Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 242: Rushing to the End 1

It was a proud moment for Drake as he stood in front of the mostly conscious teens. Save Kalik Tu’ who was still resting due to nearly losing a lung, everyone was alive, kicking, and ready to go on to the next part of their training.


“Someone wake Kalik up will you,” Drake said.


“I got it,” Landin smirked.


“Gently,” Drake added.


Landin’s smirk lessened, “Fine...”


Drake scanned the teens who had just finished their, for lack of a better word ‘Graduation’, while Landin poured some water onto Kalik’s face startling him awake.


The boy quickly grabbed for his axes as he put his head on a swivel only to see he was the only one laying down in a line of standing teens.


He grunted and got to his feet, wiping his face of the water.


Sah Ul’ stood next to Drake as it seemed only right as he addressed them.


“You all passed with flying colors and I can’t tell you how much of a relief that is to me,” Drake said.


“Even Kalik?” Landin asked.


“Kalik’s monster was a higher level than yours, Landin,” Drake scoffed, “So cut him some slack. Remember he did that without the Punching Up title like you and Charlotte had too.”


Landin shivered slightly, snapping his mouth shut, while Kalik eyed him dubiously.


“Enough of your teasing. We don’t have time to waste. You all saw the notifications so I’ll give it to you straight. There’s war looming,” Drake said solemnly.


“War, Lord Drake?” Atropos asked, shifting uncomfortably on her feet.


“Yes. I can’t sugarcoat it even if I wanted to. By now you’ve all seen the notifications as well about Atticus Wallen,” Drake sighed, “He’s my brother, or at least he was years ago. But now I’m not sure what the system has turned him into. But he and the undead are now a problem we just can’t ignore. Those vampires that tried to take you all are not the last and they seem to be building an army.”


He paused, letting the teens process his words.


“And you want us to fight in this war?” Charlotte finally asked for the group.


Drake shook his head, “Yes, at least in a way or some capacity. I won’t lie to you and say I’m going to, or can, shield you from this oncoming war with the monsters, the undead, and possibly some kind of bonkers extremist cult my brother has created. Whether you like it or not you will be a part of it, the whole world will be. It was one of the reasons I had to train you the way I have. I don’t know how long we have or how strong the other groups are, so you simply need to be stronger.”


He paused again, taking out four shining skill stones.


“Atrops and Clotho both have their main classes. You should have all finished your class quests as well and seeing that no one has had anything pop up in a shiny light I’m assuming that you haven’t accepted the rewards. Keep the quest unfinished for now, we don’t want you to gain experience before you rank up. These,” Drake explained handing out the stones, “Are your main class stones that I have. Each of them are Epic Rarity, which is better than both of my classes.”


Drake smiled as the teens rolled the stones in their hands, the crystalline stones shone in different colors, one bright yellow, another green, one silver, and the last golden.


“It seems the system is harsh even to the tutorialists in a way, we gain titles that you won’t receive through fighting to the death, while you youngsters get to reap the rewards of paths we paved,” Drake scoffed.


“You sound like an old man,” Landin chuckled.


“Yeah yeah… You know how happy I would have been to just get handed an Epic Rarity Class instead of rolling for one? You bunch get to choose your classes,” Drake sighed waving his hand to dismiss the tangent, “Anyway, before you-”


Drake sighed as he saw Kalik shine in brilliant gold. The teen had consumed the stone before he had a chance to explain the possible outcomes of the powerful influx of energy an Epic Stone could give.


He watched with the others as the light around Kalik Tu’ dimmed, grateful that he hadn’t gone out of his mind like Drake had.


Kalik dropped to his knees, breathing heavily.


“As I was saying…” Drake began explaining again, “The stones contain what I can only call raw power or energy, maybe just mana, I’m not sure. But the stones will overwhelm your senses and drive you mad if you let them. I’ve experienced it first hand, almost killing Natto several times.”


The teens turned from the exhausted Kalik back to Drake.


“You almost killed Natto?” Charlotte said in disbelief, her head turning down to the stone in her hand.


