DSD: Sappho 3

Log 02

"Confirming that Tank has left the transport. Increasing speed to walking pace." - Cabsparkind

"Position confirmed; Limits of unit geometry beyond the interior of transport."

Speed set to 1.5 meters per second.

"Would you like me to give the transport clearance to leave?"

"If possible." - Cabsparkind


Transmitting clearance signal, confirming that unit has been successfully dropped off and that no further assistance is required.

"They have been cleared to leave."

"Good. Can I open the hatch now?" - Cabsparkind

Visually monitoring exterior conditions. Heavy presence of friendly logistic and coordination infrastructure noted. Soldiers on ground Identified as friendly. Combat gear is still generally being equipped by friendlies. Friendly infantry appear to be dirty and 'tense'. Local conditions suggest an unsafe environment. 

Audio monitoring exterior conditions. Multiple Internal Combustion Engines appear to be in use in the general vicinity, roughly 80% determined to belong to various friendly vehicles. Remaining twenty percent are assumed to be base generators. Multiple helicopters appear to be in use in the general vicinity. All deemed friendly. Multiple airplanes appear to be in use in the general vicinity. Air superiority reports suggest they are friendly. Gunfire can be vaguely discerned. Cadence and pitch of several sources appear to belong to the 15mm infantry machine gun. Cadence and pitch of several sources appear to belong to the 10mm infantry rifle. Cadence and pitch of several sources appear to belong to the 20mm vehicle mounted autocannon. Pitch and grouping of a collection of sources appear to belong to the 125mm field artillery. Pitch and fire interval of several sources appear to belong to the 90mm smoothbore infantry support cannon.

Audio-visual monitoring suggests no risk of enemy attack outside of artillery. Unlocking Driver's Hatch as per crew request.

"Thank you. It tends to get a bit stuffy in these things, and I'd like to be able to talk to the guys on the ground." - Cabsparkind

Note taken; 'Secondary' suggests dropping cabin temperatures to around 15C and restricting cabin moisture content to no more than 0.5% during combat in order to keep the crew comfortable and alert. Special care should be taken to make sure their body temperatures do not go above their individual specific threshold. Weather maps of the expected combat region do not predict temperatures below -5C even during extreme conditions, cabin heating is not of vital concern.

Driver's seat elevated, exterior cameras confirm that Private Cabsparkind's eyes have clear line of sight on the road ahead. Relegating systems to updating data while monitoring Private Cabsparkind's driving.

. . .

Note taken; Private Cabsparkind has a tendency to make far wider turns than are strictly necessary. The specific reason is not immediately apparent, but it may have something to do with his prior military service.

. . . 

Note taken; Private Cabsparkind appears to be displaying preliminary symptoms of combat fatigue. Sending notice to 'Secondary' in order to provide information on leave prioritization.

. . .

Speed set to 3 meters per second. Noticeable drop in local infrastructure detected. Large concentration of vehicles and structures detected to the front. This is, presumably, the depot.

. . .

Battery charged to 60%, stopping charge process to preserve battery life. Redirecting excess split to combat reserves.

. . .

Speed set to 1.5 meters per second. Adjusting suspension for optimal performance on standard pack gravel.

. . .

Note taken; Private Cabsparkind appears apprehensive about something. 'Secondary' suggests probing for details in order to potentially rectify the situation.

"Why do you seem nervous, Private?"

"Nervous?" - Cabsparkind

"You display apprehension over something. Why?"

Noticeable increase in heart rate observed. Preparing Dullahan protocol in case of incapacitation.

"How obvious is it?" - Cabsparkind

Petitioning 'Secondary' for advice on how to proceed.

"I would not be able to tell you."

"Haaaa. Well, fine, I suppose I should tell somebody before I die. I don't want to go to the frontlines anymore, but I can't tender a resignation yet." - Cabsparkind

"What is the reason for this? Your profile states you displayed an unusual high degree of compliance when order to drive into battle."

"It's the same reason we've been assigned a new tank." - Cabsparkind

"I'm afraid I do not follow."

"The infantry weren't done clearing out a field gun encampment by the time we moved up. Clean shot to the side, some variant of solid projectile, completely destroyed the turret ring and breech. Hotdog and Skinny had bits of metal in their right legs and arms, but Treats and the breech took the brunt of it. There wasn't much left of Treat's body to send home that wasn't in a pool on the floor."

Petitioning 'Primary' for the most recent after action report involving Battalion S.

. . .

Request granted; relevant portion highlighted.

'Unit S3, a Django series MBT was damaged beyond repair by an enemy 81mm anti-vehicle cannon, a so-far unencountered model that may very well be of local make. An analysis of the ammunition this gun had available after capture concluded that a form of solid shot using principles of the Armor Piercing Composite Rigid ammunition type was the likely culprit, however a dissection of the ammunition in a combat loss forensics lab concluded that the penetrative qualities of these rounds should have been well below the minimum threshold to pierce the side armor of the Django owing to a combination of incredibly poor internal composite casting resulting in an amorphous metal blob ill suited to punch through composite armor, as well as a tendency for the round to tumble mid-flight.

From an analysis performed on the hull of the Django, it was determined that the most likely cause of the armor failing was largely up to chance. Based on the lengthy indentation on the roof of the chassis to the right side of the turret, the shell made impact at an ever so slightly downward angle. The smaller size of the round permitted it to slip in in the gap between the chassis roof and turret bottom, it's trajectory being directed back up into the turret by the  relatively thicker chassis armor before it could make contact with the thicker layer of armor surrounding the ring proper.

