Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 12.5:A Weirdo in the Forest

"Hey, did you hear that?" Chelsea asked.

 "No? What did you hear? Was it another Ape?" asked Megan.

 "No, it came from over there, it sounded like a person," Chelsea answered, pointing in the direction she heard the voice.

 They both moved quietly through the forest as quickly as they could toward the direction. Megan trusted Chelsea’s perception, as she had upgraded into a ranger class that had a skill that used her high Dexterity to increase it.

 After a few meters of moving, Megan was able to hear the faint voice that Chelsea mentioned.

 "Mani.. my… po- Da..n it! Manifest m.. Powe.. Manifest my power. Mana B- Ughhh!" the voice said, it was at first faint but became more clear as they got closer.

 They both poked out behind a tree to look at the figure the voice had come from. It was a man. He looked awful. He was covered head to toe in blood, most of his clothes had holes and tears in it and he had no weapon, running in a straight line while trying to cast the Basic Mage Skill Mana Bolt.

 Was he hurt? Wondered Megan.

 "We should see if he’s alright..." whispered Megan, about to step out from behind the tree. But Chelsea's hand stopped her.

 Megan turned to look at her, a look of entreatment starting to come over her face, almost begging Chelsea to let her just quickly go over and check on the obviously deranged man.

 But Chelsea held a stern look, shaking her head. "That weirdo is dangerous… Let’s get back to the group." Chelsea whispered back, and she began to walk backward pulling Megan along.

 Megan looked back over her shoulder at the man, a pang of guilt that she wasn’t able to help him. This new world was dangerous and strangers were dangerous, she knew that. But she at least wanted to show some kindness where she could.

 They both arrived back at their group a few minutes later. A glowering Chris with crossed arms waiting to greet them. "Where did you two go off to?" He asked, irritation obviously bubbling beneath his scowl.

 "Foraging and looking for wild game. The animals that aren't monsters are getting scarce," answered Chelsea.

 "And why. Did you not bring more people? You know what’s out there, and what people will do if they find Megan. It’s dangerous!" Chris said, slowly bringing his voice to a shout, the rest of the group noticing the commotion.

 "Sorry! It was my fault. I wanted to gather some food for everyone and asked Chelsea since she’s quick and resourceful." Megan piped up, coming to her friend's defense.

 Chris sighed but turned his scowl back at Chelsea. "You should know better by now. Mr. Park has already been kidnapped, we don’t need another mess like that," he chided, "Did you find anything at least?"

 "No, but we-" Chelsea started but was interrupted by Megan.

 "Nope! Sorry, we didn’t find anything." Megan said, giving Chelsea another entreating look.

 "Alright then… We’re packing up and going deeper into the forest, we need to get the rest of the group to their class upgrade." Chris finally finished, turning towards the rest of the group and repeating his statement.

 Chelsea looked back at Megan, as Chris left. "Why did you do that? We should have just told him about that bloody weirdo."

 "You know how Chris can be Chels, he would go and find him to remove the danger, and he would bring everyone," Megan said, thinking back on the fights that had broken out when their group had met others.

 Chris had become overprotective of the group and especially Megan when people had started getting their upgraded classes and started specializing. It was also due to the last time they had met a similar group while moving through the forest. Chris had gone to negotiate with them and returned in a mess of cuts, saying that they had tried to force him to give up the group's healers. After that, he adopted a policy of making sure no danger got close to the group, especially people that might be dangerous.

 Megan was an upgraded Priest class now called an Acolyte of Light, and her skills allowed her to buff groups of allies, heal, and cleanse debuffs. Making her a prime first choice for groups needing a healer. It was the reason Mr. Park, another of their group's healers, had been snatched up and taken. He had been at the river with his cudgel out and got taken because of it, the weapon marking him as a healer. Now everyone kept their classes hidden as much as possible, keeping their weapons in their inventories until they needed them, along with any identifying armor -as long as it wasn’t life-threatening not to have on- that may give them away.

 But despite that, Megan still looked into Chelsea’s eyes with an expression of pleading, her desire to still want to do something kind and keep that they had met someone out in the forest quiet. Not wanting to condemn them to a manhunt.

 And after a few moments of a staring contest, Chelsea sighed and gave up, bringing Megan into a light hug. "Fine… but it's on you then Miss Teacher’s pet. I don’t want to get chewed out again," Chelsea said softly. And they both smiled at each other, walking to the rest of the group.


"What was that all about?" Someone asked the approaching pair.

 "Oh, Tom. It was nothing that serious, Chris was just worried like always. We went out to find everyone some more food but came up empty..." Megan said her look slightly downcast.

 "It’s not that big a deal Megan! We have plenty of food left, so keep your head up! Both of you. You’ve both contributed more than anyone could ask for," Tom said waving his hands, trying to comfort the pair.

 "Thanks, Tom. But getting chewed out like that by our fearless leader is starting to get old." Chelsea rebutted.

 "That’s not fair, Chels. You know he’s only doing it because he’s worried," Megan chided.

 "Yeah about you," Chelsea smirked, "It’s fine I was just poking fun," she said, wrapping her arm around Megan’s.

 Tom looked at both of them a little nervously, like he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure if he should. But Chelsea was observant enough to notice the body language now that she had gained more skills as an upgraded Ranger.

 "What’s the matter, Tom? Something happen?" Chelsea asked.

 "Well… I don’t want to say," his voice dropping to a whisper, "But some of the people have been talking, you know. About Chris and how things are going."

 "Ah. That… Just keep your head down and don’t talk to anyone about it again. Now shoo!" Chelsea said, motioning her hands to push him away.

 Tom just nodded and walked back to the group, a look of resignation across his face.

 "What did he mean Chels?" Megan said looking at her friend.

 "Nothing you have to worry your sweet, pretty head over Megs," Chelsea assured. Bringing them both towards their remaining gear further in the makeshift camp.


 Chelsea kept what Tom had mentioned from Megan. She knew how much she adored the man, regardless of his… flaws. Everyone had begun to notice how anyone who was getting too close to him in levels would suddenly disappear or get gravely injured during their fights for one reason or another. 

 But many of them had looked past and ignored it because, with all honesty he had kept them together. And maybe they were not thriving, but they were at least surviving. And most of all Chelsea had grown to admire Megan.

 She had truly worked harder than anyone else. She had always been on top of healing everyone, and buffing up the front liners and rear guard. Going out of her way to find food, and stop pointless fights when people were scared. And Chelsea wouldn’t let that insidious bastard sink his teeth into Megan, no matter how much Megan liked the creep.

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