“Yup, three times. So we are going to have you all consume the stones with lots of space in between. The stones you have prepared for your classes are well beyond what I used so the potency is going to be that much greater. I didn’t have a choice in the tutorial, I needed strength or I was going to be killed by monsters or people. But you all have time to spread the effects of the stones out since Sah Ul’ and I am here. Take your stones and practice your skills while we head to our destination. But none of you will be fighting monsters until you have truly ranked up which we will do when we are safe again inside a town or with my family. Got it?”


The line of teens took a moment looking back and forth between themselves, eventually nodding to Drake as each one lit up in a different light.


Drake looked on expectantly and with a little trepidation as he prepared to jump in should one of them get overzealous during the process.


But thankfully each one went through the change beautifully and without any craziness that Drake had.


“So? How’d it go?” Drake asked.


The teens were out of breath and each wearing different expressions.


Kalik looked pale and in disbelief at something, so Drake decided to, of course, ignore the boy for now. Charlotte looked thoughtful as if she was deciding to be happy or upset, her eyes slightly distant. While Quetz had her cheeks puffed out in a child-like pout as she crossed her arms. And finally, Landin’s face slowly devolved from happiness to one of sheer dread and dissatisfaction as his eyes read whatever description he was presented with.


“Oooo Landin looks like he’s got a juicy one. What is it?” Drake mused walking up behind him, placing an arm on his shoulder, “Let me see, let me see…. Oh, oh my… I’m sorry for your loss. Or well, loss of experience.”


“Why are you acting like you aren’t a part of this?! You’re the one that gave me this class!” Landin shouted, raising his hands up into the air in frustration.


[Spirit Summoner] [Epic] [F-Rank] 0/5


  • A fledgling in the arts of spirit calling.
  • The ritualist uses materials of fallen beings to call them from the reaches of the nether, wielding and commanding them to do their bidding.
  • +10% to Intelligence and out-of-combat mana regeneration. (+10% Wisdom)
  • Actives: Summon P1(0%), Stat Transference P1(0%)



[Summon] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The summoner uses material to call to the spirit of the fallen.
  • Spell: Summon - “Your journey may have ended, but mine is just beginning. Aid me, reverie me, offer your everlasting to me. Rise.”
  • Permanent Spell Effect: Summons and binds a spirit in a tangible body to assist the summoner.
  • Summon Requirement 1: 10 of any Rank Monster Core. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Summon Requirement 2: Summons will be bound to a piece of Equipment, replacing current Equipment’s stats based on Summon’s current Level and stats. Higher-grade equipment will result in a higher transfer of Summon’s stats to said equipment. If said equipment is destroyed the bounded summon will be lost.
  • Summon Maintenance: Mana and Stamina based on Summon’s particular level and Rank. Once summoned, Summon will have an independent level, experience gain, health, and mana. Summon can be dismissed by the summoner or if their health is depleted.
  • Summon Dismissal Cooldown: Based on Summon’s Level and Rank. (Reduced based on Proficiency)
  • Current Summon Limit: 4 (Increased based on Proficiency)



[Stat Transference] [Proficiency 1(0%)


  • A small amount of the current summoned being’s status is given to the summoner.
  • Passive Skill Effect: 10% of each individual summoned being’s entire status is transferred to the summoner. (Increased based on Proficiency)



Landin grabbed Drake by the shoulders, “And now I can’t even heal! How am I supposed to summon something if I don’t have enough cores to begin with?!”


“Whoa whoa! Slow your roll man. I wouldn’t leave you out to dry like that. So ten F-Rank Cores per summon and you can have four max right now? Better stick to just one or two,” Drake said, separating himself from Landin, “I’ll give you enough for two summons alright, the rest is on you. It doesn’t say if the monster the core came from influences it but just to be safe, here are cores from the wolves. And then some from lower elementals we’ve taken care of.”


“You killed elementals? Like Elementals, Elementals?” Landin asked, taking the handful of cores.


