Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 72: Camp Rules.

Chelsea walked around the Outpost. It was barren save for one large tent that they were explicitly told not to enter, and a bed that was covered in green blood.

As she walked from one end to the other she noticed spots of blood on the ground, as well as obvious wear and tear of use. Looking back at the tall wooden wall covering the entirety of the place she couldn’t help but feel a bit safer.

Sighing, she turned her head to the rest of the group as some had begun arguing on what to do.

“I don’t like this! All I’m saying is this might just be as bad as the Goblin’s cage! They literally just dropped us off here and ran off again! They can’t possibly be reliable!” a gruff voice shouted over the crowd.

“Well, I for one am staying. Didn’t you see how quickly he wiped out that entire horde of Goblins? Not to mention that big one with some ridiculous ice spell? Can any of you do that?” another voice said.

“That’s what I'm saying! What’s stopping him from doing that or worse to us?!”

“You’re just being paranoid. Sure the spell was big but if he's only a caster we can just over power him if it comes down to it.” a younger man said.

Chelsea had reached the edge of the group that huddled around the firecamp they had relit. Some people were eating the small bits of food they had left from their inventories and others pulled from a barrel of water Theodore had left.

“Are you fucking daft? Blind? Maybe both? Did you not see him kill that bloody Jailer with his bare hands? And what the hell are you all whinging about? You are safe, behind walls and not a monster in sight. I’d call this a step up from the dredges of that damned cage,” Jacqueline yelled back.

“Oh forgot about that…” the young man said, deflating out of the conversation.

“That does bring up the question, “Chelsea said, inserting herself into the conversation, “What class do we think this guy is?” she asked the group but her eyes fell on Harley, sitting on the fallen tree by the fire, her eyes slightly unfocused as they gazed at the dancing flames.

“My vote is on a Mage that has a skill to change his stats to melee!” Tom shouted over the crowd.

Chelsea scoffed, “We all know you can only specialize Tom. Anyone else?”

A woman shakily raised her hand, “Actually… I think Tom has a point. During my own class up, I rolled a 1, and it gave me one of the starter classes. I didn’t choose it though because it said I would be reverted back to level 1.”

Chelsea raised a brow.

“Anyone else have something similar?” Chelsea asked, propping her hand on her hip.

The heads of the group all shook no.

Well that’s not very helpful.. We have to figure out what class he is, if I’m going to know if he can beat Chris and the rest of them… Chelsea thought.

Walking over to Jacqueline, Chelsea brought her voice to a hushed tone, “Jacky I need your help with something.”

Jacqueline, cocked her ear and nodded, “Sure love, what’s the damage?”

“You remember how he asked about your healing?”

“Who? The devil in human skin, blows us all to bits if he’d like, chap?” Jacqueline replied.

Chelsea smiled wryly, coughing slightly, “Ahem, yeah that guy. I need you to find out why he needs a healer. Besides the obvious of him being alone. I think it’s his missing arm but I’m not one hundred percent sure,”

“He has a missing arm? I thought it was an item or some piece of equipment.”

Chelsea shook her head and pulled Jacqueline out of the group so she could speak more candidly, “No, I got a good look at it before he ran off, it was made of earth. Either way, when you find out, I want you to do your best to get him to help us with Chris. If he can kill that many Goblins on his own, we might have a chance to get back to the camp and save everyone.”

Jacqueline pursed her lips for a moment.

“Love, it’s been a few days since we’ve been about. I don’t think…”

Chelsea shook her head in disagreement. “You know Chris will want to keep everyone alive even if he is found out. He needs Megan for her group buffs. And without the rest of his goons they can’t keep everyone under control.”

Jacqueline nodded. “Sure thing. I’ll honey trap the little psycho. He doesn’t stand a chance,” she said, giving a wink.

Chelsea gave a genuine smile, and hugged her. “Thank you, Jacky.”

While they finished their discussion a loud knocking came on the gate, more a ram hitting the door than a knock as it startled everyone into glaring at the ruckus.

No one moved or answered, the silence deafening as all their minds raced on who or what it might be at the gate.

Then a voice shouted from the other side.

“Open the gate already would you!”

Harley was surprisingly the first one to get up and answer, almost rushing to the gate.

“Who is that? Mr. Shot?” she hollered back.

“No, it’s your landlord, rent is due! Open up or we’ll send in the Squirtle Squad, and no one wants that, Jerry can be a bit quick on the water gun if you know what I mean!”

