Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 37: The Perfect Forbidden Spell

"I’ve got the perfect spell for that," Drake said with a devilish grin, "But I was wondering something. What is with the number needed for that quest? 500? That seems a bit impossible and a pretty big jump from the other ones I’ve gotten."

 "It is because the Tyrant Ants are monsters who live in large colonies. And the higher you go in the tutorial the harder the quests are, but the better the rewards. I do not believe you are supposed to be able to finish that quest line normally. Tyrant Ants are borderline E-Rank Monsters by themselves, they are an E-Rank threat or worse depending on the hive size. I am surprised these Goblins were able to find one and capture it.." she said, trailing off at the end as if thinking.

 "Weel, it looks like they are setting up something…? Or.. Wait what is that Goblin Commander doing? No, is it really? You’re joking!" Drake said, pointing down and beginning to laugh.

 Drake was about to ask another question that had been itching at the back of his head, but was stopped by the actions of the Goblin. It was. Reading from a scroll?

 The Goblin Commander had walked to the front and began speaking in a language Drake obviously didn’t understand. It was shouting loud enough that he could hear him, pointing to the Gnoll captives and the Tyrant Ant they had in the back surrounded by chains and Goblins as well.

The Tyrant Ant seemed a bit off, and Drake didn’t mean that in that it was humongous. It was only half an ant, it was missing its abdomen. It looked as if it had been also tormented by the Goblins like the Gnolls had. Giving Drake another pang of disgust. The Goblins losing more sympathy from him and what he was about to do to them.

All of these monsters are just foul minded. I don’t care if it’s my new reality, there are just some lines you don’t cross. He thought.

"Then make them pay with their lives. It certainly seems fair to me, no? You might not realize it but you are adapting to this new reality more quickly than you think," Natto said pointedly.

"What? Hardly… And before I wipe out this gathering of ‘pangit nga maga aso’ I have a question that has been bothering me," Drake cursed, almost spitting the insult.

"Pangit..? A what?" Natto asked, confused.

"Wow I really thought you would get that one, since you did get some of my memories. Guess Tagalog wasn’t part of the standard Assistant package," Drake laughed, " I was just wondering why I haven’t gotten recurring quests? I had one for my class upgrade, but not for subjugation ones. Shouldn’t I technically get two per class?" Drake asked as he began churning his mana within himself to begin one of his favorite spells from the show that started it all for him.

"Puta nay damo…" Natto quipped back.

"Oh so you do know some?" Drake chuckled, cracking his knuckles bringing up his hands to aim at the group of Goblins.

"Only the ones your mother used to scream at you," Natto giggled, "That would be a typical question I suppose. It is because the system recognizes the use of Dual Classes, as I told you. You are not the only one who has it. So you receive separate quests for the class level up, but will not for subjugation quests. That said there are repeatable quests, but only outside of the tutorial. Once you finally get to murdering those heathens and gathering their spoils so that I may rank up to F-Rank, I will be able to elaborate. Now, slaughter them! Slaughter them in my name! Ha ha ha!" Natto roared.

"With pleasure!" Drake screamed in affirmation. Looking down at the Goblin Commander still reading from the scroll, pointing at him. The Commander was adorned in a patchwork of new shiny metal armors and then some pieces of leather that looked like they had come from animals. Most likely the same beasts they were riding.

Drake took a moment to look at some of the other Goblins, making sure he pulled all the quests he could before he rained hell upon them.


[Goblin Rider] Level 17 [F-Rank]

[New Quest! Subjugate 100 Goblin Riders [F-Rank]

[Reward: Experience. Set of [F-Rank] Potions.]


[Iron Tusk Boar] Level 15 [F-Rank]

[New Quest! Subjugate 20 Iron Tusk Boars [F-Rank]

[Reward: Experience.]


[Goblin Shaman] Level 17 [F-Rank]

[New Quest! Subjugate 100 Goblin Shamans [F-Rank]

[Reward: Experience. Set of [F-Rank] Potions]


[Goblin Footman] Level 15 [F-Rank]

[New Quest! Subjugate 200 Goblin Footmen [F-Rank]

[Reward: Experience. Random [F-Rank] Piece of Equipment.]


Within the plethora of new notifications and monsters, he eyed one that had slipped past him earlier.


[Goblin Treasure Hoarder] Level 11 [F-Rank]

[New Quest! Subjugate 15 Goblin Treasure Hoarders [F-Rank]

[Reward: Goblin King’s Hoard Key.]

[Quest Time Limit: 167 Hours, 59 Minutes, 23 seconds.]


"There’s one with a time limit," Drake said, finally done with looking over the monsters.

"So there is," Natto replied, not elaborating.

"That’s all you got for me?" Drake asked with a raise of his brow.

"I believe I told you I am very limited on certain things. Because you have chosen to put off receiving my rightfully deserved cores!" she said, obviously pouting.

"I got it already, just watch me work," Drake said, rolling his shoulders.

"Do not fuck it up," said Natto flatly.

"Language!" said Drake in faux offense.

Drake could feel that Natto had just rolled her eyes. Making him chuckle.

He then changed his demeanor, taking on a serious expression.

"Alright you filthy, dirty, disgusting monsters. I will give you the honor of being graced by one of the greatest spells in my anime arsenal. From one of the classics! One shot kill, where there are monsters! Victory! Will! Be! Mine!!" Drake screamed, keeping his hands up as he began chanting. Only glancing at the captives the Goblins held. He held remorse at how they were being treated but, at the end of the day they would have done the same to the Goblins or himself if given the chance.

