Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 209: Setting Out 2

Having given everyone a week to prepare Drake had taken to his administrative duties in full force. Having the time to actually set up walls and the like, now that there weren’t monsters actively trying to invade it was a simple task that took only a few minutes the next day.


Sah Ul’ had surprisingly not slept that day following him around more actively than ever after his announcement of departure. Which he had no problem with, in fact he was enjoying the company even if she didn’t get a single one of his jokes.


“You know, if you keep this up, you're going to have to undergo re-education…” Drake grumbled placing the last 20 foot jet-black earthen wall.


“I do not understand. How can a man ‘be fly’? If they are not flying? Your statement confuses me, Patriarch,” she replied, scrunching her eyes in confusion.


Drake slapped his forehead, a red mark forming from the several times he had done so already this morning.


“No! He isn’t flying. It’s another way of saying he is cool!”


“But would he not be sick if he was cool? It seems unhealthy,” Sah Ul’ answered matter of factly.


“No! Susmaryosep. Are you doing this on purpose? Are you trolling me?”


“I am a full blooded Orc, I am most certainly not a troll.”


“Alright, that’s it. The first thing I’m doing when we get back is figuring out how to get my computer to work again. Then I swear you’re going to watch 10 years worth of Superhero movies and tv shows. And yes I’m talking about Ben10, and the Teen Titans. And I mean the good Teen Titans, not that live action garbage!”


“Why would you put her through such a thing…” Natto scoffed.


“Hey! Beast Boy is a treasure! And I won’t hear otherwise!”


Surprising you say that considering the thing you have for Raven…”


“That’s private! Not to mention this and that are completely separate things!”


Drake could feel Natto roll her eyes.


“Are you talking to the small girl again?” Sah Ul’ finally asked.


“No! I’m yelling at her for blasphemy!” Drake spat.


Just as Drake was getting to the peak of his heated debate with Natto, Sah Ul’ looking at him with confusion. Mikhail approached interrupting him.


“I see you are lively as ever this morning, Lord Wallen,” he greeted.


“Stop with that Lord Wallen crap. What’s up? I thought you and your party were going questing?” Drake replied, waving off his formal greeting.


“Yes, we still plan to as it were. But I wanted to check with you first. As we agreed I have come to reveal my status to you before we depart.”


“Oh I almost forgot about that. But before that I have a favor to ask.”


Mikhail raised a brow, “Yes? What would that be?”


“I’m going to be requiring skill stones soon. Within the week actually. I plan to gather them myself but if you come across any rare stones, particularly the elemental ones. Fire, water, earth, lightning, etc, you know the ones I’m sure. I’ll make it worth your time,” Drake smirked.


“With pleasure. We have no use for them outside of selling them and bartering. So I will make it a point to bring them to you first. And might I say that it was a pleasant surprise to find you acquired an Auction House. I had no idea there was even one available.”


“Yeah, neither did I, and I have big plans for it. That reminds me, if you encounter anyone else that doesn’t give you any trouble pass the word along that there is one here. I plan on having a large in city auction by the end of the month. I’m putting up quite a few interesting things,” Drake chuckled.


Mikhail nodded, ”I see. I’ll be sure to inform anyone we come across. Is there anything further?”


“For now that’s it. I appreciate all your help so far with keeping the monsters more manageable,” Drake said, extending a hand.


“I doubt you needed it. So I should be the one thanking you for allowing us to stay,” Mikhail smiled back.


“Oh you’ll have your uses in the future, so let’s call it an even trade. But now that the formalities are out of the way let’s take a peek at your status then. I have a few guesses as to what your class is but…” Drake trailed off waiting for the blue screen in front of Mikhail to turn around.


[Mikhail Jordan]

[Race: Human] [F-Rank]


[Angelic Talker] [Rare] Level 19


[Vitality] 127 

[Strength] 90 (10) 

[Dexterity] 223 (40)

[Intelligence] 368 (15+5%)

[Wisdom] 142 (5+5%)

[Endurance] 130 (25%)

[Free Points] 32


[Titles] First Blood, Two versus One, One vs Many, Slug Slayer, Slug Deterrent, Living on the Edge, Rounded,  Crustratian Crusher, Crustatian Exterminator, Leader of Few, Murder, Loyal Dog, Speaker of the Word


Drake looked over Mikhail’s stat’s which for all things considered were not that impressive when compared to his own. But he still held a Rare Class which gave Drake some more perspective on other classes' stat growth.


