Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 65: Upgrades

As of this chapter and moving forward I will be removing the Hard Experience numbers, as it has become a problem to keep track of as well as there being complaints of how the system is working. All of the explanations will still hold water, that Drake will be forced to gain exuberant amount of experience, and that certain classes have a easier/harder time of leveling due to rairity and skills, but there will simply no longer be any hard numbers. I will be going back and editing this of the course of this week and it will be reflected in future chapters. Thank you for the understanding. Cheers and enjoy the chapter!



Drake walked outside of the suspiciously sturdy wooden cage, and looked around, hearing the massive clanging of weapons, armor and shrieks of the Goblins closing in.

Drake took in a quick breath snapping his fingers, summoning a spark of lightning. Switching to his lightning endowment, his hair and tattoo changing to a bright yellow. He quickly glanced at his status.

Thankfully most of it had recovered from his time in his water endowment, and his active regeneration was topping him off.

Unfortunately he spotted a flashing icon next to his status.




Well it was bound to happen, let’s just make sure we don’t run into anyone too daunting in the next five minutes… Drake said internally.

Do you like collecting flags or are you really just that unaware?” Natto grumbled.

Drake smiled, and quickly sprinted around the wall of fallen goblins, putting the spawned stones and non broken armor and weapons into his inventory.

Even snagging another Medium Dimensional Bag from the Jailer, but didn’t have the time to sort through it.

After his little clean up the Goblins began pouring over the small wall again.

“Ok time to put on a show then,” he looked back towards the cage spotting, Theo summoning his doppelgangers and the rest of the group behind him looking apprehensive behind him, “Natto, let’s instill some confidence into our rescuees shall we?”

Drake felt Natto roll her eyes, but it only increased Drake’s happiness at the idea.

The Goblins made a mad dash for Drake, but some split off and began surrounding the cage.

A footman lunged at Drake, its spear passing by his chest harmlessly as he turned. His full status’s Dexterity combined with his endowment easily able to dodge the slow attack.

As the Goblin began to pass Drake, he kneed it in the chest lightly, the Goblin lifting several feet off the ground. Drake swung around and extended a kick to it, shooting it into the flood of Goblins behind it and past the Cage opening, clearing it for a moment.

“Work harder not smarter,” Drake smiled, his earthen arm crumbling away to the ground, and with a snap of his fingers a light blue circle formed on his shoulder, a new water based tendril extending from it, “Little bit of water,” Drake grinned.

Shooting forward he began leaving a trail of soaked earth, and began pelting, splashing, and impaling Goblins left and right with his Water tendril as he made a circle around the cage, careful not to touch the cage.

Making a full circle around it, Drake’s hair faded back to black and his tendril of water slashed to the ground at his feet.

Snapping his fingers another magic circle began forming at the base of his shoulder, a yellowish bright one, as sparks and crackling of lightning formed and licked the air. Drake extended his new arm forward, thundering with new power.

Twin Maximized Magic. Twin Dragon Lightning!” Drake roared, the throngs of his fingers firing forward as the kissed the wet ground, and arched towards the water soaked Goblins, resignation on their faces.

In an instant the entire vicinity was charged and smelled of burnt flesh, the ground steamed with heated blood and water.


[Congratulations! You are now Elemental Miller Level 12] [40 Free Points have been awarded] 


Shooting a glance at Theodore, Drake nodded. Not forgetting to laugh and smile as he looked at the gaping mouths of the group of people inside the cage starting back at him.

You are such a smartass,” Natto chided.

I thought you were born a few days ago, not in the 70’s. Who even says that anymore? Drake questioned sprinting forward past the wall of charred Goblins, not forgetting to snap his fingers to summon a shard of ice changing his endowment, his hair shimmering to a powdery white, and another earthen brown circle of magic fixing a new arm to his shoulder.

“It is from the greatest dad in the history of television,” Natto said proudly, “Now hurry up and distract the vile green beasts, before my foot finds a vacancy in yours.”

Drake couldn’t hold back a deep belly laugh, “I don’t think that’s something you should say when you're only a foot and a half tall.”

“That show is as old as I am,” Drake chuckled, producing chaos through the Goblin ranks as he ran forward, and jumped over groups of Goblin squads snapping his fingers to drop bombs of concentrated fire into the middle of them setting every monster a blaze.

Notification after notification began piling in as they slowly died off from the ever hungry fire.

Drake passed more than one similar cage filled with pleading eyed people inside. But he was forced to bite back the urge to help them as he couldn’t stop moving.

Saving the initial people was one thing, but now that they knew where he was and following, there was no telling until one of the higher up Goblins started taking notice. He was honestly surprised they hadn’t shown themselves already.

I have said it before and I will say it again. You certainly enjoy creating flags,” Natto sighed at Drake’s .wandering thought.

Drake couldn’t disagree, he had been in the habit of stating certain eerie but obvious things lately. And it wouldn’t stop with just that.

“Hey have you noticed something weird about the type of Goblins chasing us and that we’re running into?” Drake said looking around quickly, his hands and feet never stopping their tirade on the monsters he plowed through.


[You have defeated Goblin Squad Commander [F Rank] Level 20] [Experience Earned, 5,500 TP awarded]

[You have defeated Goblin Footman [F Rank] Level 14] [Experience Earned, 4,500 TP awarded]

[You have defeated Goblin Footman [F Rank] Level 13] [Experience Earned, 4,000 TP awarded]

[You have defeated Goblin Squad Commander [F Rank] Level 18] [Experience Earned, 5,500 TP awarded]

[You have defeated Goblin Footman [F Rank] Level 13] [Experience Earned, 4,000 TP awarded]

[You have defeated Goblin Footman [F Rank] Level 13] [Experience Earned, 4,000 TP awarded]


Yes.. they are certainly becoming a less diverse bunch…” Natto agreed, her slow realization spilling over to their mental connection, “Do you think they know it is a distraction already?”

