Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter Ninety-Nine: All Out War.

Drake looked at the sarcophagus of lava he had built around Chris. Putting his staff away and bringing out his tattoo ring, slipping it back onto his middle finger.

And I thought you didn’t like torture?” Natto asked leadingly.

You know I don’t but, it isn't about what I like, it’s about what he deserved. And the world is different and it needs measures equal to the crime. Drake answered.

A breath later a mote of light flashed, dropping a crystal stone on the ground with a clang, a similar dimensional bag dropping next to it a few moments later.

Drake took a few steps forward picking them up, moving to the Mage, and grabbing the bag that had dropped as well, slipping the bags into his inventory, a cursory glance at the stone.


[Sub-tree Skill Stone: Protection] [Rare]


[Requirements: Must have Warrior Main Tree Unlocked. Must have open Sub-tree slot available]


“Well, at least he wasn’t lying about being a tank… Lot of good it did him though,” Drake sighed.

“Y-you didn’t have to kill him so brutally!” Megan shouted from the ground where she kneeled next to Julia and Chelsea.

“Megan…” Chelsea chided, her hand going to the back of her head.

Drake looked over, his expression colder than it should have been.

Yes, I did. What he did, what he was going to do to all of you. Was unforgivable. I was told of the things he was doing behind the scenes and what he was capable of. He made his own bed. Hate me if you want, it won't change the fact that he died because he deserved it,” Drake said.

“What makes you the judge and jury!” Megan snapped back.

“Nothing. Nothing makes me any better than him, but I know that. The only difference is that I’m strong enough to carry on and he wasn’t. I killed him because I was stronger and it suited my morals, that’s the new world,” Drake turned his gaze to Chelsea, “It seems like your friend might be in shock Chelsea, she was moments away from being killed herself but still defends him?”

Chelsea looked over her face twisted between anger, sympathy, and confusion.

“She’s just… Yeah, she's just in shock…” Chelsea said finally.

“Best we get moving then. This is no place to recover. If we move quickly we can get back by mid-day I hope,” Drake explained, looking down at the now-still Julia, “If we have any luck we can get her to Jacqueline and save her. Theo?”

“Yes, my Lord?” Theodore said, shimmering into view.

“Would you please look ahead for anything that might stop us? If you can divert them without risking yourself do it, if not report back immediately and I’ll take care of it,” Drake directed.

“By thou’s will,” he replied, bowing slightly as he chanted and shimmered out of view once more.

“I’m not going anywhere with you! Chelsea, how can you be with a man like this? He killed Chris and Johan in cold blood!”

Chelsea gently pushed Megan to arm's length, looking her deep in the eyes.

“Do you really believe that Megan? I know you latched onto Chris because he was the one who reached out but after everything… You can’t say you didn’t see what he was doing!” Chelsea said, her voice slightly rising.

“I-i. I know he wasn’t perfect but he protected us! Protected me! He even went out of his way to send more people to get you when you went to scout for the Goblins!” Megan snapped back desperately grasping at her broken facade of the man she kept in her head.

Chelsea shook her head, “No, Megs. He sent them to finish the job. But we ran into the Goblins first. They didn’t kill us and took us captive. They did… They did unspeakable things to us, made us fight one another for their enjoyment,” Chelsea said, recounting the experience, her grip tightening around Megan’s shoulder as she did, “They tried to take me! But I fought back. The more unlucky ones…. They were turned into food! Or used to birth more of those disgusting things! And all of that was a result of Chris! If he hadn’t tried to kill us, kill me, I would have never ended up there. And you know who saved us?”

Megan, just looked back into Chelsea’s tearing eyes slacked jawed.

“It was him. And all we did when we met him was fight the whole way... He did nothing but offer us safety, food, shelter, and protection. And we spat in his face every step of the way. But he still did it, never asking for a thing in return,” Chelsea’s face turned serious as she wiped the bubbling tears away, “Don’t make the same mistake the rest of us did. Face the reality of who Chris was. And who is saving you now.”

Chelsea looked over as Drake passed her to pick up Julia in a gentle cradle, making sure to support her head, even going as far as to summon a breeze of wind to cushion her body to not rock her while he carried her.

“It’s… It isn't as easy as that! Chels!” Megan rebutted, “How am I supposed to just trust some man who came out of nowhere and killed two people!”

Chelsea’s face turned to one of regret as she put on a forlorn smile.

