Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Uchiha From Another World Is Too Difficult!

Luo Sha is self-aware, there is no competition between Yinsha Village and other villages at all, and if such a good thing really happens, it will not be their turn.

Not to mention Kirigakure, who are still pursuing the blood mist policy, how could they accept the bloodline family from outside.

Looking at Leiyin and Doyin who were about to dig into the wall, Sarutobi Hiruzen of the two worlds couldn’t sit still.

He can grit his teeth and cut Uchiha, because doing so can only be regarded as self-destructive strength, but if Uchiha leaves, it will be an enemy.

In particular, this suggestion was actually proposed by Uchiha Beichen, which made Sarutobi Hiruzen even more flustered.

The second variant ninja world…

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched the barrage uncertainly.

He’s not sure what’s going on in Uchiha Beichen’s mind, but he’s even less willing to bet.

With Uchiha Beichen’s current reputation in Uchiha, if the evil Uchiha kid really has the idea of ​​taking Uchiha away to other villages, then the fun will be great.

At that time, Konoha will not only lose his status as the strongest village in the ninja world, but even his Third Hokage will become the laughing stock of the whole ninja world.

“Such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was thinking like this, quickly sent a barrage and said: “Uchiha will always be Konoha’s Uchiha. I know that Uchiha has a deep misunderstanding of the village, but that is just a misunderstanding.”

“Uchiha Beichen, don’t you want the clan to move back to the clan land in the center of the village? No problem! I am willing to make concessions on behalf of the village, and I hope you will never make the choice of hating your loved ones.”

“After all, Konoha is your home! We are all a family. If there is any problem in the family, we can close the door and solve it by ourselves. It is not good to run away from home, and it is even more unsafe.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words immediately aroused the displeasure of most people.

Most of them are members of Konoha’s four high-level families.

Sarutobi Kota: “Master Hokage, what are you talking about? Dangerous elements like Uchiha don’t have a village in their hearts. Let them live with us. How can the people in the village feel at ease?”

Mito Kanglong: “Kota-kun is right. Uchiha, a group of dangerous elements, are clamoring for rebellion every day. Putting them in the city center will do too much harm to the village, right?”

Mr. Shimura: “That’s right! We firmly resist Uchiha moving back to the village! It’s too dangerous!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the barrage with black lines all over his face.

“Shut it up! Uchiha was originally part of the village. We asked Uchiha to move out of the village because of a misunderstanding about Uchiha. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, Uchiha will of course move back.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen certainly knew what was going on with the dissenting voices in the barrage.

After Uchiha moved out of the center of the village, it was divided up by the people of their four clans, and now they are going to spit it out again, and these people are naturally ten thousand unhappy in their hearts.

Beichen sneered as he watched the farce unfolded in the barrage.

Of course, it is impossible for him to leave Konoha with Uchiha. After all, Konoha was originally established by Uchiha. Why is it Uchiha who left? Instead of Sarutobi Hiruzen them?

The reason why he suggested this to Uchiha in another world in the barrage is to disgust the high-level Konoha.

Konoha regards Uchiha as a poor girl, and other ninja villages are salivating, especially Onogi and the others.

Uchiha is also only shouted and beaten by everyone in Konoha. After leaving the village, which normal person is not in awe and longing after hearing Uchiha?

Konoha’s top management has the right to speak and control the direction of public opinion in the village. What they want Uchiha to be, that’s what it must be.

The first primitive ninja world…

Sarutobi Hiruzen also panicked in his heart. Like Sarutobi Hiruzen in the second world, it can allow Uchiha to disappear, but it will never allow Uchiha to surrender to the enemy.

The most terrible thing is that Beichen’s suggestion is too timely.

Why is Uchiha Itachi willing to raise the butcher knife to his family? Isn’t that for Konoha’s peace?

Now that Uchiha won’t rebel anymore, they are going to leave the village directly, so it won’t destroy Konoha’s peace, right?

Uchiha ran away and went to other villages that were willing to accept him, which seemed like a best-of-both-worlds solution, at least in Uchiha Itachi’s mind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knows the dutiful son of the Uchiha family too well.

“No! You have to stabilize Uchiha first!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen, with twinkling eyes, also quickly sent a barrage and said: “Uchiha Beichen! You lunatic who has no village in his heart, are you trying to split Konoha? Since ancient times, Uchiha has been an inseparable part of Konoha!”

“Heroes of Uchiha, you must not listen to this guy’s instigation, please trust me! I will never let what happened in the video!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen just appeased everyone in the video, and did not let Uchiha move back to his clan like Sarutobi Hiruzen in the second world.


In this world, there is no evildoer like Uchiha Beichen, and he doesn’t need to keep all Uchiha, just split Uchiha.

Even if half of the people want to leave the village at that time, he can still let Danzo lead people to quietly solve the group of Uchiha who have no village in their hearts.

Why should he spit out what he ate.

Uchiha of the first original ninja world was silent.

They don’t know which to believe, believe Uchiha Beichen? But they really don’t want to leave Konoha!

No matter how chilling and sad this place is, it is also my home!

“How about… stay? I believe that after the comparison video exposed the genocide night, Konoha should not do anything to us in a short time, and the white-eyed wolf should be the same.”

Uchiha Second Elder looked at Uchiha Setsuna next to him and said.

As the Great Elder, Uchiha listened for a moment, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded angrily.

Although he is not good at intrigues, Uchiha knows in a blink of an eye that if the family does not choose to leave with one heart, even if he can take some of the clan to leave, it is impossible to leave the Fire Kingdom alive.

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