Chinese, are you Chinese?”

“Ox Lin, you can also call me Lin Xingye.”

“Ox? Air conditioner? Ah sorry…”

“O-a-k-s, which means oak.”

Oakes glanced at Zhang, whose face was a little red, and laughed quirkily twice:

“I’m half-Chinese, and I have a lot of research on Chinese… So don’t think that the gentleman’s special sentence patterns and some trivial stalks will not be understood by me.”

Seeing Zhang scratching his head angrily, Oaks asked again:

“It looks like you are an international student who just arrived here? Why did you come to this area? Even locals rarely come here unless necessary.”

Ignoring the fact that he, a “local”, appeared here, Oakes glanced at the corner in front of him and twitched the corner of his mouth:

“So you see, I’m shocked that you can get so far into the ghetto safely.”

“Ah, I came by taxi, the driver drove like crazy, I almost vomited…”

Zhang raised his head blankly:

“I just said I was looking for a place with cheaper rent, and he brought me here…

Um? Are they looking for you, Mr. Oakes? ”

Who can explain the malicious smiles of the **** men walking slowly in front of them?

Also, the kind of folding knives they are holding are controlled knives in China, right?

“How much did you know about the law and order situation in New York before you went abroad?”

“Well… It is said that New York has the highest level of comprehensive security in the United States, but the forum said try not to go out at night, and it is relatively safe during the day.”

“It’s one o’clock at noon, so do you think it’s safe now?”

Oakes touched his chin. It was already two blocks away from the small rainforest. It seemed to be a place where a small black gang was operating.

So he usually comes in secretly in the form of a cat, otherwise it would be too much work to clean up the scum.

The important thing is to affect the mood.

And if doing biological research can complement one’s ability and make his own strength improve rapidly, fighting crime or something is just a waste of his time.

He’s not interested in being a moral policeman. At that time, it would be worthwhile to have two kinds of trees.

“Mr. Oakes…”

Zhang was about to cry, he tugged at Oaks’ sweater tremblingly:

“Did you bring any money?”

“I have a credit card with me.”

Zhang Doudou took out his Nokia, and the throwing weapon gave him a fatal blow not long ago:

“Then… Is it still time for us to run now?”

“There are people behind.”

Zhang turned his head with difficulty and wailed:

“Mr. Oakes, I just want to rent a house!”

“Why don’t you live in a school dormitory? You don’t have luggage when you rent a house. It seems that you should have applied for a dormitory?”

Zhang trembled even more, and tears flowed unsatisfactorily—it was angry:

“I think so too! But my roommate who is as strong as a bear is so GAY!”


Oakes grinned and sighed – America of free personality.

No way, it looks like I can’t be good this time, but with this guy Zhang here, he can’t change shape, so I have to use a little magic…


The bored Gugu, who was squatting on Oaks’ shoulders, was now full of energy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The Primordial Devourer is very smart, and it can understand the meaning of human language very accurately.

And after communicating directly with Oaks, who has a wild heart, Gugu can easily feel his state of mind.

These guys on the other side are here to make trouble.

Well, it’s the same color as that bald trench coat man.

Oaks was very embarrassed because the **** shovel next to him was there, so he couldn’t make a shot.

Humans are more complicated than cats.

So, with the simple idea of sharing the worries for the new owner, Gugu opened his mouth.

What kind of bad intentions can a kitten have?

It just wanted to help.

So Zhang felt that his three views had been dealt a devastating blow.

A screen full of ferocious tentacles swept away the thugs in front of them.

Their fierce smiles froze on their shiny black faces.

They said goodbye to this terrible world before they even had time to shout a slogan of “robbery”.

Zhang turned his neck stiffly, tears streaming down his face – this time he was scared.

Well, the friend in front has already left, and the friend in the back has already fallen.

Ah, the friends behind were screaming and scrambling to disappear from sight—the whole process didn’t take more than five seconds.

Then the hero who saved him was…


Gugu licked his paws and was washing his face.

It means “it’s trivial, don’t thank me”.

Zhang rolled his eyes, raised his head and fell down. When Oaks faintly heard him fall, he was hoarse but barely made a sound:

“After the founding of the People’s Republic of

“…Oh Shet.”

Oakes covered his forehead in a complicated mood.

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