DUNE-A False Haderach-(SI into brother of Irulan)

Chapter 24-A Bloody Welcome!

Chapter 24


It had been a month since the battle that had won Arrakis its liberation, the city of Arrakeen had been doused in blood, it had taken a month to clear the city of the dead bodies, and even after that the stench of death and blood still hung in the air.

The massive planetary shield still shimmered in the skies, protecting them from the anger and rage of all of the Imperium.

Not a single speck of spice had left Arrakis in this month, and already many in the Imperium were panicking as the Royal and Harkonnen reserves drained out. According to his estimation, they would last another month, yet the desperation had forced the Emperor to make a parley as the Imperium gathered for the congregation.

And now, as he sat inside the palace in the solar often reserved for the Duke, he felt movement in the galaxy beyond as Irulan Corrino set sail towards Arrakis, as a representative of the Padishah Emperor.

He did not miss the Tleilaxu and Saradukar accompanying her. They would soon be dealt with. Yet all that would come later, for he had a more urgent issue at hand.

One in the form of his alliance with the Atreides.

Much had gone according to his plan, much except Duke Leto's injuries. The blast had taken a toll on the Duke, who had yet to wake up from his injuries, and though his life was in no danger, he was yet to open his eyes despite their various attempts.

And so, the leadership of House Atreides fell into the arms of the Duke's most treasured concubine, the mother of his only child, Lady Jessica.

"You asked to see me," he began, and she nodded. Much of the worry that had plagued her initially was long gone, as House Atreides's future now remained secure.

"I did. I wished to discuss the terms of our alliance with you," she added, and he frowned.

"And what would that be?" he asked.

"Leto," she began, and he frowned as she saw her lips whisper.

"I wish to have him treated by an Imperial Physician," she began, and he shook his head.

"We have no Imperial Physician on Arrakis, and you know as well as me that if I were to ask something like that of the Imperium, they would demand something in return, most probably to pull back the date of the congregation," he began.

"Then we will do just that," she added, yet it was not all so simple.

"But I cannot do that. I would need a Reverend Mother to convince the Emperor of my identity. Our Reverend Mother is on the death's door and cannot perform that duty. The only one who can ,is you and you are in no position to go through that trial," he asked.

"I will take that trial," she spoke firmly, her eyes much bluer than they had been when she had first come to Arrakis, and already she had put her child at risk.

"Do you know what that trial would do to the child in you?" he asked, for he had told her already of what had happened to him and what would happen if she drank the water of life.

And she looked down, her hand on her belly.

"I know," she said as she bit her lip,

"...but for Leto, I will take that risk," she said as she looked him in the eye.

"You will not be able to forgive yourself," he spoke, understanding the dilemma she faced.

"To subject a child to that, it is cruel. There is a reason that the Bene Gesserit fears the Abominations and prohibits any actions that would lead to the birth of one because it is cruelty, absolute cruelty," he warned her, and she, of course, must have known that.

"I know what you speak. The Possession, I researched it after your birth and why the Abominations were feared as much," she said slowly.

"But you beat it, you did it. For Leto, I am willing to take that risk," she said, and he leaned back.

"This will also help you," she said, and he frowned.

"How?" she asked, curious, and she hesitated before she spoke.

"I know of the toll all this is taking on you," and he stilled at those words in an instant.

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying to understand what she knew.

"The shields, the constant surveillance, the monitoring, distribution of resources, rationing. Your powers," she began as she looked him in the eye.

"I can see it, the toll they take on you. The constant pain you must endure as you push beyond your limits. After all, you were a product of centuries of genetic matching as well, a child conceived to achieve the Bene Gesserit's ultimate goal," she began, and he was surprised that she had pieced together enough.

No wonder she was so well thought of as a student.

"How did you put that together?" he asked.

"Because of Paul," and that worried him.

Inzal was not a full Kwisatz Haderach, he was powerful, blessed in ways that Paul would not be, but he lacked much as well, most notably his ability to glimpse into the future.

And now, with Paul stuck on Arrakis, a place where the air was tinged with the spice melange, it would trigger his blood, awaken the potential that lay buried. And though the water of life would be the ultimate test, he suspected that a heavy enough dose of the spice could achieve a similar result.

"He is much like you, born as a consequence of centuries of planning, and the spice has begun to change him, show his true potential. I see the toll it takes on him, and I can see the same for you, but in much graver form," she finished.

"Is your mind set on this," he began, and she nodded.

"For Leto, I will not stop at anything. He needs an Imperial Physician, and if the trial is what I must endure, then endure it I shall," she spoke resolutely.

"I will see what I can do," he said.

"And there is one more thing that I wish to discuss?" she began, and he beckoned her to continue.

