Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 40: Finishing up and an Unexpected Visit

"I resent that comment. It is not like you will go get the cores any time soon, so I must pursue the other avenues available to me," the small construct said, in the most coyish tone she could manage.

 "You aren’t even using his name anymore, he’s just an ‘avenue’ now huh," Drake frowned, "But you lay in the bed you’ve made and all that. What am I doing next?"

 Natto scoffed and then walked over to pick up the next stone he was to use. Raising it up so that he could grab it from her hand, "Here, Weapon Mastery now. Greed Stone first as they have good abilities pertaining to equipment, but we do not want to use more than one or two as they have very specific effects and are heavily equipment dependent," she then picked up another three stones and tossed them to his feet pointing to it, "Then a Primal Stone for a hopefully combat oriented skill. Usually Primal Stones will give a skill that pertains to instinctual facets as you could guess I am sure from its name. And do not forget to use the Gambler Stones before hand, we want to keep your skill progression as smooth and succinct as possible."

 Drake nodded, "Ah ‘sige’, I gotcha," he said as he wrapped his hand around the stone.


 [You wish to consume Skill Stone: Greed [Uncommon]



 Already growing tired of having to go through this same process so many times today, he mentally accepted the prompt. Bracing himself against the sudden influx of cold to warm power that swam through him.

 This one wasn’t so bad this time… Hope it’s cause I’m growing jaded to the feeling with how much I've consumed and not that the skill is bad… He thought inwardly.


 [You have learned Skill: Hoarder [F-Rank]

 Hoarder P1(1%)


  • A skill that allows you to go beyond the standard equipment limit.
  • Passive Effect: The user is now able to increase their accessory limit by 1. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Standard combat limitation to equipment change is still enforced.



"That’s kinda good…? Hmm depending on how it scales that could actually be monstrous later. But where would I put all that stuff… Would I basically end up looking like Sinbad, haha…" Drake mused, thinking out loud about the conqueror of the seven seas and all the djinn equipment he wore.

 "Natto," Drake said.

 Her ears perked up at the mention of her name as she looked up lazily from the small drawing she was placing in the dirt with her free hand, her food in the other, "What…?" she grumbled.

 Ahh she must be getting impatient, or maybe she's just that tired? Either way, maybe this will be my last question today before dinner…  He thought.

 "How would I improve my proficiency in a skill like this?" he asked, flipping the skill window around for her to read, "Do I just keep the extra accessory worn?"

 "Correct," she said curtly.

 "Okay then.." Drake said, deciding it was best to just go on to the next couple of stones before he did something he would most likely never hear the end of.

 Drake picked up the next of three stones at his feet in one hand, and plucked another ring from his inventory in the other. He slipped the now 5th green colored ring onto his right thumb and began the familiar process of subsuming the smooth glassy stone.


 [You wish to consume Skill Stone: Gambler [Common]



 Streamlining the process, Drake accepted quickly, already grabbing the next stone as he did.


 [You have learned Skill: Fully Loaded [F-Rank]


 [You wish to consume Skill Stone: Gambler [Common]



 [You have learned Skill: Weapon of Choice [F-Rank]


 [You wish to consume Skill Stone: Primal [Uncommon]



 [You have learned Skill: Adrenaline Acuity [F-Rank]


  Drake sighed as he felt the wave of euphoric power pass through him. Thankfully the stones were lower than rare, leaving the potency lacking but that didn’t do anything for the combined length of the ordeal. Taking a deep breath he looked to his new skills, finally done with the Weapon Mastery Tree and ready to move on to his Rarer Stones.



 Fully Loaded P1(0%) [F-Rank]


  • A passive skill that gives the user a damage buff when they are fully equipped.
  •  While fully equipped the skill user gains an indefinite buff to damage. No partial increase in any form from incomplete sets.
  • Passive Effect: gain a 50% Damage increase when all equipment slots are filled, this includes gained slots from additional skills. (Increased based on Proficiency)



Weapon of Choice P1(0%) [F-Rank]


  • A passive skill that gives the user an increase in specific effects dependent on equipment chosen.
  • While in use of specific equipment user will receive beneficial effects based on equipment. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Selected Item Limit: 1 (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Passive Effects: Unavailable (Please select equipment from list)



That’s interesting. Drake thought. 

He looked at the line asking him to select an equipment type. The moment he did so, a massive list was placed in front of him. Scrolling through it he could see weapons he had seen in the tutorial and even ones that were so obscure he wasn’t sure if the system was trolling him or not.

What the fuck is a Trishula? Or Emei Piercers? Wait I think I know that one, isn’t it a double sided piercing weapon? Drake thought confused.

He shook his head trying to wrap his head around the sheer inclusion of weapons the skill encompassed. 

After a few moments of scrolling he found what he wanted.

Mana Ink Tattoos.

It’s the only one I plan on using for the foreseeable future so.

Drake selected the option and confirmed it, reading the description about the effects again for the skill after.



  • Passive Effects: Mana Ink Tattoos - +5% to Physical and Magic Damage. Reduction of 15% in Mana Consumption of Skills and spells. (Increased based on Proficiency)



Bitchin! That is way more than I expected! Drake shouted in his head, with a smile. FInally going to his last recent skill with high hopes.


