Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 258: Reports

“Closest to the Originators…?” Drake muttered, “And where is this standing on ceremony coming from? I didn’t get this.”


“Apologies, Lord Wallen,” Pythanuel said, giving another bow, “It is simply a precaution to not offend… We show difference to all Primordials, of course, however, sons and daughters of the World Eater….require more...”


Drake gave a look to Bjorn, who looked just as confused as he felt.


“Care to explain?” Drake asked.


Pythanuel looked far more anxious than Drake had ever seen him, even after the whole Asuran statue changing in front of him debacle.


“Please this way,” Pythanuel finally said, turning around.


Drake, Bjorn, and Chelsea followed suit behind him. Bjorn and Chelsea looking around at the statues in wonder.


“They’re basically statues of each race's strongest figure, you can offer and pray to them for temporary buffs,” Drake explained.


“Dope,” Bjorn said, turning his head to a statue that had just melted and reformed as they passed, “And what's up with that, bro? It’s the third one I’ve seen,” he said pointing.


“Oh, the lower level ones I guess change a lot, higher and further back we go the stronger the people are, and the less frequently they change. Or so I’ve heard,” Drake shrugged.


“Speaking of which,” Drake grumbled, “Why are we going deeper instead of towards where all the rest of the Primordial Races are?”


Pythanuel coughed, “I-i apologize Lord Wallen. The Father of the Void is a very special case…” he explained looking up at the ceiling in worry as if looking past it, “I am sure you are aware that the S-Rank beings can, and will bend the will of the system, yes?”


Drake felt a twinge of pain hit the base of his spine where the Dragon woman had forced the legendary stones into him against his will.


“Yeah, I’m aware…” he grimaced.


Pythanuel nodded, continuing, “This is a known and common occurrence among Primordials to an extent. They incur harsh punishments for doing so, but to be able to do so at all is a miracle and a show of strength nonetheless. However…”


He paused, turning around before taking a deep breath and looking at Bjorn.


“The majority of the great Primordials both fear and despise the Titan race. In the agreement they reached to place a bounty on various races, they also placed an absolute decree on Titans as well. They were not to be interacted with under any circumstances or provoked in any way, deliberate or otherwise.”


“What? They aren’t fighting these bastards that are eating whole planets and killing tillions?” Drake said recoiling, then looked at Bjorn, “No offense.”


Bjorn shrugged, “None taken.”


“You must understand, Lord Wallen, Titans are bonafide walking disasters. Catastrophes a degree of magnitude greater than anything you could imagine,” Pythanuel grimaced, “So much so that they have agreed to relinquish entire systems if a Titan is known to inhabit it.”


Drake’s eyes thinned slightly, feeling as if Pythanuel wasn’t telling the whole story.


“Okay, that still doesn’t explain why you are being so cautious about speaking with Bjorn and about the Titans.”


Pythanuel loosened his collar slightly, beginning to walk down the hall again, “As I have mentioned, Primordials are seen as the beings closest to the Originators due to their limited ability to manipulate the system in some regards. However, the one race seen as even closer, are the Titans, each one a natural disaster in their own right, but also have the ability to somehow manipulate the system further.”


“How…?” Drake asked pressing him.


“There are a few passing stories telling of Titans suddenly appearing all over the multiverse as if teleported there. The most notable would be of one particular individual, disrespecting a particular Titan I will not name…only to have them appear and devour the entire sector.”


Drake and Bjorn grimaced.


“Is it wrong I think that’s kind of badass..?” Drake said in a whisper leaning over to Bjorn.


“A little, but I can’t help but agree, bro,” Bjorn laughed uncomfortably.


“Many stories have been told of their ability to simply break rules of the system as well,” Pythanuel said, breaking up their chatter, his face turning serious as he turned to face them, a wide room now behind him at the end of the hall.


“This is where I must leave you, as well as warn you, Lord Wallen. This is a substantiated story that I fear may apply to you now that I know of Lord Bjorn. Titans do not heed the warnings of the system, nor their restrictions, and they always come to members of their race in need.”


Pythanuel bowed again, then left, passing in between the trio.


Drake looked at Bjorn, “Well, that wasn’t foreboding or anything.”


“Yeah, pretty doom and gloom, he always like that?” Bjorn asked.


“Not sure, he was pretty upbeat when I was here, maybe it's just the effect you have on people?” he joked.


“Uh… guys?” Chelsea stammered, getting Bjorn and Drake’s attention.


