DUNE-A False Haderach-(SI into brother of Irulan)

Chapter 5a-No Place to Call Home?

Chapter 5a


Chani was filled with both rage and concern as she watched the people of her Sietch gather their belongings in haste as the whole Sietch prepared to relocate, she had heard of such a 'hajra' from the elders yet had never thought that she would experience it for herself.

Within the Sietch, a storm of blame raged against Inzal, accusing him of endangering everyone with his influence over the youth. Chani, however, held a different view, though it did not absolve him of his actions.

Yet Inzal had only ever spoken his mind, spoken out with facts and science against the idiotic fairytale the other people of the Sietch had for their troubles.

He wished to bring them change and prosperity, and he wished for them to claim all these things through the strength of their own arm rather than relying on and waiting for a messiah.

Her bitterness was palpable, and there was a bitter taste in her mouth as they were forced to abandon their home. How much longer could the Fremen endure this? How many more generations would they be condemned to scuttle like worms into their Sietches while the Empire plundered their resources?

But what could they do now but reaper and make hijra towards a new and abandoned sietch, so they could settle down once more. It would be perilous, and many would die, said the older members of the Sietch, and as she looked around the dining hall, she feared just how many would not live to see the other day.

On the side of the Hall, isolated from the rest, sat about a dozen or so young Fremen, boys and girls near her own age, huddled together yet away from everyone else. Everyone whispered as they eyed them with rage.

They were Inzal's followers. There had been more, yet the others had been quick to separate themselves from the group as tragedy descended upon them. Chani herself sat alone, though that was more of a choice, and she was missing her only friend.

Shishakli was not in the Hall again today; she had been absent from the Hall just like she had been for a week now. Ever since the day Inzal had vanished, defying their Nabi as he went rogue and went out to rescue Fremen, captured by the Harkonen.

Many rejoiced mockingly when word of his actions spread, and it enraged her. Chani and Inzal had never been close, yet she appreciated what he had done for them. He had risked his life to provide for them beyond what they had always had.

More food, more water, better weapons, better technology, and much more; it had all been through his actions, and though they had ended in this unfortunate event, it was so easy for them to turn a blind eye to what he was trying to do. What he had done for them already!

As she thought of that, she felt her appetite vanish as she picked up the bowl of food from the side and walked out of Hall, traversing through the narrow conduits she passed by several guards, much more than usual, and gates as she reached the mouth of SIetch.

And there she found her again, standing under the light of the moon as she sat there staring into the vast desert in front.

Shishakli had been closest to Inzal, the two had practically grew up together, always joined at the hip.

"You were missing from the dining hall," she said as she stood beside her and lowered the bowl.

"Eat," she commanded, and as her friend was about to shake her head, she cut in.

"Eat, or I will tell Stilgar of how you have been spending your nights," and though the man could not punish Shishkali for this, he could ask the guards not to allow her this privilege.

That seemed to convince her as her friend reluctantly took the bowl from her and began to eat. Chani's eyes wandered to the outside as the cold wind of the night blew and brushed her skin, making her shiver a bit.

"It has been nearly a week now," she began and saw Shishakli still at her words.

"Don't you think it is time enough to move on," she said as Shishakli's lips thinned.

"I can't give up," she replied, her voice strong and conviction carried, though she was alone in that Chani knew.

Any hope of survival had long vanished for both the six captured Fremen and Inzal.

"I must believe in him," Shishakli said as she looked into the open desert.

"Even if he comes back, you know he could not stay here," she told her friend, who stilled at those words.

"He defied Stilgar, the Nabi," she elaborated as Shishakli's fists balled up.

She told Shishakli.

"He is no longer part of the Sietch by tradition."

Silence reigned once more as the reality of the situation dawned on her friend, whose eyes lowered as she set aside the bowl, nearly empty.

"He only ever wanted the best for us, wanted us to become better, to strive for more, to dream, to be...."

"...Free," she finished. She had listened to many of Inzal's speeches.

"And yet see how quickly we lose faith in one of our own, just so we can turn to those fairy tales of a messiah once again," Shishakli said through gritted teeth, and the words cut deep, for they were true.

"Ye..." but before the words could leave her mouth, she stilled as she saw a glimmer of light from their scouting outpost.