Harley sighed, convinced it was Shot and began twisting the gate wheel slowly, until Chelsea ran over and helped with a pensive look.





Drake sighed. He had tried to keep a normal demeanor with his jokes as they helped the newly freed captives to the Outpost.

It had taken much longer than he thought as they were not well. Many needed medical treatment and food. He wasn’t sure how long they had been abused or starved as the Goblins had only started showing up a few days ago as far as he knew.

But many of the wounds on them and their malnourished sunken faces proved differently.

The Gate slowly opened as Drake waved the large crowd of 30 odd people inside. 

Theodore moved next to him, his back straight, and his monocle now in place on his right eye.

“My liege. What art to do wist thine flock? Surely we do not have the means to feed and protect them?” Theodore asked conflicted.

Drake didn’t turn to face Theodore as he watched the people pile in through the gate slowly.

“I picked up a lot of food from those bags we got earlier. And if my little messenger does his job, we won't have to worry about it in a few days or sooner,” Drake answered, spotting a woman trip, but he moved to catch her quickly.

The woman flinched at his touch and recoiled, looking back at him in fear.

Drake never broke his emotionless face as he simply nodded to her and waved her to keep moving.

Ungrateful..” Natto spat.

Give them a break, they’ve been through hell. Drake chided.

It has nothing to do with you. Was it your fault the monsters captured them? Was it your fault what happened to them? They could at least show a sliver of gratitude for someone who saved their lives from the unending torment.”

Drake winced at the wording, bringing up what had happened earlier only a few moments before they reached the Gate.

Natto… Leave it alone. Drake thought, his brows pushing together for a small scowl.

Earlier a pair of the captives begged Drake to kill them. It was not a pleasant experience. They had yelled, insulted, and pleaded for him to end them and just let them be free of the hell that was the tutorial.

Drake was against it. Fervently against it. He had almost snapped at the two as they asked him. Did they really not value their own life enough to press on?

They would ask a stranger to end it and to take on the burden of ending their lives because they were too cowardly to do it themselves?

It left the foulest of tastes in Drake’s mouth to even ponder the thought. He could empathize with them. What had happened was unforgivable and scarring. But to ask someone else to do the deed was asking hate to beget hate. And Drake wouldn’t stand for it.

He had said nothing to the pair, and bit his tongue as they eventually broke down in tears but decidedly moved on with the group.

Drake sighed once more. Moving into the Outpost, the last of the group filing in.

He and Theodore were greeted by Harley and Chelsea, each with a questioning look on their face. Harley moved to Theodore as they shared a gentle exchange of looks before Chelsea began bombarding Drake with questions.

“Who are these people? They look like they've been pulled from a camp in the 1900s” Chelsea said, her frown deep.

Drake ignored her, moving past and closed the gate himself behind them. Then moved to the center of the camp.

“Who is a healer?” Drake shouted as loudly and clearly as he could.

Several hands hesitantly raised up. Including Jacqueline’s.

Drake nodded, “Good step forward. These people that have just joined us are in need of healing and food. If you are a healer that needs skill stones or in need of a weapon still, I will provide it.”

Many confused gazes looked back and forth to each other but a group of 6 people walked forward of the 60 odd some mass.

“You really have those stones? The only healing stones I’ve seen have been from quest rewards,” Jacqueline asked suspiciously.

Drake dumped a small pile of stones from his inventory. “These are Soul Mastery Subclass stones, Healer Stones and Prayer Stones. I killed a Mage General and this was on his person. There is enough here for the 6 of you, take what you need and get to healing,” Drake gave a wave to Theodore, he and Harley walking over, “Theo, please make sure that they are using them and not stashing them.”

Theodore nodded, as Harley looked down at the stones slightly agape.

Drake didn’t stop there, raising his voice again. “Was anyone a therapist or dealt with trauma victims before the tutorial?”

No one raised their hand sadly.

Well it was a shot in the dark. Drake thought a little disappointed.

Drake moved further away and began unloading tents, beds, campfire supplies and leather gear.

“Everyone sets up their own tent, one bed per person. The new group will come with me for food and drinks first,” he yelled.

“Hey, why do they get special treatment we’re hungry too!” someone shouted.

Drake spread his aura, letting it flex slightly.

“Because they have been marching for god knows how long through that forest and need food. And I own this place, so I say so. Do you have a problem with that?” Drake said evenly.

No answer.

“Good. I will lay some ground rules also. No fighting, no stealing, you may come and go as you wish. But if you stay, know that you play by my rules in my house. I will provide protection, food, and shelter, as best I can. In a week’s time I will take whoever remains to Shigure’s camp.”

