Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 224: Machinations of Evil


My Magus Academy is Run by Players?! [Western Cultivation LitRPG]


“Do you want to know what it feels like to have players at your beck and call?”

Victor Asteriscus is just like any other acolyte treading on the Magus path until his comrades betray him for a broken artifact. In a moment of desperation, he accidentally stumbles upon an abandoned academy and receives a System that can summon… players?

One thing is for sure, these “players” from his old world will help him embark on a quest to develop the academy, complete various missions, and harness the power of magic. Let them kill magical beasts so that he can be promoted further? That’s too simple!

With an army of fearless, immortal players and a sassy assistant fairy under him, what’s there to fear in this world full of endless dangers and mysteries?

Come join Victor in building the greatest academy the world has ever seen and conquer the entire universe!




Araleen sat in the courtyard of the makeshift Elven castle made from twisted roots summoned from the several Plant Mages Valor employed. Her eyes gazed up at the branches of their god, the World Tree Felaern. The one and only tree allowed on the planet. The only god to remain from the transition. Felaern was still young in terms of World Trees but still held the power and majesty all the same.


On their old home, Avalon, there were many trees like this, with sprouts and seedlings aplenty, before the Grand Tree decided to push them into the cycle of growth. A constant battle of life and death.


She sighed deeply, staring up at the branches that held such power of both life and spirit, a stark reminder of where she had come from.


“I miss you, Mother… Father… If only you both were here, maybe the people would rally,” she croaked, choking back a sob.


“No.. I must be strong. Valor may have forsaken our people, but I have not!” she growled through clenched teeth.


Araleen looked down at the seed in her other hand.


[Seedling of the World Tree][Legendary] [F-Rank]


As every first prince or princess of the royal line was, she had been tasked as the Guardian of the Royal Sapling that would grow into the next world tree used to bathe the capital city in the glow of life and spiritual rebirth.


She steeled herself, making a decision that she knew would create civil war among her people.


The sounds of footfalls grew behind her, the snow being crunched under leather boots growing closer.


“My lady.”


Araleen turned, a small company of loyalists kneeling in respect.


“What is your decision?” the lead captain asked, not raising his gaze.


Placing the seedling back into her inventory, she stood, her eyes hardened and the look of royalty ready to decree law taking hold of her.


“We go to war. We go to save my sister. Prepare!” she commanded.


“By your will!” the company shouted in unison, rocking the area with a deep cheer.




Drake stared at the gate in disbelief, his face pale at what stared back at him.


“Why is that there…?”


“Whatever do you mean my Lord?” Theodore said, shimmering into view next to him, deliberately on the side Sah Ul’ was not.


“What do I mean…?” Drake growled exacerbated, pointing an accusatory finger at the gate, “I mean what is my face doing over the gate, Theo!?”


Theodore, fixed his monocle, “Oh that. This one believed it was reasonable to construct the face of his Lord over each of the entrances to showcase the profound glory of his liege! It was only natural, there is no need to thank this one,” he said matter of factly.


With a pop, a snicker Natto appeared on Drake’s shoulder, a hissing Quetz clinging to him on the other.


“Yes, do not thank dear Theodore. It was only n-n-natural…” she guffawed, failing to stifle her pure ridiculing snickering.


“Did you put him up to this?” Drake frowned.


Natto put a hand to her chest in faux offense, her mouth hanging open dramatically, “Who…. me…? Why I would certainly never!” she scoffed.


“Hey, hey, Drake, I don’t like the mean little person! Always making fun of Drake and Quetz!” Quetz chirped, slumping off his shoulder to walk on the ground.


“Yes, I know Quetz. I’m starting to like her less and less too..” Drake agreed.


“Enough of your whining. Why have you returned so soon?” Natto asked, “I can not imagine it is anything advantageous.”


Drake sighed but thumbed to the group of people behind him, “First let’s get these people situated. Can you do that for me?” he asked, but not before he pointed with his other hand a stone bullet firing out and embedding itself into his own face above the gate.


He quickly manipulated his magic to flatten the face, erasing it from the gate wall.


“And get rid of those faces!”


Theodore frowned but nodded, “This one shall have them removed from the other gates…” he answered with some sorrow, “This one supposes he should also remove them from the school entrance as well…”


“You put them on the school too?!” Drake said, his ears reddening in embarrassment slightly.


“The faces?” Quetz asked, hearing Drake, only understanding half of the conversation.


“Yes, the faces…” Drake cringed.


