Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 121: Ambush (3)

Chapter 121: Ambush (3)

Just as Chuck was getting ready to wrench the both of them of their life, he realized that they were surrounded. Those two were not alone and had brought many people along with them.

Laris gave him a derisive smile and taunted “What’s wrong? Didn’t you say that you wouldn’t allow the both of us to get away with this? Why don’t you come now or was the talk earlier just some false bravado? Hehehehehe, don’t make me laugh… who isn’t going to allow who to get away. Now then be obedient and hand over your space rings before I make your death even more miserable”.

All the members from the Sea God’s guild looked at Laris dumbfoundedly, they couldn’t believe that these people did all of that just to rob them of their items in the space rings.

Seeing that nobody was complying, Laris started getting impatient and roared at them “GIVE IT to me now”. The adventurers from the Sea God’s guild looked at each other and flashed a knowing smile.

If they are going down nonetheless, why should they give their space rings willingly? They should at least make the life of their enemies miserable and take out some of them before going down. Chuck observed his teammates and saw their determination to fight.

But he was all so aware that they didn’t stand a chance not after they suffered all those injuries. He tried to rack his brain to find some way to get out of this but no matter how much he thought, the situation looked quite dire.

If he was not injured while saving Lisa and the others, he might be able to bring some of them alive.

But the situation was now so that even he couldn’t stand against these numbers for long. ‘Am I going to die here’ he thought. Yet when he looked back, he couldn’t allow himself to die here not until he could make sure that Lisa was safe and back into the city.

Grabbing his dislocated hand, he twisted his shoulder to place it back. “Ugggh

” an unimaginable amount of pain assaulted him but he endured it all. Compared to the pain of losing a loved one, this much of a pain was nothing.

He was aware of that after all Chuck had been an adventurer for a long time and had seen many people die along the way. Although dying here would be taking the easier way out, but he couldn’t afford to.

Behind him was a person he held very dear to and he wanted to protect her no matter what. Therefore, he couldn’t go down even if he has to burn the very last of his life.

The surviving members of the Sea God’s guild looked at Chuck and knew what he was thinking. They exchanged a knowing glance among themselves before turning towards the enemy with their weapon drawn.

The both of them did their best to hide it however, the whole guild was aware that Chuck and Lisa liked each other. Their constant bickering was not something new to the guild and they fought just like any husband and wife did.

All of them were heavily injured but despite that, they still charged towards the enemy hoping to stall the enemy and buy enough time for their leader and vice leader to get out.

“Chuck… we are glad that you were our leader. We will never forget our times together in the guild. So you must make sure to bring our beloved vice leader back to the city… don’t look back and go” the adventurers said as they made their mind and used the skills and magic to charge towards the enemy.

“What are you guys saying? We will survive this together and return back to the guild” Lisa protested weakly as tears continuously fell down her cheeks.

Seeing that nobody was replying to her, Lisa turned towards Chuck. However, when she saw his conflicted face, she couldn’t help but weep even more.

Right now Chuck was going through a great emotional turmoil. On one hand, was his teammates who were willing to throw their lives for his sake, and on the other hand, was Lisa who had barged into his heart even without him knowing.

To them, the answer was clear as they didn’t even hesitate to confront the enemy even while knowing that they would most likely die. He couldn’t let the last-ditch effort of his brothers go to waste.

‘Save their beloved vice leader they say’ steeling his mind, Chguck turned around and grabbed Lisa before storming out of the encirclement.

Seeing that their leader had made the right choice, all of them smiled in joy and attacked the enemy with even more vehemence.

Chuck didn’t look back, grabbed Lisa, and stormed out of the encirclement. He could hear the blood-curdling roars of his brothers as they gave their life to buy some more time for them.

Many enemies tried to block his path using their various skills and magic but he smashed apart through them all.

Don’t get in my waaaaay…” with a loud roar, he brandished his longsword with one hand and protected Lisa with the other.

Magics of different elements such as the [Electro Blast], [Fireball], [Fire Pillar], [Wind Slash], [Wind Blast], [Earth Spikes] came raining down towards him. He used his earth magic to block as many of them as he can, the remaining which managed to get through, he used his body as a shield to tank through them all.

His armour which was made of Blackgold ore was already broken into pieces and blood continuously dripped down his body.

Blackgold ore was a material much stronger and rare than Whitesilver. However, no matter how sturdy the material is, it still couldn’t tank through all of the magic.

Lisa who was hugged tightly by Chuck, felt the blood trickling through his armour as he used his body to shield her from any attacks that were aimed at her, and her eyes reddened.

Being in the embrace of the man she loved, made her blissful but at the same time tragic as the moment wouldn’t last long and even more so she didn’t want to see him get hurt for her sake.

“Chuck… Chuck look at me” as the situation worsened, Lisa who was in his embrace hurriedly called out to him.

Looking at her face that was as beautiful as a fairy, and her eyes which seemed to be only looking at him at this moment, he flashed a comforting smile and said “Don’t worry… it will be alright. As long as I’m alive, ill never let anybody hurt you. Even if I have to use my life in exchange I’ll make sure to get you back to the city”.

Lisa caressed his cheek, gave him an apologetic look, and said “Leave me behind Chuck… if it’s you, then you can make it back to the city. The guild needs a leader like you, don’t waste your life for someone like me”.

Chuck hugged her more tightly as if afraid she would slip through his embrace. “A woman like you is everything to me. I cannot live a single day without you… so there is no way I’m gonna leave you behind” he fiercely denied her words and without slowing down, he continued charging forward.

Lisa looked at the determined face of the man who wouldn’t leave her even when she begged him to. At this moment she felt like she was the happiest woman in this world.

However, fate was cruel to her, it only gave her moments of bliss only to shatter it in the next instant. She knew that if this continues on, the man she loves would no doubt die protecting her.

‘I cannot live a single day without you’ you say but doesn’t it go both ways? How dumb can you be to use your life to save mine?… Lisa thought as she looked at the man who was desperate to save her.

BANG… Chuck couldn’t deflect the [Electro Bolt] in time and it squarely hit him on his back. His whole body shuddered for a moment and his wounds kept getting worse but he still hugged her lithe body and didn’t let go.

At this moment, the determination flashing in his eyes was so bright that it burned like magma.

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