A few faces lit up at the mention of the camp, others looked just as despondent as before, simply eyeing the gate they had just been led through.

“If you have something you want to complain about, bring it to that,” Drake pointed to the gate.

“But that’s the gate..?” Tom said from the crowd.

“Exactly. You are not a prisoner here. You don’t like it, feel free to leave. While you are here I am responsible for you, the moment you decide to leave. I am not. Any questions? No? Good. Food is ready in 30, second group first, first group after!” Drake barked.

Drake didn’t stay for the low grumbles and exchange of disbelief in the crowd and got to work.

Moving to an end of the Outpost, he unloaded another Tent, quickly setting it up. Placing chairs, tables, bowls and utensils on them.

Then leaving the tent, Drake cobbled together 10 campfires, placing cauldrons for food on top of them. Lighting each one with a snap of his fingers.

You seem a little more at peace doing this,” Natto mentioned, feeling the serene calm of Drake’s mind.

Yeah.. It brings me back to when I used to cook massive meals for my family. There's some quiet in the mechanical cutting and serving of food. Just you and the sound of the kitchen. Drake grinned.

You are almost a housewife with that thought process,” Natto jabbed.

Cooking soothes the soul, in times of distress. It’s my aikido, my zen. And Chef would be disappointed in you making fun of people enjoying cooking. Maybe we should try some squirrel stew instead? Drake fired back.

He could feel Natto recoil with a slight shiver at his joke, making him smile.

Drake pulled more tables as needed from his inventory, placing the supplies he needed on each one. Cutting the ingredients as needed, while he filled each cauldron with water in between.

Soon 10 fully stocked pots were simmering a pleasant smell under Chef Drake’s watchful eye.

Looking out into the slowly forming crowd of people Drake felt a tinge of regret.

Drake?” Natto asked, “What is it now?”

I was just thinking. Maybe if I hadn’t run off at the start. I could have had a group like this already. You know without all the nasty stuff happening to them. I can say I sympathize with them all I want, but I’ll never really understand what it’s like to go through what they did, the same way they can’t for me. It’s frustrating.

“Everyone has their story as you have said… Trauma, tribulation, and walking your path all gives form to the character behind the person. They will either move past it and thrive in one way or another. Be that overcoming it, burying it deep inside, or using it to fuel them to never let it happen again like you have. But that is not something you can make them do,” Natto said, doing her best to console him.

Tough times make hard men, soft times soft men. Is the saying huh? Drake thought absentmindedly.

I do not know that saying but, for what it is worth. It certainly applies. There will be no harder time than that of a new universe initiation. I can promise you that without question Drake, so you must be strong. Stronger than you are now.”


[Tutorial Wide Quest Update]

[The Goblin King has moved from his throne at the slight of his Generals being slain in combat. This transgression will not go unpunished.

The Mighty Goblin King marches his forces forward in response. Seeking the transgressor. The march of the Goblin Horde will not cease until they are killed. Or until the King purges the land of the insects that scour it.

Time left until the Goblin King joins the fight: 6 Days, 23 Hours, 59 Minutes, 34 Seconds.]

[Added Bonus Reward: Experience, Tutorial Points, Epic Quality Class Stone]

[Additional Requirement for Bonus: Kill the Goblin King before the timer runs out]


Shouts and complaints sounded through the outpost, and the faces of the people turned from bad to worse as the notification sunk in.

But Drake snapped his mask into place and smiled behind it as he felt the presence of beings entering his sphere outside the walls of the outpost.

“Looks like our messenger finally met with the Big Green Baddie, and it’s perfect that they know where we are. So they can just come to us,” Drake said softly.

Quickly Drake casted his defensive buffs, “I am the wall on which my enemies bellow, Unbreakable!” a sheen of green passing over him, “I am the shield, I am the rampart, Bulwark!” a green cover materializing in front of him like his other shielding skill, “On blessed wings, Guardian’s Reprieve!” the last of his defensive buffs solidifying around him.

Drake snapped his hands and an Earth Bullet sank down into the ground, then pushed him up above the people in the outpost, as he spoke.

“Today I brought you all here from the Goblins. Some of you were put through unspeakable things that I can not even attempt to understand. So I won’t give you platitudes of it going to be alright, or that time will heal your wounds,” Drake snapped again changing his Endowment to lightning, his hair and tattoo shifting to a bright yellow, “I can’t give you back the time or peace of mind taken from you. But I will tell you this.”

