Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 260: The Grand Arena

Drake scratched the back of his head, honestly flustered at what to do with the new information that was dropped on him, then suddenly cut off before he could get clarification.


Left there like he had just gotten done with a wild rapids ride, he shrugged.


“Well, that was probably some kind of canon event… But… Dunno where to go from here, so I guess it’s time to get back to everyone.”


“Where are we going Lord Drake?” a voice said from behind him.


He turned, both surprised and confused that he was caught so unaware since coming back even with his Aura still doing its thing.


“Atropos, Charlotte. Done getting your skills?” 


Charlotte shook her head, “I was only able to get one stone. They are simply too expensive for me. I think it may be better to fill up the remaining slots I have with the stones on hand.”


“I as well was not able to acquire much,” she agreed, her ears and tails drooping slightly, “Uncommon and below stones are quite affordable, but once we delved into the rarer stones the prices became unwieldy.”


“It makes me think just how much you spent on the stones we already received…” Charlotte said trailing off.


Drake gave her a ruffle of her hair, which he realized looked quite different now that she was basically the same height as him and looked like a grown adult.


“Don’t sweat the small stuff. And you can both just slowly add to your skill lists, there isn’t a rush to finish it. Getting to E-Rank will take time right now just because of the monsters available to hunt. But there’s the Monster Invasions coming soon and who knows what else for opportunities, so just don’t slack on training and it will all come in time. By the way, why is it only you two?”


Charlotte crossed her arms, “I couldn’t let the puppy find you on her own. I saw her slinking off after she purchased something.”


“I was not, nor have I ever, slinked! I simply wished to see Lord Drake and assess whether or not he was in need of assistance… with… something…” Atropos huffed.


Drake sighed, “And you left Quetz alone?”


Charlotte’s stone-cold face jerked ever so slightly it was almost unnoticeable, but she crossed her arms, “What do you take me for?”


Drake waited.


“I left her with Kalik. To annoy him and because Landin was gone.”


Drake smiled.


“I love that annoying Kalik is becoming a thing. Just remember in moderation, poor kid probably doesn’t know what a joke is… And Landin is missing? Did he leave early?”


Atropos and Charlotte shrugged.


“And your brother? He’s usually at your hip?” Drake asked.


“I…” Atropos looked away, “Might have asked a nice guard to stop him… for a bit…”


“You got him arrested?!” Drake yelled.


“No! He is only being brought to the proprietress I’m told.”


Drake’s hand went to his temples as he sighed. Then he grabbed them both by the arms, “Alright let’s go save him… I really didn’t want to deal with Taliya today.”




Drake and the pair made their way out of the bartering area, the main floor still bustling with patrons heading to counters and stalls, others to the large audience halls for bidding.


He quickly found a guard.


“Hey, I need to see Taliya, heard one of my kids got snatched up.”


The guard frowned, “It is Proprietress to you…”


Drake gave a wave, “Yup, need to see her. Please and thank you.”


The guard growled, but another guard found them before anything detrimental happened. Namely, Drake getting his face run into the ground by a B-Rank Guard he was currently prodding like an angry bear.


“You know where the second floor is, you can find it yourself,” the new guard said.


Drake nodded, heading for the back stairs with Charlotte and Atropos in tow.


Atropos hummed, impressed that Drake was able to command such influence in a place like this, “As expected of Lord Drake!” she mumbled under her breath.


They quickly got to the top of the stairs, the second floor much less impressive than the main floor. Hallways filled with private rooms in all directions and a small viewing balcony for VIP’s.


Down the longest and widest hall, several guards stood at attention, marking Talyia’s office or at least where she spent most of her time.


Drake gave a wry grin trying to see the woman actually working after his interactions with her.


But they moved down the hallway casually, the intimidating air of the guards pushing down on Atropos and Charlotte, however, both held out admirably, steeling themselves against the auras.


Before they could fully get to the end of the hallway, the door swung open. And Drake gasped.


“No…” he muttered seeing both Landin and Clotho exiting the room, Taliya holding a wide grin as she placed the back of her hand on both their hands, both teens holding a crystalline stone in each of their respective hands.


“Gasp!” Drake yelled loud enough for them to hear, their heads turning to him, as Drake covered Atropos and Charlotte’s ears with his hands.


Landin’s face turned a shade of red as did Clotho's, surprisingly.


“Gasp!!” Drake yelled again, this time summoning hands of earth to shield Charlotte and Atropos’s already wrapped eyes.


Taliya licked her lips, covering her face with her fan, “I hope to see you strapping young boys in the future. You are dismissed.”


“Gasp!!!” Drake said once more dramatically as he gasped, “You two didn’t!”