"Darkness beyond twilight," he began, the magic circle forming in front of his hands. Turning from a light blue to a deep crimson. The flame starting small in between both his hands, but soon sparked to life with his every word, "crimson beyond blood that flows,"  the flame becoming erratic as he poured mana into the spell.

Drake struggled to keep the spell from going out of control, he had to keep it condensed. But he didn’t have practice with any of his magic outside of the school of fire, and couldn’t cast multiple spells simultaneously giving him no choice but to make it work with just the fire spell.

"Buried in the flow of time!" The Goblin Commander now noticing that Drake was chanting an incantation and it was fearful of the mana coming from the spell, pointing up at him and shouting.

"In thy great name I pledge myself to darkness!" the fireball bursting to life and condensing down into a deep red ball of fire, a deeper crimson red each time it pulsed to life with the infusion of mana, "All the fools who stand in our way shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess!"

 The ball of fire expanded in Drake's hands as he fought with control of the spell, continuing to force it down into the condensed spell form he imagined. Exerting all of his concentration to keep control as his status began to plummet. Drake with sheer force of will commanded the spell to maintain its structure as he looked down at the Goblin commander, panic in its eyes as it scrambled through the Ranks of its force, tripping over the footmen holding drums, and prisoners they had brought.

Drake pushed everything he had, down to the near last remnants of his statuses into the spell making sure the full force of his disgust and fury was known as he chanted the last words of the spell.


The spell shot out from Drake’s hands straight for the gathering of Goblins and their captives. The spell screeched through the field, nearly igniting the air around it from the intense heat of the condensed fire spell, a beam of pure crimson fury connecting with the army.

A second later after the launch of the spell, a deafening roar filled the surroundings. A small explosion erupting from the impact, engulfing the entire army inside. The sound hit Drake first as he leaned forward to brace for the oncoming wave from the spell. The next second the force of the explosion jolted Drake backward.

The mass number of notifications confirming he had instantly vaporized the army of monsters flooded his peripherals. He swiped them away as he had not earned enough to level up, and looked towards the destruction he had just created.

"Beautiful," Drake said, wiping his sweat drenched brow.

"Ahhh!! What do you mean beautiful?! You just completely incinerated all of those monster cores! Are you trying to intentionally keep me from ranking up?! You ignorant, smooth brained ape!" Natto shouted inside Drake’s head.

Drake covered his ears at the volume of her scream, but it couldn’t help when she was inside his head. "Oops… Haha my bad… It was cool though right?!" he said, trying to deflect from his mistake.

"Ugh. It is from a classic, so I would almost regret having to not say it did give me chills. But it needs to be bigger! The explosion was a pale comparison!" she said reluctantly.

"True, I should have practiced a bit more before I did it. But hey, at least I made sure to keep my HP and Stam above death-flag territory this time. So I can at least clean up that guy," Drake answered pointing down to the lone survivor of the explosion that took the small army.

A half charred Goblin walked out from the smoke and small crater that had been left by the spell, tumbling over the top of the dirt hill that had formed. Laying on the ground heaving, barely alive.

Drake hopped down from the tower and opened the gate, taking his time. After a few moments he walked from the gate and to the survivor.

"Hey there buddy. Like the fireworks?" Drake asked with a scowl.

The Goblin was barely conscious, its eyes erratically searching for focus, still heaving as it gasped for air. It finally found and looked up at Drake with fear then fury in its eyes, green blood leaking from its every orifice. But it somehow mustered up enough strength to spit at Drake’s feet in defiance.

Drake scoffed, "You know I may be above torturing people for fun. But I’m not above giving anything what they deserve. Every one of you is going to die. Even npc’s deserve better than what you all seem to think is normal," Drake sneered, spitting back at the monster.

"Have fun, suffocating to death, chump," Drake murmured under his breath and began chanting his standard earth spell -because he hadn’t had enough practice yet- but used his skills to manipulate it to his will. Just barely having enough resources. "The earth that will not falter, crush my enemies beneath you. Stone Bullet!"

The spell formed from his hand, starting as a light blue magic circle, then darkening to an earthy brown. A stone forming in the shape of a spike from his hand, slowly morphing into the top of a coffin. He then slammed it down with force as it cracked the ground, sealing and covering the Goblin Commander underneath.

Drake sat down on his haunches as he looked at the coffin he created, waiting for the inevitable notification to pop up. In a few minutes, he received it.


[You have defeated Goblin Squad Commander [F-Rank] Level 19] [Experience Earned, 5,000 TP has been awarded]


Drake said nothing, lingering in the moment of the gruesome death he just forced on the monster. A feeling of something being pulled from him as Natto revealed herself, appearing on his shoulder. She also said nothing, her hand just resting on the back of Drake’s head.

But their silence was broken by an unknown voice.

"My liege! Oh be thy my blessed day! This one beseeches thou! This one is not but an unworthy peasant in the presence of such majesty, but plead for thous humble acceptance of one such as this. Thou have sung the darkest and most forbidden spell! This one prostrates thineself before my Lord, I beg! Take this one as even your mere servant!" The voice said from behind Drake.

Drake turned instantly and watched the man give his speech from the ground.

"Dude! What the actual fuck!?" Drake shouted in pure confusion.

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