Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: The Development Of Rendehui

“So, from now on, our Rende Club has been completely separated from S.H.I.E.L.D., and no longer has any relationship in name, and I myself no longer serve as an environmental consultant for S.H.I.E.L.D.”

In the conference room of Rendehui headquarters, Oaks is calling cadres for a meeting, not only the work arrangement after Melinda and Sharon left, but also the future development direction of Rendehui.

And Melinda and Sharon, who have not yet handed over, also attended the meeting-in name, this time it was a job transfer from SHIELD.

But they and the Rendehui executives knew the details of this incident, so they often complained that their director had nothing to do.

However, as agents, no matter what the boss thinks, since the order has come down, they must implement it without compromise.

“During this time, Zhang has almost gotten used to the management of the Rende Society.”

Melinda glanced at the young secretary-general, who was sitting in the seat, and showed a satisfied smile:

“I have to say that talking about work with smart people is a peace of mind. Your secretary general is very good.”

“Uh…Ms. Mei has won the prize!”

Zhang quickly expressed his thanks:

“Ms. Mei, I have never heard of a lot of things you taught me. Without your help, I don’t know that I would be able to comprehend these things on my own.”

“I think you learned more from Sharon.”

Melinda rolled her eyes and glanced at the innocent-looking junior sister:

“I haven’t seen Sharon with such a good temper for a long time before.”

“Mei, it’s just that the environment here is very good. A good environment can make people feel happy, right?”

Sharon flipped her blonde hair and put on a smile:

“Drinking coffee and writing documents in the Alps every day is completely different from going undercover in the Middle East–

Mei, it seems that you haven’t laughed like this for a long time. ”

Oaks coughed lightly, interrupting the mutual complaints between the pair of seniors and sisters:

“Well, the relationship at work is broken, and personal relationships can still continue to develop, right… We are all good friends, but we can’t forget it.”

“Of course.”

Everyone nodded, and the two agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. made great contributions to the development of the Rende Society.

“Then next, Zhang, you will take over the work of Melinda and Sharon. We will suspend the expansion into the inland and consolidate the business around New York.”

Oaks began to arrange the next stage of the development plan:

“Now the greening program in New York has been completed with our help, but a lot of problems have been found in it.

It is completely unrealistic to rely solely on our non-profit organization to solve environmental problems.

Even if we have the scale of Stark Industries, and we have all our assets, it is impossible to do this.

Non-profit organizations rely more on organizations to change social cognition, awaken the environmental awareness of the whole society, and then use the power of as many conscious people as possible to change the world. ”

Oaks looked around the conference table. The reason why Rendehui has developed so fast is inseparable from the support of the United Foundation and the commercialization of blood transfusion of the research results of Oak Tree Environmental Technology Company.

When Rendehui promotes environmental protection and public welfare awareness, it never collects donations. Instead, it distributes brochures and souvenirs such as environmental protection badges.

Do not kidnap the kindness of the public, which guarantees the purity of Rendehui’s environmental protection public welfare undertakings to the greatest extent.

It is precisely because of this special attribute of the Rende Society that the harsh media and Taoist priests will praise their cause uniformly.

But Oaks is very clear that this model is fine if it is small. If the scope is expanded, it will definitely be unsustainable.

Now, Rendehui has influence, but neither the number of members who truly respect the idea of Rendehui nor the funds are enough to support their continued expansion.

Steady and steady, increasing your influence to the extreme around New York, and then doing major environmental protection events with a huge impact in the form of fixed-point large-scale projects, is the way in the Oaks plan to ensure the purity of the Rende Society and continue to expand its influence.

Therefore, the Rende Society starts now, not just planting trees for greening.

“Environmental protection does not mean planting trees, that is only part of it–

Healing nature is a complex and long process. The atmosphere, soil, water, vegetation, animal protection and even the ecological balance of species are all issues that need to be solved. ”

Oaks stood up, stretched out his hand and waved, a holographic projection appeared on the desk.

This is a technology that Tony supports.

In the holographic projection, there are six large labels, which respectively mark the six major directions that Oaks said before.

“These six major directions are what our Rende Association will gradually overcome in the next step – Oak Tree Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. will come up with mature technologies, and Rende Association will implement them.

In the next year, we will become a technology-based environmental protection public welfare organization that can effectively deal with these six environmental problems, rather than the current labor-intensive one. ”

Below the six major labels are the names of the six responsible persons. These people are the middle-level elites with the firmest will of the Rende Society:

“Dr. Bruce Banner and Dr. Hou Yisen will provide technical guidance. In the next year, I hope everyone can keep up with the times and work hard to realize our lofty ideals!”

“Yes! President!”


“In other words, Mr. Oakes, are you leaving New York again?”

After sending off Melinda and Sharon, Zhang will begin to take on his greater responsibilities:

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has revoked your advisor status for such a ridiculous thing, but is it necessary for you to leave New York directly?”

“This matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface.”

Oakes looked at the three-quarters fellow beside him, the first young man who knew his speciality, and smiled:

“Zhang, do you think that the burden I’m putting on you is too heavy?”

“No, Mr. Oakes.”

Zhang repeatedly shook his head and said in a serious tone:

“This is something that many people can’t touch in their entire lives. I will work hard and I will definitely have the ability to do it well.”

“That’s good……”

Oaks greeted Zhang to come with him~www.readwn.com~ The two walked slowly in the small rainforest like this:

“You should see that although the Rende Society was founded in New York, it will not be an organization limited to the United States.”

“Yes… you will definitely push Rendehui to the world.”

Zhang hesitated for a moment, but cautiously said:

“It’s just… Did the accident on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side disrupt your plan?”

“No, it’s not a disruption. Transformation is inevitable. This time is just an opportunity to restore the purity of the Rende Society.”

Oxton paused for a while, and seemed to mention it unintentionally:

“In this year’s U.S. presidential election, Republican candidates seem to be ready to go head-to-head with the current president’s environmental policies.”

“……I see!”

The corners of Zhang’s eyes jumped. With his brain and his understanding of the influence of the Rende Society, he instantly understood what Oaks meant.

It turns out that this is the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. did this, but it was a bit of a joke.

Zhang scratched his head and decisively changed the subject:

“How long are you going to go out this time? Don’t worry, we have already started to expand the scale of cooperation between colleges and universities that you explained before. My classmates are all ready to join the Rende Club directly as a career.”

“That’s even better. My former mentor, Professor Wilson, has also convened Cornell’s research team, and I set off after finishing their connection with Banner and Ethan.”

Oaks thought for a while:

“This time I will go out for about a year. My departure will attract some… secret eyes, and give Ren Dehui time to fully settle.”

“During this time, you have to perform well—

Build up your strength, in the second half of the year, we’re going to give those annoying guys a little color! “

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