A flicker of lights in a rhythmic pattern, and she felt her heart quicken as she decoded the signal.

'Approaching bodies'

'Friend or foe? Undetermined.'

People were coming towards the Sietch.

Suddenly, an alarm began to ring, and Shishakli perked up as well.

"What is going on?" her friend questioned.

"Some people are approaching the Sietch she told her as she heard the thrum of footsteps from behind and saw fully armed Fremen approaching the gates,"

"Inzal," her friend gasped as Stilgar came upon them.

"What are you doing here? Go to the shelter!" he ordered, and Chani knew they could not defy his command when suddenly a very long whistle was sounded from the outside. She saw Stilgar look up as one of the Fremen spoke up.

"He is saying they are Fremen, seven of them," he told him as another message came from the outpost.

And she could scarcely believe her ears as her heart thumped in her chest.

"Inzal! It is him, it is Inzal. He succeeded," Shishakli voiced out. In her stupor, she was about to rush out when a watermaster stopped her before she could rush out.

"You have no Stillsuit, do not waste water," he chided her friend, who had forgotten the water discipline in her excitement.

"Remain here," the man added a bit more softly as he pulled her friend back as a few silhouette began to appear in the distance walking towards the mouth of the Sietch.

"Whomever it is will soon be here," and Shishakli obeyed as she stood there, and watched alongside an armed contingent of Stilgar and Sandmasters as the figures came closer and closer, until they were close enough that one could make out the faces.

"It's Jamis and the rest!" the Sandmaster gasped out in awe as everyone reeled from shock.

"The boy succeeded, he brought them back," someone whispered as Stilgar stood there watching before he finally opened his mouth.

"Go and help them back, they may have injured among them," he commanded as several Fremen rushed out and rushed towards the incoming contingent, as they all waited patiently for them to come back.

And soon, they were here, and there was much joy as people they had long thought dead had gone and walked back into the Sietch. They were injured and seemed quite tired, yet all six of teh captured Fremen had made it back and had been rushed to the medics, that was until only one person remained standing there at the mouth of the Sietch.


Yet he had a different air to him; his unique characteristic silver hair was dyed black and covered half his face. The stillsuit and the jacket he wore over it were dyed in a similar hue. It was probably from Harkonnen blood. He seemed taller and, unlike the rest, fine, and she did not miss nearly half a dozen liquid storage bottles tied to his side.

"Inzal!" Shishakli gasped as she broke free from the grip of the watermaster, rushed towards him, and enveloped him in a hug. The motion rustled his hair and made her gasp as she saw his eyes.

Inzal had always had blue eyes, the eyes of the Ibad, even when their tribe had first found him. They had been like the eyes of Ibad, yet now they were different. Blue they were still, yet now the blue glistened, shining like blue jewels in the moonlight.

"Lisan a..." Yet the words were cut off as Inzal's head jerked towards the source, his eyes narrowed, and she felt the whole air shift and thicken as if mimicking his rage as the man became quiet.

He had yet to enter the Sietch as Shishakli continued to hug him.

She did not miss how Stilgar looked him up and down before their Naib finally began moving forward. Shishakli turned to face the giant of the man and was about to speak up when she was silenced by Inzal herself. He placed a hand on her shoulder and stepped forward.

Stilgar and he now stood face to face, staring into each other's eyes as sounds of joy and celebration from the caverns began to spread.

"You defied my direct command and went to rescue them. Defying the command of a Naib is a crime for which the only punishment is death," he spoke as Shishakli made to step forward to try and put herself between Stilgar and Inzal. Yet Inzal stopped her as Inzal opened his mouth for the first time.

"I have saved this Sietch and subsequently the life of everyone here by rescuing those men," he began, his voice dull and emotionless, just like his face as he looked into Stilgar's eyes.

"I am owed a debt, and for that, I wish to call a Grand Council," he finished as mutterings broke out among everyone.

He was right, though; he was owed a debt, and it was a big debt.

"I wish to speak to everyone. My fate shall be decided there."

And after moments of silence, Stilgar took out his blade and made a cut on his arm.

"So be it then, as Stilgar and the Naib of this Sietch, you have my countenance."


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