DUNE-A False Haderach-(SI into brother of Irulan)

Chapter 4a-Wings of Freedom!

Chapter 4a

~Around 5 years before the start of the movie~


Thirst, the ever-constant thirst that plagued everyone in this desert, parched his lips as well, turning them into dry husks, as he sat crouched down on the shield wall that guarded the Northeastern side of the city.

Carthag, the capital of the Harkonen's operations in Arrakis, was a city built through human suffering and cruelty, a symbol of oppression and division. In comparison to the wasteland, the city was a hub of tall buildings, built for form rather than function. It was a slap on the face of the suffering of the people of Arrakis.

A display of opulence in a land where few could afford to eat and drink to their fill.

It was well populated, housing the Harkonens, the Guild, the villages, and much more. And right now as he stood on the expansive wall around the city, dressed in his stillsuit, with his little creation tied around his body, feeling, knowing every person in the whole city even through closed eyes.

The sensation was familiar to him, yet on a lesser scale, it was as if comparing a drop of rain to a torrential flood. A very inept comparison for Arrakis, yet he had not always been filled with the thirst of this wasteland, and neither will the people of this planet be if he had anything to say for it.

Thousands and thousands of lives, their movements rushed to his mind, and only his inhuman abilities allowed him to cater to all that information, siphoning through it for what he sought.

A small platoon of Harkonen guards transporting the recently captured prisoners to their detention centres, there were over twenty guards moving through the city armed and shielded, rendering lasguns impractical for using them would jeopardize the very people he had come to save.

And he waited as they approached the open airfields, filled with ornithopters and other ships, waiting to make a move.

Inzal had been born to this world as simple a mind first, in a world surrounded by darkness he had come to consciousness armed with too much knowledge, enough that it would have destroyed his recently formed nervous system. Yet somehow he had persisted, his biology no longer that of a normal human, had allowed him to see and understand beyond human norms as he realised the danger he was in.

That very understanding and knowledge allowed him to hide, even while being but a blood of cells, as he evaded the careful senses of various physicians, sisters of the Bene Gesserit, and even his own mother.

He had understood what he was: an abomination, one of the opposite gender, a crime twice over. Yet that was not even all, as even while being a blob of cells, he would feel his senses expand as he would imbibe the foreign blue liquid that had entered his mother's body.

He had felt his senses expand, seeing beyond the womb into the expansive castle that housed him, Kaitain. He knew it through various gifts, the home of the House Corrino.

Receiving all that information had been painful, yet he believed it was that experience that had hardened him to his current prowess, which he was about to use to free his men.

He closed his eyes and watched as the platoon neared the ornithopters, and he took out a blade from the harness bound to his thighs and clicked the switch on the rather large hilt.


Two grappling hooks whizzed past him and latched onto a tall-looking building near the moving platoon as he activated the low-powered suspensers wrapped around his back, lowering his weight as he breathed out; even in such danger, the Bene Gesserit teachings allowed him absolute control over his body.

He twisted his chemistry, pushing himself beyond his already body's peak abilities, heightened metabolism, heightened senses, strength, and agility. It would come at a cost.

One which he was ready to bear as his gaze narrowed, and he whipped past the air at superhuman speeds, propelled by a stream of compressed gas from the contraption at his back, as he threw a number of smoke bombs on the Harkonen platoon.


They exploded quickly, dying the whole unit in thick black smoke as the Harkonen men found their visions blocked. Then he twisted, rounding off in the air, as he sent his hooks at a building beyond them and dived into the thick smoke, for unlike the Harkonens, he had no need of eyes to see.


He whipped through the air, a blur, the compressed air from the contraption on his torse propelling him at extremely high speeds through the air as he brought up his blades, slicing through the air as he whipped past the Harkonen soldiers.

"ARGH!" a shout erupted as his blade slit Harkonen's men's throat and then another and then another, as he twisted through the air, slashing around as blood rained all over.

The Fremen quickly took advantage of the ordeal and began to fight back. Inzal continued to douse the area with smoke bombs whizzing into it, slaying Harkonen men with his blades before stopping for once.

"Who are you?" Jamis asked as Inzal lowered his mask and saw Jamis's eyes widen.

"Inzal, but your eyes and ho..."

"We do not have time to talk. Get to the ornithopters and get out! There is a storm to the west of the city. Fly towards it. I will buy you time," he said as he slid on his mask once more and was airborne once more.

The city's alarms began to ring, and more and more Harkonen soldiers began to gather around them.

