
Chapter 21 – Merla is Ours


Meena sat across the room from Merla's grandparents, and looked quite uncomfortable.

"How?" Tazaa said through grit teeth. Meena swallowed a lump in her throat. Taen rolled her eyes, while Lyra was quite subdued. She was already going to be punished later, and she knew her ass would be sore when Tazaa was finished with her.

"In a dream." Meena said softly. "Her manna broke through the barrier, and she invaded my consciousness." Tazaa stood up.

"That's not possible!" Tazaa bellowed.

"Behave, momma." Lixiss said as she entered the room. Vanya was not far behind her.

"Tazaa, if you don't calm down, I'll throw you into the pit Merla dug, and let the boars piss on you." Vanya said with narrowed eyes. Tazaa glared at her.

"She's my granddaughter! I have a right to be upset!" She said angrily.

"Maybe. However, Meena did not lie. She pierced the barrier between myself and Lix, and we share our consciousness." Vanya said. Tazaa hissed.

"How is that possible? Our consciousness is wispy at best!" Tazaa said with wide open eyes. Laenda watched them both.

"She doesn't seem to be lying, Taz. Calm down and listen." Laenda watched as Merla walked in front of Meena, and tried to block their view.

"Meena belong Merla. Meena mine." Merla said, her little teeth bared in anger. Lixiss smiled gently.

"Little Merla knows things that we do not." she sighed. "One night, she placed that bracelet on Momma's wrist. It is attached to my collar. We are connected at such a deep level, we share our emotions, and lusts." she rolled her eyes. "Momma's lusts are almost uncontrollable. I have no idea how she's managed all these cycles." Tazaa watched as Vanya reached out and grasped a handle woven into the golden bands around her upper chest.

"Don't wander too far, love. I keep telling you that." Vanya pulled Lixiss back against her and relaxed a bit.

"Sorry, Momma. However, this must calm down. I don't want Merla to fall off her branches like she did two days ago." Lixiss said. Tazaa frowned.

"Why would she fall off her branches?" Tazaa said and watched as Merla folded her small arms over her chest.

"Momma belong Merla. Merla milk. Share one day. Not week." She pouted, which made Tazaa instantly understand what her granddaughter meant.

"You're still feeding the lost ones?" She asked. Lyra nodded.

"They do not have mother fangers. It's our responsibility to provide for the lost ones until they grow up enough. If they were an orphan, I would adopt one. Instead, they lack a fanger mother." Lyra said. Laenda sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You can't just do something normal, can you?" Tazaa asked. She pointed at Lyra. "You've caused a lot of sap over the last three cycles. I should have seen how hard her life would be when she chased after you, and beat the sap out of you. How could any self respecting fanger get the sap pounded out of her by an orc ten cycles younger?" Merla giggled.

"Momma strong! Momma soft. Easy." Merla said with a grin. Tazaa pointed at her.

"And you! Making a fifteen cycle orc submit! Do you know what that will do to her reputation? To yours?" Tazaa asked. Merla frowned.

"Meena mine! Someone talk, Merla beat!" Merla said firmly.

"You're only two! You can't beat everyone! And you can't beat me! She is fifteen! I will not allow it!" Tazaa said angrily.

"Meena mine!" She growled, and held out her hand. Taen's eyes bulged as it was aimed right at Tazaa.



* * *


"Did you expect her to be calm while pointing at her like that?" Vanya asked Tazaa as she knelt in the throne room. Tazaa's cheeks were flushed, and her arm was in a sling.

"I didn't expect that she would attack me!" Tazaa said angrily. Vanya glared at her.

"I suggest you calm down, daughter." Vanya said in an unfriendly tone. "She was chosen by Duality. If you set your mind and heart against that, you might find yourself set against our goddesses." Tazaa grit her teeth.

"I'm just upset! First I find out Taen was damaged, and Lyra was the cause. Not only that, Lyra lost our granddaughter, and she was taken to another world to be strengthened! I am so pissed on those details, but then find out Merla is just like her mother and made an older orc submit too!" Tazaa growled like a feral beast, but slowly started to slump.

"Will she become so tied up with Meena that she also puts her own life in danger?" Tazaa asked sadly.

"You knew?" Vanya asked.

"Why do you think we had to leave? I would have beaten that poor orc to death for what she did." Tazaa said quietly.

"Now our granddaughter is back, is stronger than most magical speakers, and is only two. How can I be calm when I see the same thing happening all over again?" She said in a small voice.

"Did you know that Merla can make magical devices?" Lixiss asked her. Tazaa lifted her eyes quickly.

"Devices? She can create artifacts?" Tazaa asked incredulously.

"She made a manna powered shower on her third expression." Lixiss said. "When she calms down, I want her to make us one. All it takes is a little manna, and water will sprinkle out of the head. No one else can use her unique expressions, except for that new one, 'Agony of Stone'." Lixiss smiled gently.

"She is precious to us. Myself, and my Master Mate have been brought closer together because of her." Lixiss smiled as she held onto the chain between her breasts.

"See this chain?" Tazaa slowly nodded. "Merla gave one to Meena first. It was jealousy. If you want to protect her, you have to be here to do that." Lixiss said, then began to twitch.

"Love? What is that....oh sap." Vanya groaned as she felt the overwhelming presence invade her lover's mind. Lixiss was built to withstand Duality's presence, but Vanya was not.

Two pairs of feet touched down inside the throne room, and all present were pressed to the flooring. The wood began to splinter.

'Protect, but do not hinder, child. Our patience is limited. Merla belongs to us.' Tazaa was pressed down by the presence of her goddesses, and felt like she was going to be crushed. She heard the voice inside her mind. Or rather, it was felt, and the intentions were loud and clear. No one else could hear them, but she could.

'Merla is ours.'


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