“Then you will just have to see for yourself. You aren’t the only ones he’s saved,” Chelsea said.

She stood up, helping Megan up as well, turning to the entrance of the cave.

“Alright everyone, are we ready to get this ill-advised show on the road?” Drake said, turning his head over his shoulder.

Tired and weary faces returned his gaze, as most were on their last legs of energy it seemed. The few nights they spent huddled in the cave, waiting for death at any moment to either Chris or the Goblins taking its toll on them.

“Well guess I should have expected that… Alright if we can make it back to the outpost in time, there will be plenty of space, food, and hot water to go around. So bear with it and put your running shoes on for me people,” Drake asked as he walked out of the cave to only hear a notification he was not pleased about.


[Tutorial Wide Quest Update]

[The 10 Goblin Generals have been slain. Infuriating the Goblin King and forcing his hand. He has now forced his army to an early deployment in response to the loss of his Generals, and the disrespectful actions of the participants. Moth Ru Var’ pushes his army by its heels to all-out war, while his most trusted knights accompany him to battle.]

[Bonus Quest Reward for killing King prior to all-out war has been removed.]


Well, shit. Who killed the other four Generals? It has to be Bjorn and Shigure right? Drake thought, a sigh pulling at his lips.

I would certainly believe so. Although there could be a group we do not know about. Possibly the group of PKers have decided to fight or were cornered and had no other choice. Regardless, we now have more to worry about,” Natto explained.

We best get back to the Outpost as soon as possible then. Drake mused.

“Alright looks like we have to double-time it. Chelsea, you know these people better than I do, I’m going to have to ask you to keep track of them while we are making a dash for the outpost. And do you know of anyone with a class that could help speed up everyone?” Drake asked over his shoulder.

Chelsea looked over to Megan, “Megan has a group buff but it will only affect those in her party, so a max of 10 people.”

Drake turned to look over at Megan, her eyes turning to a scowl at him.

“Then, find the 10 slowest people and get them to the Outpost as quickly as you can. Chelsea you’re in charge,” Drake directed.


[Chelsea Jackson has left your party]


Chelsea nodded hesitantly looking back at Megan. Megan scoffed, turning away from Drake, but seemed to have accepted the party as a few more people gathered around as she began mumbling a spell, a large bright white magic circle forming below her, reminiscent of Claire’s but of a different color.

I wonder if her mumbling was intentional so that I couldn’t hear the spell? Drake thought.

It does beg the question if she will be yet another problem that you have to take care of. I am certainly surprised that the mouthy one has decided to fall in line when she seemed to be so adamantly against you only a short few days ago,” Natto giggled.

It’s my devilish charms, what can I say?

You can say something that makes sense, you dolt. I will be amazed beyond recognition if you someday find a person willing to tolerate you as a partner.”

Alright, bet on it?

“I have never heard of a more easily won prize. Certainly then. What shall we wage?” Natto asked, intrigued.

All the candy in my apartment when we get back and any future candy found or made.

“I have never tasted candy, you can not expect me to wager that.”

Can’t you just go into my memories and taste it that way? Drake asked curiously.

Of course, I can n-... A moment….” Natto said going silent for a brief time.

When Natto didn’t speak for a few seconds, Drake shrugged it off and began the march stepping fully out of the cave, Chelsea and the group following closely behind.

Thanks to Drake’s Magic, he was able to stay relatively quick without disturbing Julia in his arms. But that didn’t mean he was anywhere near his normal or max speed as Chelsea and the others in Megan’s party began to overtake him.

Through the forest, the entire group of 20 people moved relatively unhindered. Only Drake began to lag behind as he carried the injured Julia. This wasn’t the worst option by far, it gave him a good look at everyone and allowed him to cover the rear as well as a way to retreat if necessary.

This is going a bit too smoothly… Why haven’t we run into any monsters yet? Drake thought, scanning the surroundings tirelessly.

Drake raised his brow as he didn’t receive a reply from Natto.

Hello? Natto? He thought.

Ahem… My apologies, I was… ahem. Preoccupied,” she replied.

You’re literally in my head, what could you possibly be doing? Wait.. did you actually use my memories to see what candy tastes like? Drake chuckled, his eyes continuing to survey the group and surrounding trees.

I do agree that it is certainly suspicious that there are no signs of monsters nearby. Perhaps they have all retreated to rally with the Goblin King? I would like to also state that I will take you up on that wager,” Natto said skittishly, adding a small cough to the statement.

