Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 247: They Grow Up So Fast 1


After a torturous talking to, that included the use of a wooden spoon, metal hanger, and his mother's favorite belt, Drake had finally been allowed to leave with a few added bruises and bumps.


“Her class must seriously turn everyday objects into deadly weapons… How does she have enough power to get past my defense? No… I guess she could do that even before the system,” Drake laughed wearily as he dragged his feet to the living room.


“Yo,” Bjorn said, raising a hand, “All done, bro?”


Drake sighed and nodded, “Yeah for the most part. I didn’t explain everything but they agreed to come so that’s all that matters I guess,” he shrugged looking at the teens, “Alright troublemakers, that’s enough games time for work.”


“What! You made it seem like we had at least a few more hours?” Landin grumbled, pausing the game.


“Yeah well the faster we do this and get everyone back to ReUnite the faster we can get you all stronger and I can go to Sandal,” he said looking at Atropos and Clotho, “I haven’t forgotten about that place, we’re going to free everyone there just like I promised.”


Atropos and Clotho both nodded in response silently.


“Then, wanna come, Bjorn?” Drake asked.


“Oh? What are we doing, Rank Ups?” he asked back.


“Yup and I guess we should catch up on what’s happened over these last weeks.”


Drake inspected Bjorn.


[Bjorn Johnson Level 29]


“And figure out what to do about you almost being level 30,” Drake added, then found Lamar, “You coming as well Lamar?”


Lamar shook his head, “I don’t need any of that mess, I’m waiting on the food anyway,” he shrugged and placed an enormous hand on top of a girl's head ruffling her hair, “Zana is getting hungry too.”


Drake looked back to Bjorn.


“His sister. He was surprisingly already here when we arrived, I guess he lived in this area, how’s that for convenient?” Bjorn chuckled.


“Of course, something like that lines up, but oh well. Just means it’s easier for me to do my job,” Drake shrugged, “Alright let’s get go-”


He was about to motion for everyone to leave when he received a bone-chilling gaze hit the back of his head.


Turning around swiftly Drake’s tattoos flared and he quickly chanted.


“Bulwark! Guardian’s Reprieve! Unbreakable!”


He felt himself redden a split second later when he not only saw who it was but heard Bjorn cackling from the couch next to him.


“S-sherry… Since when were you here?” Drake stammered.


“I was sleeping in your room, but I smelled food cooking so I woke up,” she yawned, giving a thumbs up and a smile afterward.


Drake let out a breath shaking his head, “Are there any other surprises I should brace for? I feel like I just wasted my skill cooldowns just now-”


“Hey,” another voice said from behind him.


Drake reared his fist around instinctually at the voice sneaking up on him only to stop a mere centimeter from the person’s face a blast of wind kicking up the living room from the force.


“S-sorry… I j-just didn’t know when a good time to announce myself was…” Tom said, breaking out in a cold sweat as his eyes widened at the fist that nearly took his head off.


“T-Tom?” Drake muttered, “What have I… Never mind, I could have killed you, you know?”


“Y-yeah I see that, gotten stronger again huh…? Thanks for not ya know, taking my head off…” Tom said, smiling wryly.


“Ok, is there anyone else?” Drake asked, spreading his arms out before straightening out Tom’s disheveled clothes.


“Where exactly did he come from?” Landin asked, confused.


“Was he here the whole time?” Charlotte added.


“I did not notice him at all,” Atropos muttered, amazed.


“He sneaks nearly as well as the Deceiver…” Kalik scoffed from his side of the room.


“Tom here is a tank believe it or not and a damn good one,” Drake explained, patting him on the shoulder, “Sherry here, is like Tom, from my tutorial and she’s a very special support class.”


Tom gave a nervous wave, while Sherry put up two V signs and then grabbed Tom by the arm.


“Food Tom, food,” she said eagerly.


Drake’s mouth dropped and he turned to Bjorn, “When did this happen?” he asked as he watched Sherry usher Tom into the kitchen seeing the man’s golden retriever tail almost manifest and wag.


“Oh, that?” Bjorn laughed, “Happened when we came here. Honestly, I think it’s a good thing. Sherry sticks to Tom because he has that fetch me this energy right? And Tom is just happy to have someone who’s nice to him. Oh and don’t worry Sherry actually likes him, the puppy dog energy is just a plus she says.”


Drake imagined Sherry dangling treats above Tom’s head as he sat and wagged his tail, nearly bursting out laughing but stifled it since it seemed to match somehow.


