DUNE-A False Haderach-(SI into brother of Irulan)

Chapter 34-The Promises We Make!

Chapter 34


Paul's decision to leave her behind and undergo the trial of the Sayyadina had been a shock. Yet Shani was anything but a damsel in distress and so had decided to follow the fool, vowing to help him in his struggle against the powers that revolved around him.

She had traversed through the city using the ODM gear, hoping to catch up with that stupid body only to find him fighting against Inzal, and though she was friends with Inzal, seeing him toy with Paul did not sit right with her, though she did not believe that it was out of any malicious intentions.

And when Paul sensed and sent her a message in the Atreides code, the one which he had taught her, she understood Inzal's intention. And so, she would take out her rifle and take aim at the white-haired menace

Though it seemed it was all another scheme of his. Just how much did he plan? Now, both she and Paul rushed towards the ritual site, traversing the castle at breakneck speed using one of the faster ornithopters.

"How do you know so much about the ritual site?" Paul asked as she drove them towards it, following the path Inzal had drawn for them.

"Because I was once a candidate for the position as well. I was born with the gift of sight," she told him and saw his eyes widen.

"You have it as well," he asked, and she confirmed.

"I did. However, Inzal motivated me to believe otherwise. His words and actions had half of the hopefuls quit their positions as they joined him in his cause," she added, and that had been what had turned the traditionalists against him, for Inzal, through his actions had struck hard at the Sayyadina and her order, lowering their influence as he turned the whole generation against the prophecy and their prophecized savior.

"Did you ever see him?" he suddenly asked her after a moment of silence.

And she shook her head as she thought about it.

"No. None of us ever did," she answered having had this discussion with her accolades previously.

"Did you?" she asked.

And he seemed contemplative about it as well, his eyes becoming dazed as he answered.

"I did, but only once. And yet, after that, I have not been able to see him ever since despite trying everything," he answered, his tone showing how concerned he seemed to be about that and then their ornithopter cut through the clouds, and they came upon the main Sietch where the ritual for the ascension took place.

"We are here," she said and saw Paul look down through the windows as he looked around at the sietch in question.

"And as for Inzal, I once asked him why we could not see him in our dreams," she began as they began to descend.

"What did he say?" Paul asked.

"He said those who were destined to see the future cannot be seen by others," she repeated his words and saw Paul's eyes narrow as he nodded his head.

"I see," and their ornithopter landed as a group of accolades ran out to greet them, having already received Inzal's instructions.




And now she watched as Paul held the cup filled with that blue liquid, looking at her.

"This is it," he said as he gripped the cup with shaky hands, his eyes tired and resolute as he held it up.

"If I do not..."

"Do not ..."

"Just let me finish," he cut in sharply as he looked her in the eye.

"If I fail, just do know that for as long as I was alive..." and he hesitated before he continued.

"...for as long as I was Paul Atrides. I loved you with all my heart and shall continue to do so as long as I draw breath, my precious sihaya," And with those final words, he raised the cup and drowned the blue liquid inside.



The Warmaster of the Atreides had seen his world change drastically over the few weeks. From walking into an elaborate trap and springing it, to getting nearly annihilated by the Saradukar and the Harkonnens only to have their lives saved and his revenge exacted by their new found allies.

If he were a lesser man, all this would have broken him, and this was but the half of what had happened. He had not even touched how the Imperium had a new Emperor, and if he was to believe his lady's words, then it was set to gain a new Duchess as well.

"Are you certain about this, my lady?" Gurney asked as he stood there infront of Lady Jessica, who now sat in the Duke's seat wearing his insignia on her fingers.

"Paul's actions are a great risk to both himself, this House, and Inzal as well. He offered to fight in his stead, but Paul wished to fight his own battles, and that came at a cost," she replied as she fiddled with the ring on her finger.

"Great cost," she finished and Gurney bit his lip.

"But still to remove Lord Paul from heirship. This is a step too far. Inzal Corrino has no place to dictate House Atreides in their affairs," he challenged, and though he may be emperor now, he had no right to interfere in this matter.

"And yet Paul agreed to it, and so did I. There are powers at play that you do not understand. I loathe this all just as much as you. I tried to keep Paul from this course of action many times, yet he refused to budge," she said through gritted teeth.

"Say what you will about him. He is just as stubborn as his own father," she smiled indulgently.

