Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 245: Big Fish Small Pond

Something stirred in Drake as a similar-looking man as the girl wheeled her out from the corner. The man stood around six feet tall, with short buzzcut hair and a well-trimmed beard with glasses to boot. He had blue-colored eyes rimmed with gold much like the younger girl but had one significant difference.


On his back, two yellow-golden wings were jutting from his shoulders.


Drake’s blood boiled for a moment, feeling his grip tighten as something instinctual heated his will to fight.


He could tell, they were a strong race despite the girl's relatively low level.


A hand touched Drake’s shoulder, “Reel it in there bro, she’s just a kid.”


Drake blinked, finally taking a deep breath and quickly bringing back in his aura that had slipped out at the sight of her.


“What is she?” Drake asked giving a slight cough.


“Ask her yourself,” Bjorn shrugged.


The girl and the man took a moment to reach Drake after his slight display, but the girl’s haughty and disapproving face hadn’t waned in the slightest.


“Monsieur Bjorn, is this the man you spoke of?” Mordred said, looking Drake up and down in an unfiltered sneer.


Bjorn nodded giving a smirk, “Yep, this is Drake. Strongest guy I know.”


“Is he a hobo? Why is he wearing rags?” she scoffed.


The man from behind her gave a slight frown, bowing his head apologetically.


“Do not apologize for me, Papa! I expected more! How is he supposed to help us when he can not even help himself!” she spat.


“Sorry bro, she has a sharp tongue, I think it’s just her circumstances though. But you’ll have to ask her to explain that,” Bjorn sighed, scratching his beard.


Drake waved him off, “It’s fine, I have a firecracker of a kid with me as well so I can deal with it. Wouldn’t even be a big deal if she tried to off me a few times,” he laughed, getting a raised brow from Bjorn.


“Now little lady, what race are you? Can’t be an Angel, don’t have both wings and yours are black,” Drake mused trying to gauge the girl.


He took a moment while she glared at him to inspect the man behind her as well. She had called him father so he expected more similarities between them. Which in truth was there outside the wings.


[Lucium Level 10]


“Lucium? Is that a play at Lucifer? You know that guy’s a fallen angel right, like he has black wings,” Drake said, “And you don’t have the same last name as the girl… A distortion tool? No, you’re the same level as her. A combat assistant huh?” Drake deduced.


“No! Shut up! He is my Papa!” Mordred shouted from her seat, her face taking on a ghastly furious expression, “Do not call him that!” she roared.


Drake stood up a little straighter, surprised by the girl’s outburst but let her vent as he observed.


The man tried his best to calm Mordred down and only a few minutes later she had at least quieted, but refused to stop leering at Drake.


“Okay… Seems to be some issues here, but hey, who alive doesn't have them now?” Drake shrugged looking back over his shoulder at Bjorn, “So I’m supposed to what, guard her?”


Bjorn nodded but Modred interrupted him.


“You look no more than a pauper, how are you supposed to protect anyone?! I am disappointed Monsieur Bjorn! After seeing how you dealt with those monsters I expected more out of the man you said could help us!” she growled.


“Is she for real?” Drake asked.


“Yeah, like I said, I picked her up on the way here. Her assistant did all of the fighting, but she can’t fight herself and she’s stuck at level 10 now after getting her Main Class apparently. Not for lack of experience, but because she doesn’t have the ‘right’ stones for her subclasses. And because of that her assistant won’t be able to improve either. I didn’t know this but they can’t seem to level beyond what their Master’s level is. Go figure, huh? Would have thought Shigure could have mentioned that,” Bjorn explained.


“Right stones? There isn’t a right stone for anyone,” Drake frowned.


“Might I explain in more detail, sir?” Lucium said, speaking up for the first time.


Drake raised a brow, “He speaks!”


Mordred growled, “You do not have to talk to this dirty mutt, Papa! It is a waste of our time!”


“Do you truly wish to leave it at this Mistress? Are you ordering me to remain silent?” Lucium asked.


“I-I would never tell Papa what to do… But just look at him! He’s wearing peasant clothes! They are torn and ragged, he even has tattoos!”


Lucium ignored her outburst and bowed his head again, “I apologize, as you have surmised I am the Mistress’s combat assistant.”


Mordred gave a deep frown, crossing her arms and pouting.


“I would hope you could please leave it at that, without more explanation until the Mistress is willing to come to terms. Due to her experience in the Tutorial she has been afflicted with quite the amount of trauma. But I will divulge all that I can,” Lucium explained.


