Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 285: You Are Invited To Attend The Summit

Drake hesitantly raised a hand to knock on the door of the room, despite already going through the Rahk encampment and having his aura tell him Sarah and Claire were already up. Both ready to attend the ceremony.


Taking one last deep breath, he let his knuckles rap against the door. Opening it as he did.


“... I see, so he was like that with you too…?” Claire hummed.


“Like what?” Drake asked suspiciously.


“Oh… nothing….” Claire replied, pursing her lips and giving him a slight side eye, “Just girl talk.”


Sarah nodded from her seat at the bed, “Yes… The talking of girls as Claire said.”


Drake’s eyes thinned, “I don’t like the vibe I’m getting here…” he murmured, “Right, the ceremony is soon. Are you both ready?”


Claire stood up, holding out a helping hand for Sah Ul’, “I think so. She’s still a little nauseous but…”


Sah Ul’ nodded, “I will manage. The leaders of the Rahk must remain strong together,” she smiled, taking Claire’s hand.


Drake moved to help as well, “You two got awfully close, huh?


Claire smiled back, “It’s easy to bond when you love the same thing. That and making sure we can destroy you if you ever betray us…”


“You what now?” Drake shuddered.




Drake shot them both a dubious glance but then his attention was brought to their clothing instead. Both of the women had somewhat dressed up for the ceremony. Where they got the clothes only Drake could guess, however Claire was wearing more formal attire. A black dress with white accents.


Sah Ul’ was wearing more luxurious furs and showed no skin like her usual equipment. Her coat had been exchanged for some kind of boar hide that Drake didn’t recognise, the animal's head resting on her shoulder, the tusks pointing outward.


The air of the room was still casual thanks to Claire, but seeing the women turned Drake’s mood somewhat sour as he remembered the events.


“Shall we go then?” he asked softly.


He helped Sah Ul’ out of the room as Claire followed along on his other side. Once outside the house they were met by the teens, they in all their armor, more ready to fight than a ceremony.


Drake supposed it was more that they had no formal wear, much like himself. Once they greeted each other they began walking over the bridge. Their group was met by Drake’s Mother and his siblings.


“Oh, dear, you look like a mess… I’m so sorry por everything,” Mrs. Wallen said sympathetically, walking up to Sah Ul’ and bringing her in for a hug.


“I will be alright, Nanai. I know we will bring honor to their memory. I know Drake will,” she responded, letting herself be pulled down into Mrs. Wallen’s arms.


“And who is this girl?” Mrs. Wallen asked, releasing Sah Ul’.


Drake’s face twisted in fearful anticipation, but the words left his mouth regardless, “This is Claire, my secon- Ow?! My other- Ow?! Hey! My first wife. Since I technically was dating her before I met Sarah…”


He quickly recoiled in preparation for a flying slipper, but instead was met with something worse. He looked at his mother’s scowling face filled with abject disgust at him.


Mrs. Wallen moved next to Claire looking her up and down. Claire’s face began showing signs of nervousness as she stood stock still while Mrs. Wallen seemed to assess her.


A moment later, Mrs. Wallen nodded, and pulled her in for a hug as well, cradling Claire’s head.


“I’m sorry my son has done this to you both. He was raised better, but ah! My children never listen to their mother!”


“What?! I listen!?” Drake refuted, only to duck out of the way of a chancla, “Okay I listen when it makes sense! And this and that are different things Mom.”


“That’s it?! He is openly cheating and all he gets is a scolding?!” Travis shouted, raising both arms incredulously, “Where is the punishment?! I want to see blood! Blood I tell you! There’s no shot he gets to have two women this good looking!”


The woman standing next to Travis thinned her eyes, pushing a knuckle into his side.


“Is there a problem with my attractiveness? Travis..?” Nuuv asked, crossing her arms.


Drake pointed and laughed, “Ha! Karma! How does it feel?”


“Should you really be saying that?” Landin scoffed from the group.


“Oh don’t worry it’s coming for you too bucko. Don’t think a little birdy hasn’t told me how nice and close you are to our new elf rescuees. I wouldn’t be throwing stones from a glass house just yet there, Casanova,” Drake grinned, pointing over Landin’s shoulder a new small entourage walking up to them.


A few moments later, Drake had his arm around Landin with a big smile on his face as Tanya, Aralleen, and a few other elves that Drake assumed were her guard greeted them.


“Lord Wallen,” Aralleen said, bowing her head slightly, followed by her sister.


“Lord Wallen, Lord Landin,” Tanya said, bowing as well, her ears turning a slight shade of red.


“Huehue!” Drake prodded, poking Landin in the side of the face, only to receive a pinch from Claire.


