Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 404

Chapter 400: Earthly Python

Hella looked solemnly as Sol dragged the lightning and rushed out of the Golden Palace.

“Impossible, this is not Nidhogg’s power!”

She stood up slowly, stood up after a glance, and Balder, who quietly drew out his great sword, tilted his head:

“It seems that the seal of the World Tree is broken, and something extraordinary has appeared–

Then, Your Majesty, can you master the power of Asgard now? ”

“Sister, don’t cancel me.”

Badr smiled helplessly:

“Although it’s much stronger than Thanos’ time, it’s still not enough to achieve the level you were back then.”

“It’s alright.”

Hela has been sarcastic a lot less recently. She grabbed her hands a few times and showed a confident smile on her face:

“In terms of degree, I’m about the same as you now… but I have the power of Niflheim.

So let me see this time, how much power is better than Asgard in this world where an entire civilization has disappeared! ”

Outside the Golden Palace, Loki and Heimdall have assembled their army, ready to face the vision of the Asgardian sky.

Long before the coercion came, Heimdall had discovered the clue and issued an early warning.

Heimdall’s face was ugly, and he had already seen exactly what was coming.

As the gatekeeper of Asgard, Heimdall is trusted by Odin, and he is also an important minister of the current god-king Baldur.

Therefore, he also knows a lot about the legends of the royal family before the reincarnation of civilization.

“What did you see?”

When Loki saw Heimdall’s ugly face, he didn’t panic, but he didn’t take it seriously.

In the past few years, Asgard has flourished under the governance of the three brothers, and the Nine Realms have basically completely repaired the influence caused by Thanos, showing a peaceful atmosphere.

His name, Loki, is no longer the appearance of gnashing of teeth when everyone mentions it, but has recognition and respect for him.

This made him extremely happy–

And now, the eldest sister, Hela, the goddess of death, is even in Asgard. The current Asgard’s combat power, even if Odin is alive, is like this.


Heimdall murmured the name, causing Loki’s expression to change dramatically.

Of course he knew the name too.

“What? Isn’t that a legend?”

“Nidhogg was also a legend, and Hela and Oaks killed it a while ago.”

Heimdall’s eyes flashed with divine light, staring at the figure hidden behind the heavy curtain.

Incomparably huge, the legendary giant snake Yermengard, which can circle around Midgard in the “atrium”, is also known as the “worldly python”.

Most of its body is hidden in the space fissure, and it is already bigger than the Golden Palace just by probing the upper body of Asgard!

He suddenly thought of something, and looked strangely at the shocked Loki.

In the legend of Midgard, the identity of this earthly python, Yemengard, seems to have something to do with Loki…


With the roar of thunder, Thor appeared in front of Heimdall and Loki with a storm axe.

“What the **** is there?”

Sol could feel the enormous pressure, but he couldn’t see what it was.

Heimdall briefly introduced the matter of Yemengard to Thor, who immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

Sol, who was trained as a crown prince before, naturally knew these legends very well.

“That is to say, the seals of World Tree and Niflheim were opened, this guy was sealed in like Nidhogg, and now he has run out?”

Sol felt his blood boil, he tightened the storm axe in his hand, and his eyes lit up:

“I regret that I didn’t personally participate in Nidhogg’s affairs, but now, this guy came to the door, but he was asking for his own death!”

“Sol, our first priority is to protect Asgard from harm.”

The golden light flashed, and Balder appeared beside Sol. He held the bright sword in his hand, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the endless snake body that was entrenched in the clouds and slowly swimming:

“Loki, Heimdall, ordinary troops can’t play a role in this level of battle, this is war!

At the time of Ragnarok, Yemengard’s goal was also to destroy Asgard and the gods. Although he came from the last civilization, he obviously came for this purpose now.

You take the army to protect the civilians, this big guy, leave it to me, Sol and Hela. ”

“Let’s negotiate slowly here.”

A cold snort sounded, and countless sword rains appeared in an instant, stabbing the continuously rolling clouds outside Asgard with extremely powerful magic fluctuations!

Hela has already made a move to test her new power!

“Ha! Then I can’t stay behind and watch!”

Sol raised the storm axe high, and the blazing thunder crashed down, and then the giant axe slammed and flew to the clouds with him:

“I’m not what I used to be!”


Loki looked at the two violent madmen speechlessly, and pinched his brows tiredly.

