Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Four: The Next Step.

“Haa…” Chelsea sighed as she scrubbed down her armor and wiped down her bow with a lightly damp cloth, her eyes distant, while her hands moved mechanically.

“Chels you’ve been doing that for half an hour now. What’s wrong?” Megan asked, taking a sip from her canteen in the midday sun.

They were both on the ‘soccer field’ that Tom and Drake had made. Spending a bit of time in between going out and hunting now that there were no major quests, and many of the Goblins had scattered, leaving relatively sparse amounts of them around.

Chelsea jerked slightly at her name being called.

“Oh... Um.. you know, just reminiscing on how many mistakes I’ve made and how I would do things differently…” she said giving a wry smile.

“Chels it isn’t really about him again is it…? I thought he turned you down,” Megan scoffed, the constant mention of the man giving her a sour face.

“Megs, you need to let that stuff go. Chris was a piece of shit. We all know it. And Shot did it because I asked him to in return for healing his arm, so if you have to blame anyone blame me.”

Megan pursed her lips, her forearm wiping away some of the sweat she managed to build up despite her stronger stats than most at her level.

“I’m not blind to it anymore, Chels, it’s been more than a week and I’ve seen what he’s done for people around here. But he could have been a little nicer about it….” she grumbled.

Chelsea stood up from her seat, placing her equipment into her inventory, and then throwing her arms around her unsuspecting friend, pulling her in for a hug.

Megan yelped briefly but didn’t pull away from Chelsea.

“Megs. Sometimes we need tough love. If I’ve learned anything from being here and in a party with him. Is that he’s a good guy even if he’s got a foul mouth sometimes.”

Megan scoffed again, “You’re only saying that because you like the asshole… The rest of us,” Megan said, pouring the rest of her canteen on Chelsea to get her off her.

Chelsea drew backward, her mouth open and arms spread and her face in an incredulous smirk.

“The rest of us just see him as the guy in charge,” Megan sneered back.

“You bi-” Chelsea was about to yell back, her face in a feral smile, but was interrupted by another voice before she could grab Megan.

“Heyyyyy….. Shot wants everyone to come to the rampart,” Sherry said in a long drawn out huff, “He says that he needs to talk to everyone about something important, and we get to eat after so stop messing around and hurry up. Or I’ll have Hudson’s Big Boy here just carry you there,” she finished, one hand slapping the metal monster, the other pushing up her slipping glasses by the brim, a gleam in her eye.

Both Megan and Chelsea recoiled slightly looking at the large automaton that stood twice the size of Sherry. It was a sleek black with a smaller head marked with yellow eyes and red lines that were present all over its body like circuitry.

“G-Got it, we’ll be there in a minute,” Chelsea answered wearily, Megan agreeing with a terse nod.

Sherry soon departed her Big Boy Bodyguard following along.

“Jeez she is scary when she’s hungry,” Chelsea said, standing straight up, shaking off some of the water from herself.

“Yeah, you could say she isn’t herself when she’s hungry…” Megan added.

Both girls looked at each other for a moment then burst out in laughter beginning to walk towards the aforementioned meeting place.



“I thought you said you were going to make food... Not a meeting and then make food!” Claire said, admonishing him.

“It will be pretty quick, just hold your horses,” Drake said, giving a wry smile, his mask now at the side of his head.

“I would very much enjoy food….” Sherry agreed, rubbing her stomach.

“Well, what exactly you got us all here for pup? More monsters looking to kill us? Might as well be any given Sunday at this rate,” Hudson huffed, his arms crossed as he leaned against his second Big Boy, the other standing behind Sherry.

Drake chuckled but held up his hand.

“Just give it a minute, we’re missing a few people. And we have an extra,” Drake added, looking over at Megan who gave him a scoff looking away.

“Sorry… I just thought she could help if it came to it, her class is very beneficial,” Chelsea said sheepishly.

“That would be true if she actually gave me any information about her class. But as it stands she's nothing but a Malandi, who keeps giving me the stink eye. Unless she would like to change that before we start getting into the thick of it?” Drake asked, giving Megan an olive branch.

Megan’s head turned back, and she opened her mouth apprehensively but then turned once again to face the other direction.

Seems she is still holding a grudge. Drake thought.

You did kill the person she thought of as a protector. Although she is certainly wrong, and being quite a bitch as you said,” Natto answered.

Look at you. Surprised you knew that one, I haven’t used it yet. Drake thought, smiling internally, then turned his focus back to the concerned Chelsea and the stubborn Megan.

“Then you can leave Miss Megan. I have no use anymore or tolerance for people who are willfully stubborn or unproductive to what I have to do. You are here under my protection and you will receive it until we reach Shigure’s. But I won’t put up with your behavior, I don’t have time for it,” Drake said evenly.

Megan’s face paled and furrowed like she was about to say something, but was stopped by Chelsea, and an icy gaze from Claire.

“I’m a Priest, you know! I could help if I wanted!” she spat back.

Drake gave her an even glare, “Do I look like I need a healer? And if you don’t want to help your no more a Priest than Tom is,” Drake said, thumbing to the side.

“Hey! I help! What about that thing yesterday!?” Tom shouted back, his new kite shield raised with his arms.

Megan’s jaw dropped as she growled but ended up turning away to leave, passing Jacqueline, Theodore, Amir, and Harley.

“My Lord, what in the name hast thou done to she?” Theodore said, his head following her down the steps.

“I don’t know,” Drake said, shrugging his shoulders, with a smirk, “Told her she’s useless. She didn’t seem to like that.”

Theodore sighed but moved to stand next to Drake, Harley following, but covering her mouth to hide her snicker.