Drake rubbed his side, becoming more serious, “Princess Aralleen, will you be attending the ceremony as well?”


She nodded, “Yes, I would like to show my respects. If we plan to.. If I plan to remain here, I must make an effort to show how important the populace is to the growth and defense of this city. The loss of life is something I never stood for before and I will not stand for now. Human, Elf, Orc, or otherwise.”


“My sister is correct. The strength of a nation is its people. Having a strong few will only last so long. When this city grows we will need a capable nation, not just Lord Wallen and his group. And I for one will do my best to support them,” Tanya added.


“Oh? Do you hear that Landin?” Drake teased again.


“I will also be doing my part to support the city, regardless of your future decisions, Lord Wallen,” Aralleen added further.


“Did you hear that Drake? Looks like you’ve added yet another one to the group,” Landin said, having his turn to poke fun at Drake.


Drake opened his mouth to say something, only to feel a pinching sensation at his side again, along with a firm hand on his shoulder.


He coughed, clearing his throat, “I’m still deliberating on that, Princess. And there will be time for it after we finish retaking your city. But first things first, we need to attend the ceremony, and then gather everyone that is coming. I want to be swift about this and move on to other problems we face,” Drake explained his face turning dour, “The quicker we move to deal with my brother… the better it will be for all of us.”


A heavy air took over the group at the mention of Atticus. Drake’s family looked the most disappointed and concerned, yet not speaking on the subject. But the gloom was cleared quickly as someone who could not read the atmosphere approached them joining the group.


“Good morning Boss!” Teresa greeted, not having a following of guards like Aralleen did, “Are we going to a fight?” she asked, looking at the group of teens in full armor.


“No, Aunt Teresa…” Atropos growled, “We are to attend the ceremony for the fallen citizens of the city. One of which is Lady Sah Ul’s Father and Lord Drake’s Father-in-law!”


For the first time since meeting Teresa, Drake spotted a subtle hint of embarrassment on her face, her tails drooping just slightly.


“I am sorry. I did not know,” she apologized, bowing her head slightly, “Losing part of the pack, for any reason, is cause for anger.”


Drake was taken aback, legitimately surprised at Teresa’s response. After his interactions with her he assumed she would not be so serious and articulate about something like this.


“We’re heading there now, if you behave you are free to show your respects like the others. I’m sure Natto has already told you how things work around here, but this ceremony isn’t something I’ll allow any foolishness to happen,” he said deadpan and began walking in front of the group in the direction of the academy.


Natto had popped in yesterday for a moment, explaining they would be holding the ceremony there, christening the new school, the monument Drake would be making in honor of Rvul, and to send off the fallen.


The group grew silent as they followed him down the just as quiet roads of the city. The normal hustle and bustle of adventurers and citizens nowhere to be found in the streets. Food stalls, restaurants and shops left eerily silent.


The rest of Drake’s party members, Hudson, Bjorn, Chelsea, Theodore, Harley, Sherry, Tom, and Megan would be meeting him at the academy he assumed, since they had not met him when his family had.


He was particularly worried about Megan, the scene of when he left her flashing in his mind briefly. She was unstable to say the least, but he reminded himself that she was not his responsibility anymore. Drake of course assured her basic safety as someone living in the city, but the tutorial was over. And she was Chelsea and Julia’s friend, not his.


Drake’s other long time party members and friends, Leon and Damian. He was not sure if they would attend. They had only just acquainted with each other and despite knowing them for over 15 years, he had no idea how they handled themselves now that the system had influenced everything.


He could only hope they would attend and behave if they chose to show.


The closer the group came to the large black gated section housing the entirety of the current academy the more Drake found himself looking at Sah Ul’, searching her face for emotion. However she held herself silent and stoic. If Drake had not known better he would have assumed the morning sickness she displayed was a dream. She walked behind him with strength akin to her normal self and next to her Claire, making sure to be ready to help if needed. And even behind her, he could spot concerned faces of the teens following close behind.


Drake also noticed how the Elven Princess held herself along with her sister. Tanya’s playful attitude was replaced with a serious regal air, just like her sister Aralleen.


Once at the gates a small pop cracked on Drake’s shoulder, Natto sitting casually, but without her normal mirthful expression.


“Everything is prepared. Dear Theo is seeing over the final preparations. How are you feeling?” she asked, looking at Drake, then turning to Sarah.


“I’ll be better once this is settled,” Drake said softly.


“I as well wish to see this through. And put an end to these cowards unwilling to show their faces and fight,” Sah Ul’ added, “Our family is just getting started and I only wish I realized it sooner.”


