Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 265: Knocking On The Gate

“Finally all done?” Bjorn asked, before smirking and letting out a deep laugh, “What happened to your face?”


Drake frowned, his black eye healing in real time.


“I got into a disagreement with the one-eyed bastard…” he sighed.


“And he hit you? Surprised he could hurt you,” Bjorn chuckled.


Drake rubbed his eye, the itchy feeling finally subsiding, “It wasn’t Lamar…”




Landin scoffed from behind Drake, a big smile on his face, “Lamar’s sister hit him with a hammer for being too loud.”


Bjorn couldn’t help but burst out laughing, “His sister?”


Sah Ul’ did not find the statement nearly as funny as she moved to get past the teens and inside the building.


“How dare she strike the Patriarch!”


“Whoa whoa!” Drake said, putting a break on her beeline inside, “I was in the wrong, it’s fine. Besides, can you really say that after you smacked me around quite a lot in the forest earlier.”


Sah Ul’s face flushed red and she became significantly more timid.


“She hit you too?” Bjorn asked, surprised.


“Happens more than you think,” Drake chuckled.


Landin elbowed Kalik, wiggling his eyebrows, “It’s cause he likes it I bet.”


“Landin, I think you and I need to have a talk,” Drake scowled.


Landin put his hands up, “Just a joke, just a joke. Not like everyone was kinda thinking it.”


Drake shook his head, but quickly got back to the point of their heading here. Taking out ten necklaces, he handed one to each of the teens and one to Sarah, saving the others for Mordred, Glenn, and Lucium.


“Put them on, and set your levels to 11 or 12, it doesn’t matter which. Keep your names the same and make sure to keep your classes the same as well. I don’t think we will need to worry about changing stats. From what I’ve experienced and what Natto has told me, inspection skills intrusive enough to give that much information are very rare skills. Even my inspection skill isn’t there yet.”


“Why are we doing this?” Charlotte asked, slipping on the trinket.


“Glad I got that Hoarder skill… If not I probably couldn’t use this,” Landin murmured.


Drake nodded, seeing them all place the necklace on, replacing some equipment, but the change was necessary for now.


“Because when we arrive at Sandal, I want to do a few things,” Drake answered honestly, turning his head to Hudson and the group of soldiers, “One, is how much information has been leaked about you all. Two, if they are competent enough to investigate the group we are bringing despite Mr. Hogue leading the way. And of course three,” Drake took a long pause, forcing everyone to lean in slightly, “And the most important.”


He put his hand up raising a finger high into the air, “Because True Power reveals are a must.”


The area filled with groans and guffaws, some even coughing at Drake’s reasoning.


“You can’t be serious,” Landin grimaced, then added in a whisper as he rubbed the necklace, “He kinda right though…”


Drake smiled, “Alright, now we’re just waiting on Natto and the others. So get some rest before we leave, if you want, go to the auction house and browse for any skill stones you might still need. We’ll meet at the North Gate in thirty minutes.”




Mordred tapped her finger against the arm of her wheelchair impatiently, her brows knitted into a frown as she waited outside with her Papa and the rabid dog she had the misfortune to call a childhood friend.


She sighed, watching as he went from woman to woman like clockwork, talking to them and flirting at every chance.


“Relou….” she groaned, eyeing the doorway to the auction, “Papa, must we wait for Monsieur Drake’s tiny assistant?”


Lucium looked down from behind her, “I believe so Miss. They are doing us a great deal of service by providing the last piece needed for your Rank Up. Please be patient.”


Mordred crossed her arms, “I am being patient…”


She grumbled to herself as they waited for a few more minutes, her mind drifting to the past as it did in times of idleness. 


Flashes of the tutorial gnawing at the back of her mind. The monsters that ravaged the people around her as her Father tried to protect Mordred and her mother.


Days and weeks of being protected by her wonderful Father.


She looked back seeing his face on Lucium’s. She gripped the hem of her dress, clenching tightly as she bit on her bottom lip.


The last stretch of the tutorial was the hardest. Her entire life, Mordred had been a burden, although her Father had never made her feel as such. Even in the torturous place they had been sent, with no idea how or why, her Father never once showed hate for her in his eyes.


Unfortunately, her mother was not the same. Her mother had loved her, of that she was sure. Their life before the system was something others could only dream of. Traveling the world as a family, happily without a care.


But the system or the stress of the new reality they faced had broken her. Mordred’s mother began to crack day by day, only showing selfish motives for self preservation, pushing everything onto her Father despite being an able adult. While others like her fought and died in her stead.