Landin growled as Clotho turned his head downward.


“We didn’t do shit! What do you take us for?! She just said she wanted to give us skill stones since we were having so much trouble!”


Drake turned his head, his hand on his face as he pretended to shed a tear, “I expected better of you two, just a few days ago you were so innocent… Now… Now!!!”


He gave a dramatic grunt against the fist in his side.


“I think your joke has gone far enough…” Landin grumbled.


Drake smiled, “Fine fine. Can’t blame me for teasing. It’s my job.”


“Since when!?”


“Since I basically adopted you all. You’ll understand once my family settles in,” Drake smirked back.


Landin and the rest were taken aback for a moment at the casual admittance of being adopted.


The truth was that Drake had in a way made them family, watching them grow through admittedly a short amount of time, but they had gone through more than anyone in the world before would have. Saving their lives several times over, watching them in life and death struggles, fighting for days for their betterment. The bond they held went beyond a normal friendship or even family at this point.


Even a student and teacher relationship couldn’t fully explain the depths of obligation and gratitude they felt for him even if some would not admit it.


Drake laughed, “Let’s get going. I’m sure Kalik has had enough of Quetz by now. And we have an appointment to keep.”


He was the first to turn and begin walking down the hall, the rest of them lagging just a step behind. Clotho fell back in line with his sister who was rubbing the side of her face Drake had touched with an ecstatic expression. Charlotte glanced at his back, a slight flush of her cheeks on her stoney face. And Landin crushed the skill stone he had been given already, a crow appearing from a magic circle on his shoulder, darker than black in color.




Drake pointed and laughed, unable to form coherent words as they exited the auction.


They had found Kalik and Quetz.


Kalik was standing against a post, well as best he could, brooding with his arms crossed as he glowered at anyone passing by.


Quetz on the other hand was on his shoulders, her elbows digging into the top of his head as they held up her own, a completely bored expression as she whistled a lazy tune.


That was until she spotted Drake and the others, smacking Kalik on the head and pointing.


“Kalik look look! Quetz spotted them! Go go!” she cooed, rocking back and forth.


Kalik growled, “Oi! Get off me you damned rainbow chicken!”


“Boooo! What’s wrong with rainbows!” Quetz huffed, her feathers shifting to an indignant red, “Quetz likes them, they have lots of pretty colors! And who is a chicken?!”


She smacked the top of his head again pulling at his mohawk-like hair, “Stupid rooster!”


Kalik threw up his hands roaring to swipe at Quetz but she jumped off, floating in the air effortlessly thanks to her new skills as she booed and laughed at him pointing.


“Ha! Stupid rooster!”


Drake walked up putting his hand on Kalik’s shoulder, “Enjoy babysitting?”


Kalik raised a shaking fist his face scowling, “I am a proud warrior of the Rahk… I am a proud warrior of the Rahk… I am… a proud warrior of the Rahk!!!”


“Sure you are,” Landin snickered, petting under the chin of his new companion.


“Oh, who’s this?” Drake said, noticing the bird.


Landin smiled.


Drake gave the bird a quick check.


[Bahamut Level 1]


“Really?” Drake scoffed.


“I think it fits. Don’t you Bahamut?” Landin asked, the bird cooing at his touch.


“Is that what you got from Taliya?”


“Yeah she gave me E-Rank Cores for a summon,” Landin shrugged, “She seemed really interested in my class. And I’m not gonna say no to that. It shows he’s very strong too off-rip. I can’t wait to see what he can do.”


Drake feigned a sob, “W-was it worth it?”


Landin raised a hand about to yell something, but a pop sounded and Natto appeared on Drake’s shoulder.


“Was what worth it?” she asked.


“Landin traded his chastity for 10 E-Rank Cores,” Drake snickered.


“Hooo…” Natto mused, “Only ten? I suspect you could have at least gotten a single A-Rank, you are a healthy young Vessel after all.”


“I didn’t sell myself!” Landin screamed, his face reddening.


“We know, we know,” Drake smiled, “Alright that’s enough teasing from everyone,” he said, waving his hand and a vortex of wind pulled Quetz to the ground with a thump and a groan.


“Ah…! Dummy! My feathers are all dirty now!” Quetz grumbled getting up, dusting herself off.


“That’s just how it goes, punishment for your teasing.”


“Then where is yours?” Landin mumbled.


“In due time! In due time,” Drake scoffed, “Anyone seen Glenn, Mordred, and Luciem?”


The teens shook their heads.


“I saw her browsing the booths and consoles but it’s hard to keep track of everyone in that place,” Charlotte offered.


“Natto?” Drake asked.


She raised a brow and a few blue screens appeared in front of her, “The half angel girl? She is currently at the cafe on main street.”