Drake eyed the two but nodded, “Fine. Bjorn asked so I’ll be good on my word. Even if you didn’t say anything I’m willing to add you to the little group of teeny tinies I have. Then, races?”


Lucium gave another half bow, “Yes of course. You have guessed somewhat correctly. I being a combat assistant was made in the image of my Master. Mistress Pendragon had the fortune of gaining a Legendary Rarity Class in the Tutorial. Due to her not using Subtree Stones, she has yet to fully awaken to an F-Rank being,” he paused motioning to Mordred, “She is a race called a Fallen and it resembles the Angels of your old world. But due to her not advancing she has not fully taken on the traits of the race or had her body reformed. I personally wish to have her rank up as quickly as possible to give her the mobility and option to grow stronger as she wishes but we have come to a crossroads in that decision.”


“You want better quality stones since she has a Legendary Main Class?” Drake assumed.


“Indeed but it is only partly as you say.”


Drake mulled over the explanation for a moment, then frowned, “Partly? There’s more to this?”


“Yes,” Lucium nodded, “Do you perchance have experience with Legendary Stones, sir?”


Drake gave Bjorn a look before answering, the big man giving up nothing.


“I might,” Drake answered stiffly.


“I see. In Mistress Pendragon’s circumstance, the Fallen Race are not quite on the level of Primordials. Risen, or more accurately what you would call Angels are one step higher and the top of their race hierarchy. They are considered along the lines of fairies but not parallel to them. Fallen and Risen have distinct features,” he motioned to his and Mordred’s wings, “As you can see they are the wings and eyes. I am modeled after the latter, but only in imitation. I do not hold the same race potency as a true Risen. My Mistress, however…” Lucium trailed off.


Mordred scoffed and finally spoke up with a flourish of her long hair from her hand, “It is fine Papa. I will tell him the rest,” she said with a sour expression.


Lucium nodded, bowing slightly as he retreated to behind her chair.


“Chercher midi à quatorze heures… A Fallen quite hilariously is the same as we have in stories. They are called abominations, malformations of the true thing, or so I have been told. Risen believe in purity and a Fallen is one of dirty blood. You have heard of Nephilum of the bible I am sure, Monsieur?” she asked.


Drake frowned, “Sure. Are you saying that you’re just like them? Since you have Risen Blood they want to…” he pulled a thumb across his neck.


“It is as you say,” she said depreciating, giving a wry smile, “Now that you know, of course, you can be surprised and turn us away-”


“Fine. I’ll do it. What’s another pissed-off Primordial on our doorstep? Not like it makes a difference to me with the Dragon bitch breathing down our necks,” Drake said casually with a shrug, giving a mirthful smile.


“Yes. See Papa, Monsieur Bjorn, he is just like the oth- What?” Mordred said, her mouth hanging open.


Bjorn gave a matter-of-fact nod from the side, smiling as if he knew it would turn out this way.


“Pick your jaw off the floor kid, or you’re going to break it when it drops again,” Drake chuckled, pulling up his status, only showing his name, race, and level.


“Y-you.. You are… What are you?”


Drake fell forward.


“Excuse me?! You don’t know what my race is? Susmaryosep! You didn’t even tell her Bjorn?!”


“Why would I tell her, bro? I thought you wanted stuff like that under wraps? I was wondering what you were doing when a few of those announcements went out but still that could have been just a nickname for all anyone knows,” he laughed.


“Doesn’t this city have a church?” Drake asked incredulously.


“Nope,” Bjorn shrugged, “The city lord does squat as far as I know. Well, I shouldn’t say squat but at least nothing beneficial,” he sighed.


Drake cocked his eye, “Such as?”


Bjorn gave a dismissive wave, “That’s for later, stay on topic, bro.”


“Right,” Drake coughed, “Asuran is a Primordial Race. And I’m not even sure how many people are hunting me, but my bounty is getting bigger by the second.”


“Are you bragging?” Bjorn scoffed.


“I might be,” Drake smiled.


Mordred leaned forward taking a second look at his status as she went down the lines, her face visibly stretching into a smile.


“You are level 27!” she beamed, “Papa! Look the dirty animal is actually strong!”


“Hey!” Drake shouted.


He sighed, the back and forth was beginning to drain him.


“Are all kids this exhausting…” he muttered, but refocused, “So now that I’m guarding you I have a few conditions.”


Mordred pursed her lips, looking to her assistant first. Lucium nodded and Mordred followed suit.


Drake held up a finger, “You do what I say when I say, no exceptions.”


