Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 449

Chapter 445: Legacy And Conqueror

The Time Variation Authority, or TVA for short, is a huge bureaucracy.

It is dedicated to overseeing, adjusting, and ultimately balancing the multitude of timelines in a multiverse with infinite variables.

Legend has it that it was created by three “timekeepers” whose job it is to throw away abandoned timelines and try to prevent time paradoxes.

They also monitor the core individuals, preventing their reckless actions from creating a chaotic timeline.

But after Loki was captured by TVA in the timeline confusion caused by the space gem, he went through a series of events and also met a variant of himself, Sylvie, who was regarded as a time-space criminal since he was a child.

Under their joint investigation, the truth that TVA has been hiding all along is revealed to them.

The so-called Time Mutation Authority, and the three Time Guardians, and even their missions, are outright lies.

First of all, the Time Variation Authority does have the power to traverse time and space at will, but the Time Guardian does not exist—

They are just robots made by the people behind the scenes to be the face of the card.

TVA travels through time and space and modifies the timeline, all relying on the power of future technology——

A man from the Earth of the 31st century, known as the “Legacy”, created TVA.

According to the information that Loki talked to him, he claimed to be the scientist who discovered the parallel universe with technology at that time, but at the same time his variants of the parallel universe discovered each other.

Therefore, they created a method to connect with the parallel universes themselves, and used the technology of each universe in the 31st century to learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and soon broke away from the normal human technology tree.

However, not all versions of him are content with merely advancing knowledge.

For some of him, the only meaning of the existence of the parallel universe as a new world is to be conquered by himself.

So, naturally, the early peaceful coexistence soon turned into a full-scale tragic war.

Cosmic level war.

Each variant is fighting for the survival of its own universe while destroying other universes.

Oaks, who has experienced the collision of parallel universes, knows very well how cruel and tragic this is in the multiverse.

The entire multiverse is almost doomed.

The afterglow of the destruction of countless universes, even among the infinite multiverse, is the brilliance that illuminates the dark void.

However, things did not turn around.

The first variant of them, who came to be known as the “Legacy,” encountered a creature congealed from reality’s grief.

It is capable of self-devouring time and space, and is called “Elrios”.

The Legacy used their technology to harness the power of Elrios and experimented with it, turning it into their own weapon.

The weapon to end this tragic multiverse war.

He even isolated the timeline he was in from the chaotic timeline of the multiverse!

No matter how you play, I can always take my hometown to run!

But those left behind know very well that once their own timeline spawns the multiverse again, there will inevitably be new variants of their own.

At that time, another multiverse war will start again, and whether he can win this time is unknown.

So, he decided to put an end to the possibility of this happening.

And his solution was to create the “Time Variation Administration”.

He sampled various human variants from various times, erased their memories, made them believe that both themselves and the TVA were created by the Timekeepers, and also built robots to act as Timekeepers.

The mission given to TVA by the legacy is to cut and delete all the branch timelines derived from various reasons on the timeline he knows, to ensure that only one timeline exists at all times.

In addition to technology, the person left behind is just an ordinary person, neither magic nor supernatural.

In order to ensure that on this timeline, he always has the upper hand and can control everything above all the individuals who destroy the world, the people who left behind thought of a way.

Show the flow of time in the form of a Mobius ring, just like Tony’s time travel model does.

This is not difficult, because since the time line can be separated, the people who are left have already done everything Tony has done.

Oaks even guessed that in the original timeline, the people left behind were based on the time travel theory left by Tony, combined with the wisdom of the multiverse, to be able to control the timeline!

The Legacy succeeded.

He succeeded in making the timeline a continuous loop, and called it—

“Holy Timeline”.

The job of TVA is to use the time technology provided by the legacy people to maintain the normal flow of the sacred time line at all times, so as to ensure that it repeats over and over again.

Those left behind have been looped through this sacred timeline millions of times.

Every time and place in the divine timeline, what happens to everyone, and even the content of their conversations, he has gone through it millions of times.

It was like a movie was playing on a loop, and he knew every few minutes, what scenes, what actors did, and what lines.

In this imprisoned timeline, he is a well-deserved, all-knowing and almighty God.

The time flow in TVA is completely different from reality.

To be precise, TVA is built on a location that transcends the concept of time in the real world.