Mordred tried to help, she truly did. Wanting to be helpful, strong, and stoic like her Father. Defending the people she held dear. But her crippled legs prevented her. And one day they cost her more than she was ever willing to pay.


The last week of the tutorial, the monsters had become insurmountably strong compared to before. The remaining band of people within the tutorial came together to fend for their lives, Mordred’s Father at the forefront, as was natural for someone as strong as he.


But even with his strength, there were always things that did not go to plan.


Mordred was forced to watch as her Father was struck trying to protect her. She had been unable to move from her position due to her legs, and with his dying breath, Mordred’s Father had killed the last beast, ending their tutorial but losing his life in the process.


Her Mother was hysterical from the event, lashing out at everyone.


What am I supposed to do now that he’s dead?! I can’t fight these monsters on my own!”


She turned to Mordred, her eyes red with hate and anger. Mordred could still remember the face clearly in her mind.


You…If only you weren’t here! If he didn’t have to come back to protect you, he would have lived! You useless! Worthless! Cripple! I knew we shouldn’t have kept you after finding out you would never walk! The money we spent on your medical bills! Treatments! Physical training! Wasted!”


Mordred couldn’t refute her Mother’s tirade. She tried to speak, but her thoughts and words only caught in her throat as insult after insult was thrown at her.


“It’s your fault! You should have never been born!”


After her Mother was finally pulled away by the others, Mordred was left alone with her Father, given his spatial sack and equipment. She stared at his lifeless body for hours, perhaps days. Crying until the tears dried and would fall no more.


Mordred didn’t hate her Mother, she was right. Mordred hated herself. She hated the weak and insignificant useless person she currently was.


For a long time more, she stared at the blade held in her Father’s grip. Thoughts of ending it all passed the forefront of her mind in an endless torrent.


The announcements and notifications of the tutorial ending just background noise against the raging storm of thoughts inside her head.


She turned to see her Mother still shouting and yelling only to have two items drop into her lap from motes of light.


A brilliant black and white stone, and a proclean colored egg.


After a time, she gripped them both.


A hand touched her shoulder, ripping her from her flashback.


“She has finished it seems, Miss,” Lucium said, pointing to the front of the auction house.


Mordred secretly wiped a tear from her eye, nodding, “I see that.”


The small girl tilted her head as she looked up at Mordred.


“Ready girl?” Natto asked.


“My name is Mordred,” Mordred said sternly.


“It is good you have some backbone,” Natto snickered, “You will need it.”


Natto raised a hand, a small stone in it, “Take it and let us be on our way. The flirting imbicile will have to do with a less rare stone, but I was lucky enough to bargain for this.”


[Sub-tree Stone: Of Heaven and Earth] [Epic]


  • Unlocks Of Heaven and Earth Sub-tree branch.
  • Requirement: Have one or more empty Sub-trees. Have a Main Class-tree unlocked.



“Epic?” Mordred said with amazement, “Are you certain I can have this?”


Natto waved her hand, “It did not cost much, just a few photos of Drake without a shirt. Or pants. The vendor was very pleased to see a legendary Asuran with only his skivvies,” she smirked.


Mordred wasn’t prepared for the answer Natto gave her, and couldn’t help but give a stifled laugh, covering her face to hide the embarrassment.


“Madame Natto, I thank you for your generosity, I do not know how to express my-”


Natto cut Mordred off, sticking out her tongue as if she was about to expel her black hole of a stomach.


“Gah, shut up! I am doing what I was told for more food. Cease your babbling and let us be on our way. That ape continues to speak my name and it is beginning to make my ears itch!” she complained, sticking a small finger to dig at her furred ear.


Mordred felt offended at first her thanks being belittled, but she sighed, seeing that the small girl also treated the most powerful man she had ever witnessed the same made her quickly realize it was almost a compliment to be treated the same.


She bowed her head slightly, “As you wish. Papa, let us go.”


“Of course, Miss. What shall we do about Monsieur Glenn?” Lucium asked.


Glenn had been completely oblivious to the conversation, continuing his escapades in the background.


Mordred frowned, “Leave him be, he will figure out we have left soon enough I’m sure…” she sighed, shaking her head and thinking better of it.


Reeling back her hand she pulled a small common skill stone from her inventory and flung it at the back of his head.


“Depeche toi! Bouffon!” she shouted.


Gleen rubbed the back of his head, raising both arms. “Vas-y mollo, mon amour!”


“Who is your love, pervert! We are going!” she snapped back, “If you would, Papa.”


Lucium nodded, bowing his head slightly, and moved the wheelchair to follow Natto.


