
Chapter 5 – High Level Expression

Regular posts will now continue on Sundays.


"Last night, she had her first wind expression." Taen said. "Lyra took her outside, and she let it rip. She should have a mix of both leather and soft fabric, just in case she leans in another direction." Since her wife had not come with her, she was not there to redirect Taen, or to remind her of Merla's needs.

"May I scan her?" Meena asked.

"Let me ask. Merla, Meena wants to scan your body to see your manna veins. Do you want to let her?" Taen asked. Merla tilted her head.

"Not hurt?"

"Of course not, Merla." Meena said quickly. "A scan is like peeking inside with magic." Merla thought for several seconds, then nodded. Meena held out her hand.

"Fyzeekaal Maap." Meena spoke oddly while she used her scan expression, which made Merla tilt her head.

"Oh my goddess." She whispered. "Her veins are so thick! No wonder she could make her first magical expression so early." Meena smiled. "She looks like she's been weakened from a lack of good food and exercise, so maybe a combination of soft lined, with toughened outer wear?" Taen nodded.

"That will work. I'll deliver the boar later, so she'll have a bit in her account." Taen said with a smile at Merla.

"I'll get right on it. Now that I've scanned her, I can transfer that right onto the mold, and we can check her health and growth against it." Meena looked down at Merla and saw how precious she was. "I really need to settle down, and have a daughter of my own." Merla grinned.

"Check Meena." She extended her hand. "Fyzeekaal Maap." Taen, and Meena were startled. Merla nodded happily.

"Meena strong. Make good momma." Merla laid her head on Taen's shoulder as she fell against her. She yawned delicately. "Momma, Merla tired." Meena looked at her in shock.

"Taen, that is a high level magical expression!" Meena exclaimed. She gently probed Merla's veins, and sighed in a relieved tone.

"No damage, but they've slowed their circulation a bit. She hasn't even touched her reserve, so this expression will only tire her out for an hour or so." Meena said quietly. "You should take her to see Lyra immediately. Let her see if there are any changes."


* * *


"Be careful revealing new expressions to her. She learns magical expressions like other children learn how to swear." Lyra said, while Taen sighed softly.

"We'll have to warn her to be careful about using expressions while she's still growing into her manna veins." Taen said quietly while Lyra gently probed her daughter's veins with her manna.

Lyra didn't want to say about how her daughter's already thick manna veins had already started to evolve with magical use.

She was so young compared to when an orc should be able to make their first expression. That was decades ahead of even their priestess, Lady Lixiss, which could mean that she could be growing far too fast for her age.


* * *


"I can feel her close by, Lixiss." The Mother Queen said, and saw Lady Lixiss nod.

"So can I. Her speaking ability will be great in the future. We must be cautious and not over burden her young body with too much growth. She'll be a great defender of the forest when she matures." Lixiss said softly, and felt her Mother's hands run through her silky white hair.

"Have you thought about children, Lix? Your own child will be quite strong as well." Her Mother said, and smiled gently when Lixiss leaned into her palm.

"I need an appropriate mate, Mother." Lixiss sighed. "It's not too late, but finding a mature tusker is difficult. The young are eager, but their inexperience can disappoint." Her Mother rolled her eyes, even while her eyes intently captured every subtle movement of Lixiss's body.  This was not the gaze of a proud parent, but the barest hints of a hidden obsession.

As Vanya was the Mother Queen, she didn't personally give birth to Lixiss. She carried the eggs for the race, and as a result, she became the Mother of all orckin. Lixiss had always been one of her favorites, even if the girl's preferences were a little odd at this moment.

"Several fangers have offered her mate's services to you more than once, Lix. Do not use that excuse any longer. If you want a child, it can be arranged. They will not deny any who wish a child." Once the door opened to the study, with an acolyte leading both Lyra and Taen into the room, Mother smiled gently.

"Ah, I've so wanted to see her again. How is she, Lyra?" The Mother Queen asked.

"Precious, and precocious. She knows two magical expressions already. Scan, and gust." Lyra watched her Mother's smile disappear and her eyes blink, but no other emotions appear. Not long after, she looked concerned.

"Lyra, scan is a high level expression. Did it damage her?" She asked.

"No, Mother. Just made her tired." Lyra held Merla close, and rubbed her cheek against the tired girl's cheek.

"Mother, the reason we're here is not about Merla." Taen said, and blushed a bit as she looked at Lyra.

"I see." Their Mother slowly nodded. "I have a few eggs left for this cycle." Taen blushed, but Lyra turned towards her.

"Mother, I would like to bare a daughter."


* * *


"Where momma?" Merla said as she was held in Taen's arms.

"She's with her Mother, little one." Taen said. "If things go well, you'll have a little sister to protect in the future." Merla lifted her head from Taen's shoulder and looked up at her excitedly.

"Really, momma? A sister?" Merla asked.

"Yes, little one, a sister. Mother is helping her now."


* * *


"Lyra, it has been almost two cycles, or twenty years in the terms of the humans. Can you handle it?" Her Mother asked as she towered over her daughter. The Mother Queen was nearly ten feet tall, and the only orckin who produced eggs.

Should a Mother Queen die prematurely, the goddesses would assign another to her position, and evolve her body to produce twenty four eggs once every ten years. The tuskers were the ones who fertilized these eggs, but the Mother Queen was always chosen from among the fanged females.

"Yes, Mother. I'm ready." Lyra stripped off her clothes and helped her Mother to sit down on the bed. She picked up the container of oil as her Mother laid down.

"Begin, Lyra." Mother smiled up at her while Lyra took a large handful of natural nut oil, and spread it on her Mother's belly. This ritual was to bring them closer together, and remove the clinical way this act could be done.

"All of me, Lyra. Remind me of your first time, and how warm you were. Remind me of how happy you were to be given an egg, and that I was the one to give it to you." Lyra blushed brightly, and rubbed the oil into her skin, paying special attention to her breasts, thighs, belly, and finally, the space between her thighs.

Once stimulated, Mother let the egg depositor slide out of its pouch. At over thirty inches long, and four inches thick, even the tallest tusker didn't have such a member.

"Well done, daughter. Now, let me give you the gift you've asked for." Lyra was pulled and rolled down to the mattress underneath her Mother. The large depositor pushed firmly within her, and she began to thrust within her.

Lyra groaned as she was opened up. With each thrust, it pushed deeper until it was seated against her cervical opening. Mother continued to thrust deep and fast within her until she had the reaction necessary.

As Lyra started to climax, Vanya pushed firmly. Her member pushed through the cervical opening.

"It's time, daughter. Remember, once laid, you must assimilate it and make it your own. Once assimilated, your tusker must fertilize it." Lyra nodded, and rolled her eyes. Her Mother's thick member grew even thicker as the huge egg traveled down from her belly, and passed from Mother to daughter. Lyra started to cry.

"Thank you, Mother." Lyra said as she cried.

"For what, my darling daughter?" Mother asked her.

"For giving us the wonderful gift of raising Merla, and allowing me to bare a daughter." Lyra said with tears in her eyes. Mother leaned down and lightly kissed her lips.

"Taen will not be stationed outside the city this time, Lyra. I will make sure of it so little Merla will have a stable home life." Lyra buried her face in Mother's breasts.

"Thank you, Mother."


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