Drake paused, turning and bringing Sarah into a tight hug, “I have made mistakes. I wanted to believe Atticus couldn’t be the person this world has turned him into. I wanted to believe that there was more good in people than the evil we’ve witnessed. But I was being naive and it cost you your Father and so many others. I’m going to make it right, I’m going to honor them.”


Sah Ul’ returned the embrace silently. And a moment later they parted and walked through the gate together.


Swaths of people stood around a massive unlit funeral pyre, tannish cloth wrapped around human figures atop it.


As the group entered, heads turned to follow them. No words were shouted, no grievances made known. Only the frustrated and tear-ridden faces of the Rahk Tribe waiting in earnest for the ceremony to start.


Drake nodded to Bjorn and the others as they passed them in the large crowd, making his way to the pyre with Sarah, Claire and Aralleen. The others settling in next to Bjorn, Theodore and the others.


There were no words spoken. Drake knew there was nothing he could say to comfort the Rahk Members of their loss, his dealings with them had told him such already. They didn’t wish for pretty words or empty platitudes. What they wanted, what they needed was action. Actions worthy of a true Patriarch.


Clapping his hands, Drake placed them to the ground a large earthen brown magic circle spreading out through the area. Forcing his mana into the earth, a statue began forming in the open area behind them.


After a brief few seconds a monument worthy of being called a memorial to the past Chief was erected.


A sleek obsidian statue showed Rvul standing tall and proud with two axes, one at the ready, the other leaning on his shoulder. The same confident grin on his face Drake knew him for when Rvul called him son.


Surrounding him were Rahk men holding weapons at the ready, prepared to fight with their Chief. And finally, a small handful of humans, Mikhail’s party members raising weapons with a roaring expression.


Drake stood opening his palm to conjure a white hot flame that burned and crackled, lighting up the surroundings before floating over to the pyre and igniting it.


Suddenly Sah Ul’ shouted out next to him.


“May the Mother find them well! And may she bless their hunt! We honor them!”


Roars of agreement and shouts came from the Rahk Tribesmen in the crowd, drowning out the crackling of the pyre. Shouts so loud Drake could feel them in his chest.


“Honor them!”


“Honor them!”


Drake finally raised a fist into the air, “We will honor them!”


Looking into the crowd, Drake’s gaze fell on a woman he recognized from earlier. The same one he had met in the Rahk encampment.


She held a small child in her arms and stared back at him, her free arm going into the air as a shout went above the others.


“Honor them! May the Mother bless your hunt!”


Drake’s jaw tightened keeping an even gaze with the woman and nodding.


He was going to fight a war he hadn’t started. But he was damn sure going to finish.




“You’re stepping in too quickly kid. If I wasn’t so nice, you’d be lying on the ground with a hole through your chest,” Leon scoffed.


“You aren’t nice,” Charlotte said evenly, “And are you ever going to teach me anything seriously?”


“I’m showing you everything you need to know. Just because I don’t wrap it up in a nice little bow like Shot does, don’t mean it’s not there. You’re just not being observant. Take a gander,” Leon said, pointing behind him.


Damian was also fighting with Landin. Drake with Kalik Tu’ and Aralleen. And many others paired up.


“Everyone is preparing to fight,” Leon explained, scratching at the back of one of his ears, “And we agreed to come because that’s just how it goes. But don’t go thinking I’m like Shot. You’re responsible for yourself and I could give a rat’s ass if you go down when the scuffle starts. I’m here for the fight, not for you. So pick your scrawny ass off the ground and go again.”


“Mr. Leon!” a voice shouted from the sidelines, “You are being too hard on her! What have Ari and I told you about your foul mouth?!”


Leon gave a glance to the voice as if he had heard this same conversation many times already.


“What about my mouth? I told Drake if he wanted me to do this crap I would be doing it my way. I’m not a teacher,” Leon grumbled.


Claire and Ari walked closer, Claire frowning and Ari pressing up the brim of her glasses, her free hand holding a large paper notepad.


“Mr. Leon, she is right. I have told you many times that your language is detrimental to your image. Making concessions here will make for better relationships later. Miss Charlotte is a fine prospective fighter, helping her grow will only help,” Ari explained, jotting some things down.


Leon waved his hand, “Yeah yeah… You two aren’t going to prepare? We’re only a few hours from the summit thing aren’t we? And a few days from where we’re going.”


Claire’s frown deepened, “No… Drake is taking the Elven Princess Aralleen with him to the summit. She will plead her case to the other leaders and try to make her people see reason.”


“Plead her case?” Leon scoffed, “This is why I never wanted to be Guild Leader… Any kind of politics makes my teeth itch.”


“Aralleen’s situation was explained to us before we left but is the World Tree really that important?” Charlotte asked.