The resulting penetration bent a large enough segment of the turret ring track so as to make it unusable in future action. The core of the solid shot embedded itself directly into the breech of the 90mm smoothbore infantry support cannon. The shrapnel that spawned as a result of the penetration killed the loader, one Echelon 4 Specialist Rashtreits Spauva, almost instantly, and injured the Gunner and Commander. Fortunately, these wounds proved to be entirely superficial. It would appear that most of the shrapnel's energy was dissipated when it ricocheted off of the breech. The majority of what would have otherwise been fatal spalling to the torso was stopped by the composite weave vests, as per design, and all of the shrapnel that would have done damage to the exposed head and neck was blocked in it's entirety by the breech owing to the location of the penetration.

The final factor of concern was the Driver, at the time of writing one Echelon 2 Second Private Frister Cabsparkind. Despite not having suffered any form of physical damage (aside from a suspected concussion), he displayed signs of receiving PTSD from the incident, and should henceforth be handled with care. The logistical and manpower realities of an invasion in these early stages mean that he cannot be removed from service until a replacement driver can be secured.

In order to alleviate any potential psychological episodes that may come about as a result of this incident as well as keep this unit in the fight, we suggest that the next generation of frontline armored unit be supplied to this unit in particular. The presence of an autoloader means that there will be no logistical challenges involved with shuffling men around from position to position.'

Conclusion: The only method of assisting at my disposal is to lessen the burden on Private Cabsparkind as much as possible. 'Secondary' suggests condolences in order to politely wrap up the situation.

"I am sorry for your loss."

. . .

Lack of response is not unexplainable. Private Cabsparkind likely does not wish to revisit his trauma.

. . . 

Presence of MBT's nearby confirmed. Light battle damage suggests that their crews are on rest rotation. Presence of a large number 2 followed by a large letter G on the upper frontal plate on many of these tanks suggests they belong to the G division of the second armored battalion. Rapid ID insignia's fall within regulation.

Picking up chatter from the men outside.

"Holy! Who's ride is that thing?" - Unregistered Infantry

"New model Sparky? How's she ride?" - Unregistered Tanker

"That ain't a ninety on the turret, not a fucken chance." - Unregistered Tanker

"Looks a little big for bridgeheads, hopefully she can ford a few streams." - Unregistered Tanker

"Ah shit, Gunny ain't gonna like this one!" - Unregistered Tanker

"How so?" - Unregistered Infantry

"He was just bitchin' and moanin' about how many different types of ammo he had to keep track of. Not a chance in hell he's gonna enjoy a new caliber." - Unregistered Tanker

"When do you think the rest of us are gonna get some of those?" - Unregistered Tanker

"A year or two's my guess. That looks like Sparky in the pit, so we can assume Sappho is going to be receiving them first, then the rest of the Greek division. It isn't like we need replacements anyway, the Django 29 is more than enough to beat what's stationed here." - Unregistered Tanker (likely commanding officer)

"I suppose that's true. From what I hear, the 23rd Planetary Invasion Group is still working with the 21." - Unregistered Tanker

"That's the Wombat right? That thing's fucking ancient at this point right?" - Unregistered Infantry

"Yeah, but it glides on mud like a dream in comparison to the more modern models. Their specialty is WET planets remember." - Unregistered Tanker

"Is that true. The Wombat still uses the ninety, right?" - Unregistered Infantry

"Still? It was the first MBT to use the ninety. I'd wager that thing over there is using the Herby Hundred." - Unregistered Tanker

"Herby Hundred? Is that the same gun mounted on the destroyers?" - Unregistered Infantry

"Yep, I could be wrong, but the supports running down the length of the barrel and the mounting look exactly the same." - Unregistered Tanker

"Tearing a gun off of a destroyer and slapping it on a tank chassis is so like the Godfather. Didn't he do something similar with the Django?" - Unregistered Infantry

Speed set to 0.5 meters per second. 

"Uh, computer, do I need to do anything in particular to park you? The Django had a lever, but I don't see anything like that here." - Cabsparkind

"I am responsible for ensuring the unit's status when not under crew supervision. The brakes will be automatically engaged unless maintenance requiring their disengagement is being performed."

"Good, good. I don't want Gunny on my ass because I fucked something up. If the past is anything to go by, he's going to want to do a check on the suspension and generator." - Cabsparkind

"Negative, such an inspection will not be allowed."

"What?" - Cabsparkind

"The Recursive Split Generator is considered a class three system under the current operational protocols. A sufficiently qualified team of engineers will be placed in charge of repairing the generator should damage be detected."

"What!" - Cabsparkind

"I haven't said anything yet Sparky." - Unregistered Tanker

Based on the insignia of the man in front of the unit, he belongs to G division. Shoulder patch indicates this person is an Echelon 7 First Sergeant, presumably one of the commanding officers of S squadron.

"Ah, it's nothing Hotdog. Just talking to the tank." - Cabsparkind

"Oh that's right, it's got one of those combat AI's doesn't it? Is there anything I need to do with it right now?" - Unregistered Tanker

"Am I correct in assuming this person is Echelon 7 First Sergeant Ozkar Meojar?"

"That would be correct. Is there any sort of administrative action I am required to perform?" - Unregistered Tanker

Taking note of physical appearance and vocal patterns. 

"Negative. I have already registered your physical appearance with my systems. All further developments will either be handled automatically or once a problem arises."

"Thank you, computer. Sparky, go get some grub. I think I can handle it from here." - Meojar

"Are you sure? I can drive it." - Cabsparkind

"Go eat, Sparky, that's an order. The commander needs to know how to drive too." - Meojar

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