Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 263: Trouble On Two Legs

Drake’s mouth hung slightly as he saw Landin nearly effortlessly handle the rogue that had attacked him, even going as far as to concurrent chant.


“He doesn’t have a spell-casting reduction skill… That was just pure skill. Was it from when he was a cleric? To have this much understanding of his spells limitations is really impressive.”


A hand draped on his right shoulder, Bjorn giving a smile.


“Don’t go jumping in there, bro.”


“What?” Drake replied.


Bjorn pointed to Drake’s hand. Drake had already conjured a small fireball, his arms glowing gold from his tattoos.


“You didn’t even notice?” Bjorn asked, reeling Drake back into his seat.


“N-no… I didn’t, thanks. I guess they’re just growing up so quickly, I didn’t even realize.”


“Makes sense though, right?”


“What do you mean?”


“Well, like the kid said, they’re trying to chase after you and repay you right? That’s a tall order just going by levels and stats,” Bjorn shrugged, “Then add in that you saved them all, that’s weight on the shoulders of kids that most adults would probably crumble under.”


Drake’s expression turned thoughtful. He hadn’t thought too deeply on that. He knew very well he was putting a lot on the teens and expected even more because of the growth they displayed during the past week. But even if that was true, he didn’t have a choice. He didn’t have many other people to trust with protecting the city originally.


Now Bjorn and his other party members from the tutorial were gathering thankfully, but it still wasn’t enough. He had seen how fast the undead were converting towns and if he was right, there would be thousands more, if not hundreds of thousands of undead just waiting in the wings for him to leave or give an opening for them to exploit.


Natto tapped him on the side, making him turn while the crowd continued to cheer, the battle resuming in favor of the teens against the adventurers.


She pointed to the staircase between the stadium seats, Rvul standing there with a troubled expression.


Sah Ul’ had not noticed her father just yet, enamored with the fight inside the arena just like the crowd.


Drake grumbled, his head torn between looking at the arena and addressing Rvul. He sighed and finally moved past Sarah, who turned and followed after realizing her father was there.


“Yeah, something the matter Rvul? Look like you ate my mom’s cooking,” Drake joked.


Rvul bowed his head slightly, “Apologies Patriarch, there is something… Troublesome.”


Drake raised a brow, and with a pop natto was gone.


“What do you mean? Monsters? More vampires? Gonna have to be more specific there man.”


“There is currently a group of people waiting at the gate demanding to see you. One of the members seems to be asking for you by name and is insisting they know you personally.”


Drake’s mind turned to everyone he knew that was still out there.


Another pop and Natto was back, her face scowling.


“You need not deal with this, I will send them away.”


“Well, now I’m really curious, who is it?”


“You are better off not knowing,” she said firmly.


“Natto,” Drake asked again just as firmly.


She grumbled, “It is a woman named Marrissah Terreno…”


Drake was surprised by how calm he was hearing the name of his former co-worker. After what had happened with Stewart he expected to react more viscerally.


“Ah…” Drake said coldly, “Tell her I’ll see her, which gate?”


“Patriarch?” Sah Ul’ asked, noticing something off in his tone.


Which gate,” Drake asked again.


“The East gate,” Natto replied, “But you do not have to-”


“I’m going, tell her I’ll be there soon.”


Before anyone could protest, Drake began going down the stairs with measured steps.


Sah Ul’ and Rvul moved quickly to catch up with him.


“Patriarch you are leaving? Before the fight is done?” Sah Ul’ asked.


“You can stay and cheer them on, this is something that needs to be taken care of,” Drake replied seriously.


“I’m sorry Patriarch, I tried to send them away. They have excessive demands and have an unruly group, so they have been contained to outside the gate,” Rvul explained.


“It’s fine. I honestly expected no less. Whether or not it’s the system or just people’s personalities finally coming to light thanks to the power. It looks like some people are just born despicable,” Drake said, moving faster down the hall, leaving them both behind.