 Adrenaline Acuity P1(0%) [F-Rank]


  • A passive stacking skill that allows the user to increase the effect of adrenaline to the limit, increasing their cognitive ability and tolerance to pain over the course of a fight.
  • A skill that increases as time passes while in combat. Increasing the potency of Adrenaline over the course of 2 Minutes 30 Seconds. Ramping up from a 1% increase to 10% Potency. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Passive Effects last for a duration of 5 minutes and will leave the user in a weakened state for a duration of 1 minute after. (Increased Duration of Skill based on Proficiency, Reduced length of Weakened State based on Proficiency)
  • Weakened State: All stats and effects are reduced by 10% (Decreased based on Proficiency)



"No way," Drake laughed. "It’s actually right out of that basketball anime. It’s literally the zone. Oh I’m going to enjoy this one, the demerit is pretty severe though, a full 10% flat is ganna hurt. And I can’t choose to turn it off since it’s a passive skill…"

 Natto rubbed her eyes as she looked up, a slight yawn tugging at the sides of her lips, "Done…?"

 "Yeah," Drake said looking down, the thought of her being quite more pleasant and adorable with exhaustion passing his mind, "So where are the rest of the stones going? I have five more to go right?"

 "Nn.." Natto mumbled sleepily.

 "Haaa," Drake sighed, "No way around it, guess it’s time for bed for you little lady," Drake said smirking as he scooped up the small construct, cradling her in his arm.

 Drake moved from the pile of skill stones after he placed them into his inventory again, to the lone tent that stood a few feet away.

 Entering the tent, passing through the split tarp that was the opening, Drake walked to the luxurious bed in the center of the tent. Placing Natto down and the silk cover over her, he gave the small construct a light pat on her head.

 "Damn her ears are fluffy.. She’s actually not that bad when she's sleeping. That construct in the introduction alluded to other races, I wonder if cat girls are included in that…" Drake shook his head and dismissed the thought before it could take hold, looking back down at the construct and smiled as he left the tent, content she would be able to sleep soundly for the night, or at least until dinner was done.

 Drake exited the tent to the last few winks of sunlight, the twilight bathed the area in a deep orange, and tones of red. But although the twilight hour was as beautiful as it had ever been during this death game, Drake’s mind was on what he should do right now with the last couple of stones he had to go through.

 He knew which he had to use but Natto hadn’t told him where.

 Drake would have to decide on his own for now, or wait. And after a few seconds in silence he pulled a stone from his inventory.


 [Skill Stone: Transcendence] [Rare]

 [Unlocks a random Skill from the Transcendence tree.]

 [Requirement: Open Skill Slot and have at least 1 Mage based Main Tree or Sub-tree Branch Unlocked.]


  Drake rolled the smooth glass like stone in his hand for a moment, mentally selecting his Elementalist Main Tree.

 "Yeah this one just feels right to use here. I don’t think I could use it anywhere else anyway," he chuckled lightly.

 "Bottoms up!" he laughed, gripping the stone tighter than usual as he braced for the Rare quality throngs of power that would come from the stone.


 [You wish to consume Skill Stone: Transcendence [Rare]



 Drake confirmed and instantly felt the pinch of the cold shoot through his arm, and quickly overtake his entire body. The cold was chilling, almost biting at his soul this time as it filled his entire body one cell at a time. Then the heat flooded through the gate that was his hand that had seemed to hold it back. A fire that paled any of the stones before it coursed through his body, threatening to burn him from the inside out.

 He held back a muffled scream as he dropped to his knees, his hand gripping the wrist of the hand that held the stone. His eyes shut from the overwhelming power that began to assault him.

 "Ahhhh….. Fuck..!" he forced out of his clenched jaw as he waited with bated breath for the feeling to pass, fighting with his will to not be overtaken by the seemingly unending stream of power.

 A moment passed as he suffered through.

 Then another.

 And another.

 He lost track of the time as he waited for the chaotic energy to subside. 

 Finally he released his stilled breath as the feeling of power slowly receded, leaving him in a thick cold sweat.


 [You have learned Skill: Elemental Endowment [F-Rank]


 It took a few gasps for air before Drake inspected the skill, his eyes beaming with excitement at the skill that had brought him to his knees.


 Elemental Endowment P1(0%) [F-Rank]


  • A spell that allows the user to use elemental magic to perform extraordinary feats through endowing aspects of their magic into their body and weapons.
  • A spell that places a buff based on Elemental Magic used with the spell for the user. While the spell is in use, the user may not perform magic with said Elemental Magic. This is not limited to base elements and includes magics of confluence.
  • Spell: Endowment - "The power of Fire is not thine to adhere, but mine to possess. Endowment."
  • Effect: Increase in Strength by 50% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Spell: Endowment - "The power of Water is not thine to adhere, but mine to possess. Endowment."
  • Effect: Increase in Active Regeneration by 20% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Spell: Endowment - "The power of Earth is not thine to adhere, but mine to possess. Endowment."
  • Effect: Increase of Defense Effectiveness by 50% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Spell: Endowment - "The power of Wind is not thine to adhere, but mine to possess. Endowment."
  • Effect: Increase of Dexterity by 50% (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Cost: Use of Elemental School of Magic while the spell is in use.
  • Cooldown: None



Drake let out a gleeful whisper under his gasps for air, "Fucking... epic…!"

 But Drake’s parade wouldn’t last long as he heard steps coming from the front gate and a small whimpering. Expecting Theo, he raised his head and looked up in the direction.

 What he was met with was Theo, but not how he expected, and definitely not with who he expected.

 "Hey bro, this guy with you?"

 Drake looked slack jawed as he saw the hulking figure of a man, holding up Theo like a small kitten by the collar of his suit. Theo holding a few fresh monster cores in his arms.

 "My liege, this one apologizes. For I was unable to flee as I believed," Theodore whimpered.

 Drake inspected the man up and down, his new plate armor and shoulder guards shining with a metal gleam, a huge overbearing claymore on his back.


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