"A Marriage between you and the daughter inside my belly," and this time, his answer was much more succinct.




The demands of the Atreides and their obscure allies were rather tame. Although they had agreed to parley with the Imperium, they had asked for one specific person to represent both the Emperor and the Imperium.


So, after an extended discussion, she finally decided to submit herself for the task despite the various risks it posed to her life.

This month, the Imperium was in absolute mayhem. Her father grew more and more frustrated and angry with every passing day. Already whispers were beginning to bubble against him, as the lack of spice halted nearly every aspect of life.

The Guild, the Bene Gesserit, the Bene Tleilaxu, and the CHOAM—every aspect of their society—were highly dependent on Spice, and so without it, everything came to a halt.

And only the presence of a common enemy and the fear of the Saradukar stopped an open rebellion against the Emperor.

And in such a dire situation, she felt it was her duty to help the Imperium and her House break the deadlock. So, after much deliberation, she was finally on her way to Arrakis, the desert planet that was meant to be the end of House Atreides.

Yet it could become one for House Corrino.

As the ship reached the shields, she saw only a small sector turn off rather than the whole shield. Their enemies were being very cautious, and their technology was even more obscure.

To combat the planet's constant sand storms, the shields were basically spread out using low-orbit satellites, which maneuvered themselves to avoid any storm that may affect their functioning.

It was ingenious and, according to the guild navigators, nearly impossible to pull off for more than one reason. Yet somehow, someone was coordinating them in such a way that it was made possible, and if that someone was a part of House Atreides, then that made it all the more dangerous for them and their House.

They descended into the skies. She watched the ship descend onto the largest city, Arrakeen, as a servant came forward.

"My lady, we are ready for you," and she nodded as she moved away from the window and towards the ship's gates, as she felt it slow down, and then the gates opened, and the first thing she felt was heat.

Arrakis was hot, hotter than she had thought, yet it did not affect her much as a herald descended the steps, followed by herself and her contingent of guards.

"I bring to you Princess Irluan Corrino. Daughter of the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and representative of House Corrino and the Imperium for the Parlay of Arrakis," he announced as the Saradukar followed her closely, alert and ready to face any danger.

A retinue was there to greet her as well, led by none other than Lady Jessica and the infamous Gurney Halleck, the Duke's trusted war master.

Yet they were not alone, for beside them were four Fremen warriors, wearing that same outfit her father had shown her before her descent, decorated with those overlapping wings.

'Kazab,' she thought, curious about what they were doing here.

"I am Lady Jessica, mother of Paul Atreides, representing House Atreides, and I greet you as a guest and offer you and your reti..."

Yet she stopped as someone stepped forward from behind her, and immediately she felt a deep connection to them, as if she had just found a missing limb, their gazes met and she found those eyes so familiar, that it sent a shiver down her spine.

"I believe I must stop you there," he said, placing a hand on Lady Jessica's shoulder and halting her.

And immediately, the Saradukar closed in on her.

"What is the meaning of this? Are you breaking your promise? You are making a mockery of thousands of treatises!" the herald shouted as she saw the Fremen step forward and pull back his mask, revealing a white, silvery, shiny mess of hair, much like hers.

"I allowed the King to send his Saradukar to ensure the Princess's safety, not that she was in any danger from me, or anyone on this planet to begin with," he began. The way he smiled at her felt so indulgent, reminding her of a smile that had long been lost to her, one that she could now only glimpse through motionless pictures.

"I did not allow him to send assassins," and she frowned at that as she saw his eyes narrow onto the herald, who stilled for a second.

"I know not of what you speak. I am simply the Emperor's herald, his voice in all matt..."

"There is no need to pretend anymore. I see you for what you truly are, Face Dancer," and she stilled at those words, for few did not know of the Face dancers of Bene Tleilaxu, assassins that could take the face of any man.

And then she saw his face morph as the herald straightened out.

"So, it was you who was behind this all," and she saw his face melt as the herald's form began to melt away, revealing the form of a face dancer, a Bene Tleilaxu master assassin.

"Indeed, I am," and she stilled at those words as she gulped, her eyes peeled as the tension in the air was enough to cut through metal.

"If you know of me, then you must also know of my orders," the face dancer began as she saw him take out a dagger and spin it in his hand.

"I do, and I am afraid I cannot let you do that."

"Who are you? And who do you represent?" she asked the Fremen before turning towards the Face Dancer.

"And why are you here? Who sent you here, and what is your mission?" she asked angrily as she saw him turn towards her.

A shiver ran down her spine as she saw him vanish, and she heard a whisper.

"I am sorry, Princess," and then she saw a dagger racing towards her.



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