Here, past, present and future exist at the same time—

This is also the representative meaning of the three “time guardians” created by the legacy.

Therefore, although the person left behind has experienced millions of times in the sacred timeline for countless years, he will not age—

Because for him, the concept of “time” does not exist.

You might call him “the Eternal.”

A self-proclaimed master of time, or gardener of time, he cuts out the branches of time that are considered dangerous and turns reality into a bloodless meadow.

In layman’s terms, it is to enclose one’s own cuteness.

TVA has been maintained in this way for countless years, making the real universe at the cost of losing freedom and possibility, and avoiding the multiverse war in the reincarnation of countless established trajectories.

Loki’s fate, he has watched countless times.

Even the avengers of the 616 universe will travel in time and reverse the infinity, which is also an established script.

This made Oakes more sure of his own ideas.

Without this reversal of infinite time travel, Tony of Universe 616 would not have perfected the theory of continuous time, thus creating a safe and controllable means of time travel.

The future “eternal” and “legacy” may not be able to obtain the technology of time travel, so as to create a sacred timeline!

“But your appearance obviously disrupted the sacred timeline, so they arrested you, but you didn’t expect that the movement you caused was getting bigger and bigger, right?”

Oaks basically understood the TVA situation through Loki’s narration.

It really made Tony guess, there is indeed such a careerist in the future, and the “Eternal” is the one who has the last laugh among his countless variants.

But what about himself?

According to the way TVA handled it, he should have created a branch timeline when he first started to traverse his soul, so he was arrested as a time criminal.

If so many existing multiverses are part of the divine timeline, doesn’t that mean that everything about yourself is also known to the “Eternal”?

Is it under his control that he came here by himself? !

“The ‘cropped’ timelines don’t disappear, the TVA just moves them to a place called the ‘Void’, stops them from developing, and collides with each other to destroy.”

Loki stroked Gungnir’s gun and shook his head:

“In the end, their remains will be devoured by the monster ‘Elrios’ that devours time and matter, and they will truly disappear.

I was also ‘cropped’ into the void, where I encountered four variants of me—

It was also with their help that Sylvie and I were able to possess Elios, successfully reach the castle at the end of time, meet the ‘Legacy’, and…”

Loki’s eyes are extremely complicated:

“The person left behind said that he was tired, and Sylvie and I were able to reach him because of his calculations, and he hoped that the two of us would replace him in charge of TVA.

But Sylvie refused, and killed those left behind. ”


Oaks was really surprised.

Is this Sylvie, the female Loki that everyone loves to see, so rigid?

And this person left behind is also an old-fashioned guy.

If you are impatient, you will think about finding death in a fancy way.

But the sacred timeline is maintained by the one left behind, the “Eternal”, if he dies…

“That’s right.”

Loki saw Oaks’ thoughtful look, and knew that the other party also had a deep understanding of time:

“From that moment on, the divine timeline has branched into countless branching time streams, resulting in countless parallel universes…

And because the concept of time is very special in the void and TVA, you may have experienced a time different from mine for decades or decades, but for me, your universe may not have followed Hill not long ago. Dimension’s knife, branched out. ”

“…So I should also thank you.”

Oakes sighed, and he understood this.

The time between the various timelines is not synchronized, as his previous trips to the multiverse had discovered.

However, the emergence of the multiverse, or the reappearance, was caused by the female Loki’s knife, which he never thought of.

“You don’t seem to doubt what I said~www.readwn.com~ Loki raised his eyebrows:

“To be honest, I’m not used to being trusted like this.”

“Because I know you enough, and because my ability is related to life–

You have no magic now, you are just an ordinary person. I can still perceive whether you are lying or not. ”

Oaks’ statement made Loki pursed his lips and looked serious:

“Then since you can tell that I’m telling the truth, you should have noticed the other thing too?”


Oaks sighed:

“The symbol of TVA you mentioned, the three statues of the guardians of time, I have never seen…

And the person corresponding to the withered image should be another variant of the dead “remaining person”. ”

“That’s right.”

Loki nodded heavily:

“TVA is not the one I knew before. It is now called ‘Time and Space City’, and its city owner no longer needs to hide his existence with a robot puppet.”

“His name is ‘Kang,’ but he prefers to be called—

‘conqueror’! “

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