“Sarah did yeah, speaking of which,” Drake paused, taking out a person-sized stack of books of various colors, “Everyone take one of each, well except Atropos and Clotho, they seem to have the Myriad Language already. That means you too Sarah, I know you can’t understand the kids.”


Drake cocked an eyebrow at his own words, “That reminds me, what exactly did you spend your tutorial points on if not the book? You must have had more than enough to get one.”


Sah Ul’ frowned, swiping four books from the stack.


“I purchased a war ax,” she said with a slight hint of venom in her voice.


Drake grimaced, “O-oh… Sorry about that,” he chuckled nervously.


He turned to the rest of the teens, “Okay let’s see the rest. Why are you still pouting Quetz?”


Quetz pursed her lips giving a deeper pout, “No reason….” she booed.


[Wind Gunman] [Epic] [F-Rank]0/5


  • An elementally inclined range weapon specialist.
  • A sophisticated user of ranged weaponry, able to boost their projectiles with Wind affinity mana.
  • Passives: +10% to Dexterity and out-of-combat Stamina regeneration. (+10% Stamina)
  • Actives: Outlaw’s Deadeye P1(0%), Charged Gale P1(0%)



[Outlaw’s Deadeye] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The shooter’s ability to target and spot the weaknesses of their prey. A hunter’s eye is not to be underestimated.
  • Passive Effects: +50% to Critical Hit Chance, +50% to Critical Hit Damage. (Increases based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Specific Weapon Effect. (Increased Based on Proficiency)
  • Pistol: Increased Weapon Reload Speed - +25%
  • Rifle: Increased Weapon Penetration - +50%
  • Repeating Crossbow: Increased Debuff Effects - +10%
  • Shotgun: Increased Blunt Damage - +25%



[Charged Gale] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The shooter’s ability to purge remaining ammunition into a single round for increased damage.
  • Skill: Howling Gale - “The wind sings with the howl of a whipped storm. Howling Gale.”
  • Condense the remaining weapon’s current ammunition to increase damage dealt. Deals base +25 wind damage. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Cost: Current remaining ammunition, Moderate Amount of Stamina
  • Cooldown: 2 Minutes. (Reduces based on Proficiency)
  • Additional increased damage based on equipped weapon-grade and ammunition purged. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Pistol: +1 wind damage per bullet up to 100 damage
  • Rifle: +10 wind damage per bullet up to 150 damage
  • Repeating Crossbow: +5 wind damage per bolt up to 50 damage
  • Shotgun: +20 wind damage per slug up to 200 dmg



“What, this is amazing!” Drake exclaimed, “A skill that gives you such versatility in weapons is great.”


Quetz scoffed, “Quetz wanted to have something with more sparkles. This skill doesn’t sound cute either!”


Drake sighed, “Right, well maybe it has some kind of effect that makes it look… cuter?”


She perked up at that, “Really, really?”


“Maybe, we will only be able to tell once you use the skills, but this class seems really strong already,” Drake said, reading the description again.


He turned to Charlotte next, “Alright long face, what’s the damage?” he asked.


Charlotte still kept a difficult expression on her face, “I’m not sure what to make of it, it seems that it fits my fighting style?” she said, almost questioning the statement, “But it doesn’t seem to have a lot of power behind it?”


She looked around as she turned the screen around, grabbing at the books that Drake offered.


[Lightning Spearman] [Epic] [F-Rank] 0/5


  • The nimble spearman with a thunderous constitution.
  • The spearman wields a deft and nimble command of the spear, using Lightning Affinity Mana to enhance both their speed and power.
  • Passives: +10% to Dexterity and out-of-combat stamina regeneration. (+10% to Stamina)
  • Actives: Counter Deflection P1(0%), Foclóir Gaeilge P1(0%)



[Counter Deflection] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The spear user embodies dexterity and mastery with their weapon.
  • Passive Effect: Dexterity is converted into a 2-to-1 Parry and Counterattack Chance. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: After a successful dodge, parry, or counterattack the spear user is granted a stacking buff of Counter Deflection, increasing their Dexterity by 10% per stack.
  • Stacks diminish after 30 seconds of no combat and max at 5 stacks. (Increased based on Proficiency)