“Fortunately, Big Brother is more sensible…”

“Then it’s up to you, Loki, Heimdall, and Yemengard’s threat is not under Nidhogg at all, we must go all out!”

The golden light flashed, and Balder disappeared.

Loki lowered his hand holding his eyebrows.

“No wonder they didn’t want to be the king of Asgard before…”

Just when Asgard’s highest combat power was deployed in full force to fight against the earthly python, Yemengard, the communication between Ox and Uktrahir went a step further.

It will be a few years before the World Tree gets back to its peak, but even now, it has benefited Oaks a lot.

The rejuvenated Uktrahir helped Oaks to quickly warm up the realm of natural demigods and began to explore further possibilities.

At this stage, Oaks has surpassed Malfurion in terms of realm and life form, reaching the level of Ursoc and Supreme God.

Now he can even say that he has transcended the life form of earthlings, and has become an extraordinary existence that manifests after the essence of life has reached a limit.

But Oaks could feel that this was not the end of this cosmic life force.

Perhaps the pinnacle-level World Tree Uktrahir is.

So how to reach the level of the world tree?

It is indeed possible to just use the World Tree as a source of power and link it with oneself like the Emerald Dream.

But that also carries risks.

For example, the space seal this time forced him to drop two Infinity Stones.

“The space seal of the World Tree this time is not just the handwriting of the space gem, but also because Uktrahir itself has a powerful space property.

Only by mobilizing the space ability of the World Tree itself with space gems, this huge seal that can seal the World Tree and most of Niflheim was formed. ”

Oaks has gradually analyzed the essence of the seal during this time, because he has also studied the spells of the space department.

“The power of the World Tree is basically in the two directions of space and life.

In terms of space, the space gem is undoubtedly the apex of the rules of the universe, but there seems to be no corresponding infinite gem in the direction of life…”

The six Infinity Stones, power, space, reality, soul, time, and mind, represent the six basic attributes of the universe at the beginning of its creation.

But the deepest relationship with the living body is the soul gem, the soul gem and the reality gem.

Reality gems affect entities, soul gems affect soul essence, and mind gems affect spiritual thinking.

But there doesn’t seem to be an Infinity Stone associated with vitality.

Vitality is a very magical force.

Especially the vitality of intelligent creatures is even more special——

Reality gems can absorb vitality as power, and even the birth of the gods must rely on it.

It can often be enhanced by a strong physical body and a strong Lin Gushun essence, and can be weakened by weakening both.

But at the level of Oaks, vitality has clearly escaped this limitation.

“Life and death are not limited to living things.

The birth and disappearance of anything is a process of birth and death.

Even the formation and weathering of a stone can be said to be the life course of a stone.

The way of nature is the life and death cycle of birth and disappearance. The endless dynamic ‘existence’, as long as it exists, is natural.

Perhaps even further, in the process of the universe’s birth to death, the never-ending energy exchange is the truth of the cycle of life and death, and it is the ‘nature’ in a broad sense! ”

Standing at the height of the World Tree, Oaks gradually came to this realization.

This universe is not the Azeroth universe.

Just as there is no light and shadow here, no arcane fel energy, life and death are not one of the forces that make up the universe.

But the power of life and death is a universal rule in any universe.

“Then maybe, we can start from this…”

Once, finding the World Tree was a major goal of Oaks.

Now, the World Tree has appeared in front of him. When it has fully recovered to its peak, if Oaks wants to go further, he must embark on a new path.

This time he will have no experience to refer to.

“Although it seems to make sense in theory, in order to actually practice it, we need to be the unique and strongest in this field.

I’m still far behind~www.readwn.com~ If I want to make a breakthrough in the field of life, I still need to gather the strongest life force I can gather. ”

In the next time, Oaks not only needs to guide Uktrahir to restore its prosperity as much as possible, but also needs to contact other Eagle Spirits as soon as possible, and bring more than a thousand ecological circles into his control.

Fortunately, although the Mind Gem is not there, the space seal has been broken, and Oaks can successfully link to the Emerald Dream.

Now, Uktrahir’s power is also being exchanged with the Emerald Dream.

The space power of the Emerald Dream is increasing day by day, and the life force of Uktrahir is gradually recovering, and it is still a mutually beneficial situation.

But, speaking of dreams…

Earth, New York Temple, the contemporary Supreme Mage, Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange, who was sleeping soundly on a retro luxury bed, had a strange dream.


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