Amir and Jacqueline fell in next to Claire and Chelsea giving nods and greetings to the rest of the group.

“Sir, what exactly is the important news that requires all of us?” Amir asked, looking around.

Drake looked over the group before he spoke surprised by how much they had all changed over the last week they had been together.

From combative captives to worthwhile party members who come to defend him at a moment’s notice.

“Yeah, what in the bloody hell are ya waking us up for you sob? It’s only noon!” Jacqueline asked snarkily, her hand on her hip as she rubbed away some of the tiredness from her eyes.

Well, almost everyone. Drake smiled.

“Good morning sunshine. Don’t worry I’ll be quick so you can go back to sleep, you really look like you could use the beauty sleep. Wouldn’t want your age showing more than it is,” Drake laughed.

“Wh-what!?” Jacqueline stammered before the rest of the group gave a small chuckle.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be out of all your hair before you know it,” Drake said, taking a serious tone, “I wanted you all here so I could explain what will be happening over the next day and a half.”

Drake pulled the treasure map from his inventory, showing it to everyone.

“This was one of the rewards for killing the Royal Knights, it’s a treasure map to the King’s hoard and I’m going to go get it,” Drake started explaining, everyone’s face lifting slightly in intrigue, “But, I’ll be going alone,” he added, everyone’s face contorting into a frown, save Sherry who was still rubbing her stomach.

“What do you mean? Are you going to just leave us here and go off fighting again?” Claire asked, her scowl deepening.

“No, I’m not,” Drake explained, her face relaxing, “I’m going to leave you at Shigure’s.”

Claire’s face instantly turned into a deep frown from being jerked around, but before she could complain Drake cut her off going into detail.

“I know what you will probably say, but it’s going to be the safest place without me here in the Outpost. I have a good friend there,” Drake said, looking over to Theodore, his eyes raising with understanding, “And I know if anything he will make sure you are all safe while I go get whatever is in that hoard cache.”

“Sir, why wouldn’t we be able to come?” Amir asked.

Drake looked over to Tom, then back to Amir, “Well, being honest. I’m not confident I can keep you safe on my own. And even with all the progress little Tommy Boy has been making. I can't say I’m confident in protecting anyone other than myself from a swarm of Tyrant Ant’s based on what Natto has told me.”

Tom gave a twisted look, almost showing that he was conflicted on whether he should feel proud that he had improved, or sad that he had missed the mark of Drake’s expectations.

“Tom, don't be like that, my man. You’ve come a long way, and if we weren't up against a hive probably five times the size of the Goblin Army, I wouldn’t hesitate to take you, and everyone else along. But this is one fight I need to take, but won’t be able to take you all with me on,” Drake explained.

“What are you going to do without my buffs!” Claire protested.

“You damned hot head. You know my little boys would be a godsend against things like that,” Hudson added.

“Sir, you can’t very well expect us to just agree to you going out alone again. What if you are injured like with the King? Not to mention against that many monsters my experience buff would only help!” Amir said, also chiming in.

Drake had expected some resistance from them but was pleased to know they wanted to tag along. He was more than surprised though with Chelsea and what she said, looking him in the eyes.

“Shot. You need to take Megan.”

“Huh?” Drake replied, raising his brow, “Why would I take her? Did you not just hear what I just said?”

“Oh I heard it and that’s exactly why you should take her at the very least,” Chelsea said, her eyes now struggling to find a place to look, “She… I shouldn’t be saying this but, she has very strong combat buffs that would help you.”

Drake’s interest was piqued.

“What buffs? And if they’re so strong, why in the world would she not come forward to help earlier or even try to strike a deal like you and Miss Grumpy did?” Drake asked.

“I’m not grumpy you fucking daft idiot! I just bloody hate you!” Jacqueline shouted.

“See, grumpy. But my point still stands.”

Chelsea seemed to struggle for the words but eventually found her voice.

“I know you understand people's trauma enough to not fault her for it, but she had a bit of a breakdown when the tutorial started, like the majority of us. I mean, everything changed so quickly and then there were monsters and people killing each other, it was horrific…” Chelsea began her face darkening, “And Megan was no exception.”

“Yes, but you certainly were. Were you not? Mr. Run-into-the-forest-with-no-magic-mage,” Natto giggled.

Not now, she’s being serious. Drake thought, trying to deflect Natto’s jab, his eyebrow twitching ever so slightly from his dark past being brought to light.

Chelsea continued, not knowing Drake and Natto’s conversation in his head.

“When she was pulled in, she was ripped from her boyfriend’s apartment, right from their bed in the middle of the night. She had already been battling with chronic depression and he was her rock. So when that bastard Chris came around... He replaced him, and she obviously resents you for killing him like I’m sure you know. Thankfully the system and the skill stones she’s used have helped a bit with her mental strength, but she still hates you,” Chelsea said.

“Where are you going with this?” Drake asked during her pause.

“I mean that you won’t pull your punches when you speak to her, and I think she needs that to break through whatever mental block she has kept her from moving forward. And to boot her skill set as a buffing healer could only help you. Her, Jacky, and Julia were the main reasons we even got so far. Her buffs are that strong, and have only gotten and will get stronger. I won’t ask to come because I know what kind of dead weight I would be in that situation… but at least bring someone who can help you,” Chelsea finished.

Drake smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder, her head tilting upwards to focus on him as a small smile pulled at her lips.

“Well at least you know you’re useless, unlike some people here,” Drake said, her smile quickly turning into a frown.

“You’re a fucking asshole!” she shouted.


 Thank you for reading as always.



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