[Foclóir Gaeilge] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The spear user calls upon the thundering storm to enhance their killing blow.
  • Skill: Foclóir Gaeilge - “The thunderous roar of your end is nigh. Foclóir Gaeilge”
  • Execute Skill: Enhances the finishing blow of the user with Lightning Affinity Magic. Deals +150 Piercing Damage and +300 Lightning Damage. (Increases based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effects: Additional Execute Damage based on 5 to 1 Intelligence and Dexterity.
  • Base Execute Damage: 100% to targets under 30% Health, 200% to targets under 15% Health.
  • Cost: Large Amount of Stamina and Moderate Amount of Mana.
  • Cooldown: 3 Hours. (Decreases based on Proficiency)



Drake’s eyes perked up at Charlotte’s class description, “I can see how the first part of some of this doesn’t seem the best at first glance, but this is insanely good,” he smiled, “And a counterattack substat… You might grow to be as strong as Bjorn and he has a legendary automated defense, although I’ve never seen his description.”


Charlotte grew excited from Drake’s explanation, “Really?” she beamed.


He nodded, “Yup, you will probably be a late bloomer since you have at least three stats you will be splitting your free stats into but we can probably mitigate that with equipment like we will with Clotho. All around this is a great start.”


Charlotte fiddled with the tips of her auburn hair, “Good… That’s good…”


Drake finally turned to the last remaining member of the group, unable to ignore his shocked and paled expression any longer.


“Alright, why do you look like someone kicked your dog?”


Kalik grunted, but it wasn’t powerful or had any of the gruff it usually had.


“I-i’ve been… been betrayed… Forsaken!! The great gods have forsaken me! I was meant to be a great hunter, the best! How am I to protect the tribe with something like this?!”


“Will you just hold on and show me, it can’t be that bad,” Drake groaned, putting his hand on the boy’s shoulder.


Sah Ul’ had moved over as well, interested in just what Kalik Tu’ was talking about.


[Ki User] [Epic] [F-Rank]0/5


  • A tempered fighter whose command over their inner energy allows them to use devastating strikes to great effect.
  • Passives: +10% to Strength and out-of-combat stamina regeneration. (+10% Stamina)
  • Actives: Lion’s 360 Blossom Rotation P1(0%), Inner Ki Cannon P1(0%)



[Lion’s 360 Blossom Rotation] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The defensive technique of the Great Ki Master Lion Trou’ Searheart utilizes internal Ki to form a protective 360-degree barrier.
  • Skill: 360 Blossom Rotation - “Tranquility finds all, Blossom Rotation.”
  • Forms a Ki Sphere of influence that allows the user to counterattack any given hostile attack within range.
  • Dexterity and Strength are converted at 1 to 1 into Parry and Counterattack chance during skill duration.
  • Counterattack returns 50% of base attack damage with +20 Pure Mana Strike. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Must be used while equipped with a Fist-type weapon or unarmed.
  • Cost: Moderate Stamina
  • Cooldown: 5 Minutes (Decreases based on Proficiency)



[Inner Ki Cannon] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The ability for the user to coalesce their Ki into physical form.
  • Skill: Shak Rah Ho
  • Deals Pure Mana Strike damage based on Strength and Stamina at 5 to 1(Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Must be used while equipped with a fist-type weapon or unarmed
  • Cost: Small Amount of Stamina
  • Cooldown: 30 Seconds. (Decreases based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Can be charged for increased damage at substantial stamina cost. 50% Damage for every 5 Seconds, up to 500%. 



Drake smiled, “Well doesn’t seem so bad there Kalik old buddy, old friend, old pal. Looks to me like it’s a little bit of poetic justice at work- Ahem, I mean it isn’t all bad, look I can help you a ton with learning to fight. And we can spend all the time you want, together, working through and training- Ok, I’m not helping am I?” Drake said, trying to fix his teasing at Sah Ul’s glare only to continue digging his own grave.


