Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 843- Knight Captain (7)

Chapter 843- Knight Captain (7)

Naturally, Cavalier never thought he would end up in this state while fighting someone whose level was much lower than his own. This kind of shame… unable to bear the rage storming inside his body, he vomited another mouthful of blood.

"There is no way, I will lose to a peasant from a low ranking empire"

BANG… His eyes which was masked with shock and confusion up until a moment ago, suddenly held a feral beast like savageness. He propped his body up and immediately rushed towards the blood red giant.

Beresek mana carrying faint greyish balck miasma, agglomerated towards the Black and White gauntlet.

[Ultra Enhanced strength], [Ultra Enhanced Defence], [Ultra Enhanced Endurance], [Super Enhanced Agility], [Flame Resistance], [Lightnign Resitance], [Blunt Damage Resistance], [Mana Armour],[Malovalence Field], [Grim Shroud], [Shadow Surge], [Black Wind Embrace], [Vile Resilience], [Tainted Convergence], [Berserk]— [[Grim Assault]]

Marshall Cavalier activated numerous skills and quickly bolstered his strength. Numerous high ranking, superior, rare and even lost skills targeted the blood red giant. Neverhtless, like sturdy boat that refused to capsize even in the stormiest of waves, he continued to battle even while suffering severe damage.

Blake who had transformed into the crimson giant, was no pushover either. His skills refined after facing numerous life and death battles coupled with the mysterious power flowing inside his body, gave him an edge to fight opponents many levels higher than him.

His skills which contained a dense bloody glow seemed to have risen up a rank as the destructive force they unleased was far greater than what he could unleash before. Thanks to all of this, he could fight Marshall Cavalier without falling into a disadvantage.

Their fight was intense and couldn't be contained in one area any longer. They appeared and disappeared in a flash leaving extreme destruction in their wake.

As time flowed by and the ferociousness of their techniques and skills escalated causing both the parties to be riddled with injuries as blood flowed out from both their bodies. Clearly, both of them had suffered some extreme damage during their clash.

At a glance, both Marshall Cavalier and Blake looked severely haggard and exhausted. However, if one looked carefully, one would be able to notice that although both of them were riddled with wounds and panting heavily, only if their aura was dropping while the other stayed stagnant.

No, it would be wrong to say stagnant as the other aura was slowly increasing and growing stronger. This was a vague feeling at first; however, as more and more time passed and the battle became bloodier, this feeling became more obvious. The two combatants could also feel that.

"Huff… huff… something is seriously wrong with that guy. He is slowly becoming stronger" Marshall Cavalier huffed as he slowly distanced himself from Blake. The person whose aura was slowly becoming weaker as time passed by, was him.

While his opponent on the other hand was slowly getting stronger. This made Cavalier even more frustrated as he couldn't understand what was going on. At first, the other party was no match for him; however, in that short span when he used his gauntlet to pummel them inside the ground something inside them changed.

Thereafter in the fight that followed next, he could feel that every time he took some damage he was slowly getting weaker while his opponent stronger. This ominous thought of his proved to be true as the battle waged and they reached a point where he was no longer the opponent of the other party.

"I can't lose…" Unable to accept the reality, Marshall Cavalier muttered to himself.

What he didn't know was that his conjecture was actually true, The mysterious power within Blake's body made him more powerful the more blood flowed out of him and his opponents.

It was not only that, as this was a battlefield, every drop of blood that stained the ground, became the power that surged within him. It was as if the blood flowing on the battlefield, had become the source of his strength fueling the mysterious energy within him.

Perhaps the person who was facing him, Blake himself didn't know what was going on with his body. From the blank and cold expression on his face, he looked like he had entered a bizarre state of sorts where he had forgotten everything around him and was fully focused on the battle in front of him.

He continued to drown himself in the pleasures and excitement of the battle as the bloody glow around him continued to strengthen. His opponents who was unaware of the sinister nature of his abilities, continued to press their attack, unknowingly feeding Blake's insatiable hunger for battle.