Uh huh… Any reason why you decided now to agree to it? 

None. Now pay attention you buffoon,” Natto chided, trying her best to deflect the conversation.

Drake rolled his eyes, letting the argument go.

The group made their way through the forest for several hours as the sun slowly moved through the sky. Their increased physiques from the system level ups doing wonders for their pace. But it could only go so far, as many of the group who were lower level and not endurance-oriented began to slow once the sun reached its apex.

Drake quickly sped up to reach the front of the group where Chelsea was. She was still breathing evenly but the same could not be said about her friend Megan, and some of the other forerunners.

“Looks like we need a break, I’ll get a light snack out and some water,” Drake said, then raised his voice so everyone could hear, “Break for 10 minutes, eat what you can without slowing you down!” Drake hollered using some of his wind magic to carry his voice to the whole group.

He quickly brought out some food he had stashed. Dried jerky from the Goblin’s rations, and not the human kind. As well as some of the stew he had made the day before, still just as hot as when he stored it.

Hey, that is my stew! Why are you giving it away yet again to these ungrateful apes!?” Natto roared.

Come now, you could go for a bit of a diet. Those chipmunk cheeks are getting a little out of hand there. Drake teased.

Why I have never!” Natto spat incredulously.

Just think of it as making room for all that candy you are going to have. Drake chuckled, gently placing Julia down with his magic onto a spare bed he had in his inventory.

While overseeing the group of people getting their break, Drake felt something enter his Aura sphere that he could not see. Knowing it was not Theodore as he couldn’t sense Theodore even with his perception slowly increasing. Drake fired off a small white flame bolt.

A yelp sounded as the bolt pierced whatever it was. Along with some shrieks from startled members.


[You have subjugated Goblin Scout Level 16] [Experience Earned, 1,500 TP Earned]


“A scout? That certainly can’t be a good sign…” Drake said, ignoring the yelling.

“My Lord,” Theodore said, announcing himself as he shimmered into view, holding a slight bow, “Tis most certainly not. Thitherward to thou’s outpost is treacherous, to say the least.”

“Is it that bad? FUBAR?” Drake asked.

“This one doth not understand thou’s reference, Sire. But this one believes my Lord will have to see to understand the magnitude of which this one speaks,” Theodore answered.

“Not that I’m against killing more monsters today, but I’d really enjoy it if a rescue just went smoothly for once,” Drake said with a sigh.

“As do I, my liege.”

Drake looked around, at the weary faces of the group, not even 5 minutes after sending out the food and water. Each one looked at him with clear worry and anxiety on their faces, save Megan who was still glowering at him, and Chelsea who looked to him for a plan.

Drake turned to Theodore.

“Can you shroud everyone here Theo?” he asked.

“This one regrets to inform my Lord, he canst,” Theodore answered.

Drake clicked his tongue, one of his options gone.

“Are they blocking the path entirely or are they just in the vicinity?”

“The last moment this one checked, thine quarry twas marching heavily thither.”

“We can’t outrun them then I’m guessing… Do we just go back and let the new people hole up for now..?” Drake pondered aloud.

“This one believes that is the correct course of action, Sire,” Theodore answered.

Drake nodded, “No need to get them involved and in the line of fire if we don’t have to,” Drake agreed, “Listen up, we are going back to the cave, and you are going to hole up, I will leave supplies to last you enough time for when I can come back.”

Megan’s scowl deepened as she raised her voice.

“What about Julia?! We need to get her to Jacky or she might die!” she shouted.

“If I force you all forward, you are all going to die. Not just her. Pocket your damned entitlement for a second and look around. Everyone here besides a small handful are exhausted and frightened. Not only that, there are only a few of you who would even be helpful in a fight out in the open at full status. We are going back, period,” Drake stated evenly, picking up Julia not waiting for a response.

Drake wouldn’t have time to wait for a response either as he began picking up multiple entities entering his aura sphere.

Shit. Drake cursed, his eye’s falling on a group in the distance.


[Moth Ru Var’ Level 28]

[Indu Ru Vixrik Level 26]


[New Subjugation Quest! Subjugate 5 Royal Goblin Knights]


[Reward: Experience, TP. Map of the King's Treasure Hoard]



[Evyr Ru Vixrik Level 26]

[Vokr’ Ru Vixrik Level 26]

[Xibric Ru Vixrik Level 26]

[Loryr Ru Vixrik Level 26]


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading as always.



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Mark M., and Mr. Redd.


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