“Sah Ul’ what am I going to do?! I’ve trained my entire life with the weapon of our ancestors, years thrown to the wind…” Kalik said his hands trembling, then his eyes snapped to Drake, “You…. You Deceiver! Again you mock me! Mock our ways! You knew this would happen!”


Drake sighed, flicking Kalik’s forehead, knocking him back down, “Oh please. So you have to relearn how to fight. You don’t see them complaining do you?” he said pointing to the rest of the teens who had started consuming the language books one after the other, “Or are you saying you are less capable than they are?” Drake smiled mischievously.


“I-” Kalik said, standing up again ready to explode, but bit back his anger as he dropped his axes to the ground with a thud, hateful determination in his eyes, “You will regret your words!”


Kalik growled, his old vigor returned as he snatched the last stack of books meant for him, sitting down cross-legged as he consumed them.


“Patriarch,” Sah Ul’ said, giving a small smile, “You know how to push his buttons well.”


Drake gave her a wave, “I know how competitive teens are. I used to be one ya know?” he then pointed to the books Sah Ul’ carried, “Better get to studying yourself, I think it’s been a long time coming that the group can communicate.”


Sah Ul’ blushed, nodding as she stepped a little further away, tending to the books herself.


From behind Drake heard happy chirping and small groans.


Turning he saw Quetz happily talking to Charlotte and Atropos. Clotho and Landin covered their ears.


“Make it stop! She talks so much, can’t we go back to when she just sang songs?! And who talks in the third person?!” Landin grumbled, Clotho nodding.


“What do you mean? Quetz is adorable!” Charlotte argued, “She’s everything I expected even if it is broken English right now!”


“I agree, Quetz is quite charming. Despite her being a sly fox in bird feathers, I can not help but adore her manner of speech. It is like I gained a sister!” Atropos nodded, giving Quetz a pat on the head.


Quetz nuzzled into Charlotte and leaned into Atropos’s hand surprising Drake.


“I guess she got over being touched, or maybe she’s just grown that close to everyone after the last couple days,” he said under his breath smiling.


“Yeah well, at least we can finally hear what Kalik is actually saying to insult us,” Landin said, turning to the orc teen.


“You are a disappointment and a lazy pile of human garbage that will never amount to the greatness that is the Rahk Tribe,” Kalik spat.


“I take it back, I liked it better when he only looked at me insultingly and grunted.”


Drake gave a deep laugh, one he hadn’t had in a very long time.


“Ah, I love this dynamic, you kids are great.”


The girls pursed their lips and the boys grumbled as they shot daggers at each other.


“This. This feels like a family,” Drake said, nodding to himself.


“Family usually insults each other?” Sah Ul’ said walking up to him, finally done with her own books, speaking for the first time.


“Mine does, but it’s only for show, we all love each other. It just shows how comfortable everyone is with each other, being able to joke around like that and all,” Drake smiled.


“Wow, it’s kind of weird being able to understand Sarah now. Does the broken English thing get better?” Landin asked, staring up at the Orc woman.


“It does, your mind or body or whatever has to adjust and acclimate I guess,” Drake nodded.


“I-I dis-dislike the Patriarch greatly! He is not s-strong and a terrible person!” Sah Ul’ shouted out breaking their conversation.


Drake’s brows furrowed in confusion, then realization, looking at her ears and cheeks reddening.


“While that gap moe is cute, we definitely need to work on your jokes. But don’t worry, Beast Boy fixes all,” Drake chuckled, patting her on the shoulder, Sah Ul’s face reddening.


“Now,” Drake said, clapping his hands, “Congratulations everyone! You have finally reached the first hurdle!”


“What are we to do now, Lord Drake?” Atropos asked.

“Now? Now we go find my family, then we finish your rank-ups properly. Some of you have very strong class skills to start you off, but you will all need supporting skills to really fill out. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to do it right now, we are ahead of schedule thankfully, but I’ve delayed enough in finding my family. So please forgive me but we will have to postpone a true graduation.”




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