Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 68: Returning to the Outpost.

“Are we really going along with this..?” Tom mumbled, walking behind Chelsea.

“Shut up Tom. Why do you always need affirmation from me for your decisions?” Chelsea spat, obviously aggravated and not in any mood to deal with him as she looked at the back of Theodore.

“I don’t… But I’m just saying! What if this guy turns out to be worse than Chris?! Or even the Goblins!”

Chelsea bit her lip staying silent. She had no desire to stay in this outpost with these men who were obviously off their rocker but like everyone else she saw what that man, Shot, did to that Goblin and what it took for him to put it in the ground, at level 12 no less.

That wasn’t something she could just ignore, especially if she could use him to get back to her group, punish Chris for his disgusting backhanded shit, and save the rest of the group who had no choice but to follow him.

When she had raised enough support to take Chris on, she had found out that he was holding people hostage. Chelsea had noticed early on that many of the people who were in the group knew each other. What she wasn’t aware of was that Chris had a tight collar around some of the weaker members forcing others to do what he said. And those who were loners, just went along with his sick and twisted ways, keeping it all on the low and him in power of the group.

But with a man like Shot? With someone with that much power, she could save everyone. But she just had to figure out how to persuade him.

A shake came from her shoulder, prompting her to look over her shoulder, the man finally stirring awake.

“W-what’s going on… Where the hell am I?” mumbled the gruff man.

“Finally awake?” Chelsea dropped the man from her back like a sack of potatoes, “Walk on your own. We’re going to those guys' Outpost.”

“What! What about all the Goblins!?”

“The crazy dude who knocked you out killed them, and ran off, don’t know after that.”

A brisk gust of wind passed Chelsea, as her hair flew backwards, her ponytails coming undone.

“Who’s crazy?” Drake asked, his arms crossed, “Ah! Good to see you awake,” Drake grinned, then spoke up, waving off Theodore for the moment, “Alright everyone follow quickly, the rest of the Goblins are on their way and we need to make it to the outpost quickly! And keep an eye out!”

“For what?” Tom spoke up behind Chelsea.

Drake pointed a finger, a deep crimson magic circle forming on the end of it. A beam of condensed fire shot out past Tom’s shoulder, a yelp sounding.

Tom looked behind him shakily at the smell of burning flesh filling his nose as he looked down at the red-capped Goblin whose forehead was smoldering.

“For the invisible monsters of course!” Drake smiled.



Can I come out yet? I do not particularly enjoy being inside of you for long periods of time…” Natto mumbled.

Wow, that's both disturbing and rude. I’m not sure how to feel about that.. Drake thought.

Drake.. You are doing it again,” Natto chided.

I know, just a little longer, we need to make it to the outpost and get settled. Mental health and introspection on why I went insane and nearly fought until I died comes second on the board. Drake thought, sighing.

He made his way up to Theodore, snapping his fingers to change to his Water Endowment now that he had caught up. Drake needed to replenish his status since there was no telling what might be waiting for them back at the outpost. They had left it on its own after all, so anyone could just climb the walls.

“Theo, how has it been, any trouble since the last time?” Drake asked, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder.

Theodore bowed slightly, “None my liege, surprisingly the Red-Cap thou slew hast been the only monster our band had came at odds with.”

Drake put his earthen arm to his lips thinking.

They continued to walk together at a slightly slower pace as everyone meandered in the direction of the outpost, Drake making sure to keep his eyes peeled, his Magic Sight now on by second nature.


Magic Sight [F Rank] Proficiency 2(13%)

  • This skill grants the passive ability to see the elemental affiliation of objects and beings.
  • Allowing one to see ambient mana of the same vein. It will also allow the user to inspect any object or being that has mana with greater detail. (Increases based on Proficiency)
  • No passive cost.
  • Active Inspection Cost: Very small amount of Mana.
  • No cooldown.


Drake’s Magic Sight had grown leaps and bounds, and now allowed him to reveal the small displacement in mana for at least the Red-Caps.

“I don’t like it,” Drake finally said.

Theodore looked over confused, Natto chiming in, “Certainly I as well find it suspicious. It is almost as if they are letting us go now. Perhaps another ambush?”

Drake nodded, looking over at Theodore.

“Theo, can you go scout ahead? I want to know if there’s something waiting for us,” Drake asked, looking around the surroundings once more, suspicious that there may be some monsters nearby.

Theodore furrowed his brow, but bowed at his waste, giving Harley’s hand a squeeze as he chanted his concealment spell. Shimmering into the background.

Well I still can’t tell where the hell he is. Guess his spell upgraded too then. Drake thought.

I believe we must stop for a moment then and wait for dear Theodore to return. Shall we take a stroll to the back and see if you were followed?” Natto suggested.

That’s a good suggestion, glad I thought of it. Drake smirked, feeling Natto sigh and roll her eyes.

“Harley, would you please make sure everyone is as calm as possible and won’t run off. I need to make sure we're safe until Theo gets back,” Drake asked, his eyes soft at the obviously worried woman looking in the direction Theodore had gone off in.

Barely able to pull her gaze away, she turned, “Y-yes. Of course, I will do my best.”

