Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: In Contrast, Naruto Of The Two Worlds Is Too Inconsistent!

The first original ninja world…

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and looked at the barrage posted by Beichen in the video.

He couldn’t understand, why this guy Uchiha Beichen targeted him so much, he wasn’t in the same world as that bastard, what’s the benefit of this guy making trouble for himself?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face became even more gloomy.

The comparison video continues to advance.

Naruto passed through his infancy safely and soundly after several times of almost dying, and arrived at the time when he was three years old…

At this time, Naruto can almost be independent by himself.

To put it bluntly, it would be better to have no nanny, Naruto’s independence is completely forced.

Naruto, who is only three years old, has learned to find things to eat in various trash cans by himself. It’s not that he can’t buy things, but that no one is willing to buy them for him.

At least the people near his home are not willing to sell things to Naruto.

And more importantly, Naruto’s relief fund is in the hands of his guardian and nanny, and he has no money at all.

The bifurcation of the comparison video also started when Naruto was three years old.

The video on the right finally showed a completely different change from the video on the left.

One night, Naruto, who was sleeping, suddenly awakened his own Cheat, a baby daddy with him.

That strange soul body calls itself Uchiha Cao Thief, and is Naruto’s “Seven Zero Zero” baby daddy.

After seeing the appearance of the soul body, the audience immediately burst into foul language.

Uchiha Beichen!

Don’t think that we don’t know each other because you changed your vest.

【Fuck! Isn’t this Uchiha Beichen?】

【This guy still has dreams?】

【Damn guy! I didn’t expect this guy to be exposed to Nine Tails Jinchūriki since he was two years old. 】

[Sure enough, he is indeed the kid with the darkest mind! He actually started planning Nine Tails Jinchūriki at such a young age. 】

【No. 1 Ninja World Uzumaki Kushina: Uchiha Beichen! Don’t think that if you change your vest, I won’t recognize you!】

【Second Ninja World Jiraiya: Uchiha Beichen, what do you want to contact Naruto? What is your purpose?】

At this moment, all the audience were taken aback.

They never expected that Beichen would get in touch with Naruto so early.

What’s even more frightening is that they approached with a different purpose.

As we all know, Uchiha Beichen never does useless heavy lifting.

the first primitive ninja world

Naruto gave a relieved smile.

“It’s Uchiha Beichen? It seems that there is really no need to pretend.”

Naruto finally smiled reassuringly, he was not afraid that Beichen approached him with other purposes.

Compared to others, at least Beichen was really treating him well, and hadn’t played any tricks behind his back.

It’s not like Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is so moved in front of himself, while acquiescing to others to smear himself behind.

What’s even more ridiculous is that with his own identity, he should have lived a happy life, but it was all because of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The second variant Ninja…..

“I’m in another world, you really didn’t feel wronged when you lost!”

“This guy actually touched Nine Tails right under your nose, and you didn’t realize it.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face was full of deep fear.

Traveling through other people’s dreams? What kind of weird ninjutsu is this?

Could this be Tom’s dream in Legendary?

There shouldn’t be such weird ninjutsu in this world, right?

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little uncertain, and a little panicked

The second variant ninja world…

Uzumaki Kushina also looked suddenly enlightened.

No wonder my son is so similar to that guy Uchiha Beichen. It turns out that Naruto was taught by Uchiha Beichen.

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Kushina also showed a bright smile.

Anyway, thank you so much.

Uzumaki Kushina muttered to himself while looking in the direction of the Land of Fire.

The comparison video continues to advance…

Under the teaching of Beichen’s dream, Uzumaki Naruto began to read at the age of three, and read the Analects of Confucius at the age of four to shape the correct three views.

But Naruto in another world was not so lucky.

At the age of three, he rummaged through the trash cans to find something to eat, and occasionally fought wild dogs for food, and sometimes even faced beatings by bear children.

The emaciated Naruto finally saw the only light in his life at the age of four, a bad old man who was going to be Kuchiki, whose name was Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Under the background that everyone hates Naruto, only Sarutobi Hiruzen is willing to chat with Naruto and even teach him to read and write.


Naturally, Sarutobi Hiruzen can’t have time every day, and he doesn’t come every day, sometimes he can only see Naruto once a week or a month.

It took three years of teaching Naruto intermittently, so that his cultural level could barely keep up with those children who could only read at the age of five or six.

But Naruto in another world is different.

He began to read at the age of three, read classics at the age of four, and began to think about the reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen treated him so well at the age of five, especially after knowing that his father was Fourth Hokage.

Naruto’s political level and awareness have become very high, the most obvious of which is the improvement of wisdom, which can be said to be another replica of Nara Shikamaru.

