Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Emergency Plan

Finally, Oaks heard the term from Nick Fury’s mouth.

“What is this? Avengers? Vengeance against whom? Alliance? Is there a tribe?”


Although Nick Fury didn’t understand what a tribe was, he knew that he had better choose to ignore it when he looked at Oaks’ face:

“Vengeance for the threat to the world,” he took a deep breath, “This is a special response team, composed of members far beyond the combat power of ordinary human beings, responsible for dealing with special situations beyond what ordinary troops can handle.”

“for example?”

“for example…”

Nick Fury paused for a while, then continued:

“A few days ago, the US military found Hulk.”


Oakes was stunned for a moment. Did they find Banner?

“Well, then you S.H.I.E.L.D. must have contributed a lot.”

“It’s ‘we’ S.H.I.E.L.D., Mr. Advisor.”

Nick Fury emphasized:

“S.H.I.E.L.D. tracked down Hulk, not just because of the request of the U.S. military, but because he had a huge threat beyond the general threat.”

“This time, in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Hulk caused a lot of movement. According to intelligence analysis, he may have sneaked back to the United States. This news has made the military vigilant for a long time.”

“Rio? Ha, the U.S. military is fighting in Brazil’s second largest city, the former capital, as if catching dogs in its own back garden. It really deserves to be the United States.”

Oaks looked contemptuous:

“I think that Dr. Banner didn’t want to take it seriously at all, otherwise no one of them would be able to come back alive because of those rotten fish and rotten shrimp.”

“Although what the military sent was not stinky fish and rotten shrimp, I think so too.”

Fury snorted and nodded – in fact, in his opinion, transnational operations should be the privilege of S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, as the largest source of funds for S.H.I.E.L.D., generally speaking, he will give some face to the US military, who is used to being overbearing.

“Hulk, there is at least Dr. Banner here, judging from his behavior, this guy is not actively harmful.

And other more strange people, it is not so simple-

Last month, before that bad boy Stark messed up, the UN peacekeeping force found a new superhuman on the border of the small African country of Wakanda—

And it seems that he is also the leader of a mysterious force, even with an army. ”


Oaks was speechless. It seemed that the peacekeeping force was near Wakanda and was discovered by the Black Panther, but who is the Black Panther now?

Well, it doesn’t matter. S.H.I.E.L.D. noticed the news anyway, and was afraid of the Black Panther who had an army.

“Not only that, there are other threats to the world that are becoming more and more dangerous, and conventional forces are increasingly unable to deal with them.

Therefore, the only way to deal with threats beyond human specifications is to use methods beyond human specifications. ”

Embarrassingly, from Fury’s point of view, Oaks, the guy who seems to be the worst at him, seems to be the most reliable candidate at present.

Because his danger is even much lower than that of Tony’s high-profile bear child, almost approaching zero.

“Did Tony agree to join?”

Oakes’ expression made Nick Fury grow his face:

“From your expression, you already guessed it.”

“Haha, how could that stinky guy ignore what you said, I think about it, he should say…”

Oakes put on a cold look and pointed at Nick Fury with his chin:

“Threats? It’s enough to have me alone, the alliance is superfluous at all!”

“…Yes, that’s what he said.”

Nick Fury grinded his back molars, couldn’t this **** not be so smart?

“He will volunteer to join.”

He could only try his best to find a little face for himself:

“But at that time, whether he is eligible to join or not depends on the situation.”

“Are you planning to open a breach from me?”

Oaks rubbed his chin, compared to arrogance and vicious tongue, Tony Stark and Nick Fury are just half-baked.

“You know, my interest is environmental protection, and my dream is to balance nature, explore the mysteries of nature and life, and have no interest in being a superhero.

And I don’t have any military training. Tony is at least an arms dealer. I’m just a harmless scholar. ”

“A harmless scholar who doesn’t even blink his eyes and wipe his neck?

The big beast that haunted the slums of Brooklyn ten years ago?

A biologist who goes to the Amazon rainforest, a forbidden area for humans, like visiting a back garden?

A Druid who only needs to wave his hand to heal a fatal wound? ”

Nick Fury twitched the corners of his mouth and leaned forward:

“I don’t mean to pursue these things, but you are wasting your ability, Mr. Advisor, I didn’t even ask you to join S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“You asked, but I refused. You just said ‘we’ S.H.I.E.L.D. to yourself.”

Oaks was expressionless. If Nick Fury was so stupid that he didn’t know what he had done, he would be surprised, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be controlled by him:

“This ‘Avengers’ seems to be affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D., and I have already refused to be a subordinate of S.H.I.E.L.D.—

I’m just a consultant now, a non-staff. Even if Rende will hang under SHIELD, it will not change the fact that I will not unconditionally accept orders from SHIELD.

Don’t forget, this is just a transaction, and both parties in the transaction are of equal status. I have never regarded myself as your subordinate, Mr. Director. ”


Seemingly feeling the master’s mood, the one lying beside Oakes bared his teeth at Nick Fury and let out a low roar, while the one on the other side twitched his tail impatiently and raised his paws.

Even Gugu next to Fury stood up and jumped back to Oaks.

After soothing the three little animals, Oaks smiled slightly:

“Furthermore, such a dangerous plan… With all due respect, Mr. Chief, I’m afraid you can’t decide on your own?”


Fury looked at Oaks fixedly, and after a while he let out a breath:

“Mr. Advisor, if my subordinate dares to talk to me like this, he will appear in Siberia tonight to dig ancient ruins for me.”

The ancient ruins cannot be found, maybe an old popsicle can be dug up.

Oaks complained silently, but saw that Fury was not as angry as he expected.

“My emotions are not so easily stirred up, Mr. Consultant.”

Fury still has the same poker face. I don’t know if it’s because Gugu chose Oaks instead of him. It’s a little sad:

“You are right, the current Avengers is just a plan, if possible, I hope it will never come in handy.

But I can’t wait for the threat to come before scrambling to watch the loss expand. My habit is that no matter what happens, there are alternative countermeasures. ”

“And if you say the World Security Council, then I can tell you that although they are in charge of overseeing S.H.I.E.L.D.’s operations, and they do gradually have opinions on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s growing authority.

But when the real crisis arises, they will not stand on the battlefield in our place! “

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