Both turned from the hallway to the room, it surprisingly expansive.


A single window brought light in from the side to illuminate the room the rays brightening the sole statue within it.


The statue was massive to say the least.


“That's the Titian number one…?” Drake said pointing at the statue, “Why does he get a whole room to himself?”


“Dunno. Maybe he just doesn’t like everyone else,” Bjorn shrugged.


“Or maybe everyone else doesn’t like him…” Chelsea muttered.


They moved inside the room together, Drake getting up close to the statue the pyre in front of it a deep color almost the shade of black.


“So what do we do here?” Bjorn asked, “We got a little more information but doesn’t seem like there’s much else.”


Drake put his hand to his chin, “Not sure, I honestly expected a little more, and damn, I forgot to ask Pythanuel about the offerings he mentioned… Maybe you should offer something and get a buff? You’re a titan yourself so might be a good one.”


“You sure about that? Didn’t that goat dude just say they could like teleport? You really want an S-Rank Primordial coming down to earth bro?”


“Good point…” Drake agreed, “Hm… I guess that’s all we can do for now then. I didn’t expect the guy to be this big though, he has to be like a few stories high if the statues are to scale,” he mused.


“Yeah he looks pretty big,” Bjorn nodded but his gaze lingered on the statue.


Bjorn was obviously thinking something over as he scanned the statue, his eyes looking focused but thoughtful.


Drake nudged him, “You okay there big guy?”


Bjorn shook his head, “Yeah, just. Kind of reminds me of that vision I had… Not something I want to think about right now.”


“There’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure we will figure something out soon, I’m at the door to E-Rank, which means Natto can hit me with more info soon enough. And even if that isn’t good enough, I’ll just keep going until we do. I told you man, just leave it to me, promise.”


Bjorn gave a smirk.


“Yeah, yeah. We should probably go, we have somewhere else to be right?”


“That we do, my large and slightly taller friend. Oh, I forgot to mention, didn’t I? Theo, Megan, and Julia are here in town, oh, and Harley. Did you know Harley’s pregnant? But you didn’t hear it from me…” Drake said, whispering the last part.


“Megan’s here?!” Chelsea shouted, making her way to the entrance.


“Glad some of the group is back together, missed Theo and his shenanigans. And Harley’s pregnant, huh? Good for them,” Bjorn smiled.


“Yup, could you imagine my surprise when she came walking in and she was two times-” Drake stopped feeling a chill down his spine, “Never mind, let’s uh, get going.”


Drake stepped past Bjorn leading the charge out of the building. Once outside the sound of a pop filled the air, and Natto appeared in front of them her hair braided into twin-tails, different clothes on her person, and a haggard look on her face.


“Finally! I thought you would never leave that blasted building!” Natto screamed raising her hands into the air.


“Drake stifled a laugh, “What happened?”


“I will tell you what happened! Your mother is just as much a menace as you are! She tried to dress me up! Continuing to say ‘she always wanted a daughter’ every few seconds, changing my clothes every few minutes, talking to me about rather useless information about some show I have never heard of, and trying to feed me without letting me breathe saying I was too skinny!” she said in a long drawn out breath, then paused, “Now that I think about it, certainly I did not mind the last part. More delectables than I could have asked for. But I have had enough dress up for now!” she said, returning to being outraged.


Bjorn began to laugh as well, but stopped as Natto scowled at him. But she breathed in a sigh and instead snapped her hands, her hair and clothes returning to normal. Then pulling a stack of folders from her sleeve.


“Here, dolt.”


“What are these?” Drake asked.


“Reports. You may not be part of the daily dealings of the city, but I found it appropriate to at least inform you of what is happening.”


Drake groaned, “Do I have to read these? Can’t you just, I don’t know, give me a summary?”


She spat at his feet, “That is a summary you mongrel! How much do you think has happened since you left?”


Drake shrugged.


“Additions to the city in every corner. There are now blocks of solid infrastructure thanks to my tireless workings and possibly a particular overworked earth mage… We have erected several orphanages for the children headed by several trusted people. The fields on the wall are running nicely thanks to addition of several new mages able to manipulate fire and water among new farmers we have begun training. Resources are beginning to be processed in the nearby area. lumber, foraging, and we are searching for any other magical substances we may have missed, herbs, plants, ore, and the like. Unfortunately, I do not believe we will be able to obtain a steady import of these items. We have started searching for a local product we can produce to trade. Monster hunting and questing can only go so far before it begins to cut into profits and affect the economy, at least on a fledgling planet not suited for it such as ours,” Natto explained, then held up a finger before Drake could ask his question, “If we only have Monster Cores as a form of income for the people here, they will simply use them within the auction house and the money will be funneled outside of the city instead of within our own economic hub. We need to start producing local goods to keep the money here. It will take time but we are working toward it. If we could find a way to produce weaponry and armor for the majority of Ranks here that would be most beneficial.”