Of course, the most tingling thing is Naruto’s acting skills comparable to Uchiha Beichen.

The second variant Ninja…..

“Is this really the Naruto we know?”

Little Sakura looked at the strange Naruto in the comparison video in disbelief.

Ino next to him was also looking at the screen in disbelief.

Not only Ino, but also the Xiaoqiangs next to him were dumbfounded.

That Naruto who is the complete opposite of usual, that Naruto with a deep heart, is that Uzumaki Naruto who is heartless?

“This guy can really pretend!”

Little Sakura said through gritted teeth.

He remembered the oolongs that Naruto pretended to get when he courted him.

This must be fake too, right?

But why is the target me? It can’t be that woman Ino?

Little Sakura felt that she was being tricked by Naruto.

The first original ninja world…

Chōji looked at the screen while stuffing snacks into his mouth, and said, “Naruto from another world is so scary, he doesn’t look like a child at all.

As a typical representative of a big heart and a fat body, Chōji’s emotion does not mean to offend, but he just feels that Naruto in another world is completely opposite to Naruto in his own world, which is very inconsistent.

After hearing this, Ino glanced at his friend and companion.

“Why don’t you say that Naruto in our world is so pitiful? He is obviously the son of a hero, and his life is so miserable, rummaging through trash cans and grabbing food from wild dogs, it’s simply…”

Before Ino finished speaking, his mouth was covered by Nara Shikamaru next to him.

Nara Shikamaru looked around carefully, and after finding no one there, she cautiously warned: “There are some things we can’t discuss, just watch the video honestly, and also! Don’t post barrage in the video, Even if you post, you have to hide your name.”

As a typical representative of precocity, Nara Shikamaru knows what the “beloved” Hokage-sama is.

Ino listened and nodded in confusion.

Then he asked in a low voice: “Do you think this comparison video is real?”

Ino is confused… 0

Questions have also been raised about the so-called Will of Fire, specifically Sarutobi Hiruzen’s Will of Fire.

If the will of fire really exists, why is Naruto so miserable?

The sprouts in the village?

To put it bluntly, who in the entire wood industry is more qualified to call it a bud than Naruto?

That arrogant Konohamaru brat?

Thinking of this, Tian Ye felt a chill in his heart.

It turns out that what is more terrifying than war is the human heart!

Ino has never been on a battlefield, so he doesn’t know the cruelty of war.

But it doesn’t prevent Ino from comparing what happened to Naruto when he was a child with the war.

The kind of life Naruto lived as a child is really better than dying directly in the war.

Nara Shikamaru listened and sighed.

“There are some things that we should not consider, they are adults’ business, what we have to do now is to study hard and become stronger.

“As for the authenticity of the video you said? Do you still think it is fake?”

Nara Shikamaru asked meaningfully.

The first original ninja world…

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed leisurely.

If the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team!

Why doesn’t Sarutobi Hiruzen know about Konoha’s current situation?

Konoha is now a volcano about to erupt, and his Hokage is sitting on the crater.

In this case, he can only do his best to stop the eruption, otherwise he, Hokage, will be the first to burn to death.

However, the mountain was almost unstoppable.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly missed Orochimaru and his Konoha collapse plan.

To die in Konoha’s collapse plan, that might be the best end for him, right?

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought bitterly.

Who wants to die if they can live?

But dying with honor is better than living with infamy and dying, right?

He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, has been burdened by fame all his life, how could he accept the pointing and pointing of those stupid villagers?

If one day he really fell to that point, he might as well die directly.

The comparison video is fake.

How many idiots does Konoha believe in this statement now?

Except for those stupid villagers 2.6, there should be only a very few ninjas who were born as civilians, right? But what’s the use of that?

The reason why they didn’t break out now was purely because of his past prestige.

But temporary deterrence cannot last long after all.

This can be seen from the ninja paddling in Konoha’s collapse plan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, and continued to stare at the screen.

This damn comparison video!

The second variant ninja world…

Tsunade looked at Beichen in surprise.

She didn’t expect that Beichen would come into contact with the Nine Tails Jinchūriki so early, and even completed the instigation of the Nine Tails people under the nose of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Tsunade said with emotion: “The old guy lost in your hands, it’s really a shame!”

Beichen listened, and also showed an awkward yet elegant smile.

This is all based on plot advantages.

Paisam and Mabui next to each other looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other’s eyes.

This man seems to be much smarter than they imagined.

“Okay, watch the video with peace of mind. At this rate, the comparison video will soon show Naruto’s six-year-old story. Naruto is six years old now, and after six years old is the picture of the future, which is very interesting. valuable.”

Beichen looked at the comparison video and said. .

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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