Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 206: System Sanctioned Buildings

“Wow that’s a lot of notifications, I wonder if it's going to be like this from now on? And these title buffs. I don’t know if I should be happy or annoyed it’s experience gain for everyone…” Drake wondered aloud.


 Drake tried to scroll through some of the notifications while he could, Yorth pausing from healing Kalik only for a moment as he heard the announcements.


“Oh has it been a week already? Congratulations Mr. Wallen, I knew you were a good bet. Look at those town buffs!” Yorth said briefly, then went back to Kalik Tu’, making sure the boy was healing properly.


Mikhail also gave his congratulations.


“I see that you are now officially a town owner, I assume this means that our contract is complete?” he asked, holding out a hand.


Drake clasped the hand in his own, giving Mikhail a firm handshake, “That it is, now your status and we can seal the deal. I also have to speak with Natto about all of this-”


But before Drake could finish his thought a thunderous boom sounded out from the island where the crystal was housed, a shockwave spreading out like a wave over the area.


Drake braced against the shock, throwing up a wall of earth to protect himself and the others. The next moment he dismissed the spell, the wall crumbling as he attempted to sprint to the island unsure of what happened to Natto.


Only to be stopped by the snickering of a woman behind him.


“Concerned are we ape?”


Drake turned around finding Natto awake and fine, a small grin on her face.


“What was that? Are you ok?” he asked.


“I am perfectly fine, better than fine. The pairing was successful,” she smiled vanishing from view and appearing behind him, “That was the establishing of the sphere of influence from the crystal.”


Drake whipped around once more, slightly irritated, grabbing her by the cheeks, “So you can teleport now?”


“My face! My face!!! Enough you dolt!” Natto whimpered until Drake released her, forcing her to rub her pinched cheeks, “Yes, I may move anywhere at any time now within the territory… It covers several dozen acres at the moment and will expand with your increase of influence, level, rank, and nobility. I will say that it is impressive that you are a Baron from the start, surviving a tutorial sponsored by a Primordial has done wonders. Now,” she said, fixing her robe and disheveled hair, “Have you selected the buildings you wish to receive?”


Drake scoffed, crossing his arms, “I just got the notifications I haven’t had time to do anything. And I still have to make sure that boom didn’t leave anyone hurt.”


“Fine,” Natto said, snapping her fingers, several light blue windows appearing in front of her, “ Of the 407 residences within ReUnite, none have received any life-threatening injuries,” waving her hand more screens coming up as she pushed and pressed the screens in quick succession, “I have also placed several bare minimal defenses up, monster deterrents and gateways for incoming screening of visitors. Will that suffice?” she smirked.


“Y-yeah… Since when did you get so useful?” Drake asked, his face scrunched in confusion.


“I have always been useful! And now I have the means to defend myself and this place! With the integration into the town I have gained access to my true functions!” she shouted back incredulously.




“I now have my own stats and levels.”


Drake raised a brow inspecting Natto.


[Natto, Administrative Assistant Level 27]


“You’re level 27?!” Drake gasped his mouth cracking open.


Natto stuck her chest out and turned her nose up, impressed with herself, “That I am peon! My level is based on your level, and I gain a portion of your status as well as improve based on the territory’s growth! Hahaha!” 


“R-right,” Drake chuckled exacerbated, “Well then, let’s look at the rewards I guess…” Drake sighed looking over to Mikhail for a moment, “We’ll finish up your contract when this is all done alright? Just sit tight for me. Yorth, make sure Kalik is looked after will you?”


Yorth gave a sarcastic salute in response making Drake scoff before he turned and went of with Natto in tow.


“Now, what should I pick? I got a system center for the reward already, and now I get to select two new buildings…. There are a bunch of things to select from. A bank, school, some manufacturing processing facilities…. A church?” Drake said aloud.


Natto hopped up on his shoulder as they walked through the now town, looking down at the notifications as well.


“I would recommend the Bank as well as the church,” she offered.


“Any reason? We don’t really need a bank do we? We have inventories it isn’t like stuff can be stolen.”


Natto shook her head, “That is incorrect. There are specific thief classes that may do just that, though we haven’t encountered any as of yet. It is also a good idea to have a bank on the planet as a means of forming beneficial relationships with the Bankers. They are all over the multiverse after all.”


“What do you mean all over the multiverse? Are you saying it is run by a race that is spread throughout?” Drake asked.


Nodding, Natto began explaining, “Yes. You may have a bit of trouble accepting them at first… but they are a good relationship to have in the long run, that I can assure you.”


“And the church? Why pick it over any of the others?”