Natto led them quietly, the surroundings and conversations a blur in the background. In her hand the two Sub-tree stones that would hopefully change her life.


Mordred’s back tensed, the wing that had grown after her partial race change shaking slightly.


And before she knew it, they had arrived at a small black building with no windows and a single door.


Natto intertwined her arms, placing both hands in the opposite sleeves of her dress.


“Go right ahead girl, you’re up before Mr. Googly-Eyes.”


Mordred craned her head, taking one more look at the combat construct she had called her Papa since leaving the tutorial, a constricting desperate feeling twisting into a knot in the pit of her stomach.


“Would you like me to come with you Miss?” Lucium asked softly.


Mordred steeled herself.


“No, it is not needed. From here on out I will be caring for myself…. Pa- Lucium.”


She laid the stones down on her lap, placing her hands on the wheels as she pushed herself forward into the open door and into the dark room, Natto closing it behind her.


It was quiet.


Mordred took in a deep breath, then began.


[You wish to consume Sub-tree Stone: King’s Swordsmanship] [Rare]






She mentally accepted the prompt, unsure of what to expect. The partial transformation of her race had left a scar on her mind, the pain something she would not soon forget.




“I will not be deterred from this… I will kill off my useless and helpless self!”


Mordred braced herself for the worse, the stone melding into her hand like liquid drawn to dry sand, the cold familiar sensation running up her arm into her chest. The power from the stone forcing her entire body to shake as if thrown into a sudden blizzard.


Falling from her chair to the floor, she gasped for breath as her hand gripped her chest, her eyes going blurry. And finally a moment later her body turned hot as if butter thrown into a searing pan.


Turning over on her stomach she felt the skin on her back bubble as she lurched giving a silent scream, a moment later two distinct pops resounding in the small room.


[You have consumed Subtree Stone: King’s Swordsmanship] [Rare]


[You have unlocked the Primary Subtree: Pendragon Royal Swordsmanship] [F-Rank]


[Passive effects have been applied]


[You have unlocked 5 new skill stone slots in Tempest’s Beckoning]


[You have unlocked 1 of 1 Primary Subtrees]


[Pendragon’s Royal Swordsmanship] [F-Rank] P1(0%)


  • Passed down over generations, the art of the sword finally reveals itself to you. And by your ancestor’s wish shall bestow greatness upon you.
  • Passive Effects: +15% to Endurance and Strength.
  • Passive Skill: Pendragon’s Masterful Blade Arts
  • Increases weapon haste of one-handed blades by 5% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Increases damage dealt by two-handed blades by 15% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Increases parry rate and weapon haste when using two one-handed blades by 10% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Your physical strikes are now converted to Holy and Depravity Damage and deal an additional 2 Damage per point of Strength. (Increased based on Proficiency)


Mordred did her best to keep the swelling feeling of nausea running rampant inside her as she pulled in her elbows to raise herself from the cold ground momentarily.


With effort she scrambled, searching for the second stone, finally finding it a few seconds later. Gripping it tightly in her outstretched hand.


“Never again will I be tossed away… Never again will I see myself as lesser than!”


[You wish to consume Sub-tree Stone: Of Heaven and Earth] [Epic]






“I will force the change I wish to see. I am not useless, Papa saving me will not be wasted! I will not let it be so!”




Drake rocked back and forth on his heels, watching the teens wait patiently for the late arrivals. Bjorn already parting ways, wanting to meet back up with Chelsea and Julia.


Landin yawned deeply as he sat in a patchless spot of snow, Ifrit on his lap opening his mouth in a yawn as well.


Charlotte leaned against the gate, tapping away on screens he couldn’t see, as the twins talked between themselves.


Quetz floated lazily with her arms behind her head, whistling a tune. While Kalik surprisingly bobbed his head to melodic sound.


“Are you sure it is best to leave so soon, Patriarch? Will they not tire so soon after fighting?” Sah Ul’ asked.


“I’m sure they will,” Drake said casually, “But that’s just something they’ll need to figure out themselves. You can’t always fight at your best, you never know what might come and when.”


“Do you always have to say it like that?” Landin hummed, “Not everything needs to be so dramatic…”


“It only sounds dramatic because you don’t want to believe that it’s true. You all have won a major battle,” Drake grinned, “Don’t let it get to your head alright?”


“Drake is right, Landin,” Charlotte added from behind them, “You decided to go all out, showing every skill at your disposal. It let the rest of us keep our trump cards secret. But please remember that means more information about your skills are now spreading after a display like that. You’ve made a target of yourself for everyone else…”


Landin waved a hand, “I still have one or two tricks up my sleeve,” he said, ruffling Ifrit’s fur, “Right buddy?”