“That’s good, I’m happy for him,” Drake smiled, “I’m sure it’s a pretty fun dynamic to watch since he can hold food over her head,” he laughed.


“Pretty much,” Bjorn agreed.


“Oh there is actually one more, but I think she’s in your room with your younger brother,” Bjorn added.


“Someone is in my room where Sherry was just sleeping and my 14-year-old brother is… Alone..?” Drake frowned.


“Don’t worry bro, you know who it is and she’s attached to someone already,” Bjorn smiled.


Then Drake heard the sound of stomping from the kitchen, his mother finally awakening to what had just happened in the living room.


“Punyeta! Who is tearing up my home?!” she stormed in pointing a dripping ladle, “Drake?! What did we just talk about!”


Drake made a dash down the hallway before she could catch him, slipping into his old room with a slam and click of the door’s lock.


He gave a sigh of relief only to hear the sound of a loud bass reverberating in his chest.


Drake gave a start but calmed down immediately noticing that it was just his brother mixing and the music had somehow been loud enough to boom through his headset. There was also a girl sitting on the bed next to the computer desk, a similar headset bobbing her head to the music.


Auburn hair split into pigtails.


“Chelsea?” Drake said, astonished to see the girl.


Neither one of them seemed to notice his entry, both bobbing their heads to the music making Drake smile.


He walked over to his brother tapping him lightly on his shoulder, the music stopping along with the deep base that was beating rhythmically.


“Oh, Drake? When did you get back? Happy birthday by the way bro,” Dillon said his lids half open.


“Were you up all night again?” Drake scoffed, “And thanks, is it my birthday?”


Dillon shrugged, “I know it’s in December and it's snowing out so.”


Drake laughed, “True, what’d you get me?” he asked.


“We were going to prank you, but since whatever happened happened we weren’t sure if we could. But since you’re here now I guess it’s still on.”


“Why can’t you just give your big brother a hug and an actual present,” Drake sighed.


“I’m giving you something better,” Dillon smiled, “I’m giving you memories.”


“Are you sure you’re 14?”


“Age is just a number, man.”


Drake smacked him in the back of the head, “That’s not something a 14-year-old should say, kid. In fact, that’s not something you should ever say, the internet would eat you alive.”


Dillon rubbed the back of his head grumbling, “The internet doesn't exist anymore.”


Drake fell to his knees, “D-don’t remind me…My shows!!!!”


“What the hell are you doing?” Chelsea finally asked.


“Comedy skit,” they said in unison.


Chelsea sighed, “You never change huh, even after all this time.”


“Would it be better if I did?” Drake asked getting up.


“No, not really.”


Drake paused for a moment, “So you’re the one in here, which means Bjorn said you were… Does that mean… You. And Bjorn…?” he gasped, “No…”


Chelsea smiled, “Persistence wins out.”


“I don’t believe it. You found an item or drugged him right?”


Chelsea got up scowling, “What kind of woman do you take me for?! I won his heart fair and square!”


“Then what are you doing in here?”


“I’m allowed to listen to music if I want! And your brother makes good music, bite me.”


“You’d like that wouldn't you…” Drake said, his eyes thinning.


“Fuck you!”


“You’d- Okay Okay, no need to get violent I was only joking!” Drake smiled backing up against the door, “I have enough women trouble as is,” he scoffed, “Anyway, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you and everyone are alright. Is Jacqueline here too? I haven’t seen her.”


“We aren’t sure…” Chelsea said a bit crestfallen.


“Damn,” Drake cursed.


“I’m sure she will be fine though,” Chelsea said trying to stay positive, “She knows how to leverage her assets and she’s a healer remember? Anyone would be lucky to add her to a group.”


“Lucky to stay sane…” Drake muttered but got back on topic, “Dillon I’m borrowing your beat buddy for a bit, and pack up everything you want, have mom put it away we’re leaving soon.”


Dillon raised a brow taking back off one earmuff, “Huh? Leaving? Why?”


Drake rolled his eyes, “Leave. Soon. Pack. Now,” he said pausing in between each word like he was talking to an infant.


“Fine.. after this song,” Dillon frowned.


“No. Now,” Drake said sternly, “Don’t make me ask again.”


Fine…” Dillon scowled, shutting down the computer.


Drake turned to Chelsea, “You coming?”


Chelsea shrugged, “Sure, you just killed my vibes, so might as well.”


