Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 443

Chapter 439: Exploring Life Forms

, Druid’s Marvel Travels

Hell has changed hands, and no change can be seen in a short period of time.

But with the change of the rules of **** under Johnny’s power, it may have a great impact on the universe.

However, as long as Hell performs its duties well, don’t do things like Mephisto when he was there, doing things every three days and hacking into this and that, Oaks will achieve his goal.

Of course, it would be better if Johnny could do a little more and play a positive role among the other **** faction dimension lords as the lord of hell.

However, Oaks solved the **** matter, and when he returned to the Emerald Dream, he found something wrong.

He seemed to be able to vaguely hear some… “voices”.

“what’s the situation?”

At the level of Oaks, any abnormal occurrence will not be a trivial matter.

“Hearing hallucinations?”

Oaks tried to “listen” to these ‘sounds” carefully, but found that they disappeared again.

“It can’t even be traced…”

The green light came on, Oaks even used the time gem, but still couldn’t restore the scene just now.

If this thing is not a real illusion, it is some mysterious phenomenon that he does not understand yet.

“Since it has appeared once, it will appear again…”

After trying various methods to reproduce, Oaks had to give up.

Although this matter is also worth noting, what is more worthy of attention is how he should really raise the power he has now to the level of “life force”.

In this universe, whether there is “force” level life energy, Oaks does not know.

Even the World Tree and Embers of Creation are far from Oaks’ vision.

The reason why he was able to generate this idea was based on his Druid heritage.

At the beginning, he did not notice the difference between the power of inheritance and the power of this world.

Can attract natural forces, wind and rain, thunder and lightning, life soul, cosmic energy, etc…

A very standard Druid inheritance, which can also be used smoothly in this universe.

But it wasn’t until he broke the barrier of a single universe and even collected six Infinity Stones from different universes that Oakes vaguely discovered the difference.

The source of his power does not seem to belong to this universe.

When he tried to convert the source of power at all levels, the planetary ecosystem, and the concept of dimensional space into the universe itself, he found that it would not work.

With the power he has now, he can’t do it.

Therefore, to reverse the source of power is something that must be done.

It was for this reason that I analyzed the Infinity Stones under the World Tree for so long.

The Infinity Stones can be said to embody the rules of the universe, and the six Infinity Stones from different universes can basically parse out the rules differences between countless parallel universes.

Oaks has indeed done it. The new power he has integrated and condensed is generated in this way.

But at the end of the reverse push, he saw the scenery at a higher level.

Maybe it comes from higher-level cosmic concepts, or maybe it comes from the Azeroth universe at all…

In short, in Oaks’ sense, this power is indeed the origin of all life, and he has not found it in all the single universes he has been to.

“What’s wrong…”

Oaks’ next main goal is to figure out what factors are missing when pushing back the origin of the force.

Since I don’t understand it, I can only use a lot of observations and experiments to “find a needle in a haystack”.

All existing factors are eliminated, and the rest may be the target.

Since it is the origin of life, all life forms in the universe seem to be the best breakthrough.

“But the Infinity Stones themselves are already the embodiment of the rules of the real universe, and analyzing them should be equivalent to analyzing the laws of existence of life in the real universe.

The rest are areas where the Infinity Stones can’t work…”

The Emerald Dream is now a huge force known throughout the universe. Earth civilization, although still young, has already emerged on the stage of the universe.

As one of the highest levels of civilization, Oaks’ method of “natural balance” has also begun to be understood by civilizations of other races in the universe.

The influence of the Emerald Dream is increasing day by day, and it also has contact with various life forms in the universe.

These life forms, without exception, did not deviate from the rules obtained by Oaks’ analysis of the Infinity Stones.

After repeated experiments, Oaks seemed to understand something.

If the problem arises here, it will be easier to understand.

After he came out of hell, which is a dimensional space, something changed.

The reason why there is no essential change is because he is also a dimensional lord, and the dimension space, where the power of the infinite gem rules cannot work, has been included in the factor of power reversal by him.

Then the rest…

“The multiverse space, or even above, is the part that the rule power of the Infinity Stones cannot affect.”

In the multiverse space and above, Oaks can’t safely explore now, but he has also seen one of the life forms here——


So, this is a good solution, as long as the observer’s life form is brought into the reverse part, a large part of the problem may be solved.

“Start now!”

Oaks returned to the World Tree again, urging the power of the Infinite Gloves, and according to his new ideas, he began to push back and condense the power.


The enormous power made the World Tree vibrate slightly—

As a life in a single universe, although Uktrahir is extremely powerful, in terms of power level, it can’t compare to the “Life Force” that Oaks is about to launch!

