Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 88: Tom’s Special Power.

“How has it been a good day exactly Drake? I should not have to tell you,” Natto started, “I have yet to acquire the sustenance I was promised and deserve! Where is that girl with my meal!?” she shouted, raising her hands in the air.

“There is something oddly funny about a 3-day-old, one foot tall, chi-” Drake scoffed, but was stopped by Natto glaring at him, “Woman,” he amended, “Calling a grown 5-foot sum woman a girl. You act like one of those land ladies from animes.”

“And whose fault may that be? Lest you forget I was derived from you. May you also not forget that I am made in an image that you would enjoy and find comforting! That includes parts of my personality,” she huffed.

“I can’t forget something you’ve never told me. Wait…. so, does that mean I like tsunderes? Or am I just an M… Wait, I can’t handle this monumental moral dilemma right now…” Drake said, grinning as he joked.

“Monumental moral dilemma is it…? Certainly, it is the latter. We both know quite well how much you liked to get yourself knocked out, at least until recently,” Natto jabbed.

“Hey! I- Ok that might be true,” Drake said, shrugging his shoulders, “But back to my point. Am I alright to use these? I still don’t feel like myself honestly, but I can't put gaining power on hold. The Goblins seem to be ramping up the scale of the attacks, as well as changing strategies. And we only have..” Drake trailed off as he looked at the quest.

[Time left until the Goblin King joins the fight: 4 Days, 16 Hours, 29 Minutes, 34 Seconds.]

“A little less than 5 Days until the King joins and with Theo out finding Chelsea and Jacqueline’s friend I don’t think we have a way to accurately find him without me going out myself. And there’s no telling what they might bring if I leave. It’s honestly really taxing to think about unless we can just wait until the King finds us?” Drake pondered.

“And the manchild Tom’s friend. Do not forget him,” Natto said.

“What?” Drake asked, confused.

“Do not forget about the buffoon, you maroon,” Natto said again, thumbing to the corner.

In the corner with his shield was Tom, motionless and a sheepish look on his face.

Drake looked over flabbergasted that the man had been there and he had not noticed him, even with his aura and ocular skills.

Tom raised his hand to wave at Drake awkwardly.

“H-hi…” he muttered.

“Ho-how long have you been there Tom?” Drake asked incredulously.

“I’ve been here since um… Since Claire has been with you then left. I just uh.. Didn’t want to interrupt again so I just stayed quiet in the corner…” Tom answered, his face beading with cold sweat and an awkward smile.

Drake placed a hand to his face.

“Aii puta ne dana… Tom, you have less presence than Theo does while he has his skill on. How in the world are you a frontliner?” Drake scoffed, honestly impressed the man could sit so still for over an hour, and elude his skills.

“Uh.. I don’t know. Honestly that kind of sounds like an insult… I’m pretty sure that’s an insult… But it’s not like I’m trying to do it. I guess people just don’t notice me…? The monsters spot me right away though…” he mumbled.

“Tom, do you want to change that?” Drake asked honestly.

“Of course I do! I don’t think anyone likes being ignored…”

“Then you need to start by at least speaking up. No more sitting in corners waiting to be talked to. Can you promise me that,” Drake chuckled.

“Y-yeah.. Yeah! I can do that,” Tom replied.

“Ok now go get some rest and food man.”

Tom nodded then placed the shield in his inventory, starting to walk out of the earthen room, but Drake stopped him for a moment.

“And Tom,” Drake said with a flash of his eyes to yellow, his mouth tugging a smile, “It goes without saying right?”

Tom nodded quickly then bolted down the steps in a rush, nearly tripping a few times.

“You bully that child far too much,” Natto finally snickered as she spoke up.

“Yeah well I think it’s better me than someone who's going to actually bully him and kill him. Sometimes tough love is what even grown adults need. I think I know that better than anyone,” Drake said, his face turning to a full smile from his grin previously.

“Is it from your past? It is quite the odd reaction to being given tough love and smiling for it, no?” Natto asked.

“Yeah. I loved my Father, but he wasn’t the hardest on us. He gave us everything we ever asked for. Money, games, food, clothes, you name it. He even gave me money for pot one time because I said it helped me with my headaches,” Drake chuckled.

“He certainly sounds like a very loving Father, I will say,” Natto smiled back.

“Yep, he was the best. But being smothered in love doesn’t always help prepare you for the real world, or the dynamics of society. And especially the job market when you leave high school and college. Anyway, my point is, I met a few friends while playing games and they ended up being the best male role models I could have asked for. They were way older but they had been through it ya know? Telling me everything to look out for and to do, but I ended up having to go through the mistakes anyway to really learn. Then it got to the point where I hit the bottom and that's where the real tough love came out and they kicked me off my ass and got me moving again,” Drake said, stopping as he realized he had gone on a tangent.