Within a few seconds Drake had moved to the east gate, already hearing the screaming and complaining of the group in mention, being held back by the guards who unfortunately had to stand on duty while the others enjoyed the show in the arena.


Drake moved to the elf man, putting a hand on his shoulder.


“I’ll take it from here.”


The man’s eyes widened seeing both Natto and Drake, his head bowing slightly as he moved backwards.


Drake looked at the group, their yelling and screaming now directed at him.


“Is this anyway to treat visitors?!”


“We came here for the auction! Why aren’t we being allowed in!”


“What’s this horseshit about being watched? Who gave you the right to monitor us!”


“I demand to see Drake Wallen, the leader of this sorry excuse for a city! Once he hears what I have to say, you’re all going to regret it!”


Drake scoffed, watching the woman he used to know from work wag and threaten him with his own name.


Brown hair tied back into a ponytail, leather armor that was obviously of good quality. And as far as Drake could see, barely marked with use.


He gave her an even stare.


“What’s your problem? We are guests here! And we demand to be let in! Or is our money not good here because we aren’t Monsters?” Marrissah scoffed, crossing her arms.


“You really have the audacity to say that?” Drake replied in a low, cold tone.


“Excuse me? How dare you say that to me! I know the owner of this city! I’ll have you-”


“You really don’t recognise me? Or are you really that stupid that you haven’t used your identify skill? No… you don’t have one?”


[Marrissah Terreno Level 12]


“Wha- I’ve never!” Marrissah snapped, literally snapping as another man walked forward, his eyes shining green.


“Marrissah…” the man whispered, even though Drake could easily hear him from their distance, “This guy is Drake Wallen.”


Marrissah’s face instantly twisted in realization, her face turning into a more palpable facade.


“Drake….” she said coyishly, sauntering forward a bit, “You’ve changed so much that I didn’t recognise you right away!”


She moved to place her hand on his chest, but Drake snatched her wrist.


“Don’t touch me so casually,” he sneered, “I’ll give you and this sorry group one chance. Leave.”


He released her, and she backed away rubbing her wrist.


“Why are you being so distant and mean!” she wailed, puffing out her cheeks, “Didn’t we have fun before all this craziness happened?”


Drake held a hand up, Natto about to say something. Instead he simply leveled his gaze.


“Fun? You mean how you and Stewart set me up? And ruined my life?”


Marrissah flinched slightly, but tried her best to continue her parade, “Set you up? I have no idea-”


“You know,” Drake cut her off, lifting his chin to look his nose down at her, “Stewart was in my tutorial.”


She paled.


“He spilled the beans on everything. And even after all of that, I’m giving you a chance to leave, alive.”




Drake had enough, he growled his aura spreading out, his hand pointed palm out just inches from Marrissah’s face a shard of ice slowly forming and inching forward.


Not. Another. Word,” he said coldly, “Leave  and never return, you are not welcome in my city.”


Marrissah and the twenty odd people fell backwards, tumbling and scrambling in the snow.


Somehow Marrissah wasn’t disheartened, mustering up the courage to keep talking.


“So demanding…” she said her voice shaking as she tried to keep up her front, “I like this new Drake. But if you are going to send us away you might as well kill us. We have nowhere to go and there are more undead roaming around by the day.”


Drake’s gaze never faltered.


“Not my problem.”


He turned around, motioning for the guard to close the gate, beginning to walk back to the city.


But Rvul found him first before he was able to return to the arena.


“Patriarch, did you send those people away? Who exactly was that woman?” Rvul asked.


Drake sighed, “She was a very old…acquaintance. And yeah, I told them to fuck off.”


Natto gave a concerned look, her mouth twisting as if she was chewing on something sour.


“What…” Drake asked reluctantly.


“While I do not fault you, in fact I would have turned them into motionless bodies on the ground, but I do fear what this will do if we should allow them to leave and they are overtaken by the undead while some survive and spread even more rumors about you and the city,” she explained, “I certainly understand the situation we are in and that they have dug their own graves, but we are coming to a point where we must consider our image as a whole with the summit steadily approaching.”