Between Oaks’ hands, inside the pure white light sphere, more intense liquid pure white energy has been gathered than before.

After bringing the observer factor into it, sure enough, it is a step further than all the previous situations!

The liquid pure white energy even has a tendency to transform into a solid state. When it is completely condensed into a solid core, Oaks may be able to peep at the essence of this power…

But Oaks was a little frustrated to find that although he had made a big step forward, he still could not succeed.

“Still unable to completely solidify… Is semi-solid state already the limit?”

Reluctantly, he stopped the experiment in his hand, and Oaks fell into contemplation again.

Factors outside the multiverse are added, and it is a little bit short before the reverse push can be completely perfected.

So is it because there are too few samples, the life form of the observer is not enough to infer the origin of life, or is there something missing in other directions?

“and many more!”

Oaks was thinking about other directions, and suddenly found a blind spot.

“There is another place where the power of rules of the Infinity Stones can’t work!”

I have experienced the situation where the Infinity Stones can’t work, only outside the multiverse.

But beyond the multiverse, it can be said to be a wireless expansion in the macro direction.

But since there is a macro, there must be a micro.

There is an infinitely dazzling multiverse in the macroscopic aspect, what is there in the microscopic aspect?

Oaks’ thoughts turned to Infinity War in Universe 616.

In the 616 universe, the reason why the Avengers have the chance to reverse the infinite depends on the time theft theory proposed by “Ant-Man” Scott Lang, who returned from the quantum realm.

Thanos snapped his fingers, half of the life in the universe disappeared, and Scott, who was in the quantum realm, survived.

So is it that there is no Scott on this completely random list of half-life disappearances, or is there Scott originally, but because he is in the quantum realm, the power of the Infinity Stones cannot affect him?

“If it’s the former, then there’s nothing to say, it’s just that my thinking is wrong.

But if it’s the latter…”

If it is because the quantum realm is an area that cannot be affected by the power of the rules of the Infinity Stones, it means that, in terms of level, the quantum realm and the multiverse are at least equal!

It is likely to correspond to the macroscopic multiverse, the specific existence form of the “microscopic” concept!

“This idea must be verified…”

Oaks’ mood was a little bit uncontrollable excited.

In the process of searching for the “Book of Weishandi” before, he has guided Dr. Pym and Tony to perfect the time-space shuttle theory in the quantum field, and personally traveled in time and space to bring back the “Book of Weishandi”.

But simply entering the quantum field does not require such trouble.

Just quantum channels and Pym particles can do it.

As far as he knows, Dr. Pym’s family has been working on the microscopic world in the quantum field after the completion of the biological quantum computer research.


The portal opened, and Oaks appeared directly at the long-lost Avengers base.

“Welcome, President Oaks.”

Jarvis’s voice sounded for the first time. As the chief steward of the base and the center of the global defense system in essence, the current Jarvis can already be called “Ultron”.

It’s just that this is human’s own Ultron.

“Hi, Jarvis, long time no see.”

Oakes looked around with a smile. It seemed that this place had been remodeled again. The last time he came, it was still an office.

“Do you need anything? Mr. Stark and the others are not at the base for the time being.”

Jarvis seemed to be at a loss when he saw Oaks:

“If you need their location…”

“Uh, is Dr. Pym there?”

Oakes touched his chin. Although he also wanted to have a party with his old friends or something, it’s been a long time since he’s seen it, so let’s get down to business first:

“I have some personal matters with him, so don’t delay Tony and the others.”

“Yes, President Oaks, Dr. Pym’s laboratory path has been shown to you. He has just finished an experiment and is resting.”

“That’s fine.”

Oaks nodded with satisfaction, followed Jarvis’s guidance and came to Pym’s laboratory.

“Who… Oaks?”

When the arrogant old Dr. Pym saw the visit information that Jarvis sent him, he wanted to reject it impatiently, but seeing that it was Oaks, he immediately agreed.

“Your Excellency the Great Druid, why did you come to see me as a bad old man?”

Holding the coffee, Pym rolled his eyes. He knew what status the other party was now.

“Ah, don’t be so rude, Dr. Pym—”

Oaks raised his hand, revealing the six-jewel Infinity Gloves that made Pym spray a table of coffee instantly:

“Are you interested in using this in the quantum field?”

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“Brother Shen!”


When Shen Changqing was walking on the road, when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone has no superfluous expressions on their faces, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression of Demons, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The Town Demon Division is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, there are two occupations in the Demon Suppression Division~www.readwn.com~ One is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing’s predecessor was an apprentice slayer in the Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranking slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn’t take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Suppression Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but they quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean up the **** smell on everyone in Zhen Mosi.

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