BANG… as he took a step forward, he looked just like a giant that was made of blood. [Great Horizontal Slash] With every strike exchanged, his form seemed to blur with unnatural speed, his strikes hitting with unerring accuracy and devastating force.

Meanwhile, Marshall Cavalier's desperation grew with each passing moment. Despite his formidable skill and experience, he found himself overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of Blake's newfound power.

The mysterious force within his opponent seemed to defy all logic, granting him strength beyond comprehension. In the ensuing battle that unfolded next, there was no twist nor was there any variation from the end outcome.

Marshall Cavalier was completely suppressed in every exchange and it was clear that he was now just being toyed with. Standing against him was Blake who stood amidst the carnage, blood flowed down his body dying him completely crimson.

He had already released his Solar Blaze Protector Avatar and returned to his original form. A thick blood whirlpool surrounded him, giving him a menacing and overbearing aura.



Standing in the sky, the general turned his eyes over at this part of the battlefield. Needless to say, the changes around Blake did not go unnoticed by him. From the looks of things, he could already tell that Cavalier had lost.

 Even though the latter was still standing and continued to fight, it was clear from his experienced eyes that Cavalier was all but spent and his current actions were no different than a child trying to throw a tantrum.

No matter what he did, he could not change the flow of the battle, the outcome was already decided.

Losing a man like Cavalier wasn't something that his second army could afford. The General wanted to lend a hand to Cavalier; however, his hands were already tied fighting the princess who attacked her with all her strength.

The beast inheritance that he suspected the princess possessed, wasn't something he dared to underestimate. And besides, this part of the battlefield wasn't the only one which looked like it needed his aid.

The southern part of the city walls was equally in chaos. The perfect tainted commander who he thought would sweep the enemies was at this moment was on the backfoot as it was constantly besieged and forced back by a group of warriors and mages until it was unable to even retaliate.

Its body was marked with numerous injuries and the tainted armour and weapon he held were filled with cracks, almost showing signs of crumbling apart. From the look of things there, it looked like the perfect tainted commander would be defeated if things continued to head in the same direction.

It needs to be mentioned that refining a perfect tainted knight was a rarity even back in the kingdom of Blackthorn. As it involved numerous factors and the compatibility of the body, it wasn't easy to refine a perfect tainted knight and especially one whose strength allowed it to become a tainted commander.

If they lost this pawn it would be a severe damage to their second army. The General narrowed his eyes and snorted. Vast amount of mana that had greyish black miasma mixed with it erupted out of his body and covered the sky.

Next, like a blanket, it spread around and enveloped him within it.

Cynthia who at this moment was preparing to attack, had to hurriedly pull back. Neverhtless, even then the hem of her dress was caught up in it.

Sizzle… Sizzle… the portion of the dress was caught in that greyish black miasma instantly lost colour and crumbled apart. When Cynthia saw that, her eyes widened and additional traces of seriousness appeared within them.

'That energy… but how?' at this moment, the Sacred Beast Leo who was watching the entire battle spoke inside her head.

"Do you know something Leo?" Cynthia asked, backing away a little. The sacred beast inside her space ring was silent for a while before speaking in a grave tone.

"I hope I am mistaken. Although different, this energy resembles an awful lot of something that should have been extinguished in the ancient times. Cynthia be careful of that greyish black miasma. I can feel a powerful revulsion and evilness from that energy. I don't know why this man possesses this energy, but it isn't something that someone of his level should come in contact with. Don't allow that energy to invade your body".

Cynthia nodded her head. Although Sacred Beast Leo was just a weak remnant soul without any physical body, it was still extremely experienced and knowledgeable since it used to live in the ancient times.

For Leo to caution her, the matter has to be extremely grave. A white light surged out and formed a thin layer around her body, isolating the miasma.

"Haha, it looks like you have some idea about this gift that the lord bestowed on me. As I had thought, this transformation of yours should be the beast transformation exclusive to the posessors of Beast Inheritance no?.  

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