Drake turned to look at the wall of the outpost, the sound of Goblin horns and drums sounding.

He crouched down and shot upwards, the earthen stage he had made crumbling from the force.

Up in the sky Drake overlooked the force of Goblins, a sea of horrible sickening green.

“It’s time to see how much this new skill helps and I’ve wanted to test this for a while,” Drake said smiling.

In the air Drake began casting, his hand above his head as he looked down, in his perception his voice even and at normal speed. But in reality his Lightning Endowment had increased the speed at which he casted.

Spirit of Sorrow and Isolation,”  a large blue circle forming underneath Drake, “Thou who bestows thy power unto Kings!” the circle enlarging further, a ball of water forming above Drake’s hand.

The Goblins had begun throwing everything they had at him, some of the spells and arrows missing but some hitting their mark. But Drake continued to cast, the near planet size ball of water swirling above him.


[Bulwark Broken]

[Reprevial Charge Gained]


“Bring forth a great torrent that shall rule the earth!” the massive size of the water blocked out the sun above, giving shade to those underneath it, as it threatened to swallow everything in its sheer size and torrential waters.

The bombardment continued from the Goblins smashing into Drake, an arrow embedding itself into his shoulder. Drake grit his teeth and gave a vicious glare down to the mass of Goblins below, before finishing his cast, pouring the unproportionate amount of mana he now had into it.

A spear launched from the crowd of Goblins, gleaning in a blood red color as it hurtled towards him, but Drake used his Reprevial Charge to move directly above the center of the Army at the gates, his spell traveling with him.

“Vainel Ganezza!” Drake roared, throwing down his hand as the torrent of water spilled from above, subsuming all of the spells and arrows on its way down to the mass of Goblins.

The notifications seemed to never cease. Drake falling from the sky backwards.

Snapping his fingers, he changed to his Water Endowment, his hair shifting. Drake flipping in mid air with a snap of his fingers conjuring pockets of Wind to change his position and land softly on the ground in the small crater he had made from his jump.

Looking out into the shocked crowd of people, the waters of his spell splashing against the wall of the Outpost behind him. Drake spoke again.

“I will tell you. That without a doubt, the perpetrators of your trauma in this tutorial, will pay. And they will pay with their lives and blood, ten fold!” Drake roared, his eyes cascading in blue, green and yellow, as he wretched the arrow from his shoulder and raised it in a first above his head.


[Congratulations! You have increased to Elemental Miller Level 14] [40 Free Stats have been awarded]


[You have defeated Goblin General: Serteppi’ Fuv Jeric Level 24 [F Rank] [Experience Earned and 350,000 TP rewarded]


[You have defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Erciru’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP rewarded]


[You have defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Riruc’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP rewarded]


[You have defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Tubruic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP rewarded]


[You have defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Shiruc’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP rewarded]


[You have defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Locuvic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP rewarded]



[Quest Complete! Subjugated 100 of 100 Goblin Shamans [F Rank]


[Accept Rewards?]


[5x [Health Potion F Grade] [Mana Potion F Grade] [Stamina Potion F Grade] awarded]  [Experience Earned and 50,000 TP awarded]



[Quest Complete! Subjugated 100 of 100 Goblin Riders [F Rank]


[Accept Rewards?]


[5x [Health Potion F Grade] [Mana Potion F Grade] [Stamina Potion F Grade] awarded]  [Experience Earned and 50,000 TP awarded]



[Quest Complete! Subjugated 20 of 20 Iron Tusk Boars [F Rank]


[Experience awarded]



[Quest Complete! Subjugated 50 of 50 Goblin Squad Commanders [F Rank]


[Accept Rewards?]


[1x  Large Dimensional Bag 50x10] [Experience awarded]



[Quest Complete! Subjugated 15 of 15 Goblin Treasure Hoarders [F Rank]


[Accept Rewards?]


[You have received the Goblin King’s Hoard Key]


[Congratulations! You have increased to Elemental Miller Level 15] [40 Free Stats have been awarded]


Thank you for reading as always and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter!



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BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Shakekiller, Wolfram K., Alex, Naoggeddon

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And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Patrick W., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S. James F., BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Parker H., Radion, Coco-Jin, Issa C., Amar M., Lyrad F., Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., Nemiea T., Chris M., Rd Zg, Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, Jakub T., al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Mikael S., Nathan V. M., Phntm, Lost1nCarcosa, Jame I.,

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Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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