Harkonen soldiers gathered, pouring out of the barracks as he basked the whole area in smoke as he whipped through the air, moving through Harkonen units as he sliced through them, as they failed to catch a glimpse of it.


"AGH!" "WHAT IS IT!" "HELPP!" some screamed as he was showered in blood, yet he did not stop as his arms twisted his blades again, and again, and again.


Cutting through flesh as if it was butter.

Inzal, by now, was dyed in blood, sweating so profusely enough that even his Stillsuit could not preserve it all. Yet, he flew around a tall building as he saw the Harkonen platoons gather and rush towards the shipyard as he clicked his tongue and reached for a small device in his pocket.

"Let's see how you like this," and he pressed it.



Three more explosions rocked the city, targeting mainly their barracks, as he watched his Fremen comrade get into an ornithopter.

Inzal himself was once more whizzing past men as lasguns, bullets, and blades whizzed past him. He had avoided taking damage, knowing that even a single attack would be his death.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" he heard a shout, the voice booming over everyone else, and he knew who it was even without sight.

The bane of the Fremen, the man hated by all. A symbol of Harkonen's cruelty.

Glossu Rabaan, or as he was otherwise known as, the Beast Rabban.

The soldiers poured into the city as Inzal lay hanging beside one of the buildings and watched as the Fremen ornithopter took to the skies. His breathing was heavy as hints of exhaustion began to bubble in his mind, yet he was not done yet.

He had to buy them time. Other ornithopters also took to the skies, some chasing after the Fremen. He wiped away the blood from the blades on his thighs as he felt the Beast's eyes land on him.

"THERE!" "I WANT IT CAPTURED ALIVE!" he shouted as he felt a thousand gazes and arms turn towards him. Despite the danger he was in, he felt an elation, the threat to his life heightening his senses as he pulled on the hook dislodging it and began to fall to the ground, even as another hook lodged itself into another building, and then soon with a click of the button the compressed gas from the cylinders tied to his back left with a hiss. He was propelled at superhuman speeds as he whipped through the Harkonen city even as half a dozen ornithopters chased after him, as he followed the Fremen. Then faster than he had gone yet, he whipped through the air, pushing himself to the side of one enemy thopter as with another click a lasbeam shot out of control hitting the shielded thopter.

And he saw a flash of light so bright, as the small reaction happened, and the 'thopter exploded in the sky, taking out the two beside it as well.


He whipped past the debris as the Fremen made their getaway, and he rushed straight towards another part of the city, a most well-guarded part. The spice stores continued to wreak havoc, whizzing past Harkonen's men, killing them with a swift twist of his blade as he whipped them.

He had slaughtered more men in minutes than he had ever in his life, his emotions were a mess yet he pushed them down as he slowed down and landed on one of the rooftops, blood dripping from him, wetting the ground as he stared at the carnage he had unleashed.

Smoke rose up from various parts of the city as bodies of men lay all around.

He felt someone else land behind him with a massive thud and turned back to see the Beast Rabban standing there. His skin was pale and white, and he glared at him with those hateful, vengeful, and cruel black orbs.

"You, I will have fun gutting you like an animal!" he snarled in rage, and Inzal stepped on the mark he had left earlier, looking the man in the eye as he smiled.

"Those eyes..." he uttered, and he felt relieved. He was caught. Inzal had been born with the blue eyes of Ibad, the blue hue coming from exposure to spice, a common characteristic of the Fremen.

Yet his eyes were not blue, not at all. Lenses had turned them to a mix of green and blue, a hue admixed of the color common to Caladan and Kaitain, the planets under Atreides' and Corrino's control, respectively.

This would obscure his origins, confusing the Harkonens about just who was behind this treachery. Their long-living rivalry with House Atreides and the complicated relationship with House Corrino would provide the perfect cover for him so that he may protect the secrets of the Fremen from them for as long as he could.

With Jamis and the others nearing the storm, he knew that his work here was done, so he smiled as he reached for the grip and opened his mouth.

"I would stay to keep you company, but you know..." he bantered as he clicked a button.

"...I am not fond of dogs."

And Rabban's eyes narrowed in rage as the man screamed and took a step towards him. But it was too late.



Read ahead and support me on Patreon and help me write this and other such stories. It would be pretty cool and awesome of you. 😊


Have a fabulous day!


The gear he is using is inspired by ODM gear.

For those who do not know, he is lightening his weight using some modular suspensers and then using highly compressed gas through small outlets on his back to propel himself through the air at blinding speeds. It is less bulky than full AG gear and allows him to basically propel himself across even the desert dunes if he uses it well enough.

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