Drake smiled, “What class are you Harley?” Drake suddenly asked.

She blinked for a moment, “I- I’m a ranger. It’s just a common class specialized in long range fighting.”

Drake nodded, pulling some equipment from his inventory and dropping it in front of her. A recurve bow, crossbow, bolts, and some pieces of leather gear, as well as some familiar green earrings that plopped into Drake’s hands.

“Here, take this, and get a count on what people need, I have a lot of stuff I need getting rid of. Do you have a full set of skills yet?” Drake asked, placing the set or rings and earrings into her open hand.

Harley shook her head, her mouth slightly agape.

“I see. Do your best to get that list, and don’t mention skills just yet, I want to make sure it’s worth giving them anything. First we start with some equipment to make sure no one is going to die, I will be back in a bit,” Drake grinned, turning to run behind, passing the disgruntled group and a few wide at the sight of the equipment appearing.

“Where’s he going?!” Tom shouted.

“Tom, will you ever stop bloody whinging….” grumbled Jacquline.



I thought you wished to not do more than you had to for these people?” Natto asked.

Drake began running through the forest, spreading his aura out as far as possible, scanning the area for anything that might be a danger.

“It’s not about wanting to or not. They should at least be able to defend themselves, and I’m not exactly using those pieces of equipment right now anyway,” Drake answered.

Only a few minutes of backtracking Drake spotted a small squad of Goblins, a heavily armored one with a tower shield in front, jogging forward with the clanking of its armor sounding in the forest.

Drake quickly ducked behind a tree.

That’s a new one… Is that another General?

[Tjiruc’ Fuv Jeric Level 20 [F Rank]

“Perhaps. There is no way to know if your inspection skill does not reveal it already,” Natto said.

Isn’t that just helpful… I would love to go at it, but they're too close to the group and I want to figure out what’s going on before I turn into a just a mindless bloodthirsty beast. Drake thought.

Natto stayed silent.

Drake ran back in the direction he came, a little concerned at Natto’s silence.

What? No quippy sas this time? I set you up pretty well there.

There is nothing to say when I truly fear it may happen if we do not get a handle on it,” her tone serious.

Drake grimaced. He wanted to assure her he would be fine, but he honestly wasn’t sure himself. Something was changing inside him, and quickly. It was plain that they needed to figure it out sooner rather than later, but circumstances forced them to stall until they reached the Outpost at the very least.

“Let’s not give in to all the doom and gloom just yet alright? I’ll figure it out. And if not then we’ll figure it out.”

Drake changed his grimace to a smile, picking up pace, switching to his Lightning Endowment.



“Please calm down! Mr. Shot said that he will give everyone the equipment they need so you need only tell me your class and what weapon you require. He will be back shortly,” Harley said, her hands up, trying her best to pacify the group.

“Why did he leave in the first place! Why isn’t he here protecting us?! He’s obligated to keep us alive isn't he?!” a man from the group screamed, his fist shaking in the air in anger.

Harley recoiled slightly at the shout, not sure how to respond. She agreed it looked abysmal currently. They had no weapons outside her’s, both Theodore and Mr. Shot had left to secure the surroundings but inadvertently left them basically defenseless.

Harley was a combat class but hardly able to defend the group by herself.

“I-I… H-he um..” she stammered, but Chelsea came to her rescue.

“Don’t you dare put this on her! She is not responsible for you, just because that asshole put her in charge on a whim! If you want to shout at someone do it to him when he gets back. Until then you better just keep alert and watch the surroundings,” Chelsea growled.

The man quickly backed down, his hand swiftly moving to his side as he grumbled turning his back to look out into the brush.

“Thanks, Chels… I’m not very good at these types of things..”

“It’s alright Harley, even if you were under the circumstances it would be a tall order to fill. Everyone is on edge, and Mr. Big Shot Asshole decided to go off again without telling anyone,” she grumbled, crossing her arm.

Another burst of wind came from behind her with a tuft of dirt being produced at the feet of the man who appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

“Who didn’t tell anyone? Harley knew what I was doing, right Harley?” Drake asked, a small grin on the side of his mouth.

A gasp sounded from the entire group when Drake appeared, startling several people so much they dropped to their knees.

“I-I um.. Yes you did. Sorry,” she replied, her face dampening.

Drake waved his good hand, “It’s alright. I was hoping having people stay busy with talking and looking forward to getting some equipment might help with their nerves, Guess I was wrong, I’ll have to work on that. So, did you manage to get the list going?”

Drake snapped his hand and his Endowment changed to his Water once again, his tattoo and hair shimmering to a light blue in response. Natto’s ear and tail twitching slightly.

Chelsea raised an eyebrow, “How do you do that? Are you a mage or a warrior?”

Drake turned his face, it going even as he looked the woman up and down, “Something like that.”

Chelsea looked confused, “Something like what? That doesn’t answer my question.”

Drake ignored her, and looked back to Harley waiting for an answer.