And his eyes stopped on a particular title.




“Nothing crazy but this title. How did you get it?” Drake asked flatly.


Mikhail grimaced slightly, then sighed obviously not wanting to speak on it. But knew he had no way of getting out of it.


“In our tutorial, as I’m sure it was the same for yours. There was competition for items, experience, quests, and the like. Our party faced off against another party that wouldn’t allow us to leave after completing a quest.”


“They wouldn’t let you leave?” Drake asked.


“Yes, they refused to allow us to back down. With the tutorial allowing for people to kill others they simply didn’t want just the loot we had gotten. They wanted everything else we had. I’m neither proud nor ashamed of what I had to do. But it was an unpleasant experience I do not wish to relive again.”


Drake gave Mikhail a sympathetic look, “I can understand that. I’m sorry for having you deal with some of the slavers.”


Mikhail shook his head, “It is within reason to not allow people of that character to leave. Although it does leave a foul taste in my mouth it wouldn’t sit right with me allowing them to just walk free. After some of the people we have saved and seeing what was done to them, it is only right.”


“Then, I’ll be calling on your help in the future. Maybe not for vanquishing the wicked so much as something more… Uplifting for the both of us.”


Mikhail raised a brow unsure how to take the statement, but nodded expectantly.


“I see. I will be on my way then Mr. Wallen. Until next time.”


Mikhail gave a slight bow and walked into the distance.


“Why does everyone address me so stiffly…. It’s getting on my nerves,” Drake sighed.


How else would they address you? Certainly you realize many of them are simply being polite to a person who could end their life on a whim,” Natto scoffed.


I think that’s more offensive than anything… What kind of person do they think I am? Drake thought.


Most of them have either witnessed or at least heard of you killing one of the four major quest beasts already. And, or seen you kill swaths of monsters. I might also add, some have seen you kill slavers in cold blood with a smile.”


I was not smiling….


“If you wish to believe so…”


Drake frowned, “Fine. I get it. Now can I get back to finishing this makeshift wall? And where is your father Sarah? I still need to talk to him about us leaving. I want to make sure everything is in order so I can finish up our preparations.”


Sah Ul’ pointed forward in the direction Mikhail had left, a group of people walking in their direction.


“Father is there, it would seem he has brought the people you have requested,” she replied.


“Ah good, the man has perfect timing,” Drake smiled seeing the older orc man followed by a group.


Rvul had quickly become an irreplaceable person for Drake. It was still awkward for him when Rvul called him his son but outside of the still uncomfortable marriage situation, Rvul had completed everything Drake hadn’t had the time to do over the past week. From organizing the Orc warriors, keeping them in check, to many of the figurehead tasks Drake simply didn’t have time or the experience to perform.


In a sense, Rvul was the head of ReUnite and Drake was the ‘big stick’. Right now Rvul was very much the leader in practice while Drake was learning the ropes.


“Greetings, Patriarch. The warriors of the Rhak are at your disposal,” Rvul greeted, placing his fists together and bowing. The other warriors greeted Drake but did not show him the same respect only bowing their heads slightly.


Drake didn’t mind. He knew very well that he had been placed far too quickly in charge and that it would be a slow process.


But Rvul growled looking back at the young warriors, many of them recoiling under his gaze. Some fixed their greetings, showing the same respect Rvul had used but of course, there were still a few stubborn ones.


Drake raised one hand placedly, “It’s alright, leave them be for now. Children will rebel for a time after all, well maybe not all children. My kids behave just fine,” Drake smirked.




“You are calling Rhak warriors mere children?!”


Some of the warriors scowled back at Drake, his remark visibly upsetting some of them.


“What? Aren’t you just children throwing tantrums? I thought power and strength were the only things that mattered here. And all of you have eaten dirt in our fights,” Drake scoffed, “The only one who even came close was a child himself, Kalik.”


He looked over his shoulder at Sah Ul’.