“You’re telling me sister…” Dillon chimed in, only to get a smack to the back of the head, “Why couldn’t I be the older brother? This youngest debuff sucks…”


“Be ready soon you hear me,” Drake reminded, stepping out into the hallway, Chelsea following along with long casual strides.


Drake was met with his furious mother, lurking outside of the door, which he dealt with expertly by taking the ass-whooping he deserved and moved on to the living room to gather the teens.


“Alright, everyone ready?” Drake announced.


“What happened to your face?” Landin snickered.


“Exactly what will happen to you if you don’t zip your lip.”


Landin raised his hands, putting them behind his head.


“Then, time to get this party started,” Drake grinned.




It was finally time. Charlotte had been clutching the hem of her armor the entire time, sweating hands struggling to keep a grip.


“Ok,” Drake said, going out into the street, snapping his fingers to muster walls of earth, “Strip. Well first take your stones, then strip.”


“E-excuse me?!” Charlotte screamed in surprise as her head swiveled to look at the other teens.


Bjorn and the new woman Chelsea began laughing to themselves.


“Pardon? Why in the world would we strip?” Mordred scowled.


“Get your stones first, then enter each of your own rooms and strip, unless you want to wear dirty clothes after,” Drake said evenly, holding out several crystalline stones, “Also you will all need to complete your quests for the extra stones. I was really hoping we could get some better stones on the way here, but it seems that we weren’t lucky this time, and we don’t have time to wait until we get back to the city. We have to bank on getting the subtree stones you will need through the quest. Mordred, Atropos, Clotho do you still have your quest?”


“I have already completed mine, I have a King’s Swordsmanship subtree stone,” Mordred pulling out the item.


Atropos shook her head, “We had completed ours in the tutorial, unfortunately, my stone was of common rarity, as was Clotho’s. My apologies, Lord Drake.”


Drake shook his head, “It’s alright we can work with what we have.”


Charlotte shuffled on her feet slightly, looking at the quests on her side, completing the quest in mention.


[Quest Completed! Reach Level 10 Warrior]


[Accept Rewards?]


[You have received Subtree Stone: Ulster’s Spearmanship [Epic]


[You have received Locket of the Hunter [Uncommon]


[Locket of the Hunter] [Uncommon]


  • A memento of a long-lost hunter.
  • +5 to Dexterity and Endurance
  • +10% to Aura Strength



[Please select your choice of F-Grade Weapon]


Charlotte as well as the other three who hadn’t completed their quest suddenly had flashes of lights and items drop into their hands and in front of them.


She gave out a breath of relief.


Good, an epic subtree stone. Charlotte thanked, clutching the stone.


She also received a decent necklace as well, but now came what she needed most, a weapon.


It didn’t take long to find exactly what she wanted.


[Shield Maiden’s Training Spear] [F-Grade] [Uncommon]


  • 110 to 298 Physical Damage
  • 35 to 88 Magic Damage
  • +5 to Dexterity, +5 to Endurance
  • A weapon suited to the blooming warriors of the Grand Hall. Crafted to be sturdy and robust but not compromise its weight and handling, it is a fine piece of equipment.



Charlotte snatched the spear out of the air as it materialized. A sleek white shafted spear with a pointed tip that was simple but somehow menacing. The length was perfect in her hands.


She quickly gave a few practice thrusts, spinning the spear in her grip testing its balance, and smiled as it felt second nature.


“Good, looks like everyone got something good,” Drake smiled looking at the teens, “Now get going,” he said with a bit of hesitation.


Charlotte was a bit confused about why he would be worried at all, they were just ranking up, right?


But she understood it really meant there was no turning back after this.


She walked up to one of the partitions, a four-sided room with no ceiling making it keep the chill of the outside.


Drake snapped a door opening for each of the teens to enter, “I hope no one changes for the worse…” he muttered just soft enough for Charlotte, the closest one to hear before he snapped again, the doors shutting closed.


“Thanks for that…” she muttered, gripping the stones in her off-hand, “Guess it’s all or nothing now…”


Charlotte couldn’t hear anything, only the soft sounds of her own breathing which gave an eerie tranquility to the situation. A calm before the storm.


She took a deep breath, “Here we go.”


[You wish to consume Subtree Stone: Clouded Skies] [Rare]






“Y-yes,” Charlotte stammered.


At first, nothing happened, she looked down at the stone in her grip confused. Then suddenly it flashed with brilliant yellow light, melting and singing into her skin with a freezing chill like she had never felt before in her life.