“Oh, yeah. I got most of the people to tell me, but some of them don’t want to reveal their classes which is understandable. But there are 14 people who can use sword type skills, 4 magic users including healers, 8 ranged users. The remaining 8 are unique weapon users or at the very least non-standard, varying from spears, guns, fist weapons and some even using instruments. There are a few among the unique users who have mentioned they are support or non-combat classes also…”

Drake perked up his ears at the mention of unique weapon users and especially the word healers, “There are healers here? Who?”

Harley looked to Chelsea not sure if she should mention the name. But the woman in question piped up.

“That would be me, love,” answered Jacqueline, walking out from the group.

Drake looked over at the woman, her statue exuded confidence as she leaned putting her weight on her right leg, arms crossed. Her black braided hair came down past her waist, and her chocolate like complexion was well fit to her features.

“What type of healing do you specialize in,” Drake asked, getting to the point.

“None of your damn business. You won’t tell us so I won’t tell you. Knowing I’m a healing class is good enough,” Jacqueline said pointedly.

Drake grit his teeth.

This is going to be a problem. I was hoping she would just tell me since I saved her life, but they want more? Or do they just not trust me? He asked Natto.

It certainly makes sense. You may be the one who saved them but think on how you did it. You basically told them they were baggage,” Natto answered, a mental shrug of her shoulders coming through their connection.

Drake opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t find a rebuttal.

I suppose you're right. Then it will have to go on the back burner until later. We have to hurry this along.

Drake spoke up so everyone could hear, “Alright everyone gather around for your equipment, Sword users first, if you can use a shield even better,” Drake said, waving his arms inward to gather the group.

He quickly passed out what he could to the Warriors and those who could work with a shield as well. Reminding him that he hadn’t gotten the opportunity to grab the Goblin General’s equipment, and still had the Jailer’s bag to go through.

After the Warriors, Drake passed out some bows and crossbows, including the arrows. Then came the Mage and Priest classes.

Surprisingly, Jacqueline shook her head when offered a staff, instead asking for a cudgel but Drake could only offer up the Wooden Club most of the Apes had been using.

Unfortunately the only unique weapon Drake could offer to the rest of them was a singular Gauntlet. The same one he had used before he had gotten his Tattoo Rings.

There were the guns he had stored, but he wasn’t ready to part with those, hoping to trade them for something useful when he reached Shigure’s camp eventually.

With the weapons Drake also handed out armor where he could, but not everyone was willing to wear some of the blood soaked gear, as well as it simply not fitting some of their builds.

After a few minutes of this, and Drake making sure to keep alert of the surroundings with his Aura and Magic Sight, he began trying to hurry them along.

“Theodore isn’t here yet but we need to keep moving now that everyone is geared up,” Drake said loudly.

Some still fixing the equipment they had been given, looked up from their adjusting concerned faces looking back at him.

“There may be more than one group, but I know there is at least one more strong individual leading a pursuing party. Harley,” Drake looked at the woman, “I am going to delay them. I want you, and Miss,” Drake looked at Chelsea.

“Chelsea…” she answered reluctantly.

“Miss Chelsea, to take charge until Theodore comes back. If there is an ambush waiting for us back at the Outpost you will tell him to go to the second outpost, he will know what I am talking about. If it’s all clear, you are to head with the group straight to the originally planned Outpost,” Drake instructed.

“You have two outposts?” Tom asked above the group, fixing the shield in his hand.

“I have a lot of things, but that’s for later. Right now you all are liabilities. I can not protect you all against a pursuing enemy out in the open,” Drake said, his gaze going over the group.

“But you did it before! Why can’t you do it now?!” someone asked.

Drake shook his head, “I got the drop on the strongest monster, and Theo had turned their surrounding ranks into a ball of chaos. In a fight out here in the forest, with cover? They could easily pick you off and get away. I am going to go back and stop them before they even get close.”

“But-” Tom started, but Drake shouted above him, his voice stern and his aura pulsating ever so slightly to drive home his words.

“This is not a discussion. Do any of you have the confidence to fight a General? What about a group of 50 or more monsters who are coordinated? Do not forget that you were captured by these monsters not so long ago,” Drake spat.

Everyone's faces from the group turned docile as they felt the push of his aura on them.

Drake turned again to Chelsea and Harley, “Crystal clear ladies?”

Both nodded, their shoulders slightly shivering as they hugged themselves.

Drake walked through the group and in the direction of the Goblin Squad he had seen.

I need them all out of the way so they don’t get hurt. And I’d really like the experience all to myself. He thought.

I take it back, that yappy young girl was right. You are an asshole.” Natto giggled.



Thank you for reading as always and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter!



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Shakekiller, Wolfram K.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Shadowpulse, Phntm, Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Melanie S. Sphinxes, xerxes, Shaunna H. Mark T,  Brayan R. Gabriel, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., CHoobler, Aksam, Queen Snake, Tyler, M van D.

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M, Richard R. Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W. Zachary G., Patrick W., Michael W.  Kevin D. Dave the Technician, skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S. James Faulkner, BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Parker H., Radion, Coco-Jin, Issa C., Amar M., Lyrad F., Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., and Nemiea T., Chris M., Rd Zg, Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M.

An overwhelming thanks to my T4 Patrons:

Mello, and Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

M. Mollegarrd, and Mr. Redd.

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