"Then who will be the heir now?" he asked.

"Her," she pointed towards her belly.

"Alia Atreides. She will be the heir presumptive," she finished.


"My lady..." a servant knocked on the door.

"There is someone here to see you," the servant added, and she nodded. The doors opened, and she watched as the Emperor's ex-truthsayer and her own teacher, Gaius Helen Mohaim, entered her solar.

"It's ok," she said as she watched Gurney reach for his knife and Lady Jessica cut in.

"I called her here, myself," he said, easing slightly. He took a step back, and the older woman walked into the room. He could see her eyes scanning Lady Jessica's form.

She came and took the seat opposite Lady Jessica, her eyes focused on the ring now adorning her fingers.

"So, the boy took the bait," Gaius Helem Mohaim began, and immediately, he knew who she was referring to.

"He did," Lady Jessica replied easily, and yet the look of unease did not vanish from the old woman's gaze as she continued to look at her finger.

"You did not," she finally gasped, and he saw Lady Jessica smile.

"I did. I believe in my son and his ability to overcome all the challenges he faces, but we will not let your plans succeed. As of right now, I am no longer the Duke's concubine. I am Lady Jessica Atreides..." she finished as she bared the ring she now wore on her finger.

"...Duchess of Caladan."



"Is it wise to let Paul Atreides do this? You do understand the danger he may pose to you if he becomes the instrument the Bene Gesserit designed him to be," Irulan asked him, and he nodded.

"I do," he replied.

"And I did take precautions. I lessened his prowess, taking away from his heirship to House Atreides, and with the marriage between Lady Jessica and Duke Leto, House Atreides has lost much of their political capital," she finished.

"Speaking of that. The Duke is still unconscious. How did you manage to even get them to do it?" she asked.

"It was part of the deal I offered the Duke when we first met. He had always intended to marry the Lady Jessica, and in the document to cement our alliance, I had him draw up this document just in case," he did.

"Just how far ahead did you plan all this?" Irulan asked as she shook her head.

"I spent more than a decade formulating this plan and had at my disposal nearly all of the Galaxy's secrets at my disposal. So you can say, when I began all this, I knew what I was getting myself into," he assured her.

"But still, I know that the Atreides are not happy about this. They will grumble. Paul Atreides, for all his faults, is rather well-regarded in the Atreides camp. Already Duncan Idaho and Thufir Hwatt were seen arguing with Lady Jessica about this whole affair," and he indeed knew of their little tirade. However, he knew that with the title and the subsequent powers of the Duchess behind her, she would be able to handle this.

"Let them grumble. All this was out of his volition. No one forced him to do any of this. Plus, you all fail to see the other side to it," he began as he leaned forward.

"You all see him for the enemy he could become to me, yet at the same time fail to see how he could become my most valuable ally against the powers in the Imperium as well," he offered, and that was a big gamble.

"I can see that, but how would you even tell if he is your ally or not? From the teachings of the Bene Gesserit, a Kwisatz Haderach is a being that is unlike any. I know that your prowess is somewhat of a derivation of that very power. But still, a Kwisatz Haderach is a being unlike any other; I doubt you would be able to see him for his true intentions," she added worriedly, and she had every reason to.

Yet, this day would have come sooner or later. It better come when he had all the other factors under his control.

"You are right. I could be mistaken indeed, but there is someone else who could recognise those changes before anyone else," he offered and saw Irulan think as she leaned back and then a minute later her eyes widened.

"That girl. Chani," she gasped, finally realizing his plan, and he nodded.

"Indeed. If the amalgam that is the Kwisatz Haderach overpowers Paul and he wishes to come after my throne, then the first thing he must discard shall be the love he bears for Chani Kynes. Because the only path left for him to displace me shall have him lean into his maternal side," Inzal finished.

"His Maternal side?" Irulan asked, and he nodded.

"Indeed, for you see, Paul is not just an Atreides. By coincidence or design, he bears the blood of another Noble House in his veins through his mother," he told her, and Irulan's eyes widened.

"Which House?" she asked.

"The very House that sought to end House Atreides, the very House that has held a feud with House Atreides for years," he finished, seeing Irulan connecting the dots.

"You cannot mean."

"Paul Atreides is the grandson of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. He may not be heir to House Atreides, but he is still the heir presumptive to House Harkonnen."


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