And Sarah, but I’ll skip that part. Don’t want to bruise their egos too badly… He thought.


The group stirred in anger baring their tusks at Drake, but he simply smiled keeping his casual expression.


“Do you want to grow stronger? Or better yet, would you like to prove that you are better than mere children?” Drake offered.


Rvul gave a confused look at his words, unsure where he was going with the conversation. The warriors began tomutter amongst themselves reluctant to play along with Drake’s game.


“What do you mean by that Patriarch?” Rvul finally asked for the warriors.


Drake grinned, holding up a finger, “One month, or let's just go with 15 days. I will take the children under my wing and go out to find my family. In that time you are to protect this town and grow as strong as you can. Your group has an average level of around 15 and the children are just now coming into their base classes. I will give them the minimal amount of help to grow while they are with me, only offering them their advanced classes and skill stones and some guidance. The war smith in our town was given materials,” Drake continued to explain, “Each of you may choose any number of weapons and armor from what they create free of charge on me. And when we return, you will fight them.”


Laughs and scoffs came from the warriors.


“Patriarch,” Rvul began exacerbated, “You are taking this too far, they are just young children and there are over 30 warriors here.”


“I know,” Drake nodded, “If you are able to beat them, I will step down from my leadership position.”


The warriors began to grin, and slap the shoulders of the ones next to them.




“It will be like taking meat from a Horned Gardah!”


A particular warrior stepped out from the rest, staring down Drake in a way he hadn’t been looked at since the tutorial by Shigure.


“And what about Sah Ul’?” the man asked.


Drake glared back, “What about her?”


“Will you revoke your marriage as well?”


“Haygur!” Rvul snapped.


Drake wasn’t sure what to say. Sah Ul’ was her own person. He never intended to take the marriage seriously if she didn’t have feelings for him. Drake saw her as attractive, but he would never allow someone to treat her like an object that could be passed around.


“She is not a toy or prize to be given or taken,” Drake said in a low voice, “I don’t know who you are or what your relationship to her is, Haygur. But you are overstepping.”


Drake recognized the man now. He was the Orc that rushed him when he first arrived here and left the Chief’s tent.


The man however didn’t back down, repeating his question.


“Sah Ul’ is the chieftain’s daughter, she was to be wed to the strongest Orc of the Rhak Tribe. Your competition, shall you lose. When you lose, shall no longer be you.”


Before Drake could respond his anger beginning to come to a slow boil, Sah Ul’ stepped forward, surprising him.


“I will stand by the Patriarch and I trust that the younger generation will win against you. I have seen how he has incorporated and nurtured them with the fighters that have joined our tribe. You are too far dug in your way of thinking Haygur. We are one people under him now. It is not just Orc lives that matter. And if by some chance those children are beaten, you will still not have proven you are the strongest. You have not once bested me, or my bonded husband.”


Drake blinked blankly at her from the side, unsure how to respond at her addressing him by husband for the first time. He had expected her to be upset, but to ‘stand with him?’ He was taken aback.


Sah Ul’s ears began to pinken slightly, apparently feeling Drake’s gaze.


“My father’s word is law. He has matched me with the man who has bested me. And I will not break that bond…” she added, trailing off into a whisper as she clutched her fur cloak around her.


“Daughter…” Rvul muttered dotingly, then turned back to Haygur scowling, “You have overstepped your rights here, as the Patriarch said. You must first overcome this trial he has placed on you and the rest of you! Once done, the Patriarch has never turned down a duel, become stronger! For both you and the tribe!” he roared.


Clicks of tongues and grumbles passed over the warrior group, before Rvul dismissed them, staying behind.


“Patriarch, no, son. Do you feel it was wise to antagonize the warriors so?” Rvul asked concerned.


“I do. I need them worked up to go out and take care of the monsters in the area while I’m preparing and once I’m gone. Just having me is a deterrent at the moment, but what happens when I’m not here? There needs to be strong people in place for when I inevitably have to leave for whatever reason. And,” Drake glanced at Sah Ul’, “If Sarah is going to be stuck at my hip for the foreseeable future, she won’t be enough to protect this place.”