Drake smiled at his confidence in himself, a stark change from the boy he first met. And applauded Charlotte for acting more and more like a leader taking responsibility for her companions.


But this win might have the opposite effect of what I wanted for them… Drake thought. They were forced to struggle in the beginning, but now that they’ve become stronger the danger they felt might lessen. I just hope it doesn’t turn into them being overconfident, I can’t always be there to bail them out. Ah… is this what it feels like to be an overprotective parent?


Drake sighed, putting his hand to his head feeling a headache coming on.


“Patriarch?” Sah Ul’ asked next to him.


He looked over at her.


And what happens when I have my own kids? He thought becoming even more worried.  Are my kids going to be alright? Is the bounty going to apply to them as well? How are we going to protect them? Are they even going to be born Asuran?


“Ah! So pretty!” Quetz suddenly cooed from above.


Moving past the small group of soldiers and Hudson, was a taller woman in chainmail, hair split between raven black and ivory white. On her back flapped three massive wings, on her waist two broadswords.


And she was walking on her own two feet, Lucium and a man Drake could only assume was Glenn walking in stride next to her. Mr. Hogue a few steps behind.


Drake gave out a whistle, “Looks like the Rank-up worked out, welcome to the fray.”


Mordred bowed her head slightly, “I can not thank you enough for assisting me in my goals, Monsieur.”


“I don’t need any thanks. I owe Bjorn a lot,” Drake chuckled, moving to meet her, “And I think you’ll be a great investment. When we first met, I could tell right away you were just like the others.”




Drake thumbed to the other teens, “Just like them. There was a chip on your shoulder. And more importantly,” he smiled pointing to himself, “Just like me.”


“Are you calling me a mere chip on your shoulder?” Natto growled from Drake’s shoulder, having been there the entire conversation.


“Well after the last few days, I hate to tell you… It’s more like a boulder- Hey that hurts!”


Drake attempted to pull Natto from his side, her jaws locked on the side of his face.


“Now that Mordred and the rest are here, we can finally,” he began, pausing for a moment to distract Natto with some candy, “Begin.”


His expression turned serious.


“This is where you will find a crossroads in where you follow me,” Drake said, addressing everyone, “You have fought people before, vampires, and the undead. Those people were after your lives and in turn you defended yourself. Here… Where we are going, we are not going for training, we are not going to meet friends. We are going to save those who can not save themselves. We are going there to end the lives of those we deem in our own views as immoral and wrong. Here we are the aggressors. In our story you may think of yourself as heroes but remember.”


Drake took a moment to look directly at Hudson, then each of the teens in turn.


Everyone is a villain in someone else’s story. And I will not force you to be one. Everyone here has gone well beyond any expectation I have placed on you. You are free to carve your own path and write your own story now. Whether it is here in this city, or on a journey to find your lost families. But whatever you choose from this point on, you are family to me, and there will always be a home here for you no matter where you go.”


Drake didn’t joke further, had no sigh of relief, no smile or smirk or expression. He meant what he said whole heartedly. The silence felt like a tangible pressure on the surroundings as everyone seemed to wait for someone else to be the first to break the silence.


“I’ve known for a long time that my family was gone,” Charlotte said, picking up where Drake had left off, “When I first came here I wanted to believe that somewhere there was still hope they were alive, but after seeing more and more of what it is like outside these walls… I knew there was no way my parents would simply not return for me and Brodie. What you have given me, us, here, I can and will never be able to repay. This is my family now, this is my home. And as long as it is, I will do whatever it takes to keep it safe.”


Landin scratched the back of his head, getting up from his seat, as Ifrit dispersed into white particles.


“Ah… You made it really hard to follow that up, you know? I don’t know if my family is still alive, but I have no plans on leaving. I have more to learn and do here after all.”


The next to speak was Kalik, his angry expression the same as always, his brows knitted.


“The tribe is here. And as long as it remains here, I won’t be going elsewhere. One day soon, I will also be taking the position as leader of the Rahk. You can count on that,” he scoffed.


“Quetz will always be with Drake and the others,” she chirped from slightly above them, “It’s more fun being here. And anyone that gets in the way,” she made a finger gun, “Pew, pew!”


“You know where we both stand as always, Lord Drake,” Atropos said, bowing her head, “To the ends of this world and the next, it goes without saying.”

Drake smiled, “Good. Then,” he said, raising a hand and flexing his aura, “Let us go to war.

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