He briefly thought of what those two friends would be fairing during something like this tutorial, then quickly dismissed it.

They’re probably living the dream and loving it. I wouldn't be surprised if they both willingly chose a Dual Class. Drake thought.

Shaking his head rid of the nostalgia he turned back to Natto.

“Alright serious time again, what about the stones? Am I greenlit for take-off, or are you going to keep Maverik down?” Drake asked.

“I am against it. Your growth is remarkable, there is no denying that fact. And that is the problem as I have said. At least give it a few days, you need to assimilate your growth better. I wish nothing for you but to get stronger,” Natto said, pausing to chew on her bottom lip.

“Ok but…?” Drake laughed.

“However, Mana Vessels take time to change, and there is normally a standard growth rate. Have you noticed how adjusted some of the others are? They react how a normal person would to most things and have become accustomed to the tutorial’s brutality while still maintaining their human emotions,” Natto explained.

“Yeah well I’ve been anything but normal. So I don’t think that’s a fair assessment,” Drake said chuckling.

“Drake, I am serious! Please for your own sake and mine. Give it a few days. With any luck the Goblins will ease on their assaults giving you time to rest. And you will still have plenty of time to assimilate the stones when you have stabilized then you can have your little fight with the Goblin King,”

Drake deflated at the words ‘little’ and took it to heart, making sure it would be the biggest annoying reference fight Natto would ever have the displeasure of witnessing.

“Yeah, sure,” Drake answered.

“No! Not su- Wait… you agreed?” Natto said, blinking confused, “Why would you agree so quickly?”

“No reason. Come on let's go find Claire I’m actually hungry for once.”

“Wait. Certainly, you are up to something!” Natto shouted as she chased him to the edge of the earthen box.

“Maybe, but I’ll never tell,” Drake grinned, picking up Natto as she merged with him, still flabbergasted.

Ah! I see what you are going to do, you dolt!” she screamed.

“Shit. I forgot she can read my mind and memories,” Drake cringed.

You think you can get away with this?!” she shouted.

Drake fully ignored her with a casual whistle as he strode down the steps of the Rampart.

Cry all you want, I’ve got to see a man about a robot. Drake thought, making his way to the tent area that had exploded into a wide assortment of tents for all the newcomers.

Drake snapped his mask into place, just in case as he made his way through the tents, eventually finding Claire before Hudson.

She was finishing filling some barrels with food, with some disgruntled looks from the other residents but she hardly seemed to notice. Amir was next to her as they both walked off in Drake’s direction.

Why does that look so awkward? Drake asked internally.

Claire seems only to have opened up to you. I assume she is just hard to talk to for everyone else,” Natto replied dismissively.

Claire and Amir both spotted Drake at the same time, her face lighting up and Amir’s showing relief as if he had been saved.

“You came down from the Rampart? Is anyone watching the wall?” Clair asked, looking over his shoulder to the wall.

“The sentries have got it for now while I go find Hudson. Do you know where he is, I have to ask him about the bigger robots,” Drake asked.

“I believe he is in the far tent near the Mines, Sir. I think he wanted to stay close to his supply of Mana Iron Ore. Where is-” Amir started asking as he looked around for the little construct, but quickly stopped as he saw the two iconic red ears appear with a ‘pop’ from Drake’s head.

“She’s right where she should be. Kinda seen and not heard,” Drake said flatly, his grin hidden behind his mask.

I will hurt you... There is very intense pain in your future ape,” she hissed.

“Why do I hear music?” Claire asked.

“It’s just your imagination. Now Amir, would you please lead me to the tent? I think it’ll be good if you guys weigh in on everything also,” Drake offered.

“Are we going somewhere?” a voice sounded from behind Drake.

“Ah! What the fuck Tom,” Drake shouted.

“Sorry... You did tell me to speak up, so I did.”

“Right. Well good. Actually, good you’re here as well, let’s all head off to anno- I mean see Hudson,” Drake finalized, checking over his shoulder to see if anyone else had snuck up on him.

Are my skills not working or something?! Drake asked.

Your brain neither works, so it would not surprise me in the slightest,” Natto answered.

Ok fine, I deserve that. And I also deserve the food Claire got for you. He smiled.

Touch it and I will leak every dark thing you have ever looked up on the internet.”

“Ok Claire, make sure to hold tightly onto that bowl of food for, she who will not be named,” Drake said, cold sweat beading down his face.

“Sure.. Are you ok? You are really sweating. I’ve never seen you do that even with the Goblins,” she asked concerned as they all began walking in the direction of the Mines.