Drake looked at the backs of the Orc warriors as his mind turned, “There is also the issue of in the coming month I plan on holding an event.”


“Event?” Rvul asked.


“Yeah, I still have to talk to the owner of the auction house to see if it is possible, but there will be a significant influx of people. And for that we will need something like a police force and skilled people to keep track of the increase in visitors,” Drake explained, “I haven’t had time to speak with the personnel the Doc found. Is there anyone in that group that could help?”


Rvul crossed his arms thinking for a moment, “Hmm… I believe there are a few who you would call, good at ‘desk work’, I believe you referred to it as. But I am unsure as to how much they would be able to handle on their own.”


“Perfect. Have them meet me at the auction house in 2 hours. I also need to finalize something with you, so please come as well, Rvul.”


Rvul shook his head, “I have told you already, it is Father! You have captured my daughter’s heart. It is plain to me to see! It is only right that you do so!” he shouted, giving a hearty laugh.


“T-that won’t happen anytime soon…” Drake muttered, scratching the back of his head.


Oh how am I going to explain this to Claire… Drake thought worriedly.


“Father!” Sah Ul’ growled, “I was simply stating facts! He has benefited the tribe as you have said! It was only right to defend him!”


Rvul gave another loud chortle, “Ah to be young! You are too earnest my shining star! So much so you do not even realize it yourself hahaha!”


Sah Ul’ scowled, puffing out her cheeks, turning her head so that Drake couldn’t see her reddening face. But unfortunately for her, her rose colored ear tips betrayed her as they poked through her dark red braided hair.


I’m not poking this with a 10 foot pole… Drake laughed inwardly.


“Then, I will be on my way,” Rvul said, giving a small bow, “May the Mother bless your hunt.”


Drake gave a polite nod back, waiting for Rvul to be out of earshot before turning to Sah Ul’.


“Are you sure about this? I didn’t enjoy the way that man spoke to you, but he did have a point that you have a right to leave so you choose to do so if I am forced from being Patriarch,” Drake offered.


Sah Ul’ frowned, “What do you take Rhak women for? When I lost the sacred duel, it was my choice to be bound to you despite being commanded by my father the chieftain. It is my life to give to whom I wish. If it is for a stronger tribe, I will do anything.”


Drake was astonished. Looking at the determination in her eyes he was confused. What was driving her to keep her word and do this for someone she barely knew or liked? What had happened in her life that made her give up her own freedoms and wants for her tribe?


He struggled to ask the question, knowing it wasn’t his business. The words on the tip of his tongue as curiosity and wanting to understand her began winning out.


Drake, are you not forgetting something?” Natto said inside his head, breaking him out of his trance.


W-what? He studdered in his head.


I know you like to make googly eyes at beautiful women but since yesterday have you not forgotten about the last building you received?” she asked, redirecting the question.


Drake flinched a nervous smile on his face.


I just… I’m not the biggest fan of religious places is all… My mom tried to get me to go to church ever since I was a kid, and it just never stuck. It’s probably why I never got into it in the first place now that I think about it…


Well, this is very different. Get your monkey ass into gear and place it! These deities are real and the benefits of having a church will help the town immensely as I have told you! Now cease your flirting and get to it! You have more to do before you finish the day do you not?!” she shrieked.


Drake grimaced, “When did you become my mother…” he muttered.


Sah Ul’ looked at him raising a brow.


“Not you,” Drake chuckled wearily, “I have more to finish up before I meet back up with Rvul, how about you go check up on the kids for me? I think Kalik might be needing someone to hold him back still,” he asked.


“Kalik Tu’?” Sah Ul’ asked.


“Yeah, him and the others. I told them to stay out of the System Center until everyone is ready to make their class changes and decisions but he wants to rush so I’ve had to ask some people to keep an eye out for him… Kid’s a real handful,” Drake sighed.


Sah Ul’ narrowed her eyes but nodded, “I will be but a moment,” she said, insinuating that he should not get into trouble while she was gone.


“Bye-bye,” Drake waved placidly.


Since when did all the women around me think I was some kind of master troublemaker? He frowned.


Since I was unfortunately latched to you by an assistant pact!” Natto jeered.


“No one asked you squirrel!”




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