She screamed, the shout echoing in the room drowning out everything. And then just as suddenly a heat she couldn’t compare to even burning herself assailed her entire body threatening to turn her to ash.


She lurched forward falling to her knees screaming and trying her best to stay conscious.


Her mind turned to regret, to anger, and then the face of her brother flashed in her mind and she steeled herself clawing at the ground, biding her time for the pain to pass.


And after what felt like eons, it did. The painful searing heat replaced with euphoric power.


[You have consumed Subtree Stone: Clouded Skies] [Rare]


[You have unlocked the Primary Subtree: Tempest’s Beckoning] [F-Rank]


[Passive effects have been applied]


[You have unlocked 5 new skill stone slots in Tempest’s Beckoning]


[You have unlocked 1 of 1 Primary Subtrees]


[Tempest’s Beckoning] [F-Rank] P1(0%)


  • The unrelenting storm can only be controlled by those of equally fierce will and determination. While still immature you gain brief control over the sky itself.
  • Passive Effects: +15% to Dexterity and Intelligence.
  • Skill: Tempest’s Beckoning - “The unforgiving lightning strikes at my beck and call. Tempest’s Beckoning.”
  • Area of Effect Skill that surrounds an area with lightning strikes that deal lightning damage in a 5 to 1 to Intelligence. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Your physical stikes are now converted to Lightning Damage and deal an additional 2 Damage per point of Dexterity. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Cost: A large amount of Stamina and Mana. (Reduced based on Proficiency)
  • Cooldown: 30 Minutes. (Reduced based on Proficiency) 



Charlotte let out a heaving breath, taking back in the cold chilly winter air giving her a brief reprieve of relief.


“W-what was that..!” she gasped, “That doesn’t even compare to when I got my main class.”


She held up the second stone, looking at it warily. But after only a second of hesitation, she gripped it tightly determined to finish what she started.


[You wish to consume Subtree Stone: Ulster’s Spearmanship] [Epic]





“Yes!” Charlotte screamed, clenching her jaw.


Piercing cold assaulted her once more, chilling her to the bones and more.


She fell as her body locked up, going as rigid as a corpse as she let out a silent scream feeling her body somehow creak and groan under her skin.


Then once more, unrelenting searing heat burned her from within and she saw her auburn hair fall in front of her face as she snapped back falling on her side.


Her insides and out felt as if someone was continually branding them with a hot iron heated by the sun, louder and louder snapping.


Then, just as quickly as it came, it vanished, replaced by welling and surmounting power as she sat upwards, a beaming smile on her face.


She gave out a heartful laugh but the voice that came out sounded different, sounded clearer, lighter, more feminine?


Then notifications hit her.


[You have consumed Subtree Stone: Ulster’s Spearmanship] [Epic]


[You have unlocked the Secondary Subtree: Cu Chulainn’s Spear Mastery][F-Rank]


[Passive Effects have been applied]


[You have unlocked 5 new skill stone slots in Cu Chulainn’s Spear Mastery]


[You have unlocked 1 of 1 Secondary Subtrees]


[Cu Chulainn’s Spear Master][F-Rank] P1 (0%)


  • As the defender of Ulster, one’s battle prowess must constantly be at the peak and you have now been imparted with spearmanship of the greatest in Ulster’s history.
  • Passive Effects: +15% Dexterity and Endurance. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Passive Skill Effects: Massive increase in understanding of the spear and allows the user to gain substantial remuneration for diligent practice of the spear.


[You have advanced to F-Rank]


[You have received Title: Student of the Tyrant Asuran]


[Student of the Tyrant Asuran]


  • You have stayed under the tutelage of the last remaining Asuran while reaching F-Rank.
  • +20 to each Stat.



[You have received Title: Cu Chulainn’s Disciple]


[Cu Chulainn’s Disciple]


  • You are entering the realm of the greatest spear wielder known to Ulster.
  • +50% Damage dealt with spears.



[You have received Title: Unrequited Love of the Tyrant]


[Unrequited love of the Tyrant]


  • Your fervent passion for the last of the Asurans may have fallen on deaf ears… for now, but your loyalty will not go unrewarded.
  • +20% to Aura Submission Effects to those of the same rank.



Charlotte tried to keep her smile, but she suddenly felt weak, her vision dimming as she saw the room spin until her vision completely darkened and her ears heard a reverberating ‘pop’ in the chamber.



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