Mordred opened her mouth to protest but Drake spoke over her.


“All the teens under my protection and learning from me follow these rules too,” then whispered, “At least most of the time…” and coughed clearing his throat, “Two. You are going to show me your status, all of it. So we can get you started right away on what you need.”


“What I need?” Mordred asked her eyes thinning as if insulted at the thought of not already being perfect.


“Yes,” Drake repeated looking at her assistant, “I assume your… Papa hasn’t been able to inform you or just isn’t privy to the info of how to obtain Titles that will be beneficial to you?”


Lucium nodded, “I am unaware of such things. I am a combat assistant, not an information or territorial one.”


Drake nodded as well, continuing, “That means you have a long way to go, and honestly. It’s going to be harder than it was for the others since you will have to do it while still disabled.”


“Pardon? Why could I not do this after I have Ranked up?” she asked.


“Some of the titles require you to kill beings one rank higher than your current. You’ve seen monsters before. Are you sure you can kill an E-Ranked one?” Drake asked.


Mordred’s face immediately paled and dimmed as she shook her head no but she gripped the hem of her skirt tightly biting down on the bottom of her lip.


“You said you have kids my age who have already done this?” she asked.


“I do. Six of them,” Drake answered.


“Then I will do it your way, Monsieur Drake. I will do anything to become stronger. Frankly, I do not care about the Primordials. I just wish to be strong enough to not be thrown away ever again,” she said, this time her eyes steely, beads of water pooling at their edges.


“Is there anything else?” she asked after a minute of silence.


“That’s pretty much it,” Drake said.


Mordred nodded, flipping a blue window towards him.


[Mordred Pendragon]


[Race: Fallen]

[Professions: Empty]

[Duplexity Sword King] [Legendary] Level 10


[Vitality] 112

[Strength] 126(+30%)

[Dexterity] 85

[Intelligence] 35

[Wisdom] 35

[Endurance] 45(+30%)


[Free Points] 126


[Skills Branches]




Marked by Risen, Of Heaven and Hell


Drake hummed to himself for a moment.


“Only two titles, you really didn’t do much, did you?” he said absent-mindedly, “But at least you have all of your free points available, that should be very good. Looks like this title ‘Of Heaven and Hell’ gives 20 to each stat?”


Mordred nodded but looked like she swallowed a bug at the mention of not doing much.


“It isn’t something to worry about, we’ll get you up to speed in no time,” Drake said giving a reassuring smile, that only made Mordred recoil away.


“Has anyone ever told you, you’re smile is creepy?” she frowned.


“Rude…” Drake grumbled, throwing a scoop of snow at Bjorn who wouldn’t stop laughing.


“Alright potty mouth, you look like you have way too many stats in some areas. Mind telling me what the initial stat gain was when you got your Legendary Class?” he asked moving the conversation forward.


“I received 50 to Strength and Dexterity, with 30% Stamina regeneration,” she said, her eyes distant as she seemed to be reading from a prompt, “I gain 55 free points per level, but I do not know about my level stat gain since I have not yet leveled up since gaining the class.”


Drake whistled, “Wow. If I wasn’t jealous before I am now! 55 per level?!”


“Do you not have a Legendary Class Monsieur?”


Drake laughed, “No I have two Rare classes.”


“Oh you have two Rare Classes,” Mordred paused, “You have two…?”


“I’m a dual class, yup. But I do have five legendary skill stones and a legendary subtree stone, so I still win,” Drake smirked, lifting the girl’s jaw to close it.


“Now that is out of the way, how about we go inside and meet the gang and grab some grub? We’re finally at my mom’s house so she’s bound to still have caldereta mix…” Drake mused, turning around to leave only to be stopped by Bjorn.


“Oh there is one other, but I don’t know-”


Bjorn was cut off, the front door of Drake’s home slamming open as a blond-haired boy was thrown to the street, tumbling down the stairs and snow.


Drake’s hair and tattoos had flared to life instantly only to be held back by Bjorn who sighed, “Right on time. Never fails to make an entrance, he’s a lot like you, bro.”


Raising his brow in confusion, Drake’s head turned back around to Mordred as he heard an audible sound of disgust leave her lips.


“Geh…Se prendre la tête. Must we include such trash as Glenn in this?” she sneered in abject disgust.


The apparent Glenn had rolled ass over backward to the street, Drake’s family home’s door slamming shut without a word.


The boy grunted but smiled back up at Drake from below his turned-over legs.


“Oh, Bonjour! Ah, Mordred what are you doing out here with a man? Are you cheating on me?”



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