A sudden pop came from Leon’s shoulder as Tatsuki manifested on it.


“Lady Natto gave a brief explanation but it seems that further elaboration is required,” Tatsuki said behind a sleeve, “A World Tree is considered one of the greatest assets to a nation and is why the High Elves have kept such a powerful position despite their dwindling numbers in the verse. The Tree acts as an immense beneficial bonus for anyone directly affiliated to the nation in control of it. Giving experience, combat and training benefits several times more than the advantages gained through prayer at the church.”


Tatsuki opened one eye, showing the red glow of her iris, “The benefits are so large they are akin to having a full increase in Rank for some individuals.”


“Then are we going to be heading into a fight where they are on the same level as Drake?” Claire asked.


Tatsuki shook her head, everyone hanging on her words now, “No. The Tree from my understanding is old, but new to the system. It will be some time before it will cast such benefits. At most they will feel as if they are slightly above their level, at worst the Tree will show no effects at all.”


“It won’t matter what the Tree does,” Drake said, stepping into the conversation, “They’ll be up against three of the greatest fighters known to this planet.”


“Yeah? Who’s the other two?” Leon smirked.


“Very funny,” Drake laughed, but had to hold himself back. Lately his Asuran blood had been bubbling up more frequently.


He wasn’t sure if it was because he was in such close proximity to other Primordial Races, but the feeling of wanting to fight had been amplified ever since meeting Mordred, then Leon and Damian.


Drake looked back over his shoulder, watching Aralleen spar with Kalik.


Kalik had become more serious in his training, almost borderline obedient since the fight in Sandal. And his skills were maturing quickly to their capacity as an F-Rank. He was more than an equal match for Aralleen, who Drake found out quickly was an assassin type class like he expected.


Her class name was Forest Whisperer and although Drake noticed she was not using the full extent of her skills, he could guess she would be a problem for anyone to fight one-on-one. She used dual daggers with high damage and status ailments much like Clotho’s debuffs that helped her hit-and-run fighting style.


Drake was surprised she even needed his help in taking back the Tree. But that just attested to how strong this Valor and the people backing him must be.


Small chatter and sparing continued for several more hours as Drake watched over it. His body became more tense as he watched the clock for the Summit Quest tick down.


Until finally.


[You have been invited to the first Summit Meeting]


[You are allowed a +1 to accompany you to the summit]


[During this time period you will be unable to attack other participants while voting and will be relegated to a system enforced partition]


[If a decision is unable to be met, the Summit will reconvene in one year’s time]


[The leader of the highest voted city will have their Honing Crystal Upgraded and the city promoted to World Capital. Said World Capital will be allowed to select three sub-capitals. If no sub-capitals are selected, the three next highest voted cities will be selected]


[Will you accept the invitation?]




Drake beckoned Aralleen to him.


“Are you ready?”


Aralleen gave a slight bow, “As I ever will be, Lord Wallen.”


Drake looked over to Claire, “I’ll be back in a flash,” he smiled.


“Don’t go being that snotty hot head you used to be man,” Damian snorted, “Them elves are already in for an ass whoopin, no need to rile them up more,” he looked to Aralleen, “No offense.”


“Doesn’t matter what he does. They wanted a fight and now they got it. I’ve been itching to get it in, the monsters on this planet just don’t cut it anymore,” Leon grumbled.


“Be safe Drake. And… are you sure you’re going to be ok?” Claire asked, grabbing his hand.


“I’ll be fine. I’m just going to beat some sense into my brother and fix this whole mess. How hard could it be, right?”


Drake smiled, giving Claire one last squeeze of the hand, and placed a kiss on her lips. Letting go while hearing a small gasp from behind him he waved goodbye and accepted the invitation.


Aralleen and Drake were enveloped in light, a sensation similar to when they were transported to the tutorial moving them to whatever space the summit was being held in. And just like the transfer from back then, they had a small bit of time in transition.


Drake looked over, seeing Aralleen’s face reddened just like her ears, the long pointed appendages scarlet and slightly folded over.


“Something wrong?” Drake asked.


“N-n-no… I just never expected such a public display of affection… Is that normal among humans?” she asked.


“Dunno, but I like to sneak one in wherever I can,” he smiled.


Aralleen’s face reddened another shade, “I see…” she muttered, putting a finger to her lips.


Drake could quickly feel the sensation of being transported waning and readied himself.


“Look alive, looks like we're here.”


They both felt their feet touch something hard as the lights around them began to scatter and dissolve. Opening up to what looked like a large sphere contained in a pitch-black space. Inside it smaller spheres containing the figures of humanoid-like silhouettes.


Drake’s eyes scanned the ball like containers until he came to one he had not seen for over a decade.


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