“Yeah, she is completely right, Sir. Are you having backlash from the fight?” Amir added.

“Oh wow he’s going slightly pale also,” Tom said.

“I-I’m doing fine. I’m just having my fiercest battle in the tutorial yet,” Drake said, trying his best to stay calm and even as possible.

All three of them exchanged looks as Drake began walking more swiftly to the tent on the far end of the collection of them near the Mines.




“Hudson!” Drake shouted as he pulled back the tent’s entrance flaps.

“What is it, ya lunatic? Can’t ya see the sign outside that says I’m damned busy?” Hudson asked, looking up from his chair.

“Nope, sorry I can’t read. Anyway, how's the big robot coming? I need to know the specs when you have a moment,” Drake answered.

“Huh? Son, you alright? You look a little paler than usual.”

“Yeah I’m good, I’ll be better once Claire gets here with the food,” Drake said.

A moment later Clair, Amir, and Tom walked in behind Drake. And with an enamored scream, a small pink-haired glutton retched herself from Drake’s body and latched onto Claire’s stomach.

“Food!” Natto cheered.

“No…. Claire,” Claire said pointing to herself then looked up to Drake, “She isn’t going to eat me right?”

Drake shook his head, “If I’m being honest. I think she would eat anything if you called it food. Just bring out the barrels, give her a spoon, and let her deal with the rest.”

“But that barrel is like 10 times her size, where is she going to fit it all?” Tom asked, but quickly turned his head under Natto’s glare.

“The same place she puts everything. Into the endless black hole she calls a stomach,” Drake chuckled, earning a glare from her as well.

Drake looked around the tent, not seeing much except for the slowly forming bottom end of two metal legs standing in the middle of a silver magic circle.

“Oh that’s cool, how much longer until it’s finished?” Drake asked looking over to Hudson, who was still sitting down.

“I reckon maybe a few more hours, never made one of these big boys before, and the skill description doesn’t mention a construction time,” Hudson replied, scratching the back of his head.

“Good! That means we can bother- I mean hang out for a bit. I think it will be a great team bonding experience. Also, the sentries on the wall, can they detect invisible targets?” Drake asked.

“Yup, but only in a very small area. They’d have to be basically on top of the things, but we were able to get them all over the place so things are wrapped up tight on the wall,” Hudson said.

“Perfect!” Drake chuckled, pulling out four chairs and setting them down in front of the magic circle, “Then we can watch the equivalent of paint drying but with a robot.”

“How much equipment do you have in your inventory, Shot, Sir?” Amir asked, sitting down, retrieving a bowl of food from his own inventory.

“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy,” Drake smiled behind his mask, then snapped it to the side.

“Sir, I am not. And I have never been a weatherman or weather boy?” Amir said, his face painted in confusion.

“It’s a.. You know what, never mind. I have a large quantity of stuff, let’s just leave it at that alright?” Drake said, slightly defeated.

“Serves you right that he does not get your silly reference! I have been waiting far too long for normal people,” Natto said, still koala hugging the side of Claire.

“Yeah yeah, go and eat 10 times your own body weight,” Drake said, waving her off and turning his head back to the magic circle.

“Now then, Hudson, what exactly can this big guy do?” Drake asked.

Claire brought out the barrel of food for Natto, and walked over to the rest of them taking her own seat after giving Drake a bowl of food as well. After Drake thanked her the four of them looked over to the man on the other side of the magic circle.

“Well if what the system says in the description is correct, things just a walking tank basically. It’ll have the same fancy-schmancy bells and whistles as the sentry guns up on the wall there. But hell of a lot more powerful, and won’t be stuck in one place,” Hudson explained.

“And the damage? What are we talking about on that front?” Drake asked intrigued.

“That there, we will just have to see,” Hudson said, turning his head with a toothy grin.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope you will continue to follow along.


puta ne dana - Pain in the ass, specifically feminine.

puta ne damo -  would be the masculine version.



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Shadowpulse, Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Melanie S. Sphinxes, Shaunna H., Gabriel, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, M van D., Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, TheGreenKraken, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., Wild Wolf Pack, George M., Brother Grey, Happy Pixie

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Patrick W., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S. James F., BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Radion, Coco-Jin, Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., Chris M., Rd Zg, Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, Jakub T., al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Jame I., Adrian B., Roberta K.,  Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Guppy, Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Quietfuzzball 8, tirily19, Tanner, CHoobler, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, ItWasIDIO!!, Bryan R-B, Slanty, Josh, Mason G., Christian T, Navarre C H., Connor B., Pratish S., Jacob F. BobTheLost

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Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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