Drake rubbed his temples.


“So you want me to let that inside?”


Natto scoffed, “No, of course not. I am simply saying that it may be appropriate to find them a safe alternative. A little good PR goes far in a situation like this.”


“Well they aren’t staying here. After finding out what happened, she’s lucky I didn’t just let my spell pass through her stupid face…”


Natto patted Drake’s head sarcastically, “Now, now.”


He gave her a side eye.


“If it is such a small thing, why don’t I take this problem on, Patriarch?” Rvul asked.


“Rejected,” Drake said instantly, “I can’t risk you going and doing something like this. Having my father-in-law going out alone with a group of people is just too dangerous.”


“Then I will take the warriors that were defeated during the match. It has finished with the children winning with great strength. It will let the warriors regain some face as well as get away to think on the fight,” Rvul proposed.


“Why do you want to do this so badly?” Drake asked.


“I feel that I am just not doing enough here. The city is running more smoothly with Lady Natto, and the administrators settling into their roles. I am a warrior at heart, Patriarch, and seeing the kids fight with such verocity made me realize despite my age, I am still such.”


Drake rubbed the back of his head, feeling a headache coming on.


“If I might also step in, we can also come along,” Mikhail said, approaching them, “We just got back but if Mr. Rvul is leaving, we don't mind guarding him, I know of a small town only a day or so away by foot.”


“Ah, Mikhail,” Drake waved, patting the man on his shoulder, “It would make me feel better, but are you sure? You guys have a comfy gig inside the city already waiting for you don’t you?”


“Think of it as one last hurrah before the group retires to teach. I must say I do appreciate the offer. When you told me you had a job for us possibly I didn’t think it would be something like that.”


“I just mentioned you guys to the headmaster, he’s the one offering the job,” Drake smiled, feeling slightly better now, “I don’t particularly care for politics or what people think, but if you all are willing I won’t go out of my way to stop you. But please be careful, stock up on whatever you need. Oh! I do need to borrow Yorth for the day though or at least a few hours. I have to visit someone who might need some healing. Yorth has a few cleansing spells right?”


“He has minor curse and detoxification, but do not expect too much,” Mikhail explained, “Someone was cursed?”


Drake waved him off, “Nothing to worry about, it's just a precaution is all.”


“I do not mind. I’ll return to the arena first then and send him on his way. Where can he find you?”


Drake looked at Natto and she nodded, disappearing with a pop.


“No need, Natto will grab him. I’ll have him back to you in one piece in a few hours I think,” Drake guessed, bringing his hand to shade his eyes from the setting sun.


“Then, I will see you again soon, I must get the others and prepare,” Mikhail said, giving a small bow of his head.


“Ah,” Drake replied.


“Thank you for accepting my selfish request Patriarch,” Rvul smiled.


“I didn’t accept it, you’re just lucky Mikhail came to make it safer. I wasn’t lying when I said you’re too important, Rvul, you do a lot for this town, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I can promise you that.”


Rvul placed his right hand over his chest, “You are too kind Patriarch, this old man can not thank you enough for accepting his proposal when we first met. You have brought more strength than you know to the Rahk and I have not seen my daughter so excited in some time. Ah, to be young!” he beamed.


Drake rubbed the back of his head, feeling a ting of embarrassment.


“I can’t wait to see my grandchildren! Son!”


“Y-yeah… Only if my girlfriend doesn’t kill me before my wife,” Drake muttered under his breath.




Megan curled up her legs and hugged to her chest, just like the last several hours even while and after Chelsea had left.


Her body was sweat-beaten, her mind hazy, and her whole body felt as if it was freezing underwater and blazing hot under a blazing sun at the same time.


She gripped at the blanket, giving a silent scream.


“Why… Why isn’t he here… Why isn’t he with me? He saved me didn’t he? Doesn’t that mean he should stay here!?”


A knock came from the door.


She ignored it.


Another knock.


Then silence.