“Haha,” Quetz chirped, “I think they’re cute! Yep yep!”


Drake laughed warily and tried to get back on track.


“Alright Quetz, let’s get everyone together, it’s about time we get started.”


“Hey, hey, what do you mean started?”


Drake cracked his knuckles, “Started with your guys’ training.”


Natto stopped him with a tap to his side from his shoulder, “You should explain what is going on with the trouble you faced first. I would also like to update you on what has happened while you were gone.”


“Update? I was gone for less than a day.”


“Yes, but we have already implemented several policies. Several for visitors and new citizens. We have regulated the use of both the system center, auction, and library for the moment. I will need to go over more with you in detail before you do anything else.”


Drake sighed but nodded, “Fine. What’s this about visitor policy? Are you surveying people or something as they come in?”


“Yes, we are doing such things as a preliminary survey as well as a full body scan of all visitors. I have also done the same for current citizens.”


“You did this for people living here already? Why, did something happen in the time I’ve left?”


“Unfortunately yes, there have been several people detained due to having their races changed somehow. I can not tell when the change occurred but they have been changed to ghouls and vampires somehow. There is also a problem with…” Natto paused, taking a moment to form the correct words, “Certain items making their way into the town.”


“Items?” Drake parroted, but felt a tug on his arm, Quetz looking up at him expectantly, “Ok let’s get this all done. Do you want to tag along, Quetz?”


Quetz beamed a smile, wrapping her arms around his, nuzzling into his hoodie, “Yep yep!”


Sah Ul’ gave a slight scowl, but sighed and relaxed her expression into a soft smile as she looked at Quetz.


“What about you Sarah?” Drake asked, noticing her gaze.


“I will check with my father first, then I will return before we depart once more.”


Drake nodded, Sah Ul’s back growing distant as she made for the gate, then turned to Theodore.


“And you?”


“This one is unfortunately full to the brim with the directives my Lord has requested of thyself. I merely wanted to welcome thy Lord back,” Theodore answered, giving a slight bow and shimmering out of sight.


“Ok,” Drake said, “So how does this check for new people work?” he asked.


Natto pointed to the gate, “It is relatively simple, they will pass through the gate like normal. As a territory assistant I am able to actively scan anyone within the influence of your town, seeing simple information such as names, race, level, and affiliation,” she explained then paused, “But, If they are wearing an item of or of higher Rank than I currently am, the scan would need to be consensual.”


Drake gave a wry grin, “You’re scanning people without their consent?” he laughed.


“There is a sign… When entering the town they are made aware they are under surveillance, although they do not know it is I that is doing it. I should also mention that although we do not have the largest and most fortified wall currently, anyone who does not go through a gate is seen as hostile. Many of the guards have apprehended some people trying to do so recently.”


“Well that’s good that we have at least a system right now,” Drake nodded, “Alright everyone!” he pointed and shouted, “Please go through the gate, you will be scanned and let in, once inside you will be directed to a place you can live temporarily and given the bare essentials if you require them. You are free to register as an affiliated adventurer or remain here until you are ready to move on to another town. But, do not cause trouble in my city.”


The group behind him finally unfroze at being addressed and began moving towards the directed gate. Drake and his own small group moved as well alongside them, as he saw the boy Daniel give him a wave before he was lost in the crowd.


“Can you tell me how many people go through once it’s done?” Drake asked, “I didn’t exactly take a headcount when we left.”


“Certainly,” Natto said, a screen popping up in front of her, “There are exactly 372 people in this group, I can not break it down further until they pass the gate and this does not include the people that could be removed if found to be undead or having the particular item in their possession.”


Drake’s eyebrow raised again at the mention of the item.


“You can scan for that as well?”


“Every person who enters the town has their items inventoried when they enter. With the system giving everyone the ability to store items out of sight, it is a valuable feature designated to TA’s. I can do nothing to their inventories but I have the ability to make a file for each and every person. They are also scanned before and after entering the Auction, Center, Bank, or any building really. There have been zero successful thefts of course and I have dealt with any attempts myself.”


“Yourself?” Drake smiled curiously.


“Yes! Certainly, I have the stats to compete with nearly anyone now,” Natto grinned.


Drake scoffed, imagining seeing Natto taking down people several times her own size with arm bars and rear-naked choke holds. Could she even get her arms around someone’s neck?


“You aren’t killing anyone are you…?” he asked skeptically.


“Only if they deserve it,” she answered flatly, “Unfortunately no one has done anything that severe yet…” she said slightly downcast.