Drake dodged an incoming sword, pivoting to his left, then countering with his palm sending the Goblin in a heap towards the oncoming crowd, “It’s either that, or they simply have too many foot soldiers that they don’t care about cost reward and are just trying to tire us. But..” Drake glanced at his Status, “My regeneration is keeping up with me well enough with the Ice Endowment, I could literally do this all day.”

Drake felt Natto mull over something before she spoke, “I feel unsettled by this. Goblins are not the smartest, but they are competent enough to form ranks and adapt. I believe you are correct, something is wrong. Let us go back to Theodore,”

Drake nodded, summoning five balls of flame around himself with a snap. Each one shooting in a different direction kicking up dirt and exploding in a beautiful array of reds and yellows.

Snapping again, Drake conjured another Fireball, forcing it into a thin line a few meters in front of himself. His Mana dipping more with the command, this time below the amount the regeneration could fully compensate.

“Let’s get going then,” Drake said, bending his knees and getting lower to the ground almost into a sprinter’s position, “Straight line no stops!”

The thin fiery line of concentrated red and orange shot forward into the mass of Goblins, and passed through them like a volcanically hot knife through butter, massive numbers of notification clogging the side of Drake’s vision.

Drake sprang forward, breaking the ground beneath his feet following the fiery thread of death and destruction, as it cut through the glob of Goblins.

The line began to bend, forming into a V shape, Drake’s Mana slowly depleting as he kept the concentrated form of fire alive.

Within no time he reached the Cage. Covered now in green spatter, he looked as if he had run through a mass of bugs in the countryside.

Taking a momentary breath of relief he pulled a black die from his inventory, eyeing the new completed quest. The text a familiar but far too long seen friend.


[200 of 200 Goblin Footmen have been Subjugated. Quest Complete]

[Accept Rewards?]


Drake quickly accepted, making sure to look around for any sign of Theo or any higher tiered goblins in the area.


[Experience Points have been rewarded]

[Please roll for item rarity]


Drake cast the die to the ground, able to see the turning of it perfectly now with his increased stats. 15, 4, then bouncing against the Cage turning to a 7 then a 13, finally catching itself in a small crack in the dirt near the Cage. 


A moment later a bright red mask fell into Drake’s open palm. It had no straps and seemed to only cover the bottom half of the face.

“Oh…… Ohhh!!!!” Drake began roaring.

Oh god…” Natto said, as she threw her suppositious hands over her face.

“Be still, my weeby heart…” Drake whispered.

Drake gazed starry eyed at the mask as he brought it into the sun. It was a half mask, a glistening red cover, the mouth of which had elongated obsidian black fangs and sharp protruding teeth firmly holding a white double-handled blade in place.

“It’s my dream come true!!!” Drake squealed.


[Martial Artist’s Battle Mask [F Grade] [Rare] [Set Piece 3/3]


  • 179 to 183 Physical Damage Reduction
  • 186 to 192 Magic Damage Reduction
  • +5% to Magic Based Damage
  • +10 to Dexterity, +15 to Intelligence, +5 to Endurance
  • Set Effect: Increases Flat Defense Proficiency and Dexterity by 10%.
  • Requires a minimum of 2 Set pieces to activate Set Effect.
  • Special Effect: Increase effectiveness of Aura based skills by 5%
  • The Mask made in the Image of the Glorious Martial Artist. Made from Mana Infused Steel, the Mask is both crafted for protection and intimidation. +15% defense proficiency.



Drake placed the mask to his face, as it somehow snapped into place. The mask did not feel uncomfortable, it even went as far as Drake hardly noticed it was there. There was no difficulty breathing from it, and the points of the mask that covered his cheekbones did not obscure his vision.

Curious Drake moved the mask with his hand to the side of his head, surprised that it stayed in place and only budged when he wanted it to.

“Oh that’s handy… I like…” Drake mumbled, a big goofy smile on his face.

Neanderthal…” Natto grumbled exacerbated.

“Come on grumpy,” Drake chuckled, snapping the mask back into place, “Let’s go find Theo, I wanna show him my new toy!”

Drake ignored the feeling of Natto rolling her eyes. A more and more frequent occurrence as he shot forward in the direction of the Outpost, one last notification sounding this time in his head.


[You have increased Elemental Endowment to Proficiency 2(0%)]



Thank you for reading as always and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter!



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Shakekiller, Wolfram K.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Shadowpulse, Phntm, Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Melanie S. Sphinxes, xerxes, Shaunna H. Mark T,  Brayan R. Gabriel, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., CHoobler, Aksam, Queen Snake

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B. Green S. Eb, dmf, Richard M, Richard R. Pergamon, Gavin T, Primo, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W. Zachary G., Patrick W.  al, Michael W.  Kevin D. Dave the Technician, skeri123, Tsula, Leon O. Alfredo S. James Faulkner, BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Parker H., Radion, Coco-Jin, Issa C., Amar M., Lyrad F.

An overwhelming thanks to my T4 Patrons:

Mello, and Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

M. Mollegarrd, and Mr. Redd.

If you would like to also become a patron and read some of the advanced chapters that are released once or twice daily, you can find the link at the bottom of the chapter or at patreon.com/Arthur_Inverse where you can read ahead from 1 chapter up to 12+ chapters as Draft Edits.


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