She jumped out of her bed, almost lunging for the handle as she wrenched it back.


“Drake?” she gasped.


There was the man that had saved her, kept her alive and well during the madness that was the tutorial. The one she came to see after such a long journey from.


From where again?


She shook the thought.


It didn’t matter. He’s here now. She thought.


Drake looked at her, his face painted with pity.


“How long have you been in here?” he asked.


“N-not long,” she lied, “I haven’t been feeling well, but come in!”


She offered for him to come inside, spotting someone with red hair behind him. But Drake held up a hand for the man to wait outside.


After coming inside, she quickly went to light one of the small lamps they had made from a monster core. The core lighting up the room with a moderate beige glow.


Megan caught a glance of herself in her mirror and immediately went to comb her hair with her fingers as her face reddened.


“I wanted to talk,” Drake said suddenly.


“Talk? About what?”


Drake leveled his gaze at her, “About your obsession with me.”


She flinched, her hand stopping at the end of her hair, gripping it much more tightly than she intended, accidentally pulling a few blond strands out.


“I’ve told you this many times already Megan, I can’t give you what you want. Just like Chelsea you need to move-”


“No!” Megan screamed, cutting him off her head whipping side to side rapidly, “D-don’t say that! You saved me! Just like you saved everyone else, like C-Claire! Yeah, just like her! Shouldn’t you stay by my side just like her?! E-Even more so!”


Megan’s face became desperate and estranged as she rambled, trying to rationalize her chaotic feelings rapidly.


“You don’t have a problem having more than one lover right? I-I’ll do anything! You can have anything! No one has ever touched me, not Chris, not my previous boyfriend! It would be just you!” she stammered, her whole body quivering.


She inched forward her hand going to reach for Drake’s arm.


Drake backed away, his face pained with pity.


“Do you hear yourself?” he said, “You barely know me and I don’t even know you. I didn’t save you Megan. I did it to help Chelsea and recover my own arm. This person you seem to think of me as doesn’t exist.”


“T-that’s not true! You freed me from Chris, it has to be you! You…” her eyes turned crazed, “You were and are my hero! Don’t throw me away! Just tell me what it is that you don’t like and I’ll change it! I’ll… I’ll do anything!”


Megan had dropped to the floor on her knees, covering her face as she fought back sobs.


Drake bent down, “You need help Megan. I have Yorth with me, he has detoxification and purification magic, and we can try to see if something has happened to you.”


He got back up, turning around to bring in Yorth only for Megan to scream behind him.


“No! Look at me!”


Drake sighed, turning around to find Megan red eyed and tears running down her face without her clothing, everything laid bare in front of him.


“Is this still not good enough!? This is what you wanted right! This is what everyone wants and I’m giving it to you! J-just say you won’t leave… Say you love me….” she said, her face cracking into a sob as her lips quivered.


Drake didn’t turn his gaze, unable to think of her as anyone other than a person that needed help. Julia was right. There was something wrong with her and he wasn’t sure he could help her.


He moved forward spreading his arms and placing them behind her.


Megan’s face drenched in tears finally produced a smile as she looked up at him, moving to place her arms around him as well. But instead she felt a soft coat fall on her shoulders.


Her face turned blank as Drake took a step back, her arms moving to embrace him, yet, holding nothing but air.


Drake turned, putting his hand on the door, “In a few minutes, I’ll send in Yorth. I only hope for you to get better and move on Megan. When I get back from Sandal, we’ll talk more and figure this out. However long it takes we will… I will fix this.”


The door opened and closed shut.


Megan was still standing there, her hands slowly beginning to shake until they finally fell to her sides, a small chuckle beginning to sound from her.


“Haha...Haha….hahahahaha!! F-Fix…? Fine!” Megan screamed her hands moving to her shoulders, nails finally clawing at her sides, “If I can’t have you!! NO. ONE. CAN!”


Crazed and broken, Megan’s mind went into a haze, a small yellow glow outlining the shape of a sun, emblazoned on her shoulder.

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