“Hey, you should be happy about that,” Drake grimaced.


Natto waved her hand dismissively at him.


“Ah, it seems we have caught one,” she said, pointing to the boy stopped at the gate.


It was Daniel.


Drake frowned, “What was he stopped for? He isn’t…?”


“No, he is not undead. He seems to have an item on him, in his pocket,” Natto answered, disappearing with a pop, a moment later returning with the same sound on Drake’s shoulder.


Dropping the item into his open hand she sighed.


“It is running rampant at the moment. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do outside of banning its use within the town as it is a legal system item.”


Drake inspected the item.


[Low-Quality Core Steroid] [Common] [F-Rank]


  • Stat Boosting Steroid that gives a temporary increase to all stats by 10%
  • Duration: 30 Minutes.
  • No Cooldown
  • Made from various herbs and the crushed core of an F-Rank Monster.


He frowned deeply, waving to have the boy brought over.


“A steroid? And from a Monster Core. I should have guessed it was a thing with how the system has nearly every job as a non-combat class. Why wouldn’t it have drug makers…” he sighed.


“The problem does not lie with it being a drug. There are many pills as you have taken yourself and many others in the multiverse. The issue is it is highly addictive. And unlike how using Cores and Skill Stones normally to increase your level and proficiency, where they will eventually reach a cap until you have Ranked Up once more. These Steroids stunt your growth indefinitely…” she spat in disgust, “And the higher and more pure the product, the more addictive and potent it is, while shortening the time until it destroys your potential.”


Daniel finally made it to them, his head down.


Drake kneeled holding the bottle of the dull purplish-red powder.


“Why do you have this Daniel?” he asked.


The boy wouldn’t meet his gaze for a short time, but Drake was unrelenting and waited patiently for an answer.


“I-I wanted money…” Daniel said finally.


“Money? You were planning on selling this for coins?”


“Y-yeah. Those people you killed, back at the town… They were forcing it on people and then selling it after. I just thought whatever it was would let me get a few coins so I could eat, maybe get some good items or something when I turned 16,” Daniel admitted.


Drake frowned deeply before he sighed.


“Here,” Drake said, waiting for the boy to open his hand, dropping several coins into his hand, “Natto, direct him to Janey. Tell her to let him stay for the night before sending him to Theodore and Harley. I want him placed in school,” then he looked down at Daniel, “I expect you to know better than to touch this again. I’m giving you an opportunity to never have to. Don’t waste it,” he smiled, putting his hand on his shoulder.


Daniel’s eyes widened before his bottom lip shook and he nodded, his bangs falling over his face.


“Go on, get yourself a warm meal and a good night's sleep. And the house has video games, don’t break the controllers,” Drake smirked.


Daniel ran off for the line at the gate once more, gripping the coins in both hands as tightly as he could.


“I hate this system sometimes,” Drake muttered, looking at the boy, “I don’t want kids like him having to do things like that.”


“He is not the first and will not be the last Drake. You can not save them all,” Natto said.


“Yeah, maybe, but like I said in the tutorial. I can try,” he sighed, ruffling Quetz’s feathered hair next to him, her violet eyes turning into upward crescents at his touch, “How are people getting ahold of this stuff?” he asked.


“It is a basic alchemy item, not hard to come by. It is also a commonly sold item at the auction but I highly doubt it came from us. It was not in the town until we opened up to let in people in preparation for the auction in several weeks,” Natto answered.


“Then the undead are using it as some sort of recruiting method?” he asked back.


“I am not sure. Converting races into undead is a moderately long process. It requires specific items and depending on the transition race as well as the race they are changing into it could require certain terms, conditions, and catalysts. It is not just basic undead, vampires, and ghouls that we have seen. There are tales of some adventurers coming from the West who have seen lesser ghosts and banshees. It is troublesome, to say the least, if the undead have a hold on this planet already.”


Drake had yet to look into the vampire's spatial bags but after their conversation with Daniel, he opened up the several that had dropped from the bodies. And as he expected there were large quantities of the Steroids.


“Can you dispose of the Steroids for me,” Drake grimaced, dropping the items in a massive pile in the snow.


“Certainly,” Natto replied, pulling the items into her sleeve in an instant.


“Then, let me know if anything happens. Once the integration of the new people is finished we can talk more. I’m going to go see the kids for now. I don’t think I need to explain after this, but the undead are working something in the background and I won’t let my family stay out of reach any longer. We are going to rescue my family.”




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