Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 786 786- Heroes Of The Tower Town (3)

Chapter 786 Chapter 786- Heroes Of The Tower Town (3)

Forcing his consciousness that was shut down from the impact, to open again with inhumane tenacity, Blake planted his feet back on the ground.

He threw away his shield, grabbed the bloodthorns of the warhorse and with every might and willpower that he gathered from who knows where, he used his body to struggle.

SKID… even when his feet left a long narrow gorge on the ground, Blake continued to fight against the charge in hopes that he could slow down its momentum.

"Get away from its way"

Seeing the oncoming charge of the warhorse, Wyot hurriedly shouted. His shout woke the others and they hurriedly moved out of the way.

The Bloodthorn demoni warhorse continued its charge pushing the man along with him.

"As I thought, it's impossible even for Blake to stop its charge"..

"No, look he is still fighting, trying to stop the charge even now. However, where is that thing taking him".

Frida, Wyot and his teammates chased after the charging warhorse.

"Haaaarrghhhh!! Stooooppp!!"

Blake roared, he applied so much force to stop the momentum of the charge that he even burst a couple of nerves and bled from all of his seven orifices.

Crack… there was a sound of bones breaking and his left thigh bone gave up, followed by his right. His sternum and upper arms also soon followed next. At this moment there was not even a single bone on Blake that was intact, yet even while enduring that unimaginable pain, the person still held on.

His unbelievable tenacity would give any onlookers goosebumps, making them wonder if he was still a human.

That said, his transcendent willpower, suffering and efforts, did pay off. Although Mars was still charging forward, his momentum nevertheless, was slowly slowing down.

"Heh, to stay conscious even with that kind of damage, I'll give you that. However, it's time we end our battle"

BANG… the moment the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse said that, it went and crashed into a wall.

"Bugh!!" Blake coughed out several mouthfuls of blood, the force of the impact was the last straw. Finally, as if even that inhumane willpower of his had reached its limits, his grip loosened and he slowly fell to the ground.

Since his consciousness was blurry and fading at a rapid speed, he wasn't aware of where he was. However, he could still see and hear the vague words of his opponent who slowly disappeared from his vision.

"Since you managed to survive my attacks till the very last second, I guess I will take it as my loss this time. However, the battle isn't over yet, the tower town might have been saved by you all this time. Nevertheless, the next time monsters overflow from the dungeon, I will appear again".

With that final message, Mars entered the tower and disappeared from the tower town. Although he left, his actions had left an indelible mark on the tower town's collective consciousness which would still be talked about and sung by minstrels in the taverns of the town for many years to come.

And then there were those words he left behind which indicated that although they managed to avoid the calamity, it was not completely over yet. Who knows when that abyssal warhorse would appear again along with an army of monsters?

This gave all the adventurers of the town a pressing reason to enter the dungeon and maintain the monster level after all, it was widely known by the adventurers that a dungeon overflow occurs when a dungeon has been left to its state for too long.

In such a case, the monster's spawning and breeding rate increases drastically. And since there is no one to cull their numbers, they start overflowing and going up the floors until they break out of the tower.

The dungeon overflow that occurred today was due to the criminal organisations who completely took over the town and its adventurers, barring their entry into the dungeon and putting heavy tariffs on those who did.

As a result of which, only a certain class of adventurers were able to enter the dungeon and even then they had to act as the pawns of the organisation, doing and running all of the tasks and errands they told.

In a situation like this, it wasn't unusual that there was a dungeon overflow. To make sure that something like this doesn't happen again and that abyssal warhorse doesn't get another chance to set foot on the surface, they had to explore the dungeon and cull the numbers of monsters periodically.

At the mouth of the tower, Blake's body lay unconscious in a pool of his own blood. A natural response from his system to prevent any further damage to his body. He had already forced himself conscious once, incurred great damage and almost turned all of the bones on his body into dust.

It could be said that he had far surpassed his physical and mental limit and abused his body to the state it was right now. In fact, he should have fallen unconscious far earlier; however, he kept on pushing with his inhumane willpower to stay conscious until now.

This time though, he had passed out for good. As if a machine whose plug had been pulled out to force a shutdown, he was not getting up any time soon.

Forget about getting up, it still remained a question whether he would survive the whole ordeal.

Not long afterwards his teammates arrived at the scene following the trail of gorge that he and the warhorse left behind.

"Oh my god? Blake? Blake!! Stay conscious… somebody quickly cast a heal"

His teammates panicked after seeing the condition he was in. They did all the emergency treatment that they could; however, the condition of Blake was far too worse for just a simple healing spell or a potion to cure him. They urgently needed to treat him.

"What should we do? Blake you idiot, why did you have to push yourself to such an extent" Frida held the warrior's head and cried. Her voice and cry for help were heart wrenching.

"Leave it to me" At this moment they heard the sonorous voice of a young girl.

Unbeknownst to them, at some point all the adventurers of the town and its people had gathered around them. Why would they not? They were after all the heroes, the brave warriors who as per Her Highness saved the tower town and freed all of them.

Everybody wanted to ingrain in their eyes the appearance and looks of these courageous warriors who fought on their behalf and chased away that catastrophe from their town. They who were the heroes of Tower Town deserved their respect and admiration.

However, at this moment, it did not look like the heroes were in any mind to pay attention to their admiration as one of them looked like he was on his death bed.

The adventurers of the town who surrounded them were equally gloomy too. The mages who practised light magic, wanted to help but even they knew that those wounds were clearly beyond their ability.

Only a holy mage or a peerless elixir could heal injuries of that magnitude and the tower town had none of the two.

The criminal organisation had been defeated, the people of the tower had been freed and the catastrophe was chased away. At a time for celebration like this, none of them could bring themselves in a joyous mood.

"Leave it to me" Combing through the crowds of people in a mysterious way, a young girl wearing a crimson black gothic dress, and holding a plushie in her hand, stepped forward. The voice just now, was from her.

"You are... one of Her Highness' aid… Maybell"

Wyot remembered her name. She was one of the members of that unusual group. The group which was made of many different races of demi humans. How could one easily forget about that?

Amongst them, the two children stood out especially. Having the ability to command those insanely powerful demi humans, left a powerful impression on him.

"Can you heal him?" he asked not wanting to get his hopes too up. The condition that Blake was in, was too dire. Unless it was a holy mage, it was impossible to heal him.

At Wyot's question, the girl nodded her head without any hesitation and stepped towards Blake.

"Can you really save him? Please, I'll do anything… just save my Blake" Seemingly clutching at last straws of hope, Frida begged looking at Maybell.

"You don't have to do anything, I'm taking my payment along with my help" The latter spoke arriving before Blake and feeding him a droplet of her blood.

Nobody knew what she meant, nor did they have any time to stop her. All it took was a fraction of a second for her to complete her action. Before anyone could comprehend or even see what was going on, Blake's body suddenly started jolting and twisting.

Veins all over his body started glowing red, becoming more prominent. His bent arms and legs started falling in place to the point where one could even see the movements of his bones.

The changes scared Frida and Blake's other teammates. However, when they saw his injuries closing up and his breathing becoming stable, they realised that the girl was indeed helping them.

"Thank you… thank you very much. This debt, I will never forget it"

Frida kneeled on the ground and thanked her. There was nothing more important to her than the safety of her man.

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