Drake nodded along, flipping through the papers and folders only to get hit in the face with a book bound in leather.


“Ah, what the hell?! I was listening!”


Natto had finished her summary and had already begun ripping off chunks of meat from a skewer. She paused, pointing at the book with the stake.


“That is all the information I can currently give you on your Rank-Up and the Quest associated with it. There are also the things we discussed about the lost cats you have picked up, their builds, recommended stones, etc.”


Natto threw several more things at Drake, this time he pulled them out of the air, not wanting to be accosted by objects any more than he had to today.


“Those are recording crystals. They are inexpensive and from the auction house, I have purchased several hundred of them to place around the city for security. I thought you would also like to have some to maybe record the progress of your pet projects. Or… other things,” Natto said, giving a sly smile.


“I’m not into that kind of thing!” Drake growled.


“Are you not? Mr. xXxDemonHunterDrakexXx? If that is, your real name,” she guffawed, rearing back her head in laughter.


Who told you?!” Drake said, going slightly pale then realization hit him, “Mom!!!!”


Hey everyone, welcome back to the stream! Today we’re going to go questing, teehee!” Natto said in a mocking tone, sticking her tongue out and winking.


Drake rushed forward grabbing Natto by the throat with both hands as he looked down, “Oi. You’re taking this joke too far.”


Natto groaned but smiled, “This is the hunter of nightmares, signing off… See…you…next…t-time!”


Drake released her dropping to his knees, “Oh, the cringe! Make it stop!!”


Bjorn shook his head, “I never thought I’d hear the day.”


Drake turned as he whipped his head around, “You didn’t hear a damn thing, Bjorn! Right?!”


He held up his hands, Theo shimmering into sight right next to him clapping his hands.


“Theo? What’s up bro, how ya been?” Bjorn said, noticing him.


“This one has been splendid, Sir Bjorn! Even more so now that this one has heard of his Lord’s past splendor straight from the Lord’s benevolent mother’s mouth!”


“Not you too!” Drake sighed, “I’m going to have to have a talk with her!” his shoulders slumped slightly before he took in a breath, “Good to see you again, Theo. How is the school coming along? Oh! By the way, I have one of your new teachers here!” Drake said, pointing to Bjorn.


Theodore’s brows rose in understanding a small smile creasing his lips, “Oh what a wondrous fate thy has to accompany this one in the education of the Lord’s future servants!”


“No, Theo, they’re just students…not everyone is going to work for me,” Drake sighed.


“And I never agreed to be a teacher bro,” Bjorn added.


“Ah come on, you got nothing better to do! Just pick flowers and teach kids till they get their herbalist and alchemy quests or something. You wanted something relaxing right?”


“This one is inclined to agree. We already have constructed an outline and are recruiting students from the orphans and other children in the city, having more staff will indubitably be a blessing, Sir Bjorn,” Theodore explained bowing slightly.


Bjorn scratched his beard and sighed, “Sure, pull at my soft side.”


Drake nudged him again in the side, “You sure there’s a soft side on you? Cause I couldn’t find it once whenever we fought.”


He realized something and looked down to Natto, who had pulled out a steaming pot in the meantime waiting for them.


“Hey Natto, you know anything about like a hyperbolic time chamber type deal or a-”


“A fighting arena?” she said, finishing his thought.


“Yeah, a fighting arena would work I guess? I increased my nobility rank when we were out getting ganked by vamps, I haven’t checked the Center Store yet but I’m guessing there might be some new buildings to snag.”


Natto thought for a moment.


“Yes, there is a facility called a Spirit Arena you can purchase from the Auction, but it is a B-Rank building contract and extremely expensive to purchase and upkeep. We would have to look at what the Center offers if I am being truthful as I am not sure. The offerings vary depending on the planet, but I am sure that something of the sort will be there at some point.”


“Oh, the auction! We have to go there and finish up filling out the little troublemaker’s skills, don’t we? I wanna see if I can get something for myself too, I think it’s about time I talk with the locals and see if I can’t haggle my way into some of Kajit’s wares…”



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