“It will benefit the town greatly in the short term and overall. Especially with your little army-building project. But that is all I can say for now until you choose. Information on these buildings is limited until then. But I can say that the other buildings from the selection can easily be bought elsewhere as well as made here. Based on the races I have seen within the town I can say for certain that the races on earth are of quite the variety and you will find talent wherever you need it.”


Drake pursed his lips looking over the buildings. But wasn’t able to glean any more information than what Natto had provided.


“Ok, let’s go with that, but what about other things in the town? What else can you take care of as far as infrastructure? The Doc found some people willing to learn craftsman classes but it will take a while before they are ready.”


“I will be able to plan and help with the architecture, which will be nearly effortless. I can not do anything physically at the moment, especially without any workers on hand to help but teaching them how to build the structures I assume you need is of no concern. We may even use some of the nearby monsters to help with this.”


“Monsters huh?”


“Yes, there are slimes that we may use for waste disposal. We also seem to have a thriving low-tier monster population that will do well for food and easy domestication. Do not forget that you also have the seeds you received from the tutorial,” she reminded. 


“Ok food is taken care of. We’ll have to wait on some infrastructure until the craftsmen are trained up. What about water?” Drake asked, turning to go to a more open area.


“Water may be a problem for now as the only source is the lake. Until we get a steady supply of monster cores we will not be able to power any sort of Mana Devices to produce a reservoir on the scale we will need. Thankfully we have a bottomless pit we can use for now,” she smiled.


“What bottomless- Hey… I’m not just someone you can… Whatever, fine so water is covered in the short term,” Drake sighed, “Can you select some people to make a basic water tower for now then?”




Drake nodded looking out at the snow covering the grounds in the open plains as he selected the System Center Building within his inventory.


“I’ll have to look at the noble list later, this comes first I guess.”


Selecting to place the building Drake saw a surreal outline marked in green on the ground in front of him, making his eyes widen.


“What the- this building is huge!” he exclaimed.


“Yes well, it certainly has to be. It houses several facilities within it, as well as it doubles as what you would call a Quest Hub. For the most part, this is where you will gain access to general quests and also submit them. It is staffed by constructs and is protected under the system. It will be quite useful,” she mused.


“Yeah we'll see about that,” Drake said sarcastically, “Here we go.”


Mentally confirming that he wanted to place the building a small window popped up prompting him to confirm.


[You wish to permanently place this System Center in this location]






Drake confirmed seeing a large fluctuation in the mana where he placed the building, the snow melting instantly along with the grass and other debris being cleared before his eyes.


With a whistle, he saw the building manifest in a way akin to something being 3D Printed from the ground up. Beginning with the foundation then the building structure, next the walls, roof, and other supporting structures.


“That was a trip to watch. Is that normal?” Drake asked, thumbing to the freshly made building.


Natto nodded, “Quite interesting is it not?”


“Let’s go meet the neighbors then?” he smirked.


Walking up to the door to the establishment, a board above the door lettered in gold, “Reunite System Center.”


“Nifty,” Drake smirked, opening the door.


Walking in he was greeted by the smell of newly lacquered wood and a new building smell, the sound of a small chime announcing him. Looking around the building reminded him of the System Center in the city he had entered before leaving on his quest.


There were counters in front of him, with a lobby area to his left and right with comfortable chairs and tables. There was also a second floor here which was not in the center in the city, along with several doors that led off outside the immediate lobby.


At the counters, there were people already, as well as several suits of armor at the door to his left and right as he entered.


Drake frowned.


“You didn’t mention there would be guards here? Should I be concerned?”


“No, as long as you do not cause a ruckus they will do nothing,” Natto informed.


“Can I beat them?” Drake asked eyeing the suit of armor, his hand on his chin.


“I think not,” Natto scoffed, “They are the equivalent of a B-Rank Vessel, you would stand no- I said no Drake!”


“What? I’m just joking… Kinda…” Drake smiled, lowering his raised fist, “I was just wondering how strong a B-Rank is…” he mumbled.


Ignoring Natto chewing him out on his shoulder Drake walked up to the counter ready to check out what he could do in the center compared to the one in the city.


“Welcome! How may I hel-” the woman at the counter began before breaking out in a cold sweat as she saw Drake.


“Hey….” Drake said his eyes thinning, “Don’t I know you…?”


The woman at the counter looked away, droplets of sweat coming down like it was raining inside the building.


“I-I think n-not! W-we have never met before!”


Drake eyed the woman looking her over closely. She quickly struck him as a beautiful woman of Asian descent. The image of one of his favorite KPOP star flashing in his head.


“Wait, I remember! You're that fucking bitch who tazed me!” Drake shouted, pointing his finger at her in surprise.


“Shit!” the woman screamed, biting down on her thumb.




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