Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 790- Rank Up- [B] Tier Intermediate Ranking Dungeon (4)

790 Chapter 790- Rank Up- [B] Tier Intermediate Ranking Dungeon (4)

Simon needed to find some other way.

"If the Forest Spirits are too busy, then send me those orcs. If I am not mistaken, you have a huge population of them inhabiting a couple of floors of your dungeon right? The orcs are one of the races in the universe gifted with an all encompassing abilities"

"Although they are not masters of any one craft, they do have abilities that allow them to do anything they want. Artisanry, Warmongering, Magecraft, Weapon Smithing… their builds allow them to be able to do anything. The ones in your dungeon still have unevolved potential. If you give them to me, I may be able to help them evolve into higher stages"…

"Orcs huh"

Prime's words reminded Simon that he still had lots of unused manpower inside the dungeon. Led by Berigard, the race of Diluvian High Orcs was a force to reckon with.

They have been steadily making progress, evolving all of their high orcs into Diluvian High Orcs. However, other than that, there was not much to talk about.

The position of the Diluvian High Orcs were deep inside the lower floors of the dungeon. Not many adventurers have the strength to reach those floors causing much of the potential of the orcs to remain unused.

It was not like the Diluvian High Orcs had no potential, he had seen himself how powerful the orcs could grow if they had the right resources and appropriate environment. There was a possibility of more individuals like Berigard popping up.

However, the truth was that by shifting them inside his dungeon and placing them in a secured place, he robbed them of this opportunity. What he had forgotten was that the orcs were able to reach the level they were precisely because of the warring environment that constantly needed them to fight and advance themselves.

All of those conditions were absent in the deeper floors of the dungeon leading the growth of the orcs to become stagnant.

Although their level couldn't be said to be weak especially when compared to the adventurers around this region. However, how long would that last? With the increase in the rank of the dungeon and the changing times, it wouldn't be long before when level 400 would be seen as weak.

At that time, the powerful floors of the Diluvian High Orcs will become a dead weight to his dungeon. In that regard, Prime's offer was not bad. If he can allow them to evolve into higher stages, it would help increase the defence of the dungeon.

Simon understood that but the fact that they were a race that was initially foreign to the dungeon and was later brought inside by him, bothered him. To put it simply, he cannot trust them as he did the forest spring spirits and the Andromedas.

Their leader Berigard who formed a soul contract with him was one thing but bringing in the other orcs into the [WorkShop] which was essentially one of the most important floors of the dungeon…

As if seeing through his concerns, Prime recommended "How about this then, send one of your subordinates to bring the words that I said to the orc that was here a moment ago. If I reckon, he should be the leader of the orcs. I will only take those orcs who are the most loyal. As an added precaution, you can also assign a small unit of Mk 7 Andromedas to watch over them. That way you wouldn't have to worry too much".

Prime's words made sense, in a situation where he needed manpower to continue to operate his dungeon, he could not be too picky. Take what you get… in this case, the Diluvian High Orcs were the only ones that could solve the problem his dungeon was facing.

"Alright, I'll talk with Berigard, I am very curious to see what higher races you can evolve them into. That said, the reason why I asked you to stay behind isn't because of the Resonancer. Although it's a good thing that it is in its final stages, what I needed to talk to you about isn't that"…

"Hoh?! Then what is it?" Prime questioned.

Simon took a deep breath and answered "It's about the machine we retrieved from the underground Chamber. To be honest, I cannot shake off the feeling that all of this is connected to something big, something that would take the entire world with a storm"

"I don't know when it will happen but I know that it will. And for that, I need to be prepared. That said, the dungeon is completely unprepared for an event like that. If that machine had been used inside Laplace, there was no way we would have been able to avoid it. To isolate and lock space, to prepare for a contingency like that, I want to request your aid"

Simon revealed the real reason he asked Prime to stay behind.

The Lumynar looked at the machine and was silent for a while "I see now, so that was the reason. You want me to research this machine and develop something that can counter it right?".

He nodded his head "To be exact, I want you to build a counter for a few more machines whose effect I am gonna tell you now. If it's you the genius Lumynar who was awarded the name Prime, you will be able to do it".

"Haha.. you praise me too much. Alright, you can leave it to me, I will try my best" Prime rubbed his head and glowed a brilliant blue that portrayed his emotions of being shy.

After the lumynar left the hall, Simon sighed. It was not hard for him to manipulate Prime who was from a race who were upfront with their emotions and extremely simple. What tired him was the act that he needed to put in front of his subordinates.

Whenever he met them, they all glanced at him with eyes full of reverence and worship and honestly it was sometimes too much for him. Nevertheless, knowing where his subordinates came from, he felt like he couldn't let them down.

Thus he also started to act his part, the charismatic and regal leader that they all admired.

"Good work" Irene came over and sat beside him.

"Hehe, brother let me tell you about my new powers" Cecilia occupied the seat on the other side of him and started rambling about her powers.

Ever since she started taking care of the Spirit Tree, the power sleeping dormant within her, started awakening at a faster rate. Simon worried that her personality might change once she starts regaining all of her powers.

The visions that he saw and the words that Aldebaran said, were still floating at the back of his head. However, looking at her now, there was no difference between the her right now and Cecilia from before.

This made him realise that he was worried for nothing. Emissary or not, Cecilia would always be his little sister.

Cecilia continued to talk non stop while Simon silently listened to her. Irene and Bea would sometimes join the conversation adding in their suggestions.

At this moment, a window suddenly popped up in front of Simon.

"So it's finally starting huh"…

"Woah, the dungeon is going to increase in rank again!!"

It was not only him, all the residents of the dungeon received the same notification.

[Notice- All the conditions for the rank up have been met. Dungeon- Laplace will now undergo a transformation to become a [B] ranking dungeon. Time till the transformation ends—3 Days]…


[Additional Notice— Gifts will be sent to all the inhabitants of the dungeon as per their contribution]

Almost at the same time, Tower Town—Adventurer's Association building. At this moment, a large crowd was gathered inside the building. People were cheering, applauding the new mayor of the town standing at the gallery on the upper floor.

She was a beautiful woman with long lustrous violet hair that reached till her back. She had an alluring body with curves that could mesmerise one's eyes. Long slanted eyebrows and protruding violet eyes.

On her body, she wore a dark purple dress with a long slit on the side, revealing and hiding her beguiling shapely legs. Just by standing there, she exuded a noble, elegant aura that made her stand out amongst the crowd and her every action that had a certain eloquence to it, hinted of her high birth.

Who could the woman be other than Cynthia Augusta Ellesmere? After she accepted the offer of being the mayor of the town, the people of the tower town, threw a big celebration party. Commemorating the freedom of the town and a new beginning.

Standing next to Cynthia, were her loyal retainers and Annette and her group. Blake and his party were also there, as this was also a party to celebrate the awakening of the heroes and their triumph over the catastrophe, they were the stars of the show as everybody fawned over them to gain their favour and leave an impression.

"How are you, Blake? I heard you woke up just a few hours ago. Is it alright for you to walk and drink already?" Cynthia walked over to Blake and asked.

"Haha, my body feels like it's overflowing with energy for some reason. It's refreshing as if I have become more powerful. With how pumped up I am, there is no way I can continue sleeping in that bed for even a second"

Blake commented, biting a generous size meat with his teeth. With how high spirited he was, nobody would even think that he was in a comatose state for more than three days.

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