Dungeon 42

News, Posting isn't affected


I was discussing things with my brother and he's informed me I've got about six months before he expects to move out. The original timeline was 2 years, but things have changed and thankfully for the better. It's a good thing for him and I'm happy for that.

With respect to my personal situation though, I'm looking at a serious problem. I'm splitting an apartment with him and paying half right now of $3000 with for a 2 bed 1 bath. As ridiculous as it sounds, its an exceptional price for the area. Thank you California.

I'm not in a position to move and my job isn't going to support that high of a rent so I'll be in a bit of a bind. I might have to get a housemate which is a daunting prospect as I'm not social naturally. Depending on how things go, there may be significant disruptions.

In the meantime I've decided to put the novel up on Amazon KDP, but after getting it edited in hopes of making some money and possibly staving off getting a housemate. I've seen other authors request assistance with the expense on kickstarter and that's pretty much my plan, but I want your guys feedback.

Are there any specific incentives that you'd like? A hardback print for instance.

The estimated cost right now is about $7000 for editing, possibly a new cover to distinguish it from the stolen version, and some marketing.

Thank you as always,


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