Drake pursed his lips, “Hmm… I thought she would want to Rank Up right away but looks like she’s relaxing? Well, that’s fine.”


Natto interjected before Drake could get off track again, “I would like to mention that I have taken the liberty of purchasing the arena after visiting the Center on your behalf.”


Drake looked at her, then opened his inventory, frowning.


“Really? That much?” he asked.


“No one said it would be cheap. A few thousand F-Rank Cores is a penance for what we were able to purchase. Lest you forget we also have a small income, for now, from the city. I simply pulled from your purse to balance the cost,” Natto grinned.


Drake sighed, “Fine, I was going to get it anyway so… Then let’s go pick up Mordred and them on the way. Have you seen Sarah at all?”


“She awaits you all at the Grand Arena. There was an increase of the competitors as well and I should mention that the arena will be costly for use. I suggest you keep it to only students and the elite you wish to nurture. Daily use of it will go beyond our means at the moment.”


“Oh? Where did you place it?”


“Within the school's facilities, dear Theodore and Harley are already there for the show.”


“Show?” the teens asked in unison.


“Why yes, I felt it was appropriate to spread the news and make some coin from this, the arena is sold out,” Natto smiled, “ And might I say the storyline is quite enticing! A battle between the greenhorns of the city against the hardened rugged veterans that guard the citizens! How will the new pillars of both the youth and students of the Tyrannical Asuran fair? Will they triumph? Or will they be pitiful stains of blood on the arena floor?”


Drake nodded approvingly.


Pillars of ReUnite, I kind of like that.”




“Yeah, no.”


“I refuse.”


“I must also unfortunately turn this down, Lord Drake.”




“It’s not cute! Booo..!”


“Then it’s unanimous! The Pillars of ReUnite it is!” Drake said smiling.




Drake and company walked down main street, pulling eyes from everywhere as they made their way to the cafe Natto had mentioned.


Eventually, they reached their destination finding, Mordred sipping something out of a cup, Lucium stoically behind her like a butler in movies. Glenn was at the other end of the table, his head slightly down.


“There you are,” Drake greeted, “Find anything useful?”


Mordred frowned as if his question soured both her mood and drink, “Non, we were unable to find anything of substantial benefit to us. How did Monsieur fair?”


“I didn’t really have time to browse for too long, so nothing so far, I can give you some more coins if you want to look for yourself or you will have to wait for now. We are heading to the arena, you should join us and see how everyone fights, since you’ll be joining the team before long.”


Mordred looked the group over, eventually nodding. Lucium bowed, wheeling her from the table and out to their group, Glenn following like a puppy that had been scolded, his shoulders slumped and head down.


“What’s with him?” Landin asked.


“Glenn was rejected by every girl he has approached since arriving,” Mordred huffed, “Par the course.”


“They said I was too weak…” he muttered.


“Makes sense, most people are getting past level 10 now, and you haven’t ranked up,” Drake agreed, putting a hand on the kid’s shoulder, “Don’t worry you’ll get there.”


“Mon frere!” Glenn said, spreading his arms wide for a hug.


Drake put his hand up stopping the teen in his tracks with it, “No, this isn’t a hug, we aren’t there yet.”


Glenn rubbed his nose, where it felt like he had run into a steel wall, and nodded, “Oui.”


“Alright without further adieu! Let’s get our butts to this party!” Drake shouted, raising a hand into the air, only Glenn and Quetz parroting the action.


“You guys are no fun,” Drake grumbled.


“You ever think it’s you and not us?” Landin frowned.




Drake turned, pointing down the street and marching in the direction of the academy district.


A few minutes later they were pushing through a packed crowd so thick they couldn’t see anything in front of them. But once people began noticing their group the crowd suddenly began to split to allow them through.


“There’s so many people!” Quetz beamed.


“Is the whole city here..?” Charlotte asked, her head turning.


“Oh… what a crowd,” Landin mused.


Before long the roaring crowd dissipated, and the arena was finally in view.


It wasn’t what Drake expected, the huge building looking more like a futuristic facility rather than a colosseum that he would have thought of when hearing the word arena. It was a sleek white building with no windows, that looked to have an entrance at each side from the lines that were forming from his observation. On the walls closest to the arena there were stalls galore and to Drake’s interest a line of people around a man with glasses shouting for bets.


“You all go inside… I’ll be there in a second…” Drake muttered as he walked away.


“Where is he going?” Landin asked.


Charlotte shrugged, “We should get inside.”


The teens moved to the front of the line, being let inside without argument as they saw Drake move out of sight, only to hear him yelling something, the sound of something very large and jangly, like a bag of coin, hitting the ground.




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