Dungeon 42

Strained Discourse, Chp 108

Strained Discourse

Chapter 108

Mira, Hetcha, and Mina were all sitting down to lunch the day after the rather disastrous feast. Despite what had happened, they didn’t refuse to eat the food 42 provided. Poisoning them probably wouldn’t get her anything. Even if that wasn’t true, it might well be preferable to alternative means she could resort to in order to eliminate them.

“So… Even if Andrea comes back, are you guys out? Like, do you not want to discuss a deal anymore?” Mina asked.

“Mira?” Hetcha asked, as if the matter didn’t concern her. That got her a look from both of the other women at the table.

“Do you think we should stay?” Mira asked, a brow raised.

“I think I’d get us into worse trouble than we're already in if I tried to negotiate a contract,” Hetcha replied dryly.

“Fair…” Mira said after a moment.

“Same,” Mina offered.

“Were you thinking about trying for one?” Mira asked, surprised.

“Not really… but kind of? I mean, I want to go home and not many places are going to want a “chosen hero” who isn’t like, a hundred percent committed to the bit,” Mina said with a shrug.

“That and I’m really fucking tired of the stingy fuckers not letting me pick my rewards. Like seriously, Stromholt wasn’t the first place I went. They said they had to appraise things first but they'd reward me fairly. You know, right up until I want the agility boosting boots they’ve decided are a long lost national treasure or whatever,” Mina said with a sigh.

“That… sounds like a problem,” Mira said, trying to be supportive.

“Oh, totes. I could have probably kicked a lot more ass if I had the right kit to boost my build,” Mina said and sighed.

“Need before greed,” she added in a mumble.

“So you think 42 would let you keep your treasures and wouldn’t hold it against you if you found a way to leave?” Hetcha asked.

“No idea honestly, but I keep thinking it might not be so bad to ask,” Mina admitted.

“I'm fairly certain you didn’t look kindly on Andrea’s attempt to make a deal last night,” Mira pointed out.

“Because she was being a noob about it. 42 didn’t say anything about souls, but that was like her opening offer. I mean, I’m dumb, but I wouldn’t use my soul as a bargaining chip out of the gate,” Mina said.

“But you’d be fine doing 42’s bidding?” Hetcha asked. 42 had mentioned that Elim served her in exchange for what he received.

“We’d have to talk about it… not that I’m sure I want to. It's just… it seems like she had a lot to offer,” Mina said and shrugged.

“What do you think about it bun, aside from not wanting to do the bargaining?” Mira asked.

“We were willing to make the deal before we knew so long as 42 didn’t force anyone to go into the dungeon. I was angry that she hadn’t been honest with us last night but… She could have simply never told us anything,” Hetcha admitted.

The group was quiet for a while as they sat around the farm house's kitchen table. It wasn’t a particularly comfortable thing to know they were still tempted by 42 and the power she might grant. Even after everything that had already happened, despite two of their friends dying in the dungeon.

“I’m not alright with any of this… but if Andrea comes back and it really seems like it's her own idea, then I’ll at least entertain the idea of negotiations with 42,” Mira said finally. The other two nodded and they left the table, Mira and Hetcha retreating for a bit of privacy to the room they’d claimed as their own.

Mina, however, decided to have a walk around the valley. She’d been cooped up too long in the dungeon’s prison. It had been relatively comfortable, but it was still just one room with an attached bathroom. There hadn’t been enough space to exercise, really. Or at least not stretch her legs properly.

Rather than head toward the mountain, Mina started for the lake. She knew Hetcha had found some kind of temple important to her, but she’d never been religious in her own dimension. The appeal of the local gods, despite being demonstrably real, was even less than that of the questionable ones from home.

The three didn’t meet up again until dusk and dinner were approaching. No grand table appeared this time, though the food was still good. They hesitated to start, seeing a fourth setting. Time passed though and Andrea didn’t appear and their moods all turned grim.

“For fucks sake,” 42’s muffle voice declared. A moment later there was a bit of a shuffling sound in front of the door. Without warning, Andrea was deposited suddenly in the chair. She looked mussed up and pissed off but otherwise fine. Mina lunged around the table to give her hug.

“Ack!” Andrea cried, caught off guard.

“Somebody get a mirror! We should check if she still has her soul,” Mina said.

“What does a mirror have to do with a soul?” Hetcha asked.

“She won’t have a reflection if she doesn't have one… I think. Or maybe that's just if you're a vampire?” Mina said, sobbing and hugging her friend. Mira and Hetcha exchanged confused looks, not understanding what a vampire was on top of everything else.

“I didn’t make a deal yet!” Andrea snapped, more embarrassed than angry. She wormed out of Mina’s grasp and stood awkwardly looking at the rest of the group.

“42 says she won’t make one with me unless I talk with all of you first,” she added.

“Going to convince us it's for the best and she’s good and we should make deals too?” Mira asked dryly.

“Oh fucking… I don’t care! Do what you want, but I have to tell you or she won't, so I’m here,” Andrea spat.

“What did she tell you to say?” Hetcha asked, stilling Mira for the moment with a hand on her leg.

“My father gave me the lily pendant, not Reiner. I’m going to go back home and destroy everything I can. The church, the nobles… just whatever I can manage,” Andrea said determinedly even though her voice shook just a little toward the end.

“Wait, what?” Mina asked, shocked.

“My father gave it to me. Put it around my fucking neck himself,” Andrea replied.

“Oh, no! Andy!” Mina said, going for another hug. Mira and Hetcha joining in on this one.

“Oh for- Stop! I’m not…” Andrea’s protest dissolved into tears after a few moments. Anger was easier than sadness, but with the other three crying, she couldn’t help breaking down. Well, Mina and Mira were crying, Hetcha was just hugging her and kind of making a rumbling sound.

It was a while before any of them were up to actually holding a conversation, the meal forgotten entirely this time. Despite that, they all remained together in the living room until they were in a better headspace for it.

“So, 42 didn’t refuse. She said you had to explain yourself to us before she’d discuss it further?” Mira asked. Andrea had explained what happened while they were apart, which while surreal wasn’t anything that alarming. It seemed like 42 had been serious about keeping them apart until they cooled off.

“Basically, though it's not like she’s promised to accept. It's weird,” Andrea said, letting out a huff of annoyance.

“What, you’d rather she just take whatever thing you’d have given her at the time? Which was basically anything?” Mina asked. Andrea looked away, sulking a little.

“Andrea, are you certain this is what you want? I don’t think you’ll be able to take it back if you don’t like some aspect of the deal later,” Mira asked.

“I’m sure, unless you know another way to get my class reset and blessings activated,” Andrea replied. The others didn’t even exchange glances, the only way they knew of wasn’t an option.

“Still… Let me help make the deal,” Mira said finally.

“Seriously? You expect me to trust you not to refuse on my behalf if you get squeamish about something?” Andrea asked in disbelief.

“Even if I do, it's not like 42 can't offer you the contract without me being involved. Think of this as you getting help making sure it's a good deal,” Mira countered.

“Fine… and… thank you. Honestly, I’m not really good at that kind of thing,” Andrea said, a little slow with her thanks, but speaking it nonetheless.

“You're not the only one,” Mira said and laughed while Hetcha and Mina looked on sheepishly.

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