Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 38

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Beichen: Sarutobi Hiruzen, You Are Just An Agent Of Hokage! (Please Bookmark, Ask For Flowers!)


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Beichen somewhat depressed, and then explained helplessly: “It is possible that the mission information was accidentally leaked. After all, there are such spies in every village, and it is normal for such information leaks to happen occasionally.”

“Normal? This is not normal at all!”

Beichen hit the snake with the stick, and the lion opened his mouth and said: “Since Mr. Hokage can’t manage the mission hall well, why don’t we hand over the mission hall to Uchiha? After all, the entire ninja world has witnessed Uchiha’s impartiality in enforcing the law.”

Hearing this unreasonable request, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t help but collapse instantly.

It is Hokage’s right to assign tasks! The most important thing is that Hokage can use this shackle to make fine adjustments to the ninja below.

To exaggerate, the two most important rights of Hokage are the management of the village and the power to assign tasks.

Now that Beichen wants to take half of Hokage’s rights, as a power controller, how could Sarutobi Hiruzen bear it.

Mitokado Homura, who was silent all the time, jumped out excitedly and retorted loudly: “No! Task assignment is the right of Hokage, and this must be in Hokage’s hands!”

Utatane Koharu was also furious. After all, Hokage’s rights were their rights. Now that Beichen wanted to take away their rights, how could Utatane Koharu bear it.

Utatane Koharu asked like a shrew: “You Uchiha Beichen! Are you trying to rebel? Can such excessive demands be made?”

At this moment, Utatane Koharu really didn’t care about anything for the sake of power, and even forgot about Beichen’s terrifying strength.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen gently held back the excited two, and continued to comfort the two consultants, saying that there was a misunderstanding, and the two consultants should not get excited.

After calming down the emotional two, Sarutobi Hiruzen said very seriously: “The right to assign tasks must be Hokage, this is to prevent unfair distribution of tasks, after all, the ninjas in the village’s economy comes from tasks, this must be fair just!”


Beichen sneered disdainfully.

fair and just?

Almost everyone present knew that the Sarutobi family always accepted the mission with the highest reward and the safest mission, and other dangerous missions were either handed over to Uchiha or the root.

Are you talking about fairness and justice here? Who are you kidding?

But everyone didn’t point it out, after all, this is one of Hokage’s invisible benefits.

“Just now you also said that it is Hokage’s right to assign tasks, but the problem is…”

“If I remember correctly, Sarutobi Hiruzen, your current identity should only be agent Hokage, right?”

Beichen looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen word by word and said.

As soon as the words “Agent Hokage” came out, the temperature in the entire conference room seemed to drop several degrees, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was originally kind and kind, also turned pale.

This has always been something that everyone has subconsciously ignored.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen was Hokage before, and Namikaze Minato was Hokage for less than half a year. After the Nine Tails Rebellion, Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to the Hokage throne again.

Almost everyone subconsciously thinks that Sarutobi Hiruzen is still the Third Hokage, and no one realizes that Sarutobi Hiruzen’s Hokage is preceded by the word agent!

“Since the agent Hokage cannot guarantee that the task allocation will not be wrong, let everyone supervise together!”

Beichen also chose to take a step back, and pulled everyone together in the conference room.

Indeed, no one wants to touch the rights of Hokage. After all, many people have longed to become Hokage, and they cannot guarantee whether they will become Hokage in the future.

But there should be nothing wrong with acting as Hokage’s power, right?

Looking at the greedy eyes of everyone in the conference room, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that things were going to get worse.

There are only three choices in front of him now.

The first choice is naturally to refuse, but Uchiha Beichen will definitely take this opportunity to attack.

With Uchiha Beichen occupying the righteousness, his agent Hokage has only two options at that time, either to quickly find a new Hokage, or to fight Uchiha Beichen to death.

But if he dies, other families in the village may not necessarily participate in dealing with Uchiha. At that time, only himself and the other three consultant families will face Uchiha.

This choice is too damning to choose!

The second option is to submit, and then his rights are completely locked in the cage.

He didn’t want to choose this option either.

So I can only choose the last method…

“Evil Uchiha kid! You win this time!” Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth in his heart.

Then he said angrily: “Since Uchiha questioned my ability, the security team and my agent, Hokage, should be responsible for the assignment of tasks. You shouldn’t object, right?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen is more willing to accept Uchiha’s intervention than to involve all the families.

After all, people in Uchiha are not very good at playing politics, such opponents are not very threatening, but if other families join in.

The Konoha pond will be a little muddy, and there will be a lot of people fishing in the muddy water, and it will be Hokage who will suffer.

Seeing that Sarutobi would rather cooperate with Uchiha, the mortal enemy, than share the cake with them, everyone in the conference room was also a little dissatisfied.

But dissatisfaction belongs to dissatisfaction, and no one dares to show it.

They’re not Uchiha after all, and Hokage’s little shoes aren’t that easy to wear.

Which family dare to try Hokage’s small shoes in the entire Konoha except Uchiha?

The last one to try was Senju, now deceased.

After the dust settled, Beichen looked at Hyuga Hiashi and asked? “How? Is Hyuga interested in joining the guard now?”

“Of course I’m interested!”

Hearing Beichen’s invitation again, Hyuga Hiashi almost laughed.

The previous security team hated dogs, but now it’s different. If the security team has the authority to assign tasks, it will be really sweet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched the two loudly plotting with a dark face.

This meeting can be said to have lost its bottom pants.

Not only was the power of task assignment cut in half, it also made Uchiha and Hyuga unite, and what’s more, he indirectly offended all the families in the conference room.

Nara looked deeply at Beichen, who had not lost the wind in the confrontation with Hokage, an old politician, and his mind was full of thoughts.

As the wise man in Zhuludie, Nara Lujiu knew it was time to find a new backer for Zhuludie.

“Wait a little longer! There will be a comparison video in three days. After watching more results comparison videos, it’s not too late to make a decision.”

Nara, who was extremely cautious in his heart, comforted himself by talking to himself.

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