Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 846- A Change In Situation (2)

Chapter 846- A Change In Situation (2)

There was no doubt that it looked extremely beautiful; however, make no mistake, it was a technique created to leave destruction in its wake. Each strike of the Thornbloom Blade Dance carries with it a deadly intent, capable of piercing through even the toughest of defences.

The air shook as all the blades set their target. The next second, a sharp energy filled the place as all the blades rained down on the Knight Captain like petals falling from trees, a mesmerising sight to behold.

"Haha, that's the spirit. Keep it up you two"

The old assassin Brett spoke. He then kept his twin dagger and took out a new weapon from his space ring.

The new weapon was a blowgun. The body of the blowgun was ash grey in colour with numerous markings and runes inscribed on its surface. Its body was also rough and ancient as if it was made very crudely.

Neverhtless, once it appeared in Brett's hands the entire aura around it changed. The runes around it started glowing with a mysterious energy. Despite its rough and crude appearance, there was an undeniable aura of danger emanating from the weapon. Clearly, it was of a very high rank.

"Now then I can't let the youngsters take all the spotlight can I? I didn't think that I would have to use this thing one day. Neverhtless, using it is better than dying futilely… hehe".

Holding the blowgun in his hand, the assassin spoke. At the end of his sentence, Brett even started laughing melancholily.

He took a deep breath and placed his mouth on the blowgun. Immediately, a torrent of power was released from the blowgun and the air crackled in omen of the incoming attack.

"Hmph, do you really think that you can stop a perfect Tainted commander just like that?"

Standing in the sky, observing the battle as he fought with Cynthia, was the general. He snorted in derision when he saw that the perfect tainted commander was completely stopped by this group of people.

His hands suddenly formed some cryptic seals and the auras of all the tainted commanders and tainted knights on the ground increased drastically. The change was fierce and could be seen all around the battlefield.

The once deadlock that had been formed between the army of the kingdom of Ellesmere and the forces of Balckthorn, was completely broken with the sudden surge in power among the tainted knights.

"What did you do?" Cynthia hurriedly cried out in anger. She could see that the army of her kingdom was slowly starting to get overwhelmed and pushed back. The same was the case even with the adventurers of the tower town.

Although they could somehow manage even while facing the sudden surge in strength in their opponents, it was clear that they were starting to have a tough time defeating them.

"Haha, it's nothing, I just released the seal that has been keeping the tainted knights from unleashing all their strength. Although doing so would cause the tainted knights to suffer some damage from the repercussions of the tainted energy, given the situation, it cannot be helped. The forces of His Majesty cannot be stopped by the likes of you" The general laughed, pleased by the result.

"You!!" Cynthia was enraged. She was just about to attack him with a powerful skill when suddenly her attention was distracted by a powerful roar that came from the direction she was paying close attention.

'It cannot be' An ominous thought just appeared in her mind when it became reality the next second.

ROARRR… in the far battlefield, the knight captain roared like a beast a dense cloud of greyish-black energy erupted from his body, shrouding him in an aura of malevolence.

The energy writhed and twisted like the tendrils of some otherworldly creature, its corrosive nature evident in the way it ate away at the surrounding air.

Within the swirling maelstrom of energy, the knight captain's form underwent a grotesque transformation. His visage contorted and warped, his features elongating into something almost bestial in nature.

His eyes burned with a sinister light, and his greyish black armour now seemed to melt and meld with the swirling energy, almost becoming an extension of the swirling energies that came out of his body.

Spikes and jagged edges protruded from his body, giving him the appearance of a nightmarish fusion of man and monster.

As his blurry figure twisted and distorted, it became increasingly hard to compare him with the appearance of the knight captain.

ROARR… the tainted commander roared once again. The next second, the air around him grew thick with dread, and the atmosphere itself began to shudder with the pressure emitted by him.

BANG… the ground cracked as he moved. In the blink of an eye, he was already upon Burg who could barely respond in time.

CLANG… CLANG… CLANG… sharp sword strikes hit the shield. Despite it being made of a very high grade material, it quickly collapsed under the attack from the tainted commander.

Now that his seal was removed, his attack intensified, reaching a new height and displaying the might of a Perfect Tainted Commander. Peculiar greyish black energy mixed with mana released out of his body in droves increasing the power and lethality of each of his attacks.

At this moment, the perfect tainted commander had completely surpassed the former knight captain both in terms of power and stats. Under the storm like attacks of the knight captain and having lost his shield Burg quickly found himself at a disadvantage and slowly being beaten back.

BANG… with a powerful front kick, he was blown back, blood sprouting from all of his seven orifices. The peculiar greyish black energy also latched onto him like a loach slowly depleting all of his energy.

After dealing with Burg, the Perfect Tainted commander then executed a high ranking movement skill to quickly dodge the incoming sword dance from Alvara.

The Thornbloom Blade dance was no doubt an extremely powerful Rare Ancient Tier skill. Each of the swords that rained like petals, was sharp enough to easily pierce through armour made of Balckgold.

Even if it was the Knight Captian who was regarded as the strongest knight in the history of the kingdom, he wouldn't be able to come out unscathed when facing that attack.

However, the knight captain was called as so for a reason. Even if he had been turned into an existence similar to the tainted knights, his body still possessed and remembered the skill he had honed over the years.

Alvara and the other might have become stronger in these past few months but there was still a large gap between them and the knight captain. Naturally, if Alvara could possess some rare ancient tier skills, then there was no reason to think that the knight captain didn't.

Utilising the movement skill whose ranking was not any less impressive than the Thornbloom Balde Dance, the Knight Captain left numerous afterimages as he dodged all the incoming attacks from Alvara and rushed towards the Assassin named Brett.

The former tried to stop him; however, the tainted commander had already swung his sword forward.

SHIING… A powerful blade aura erupted forth from the tip of the sword and rushed towards the assassin. The blade aura held an extremely destructive force and was dozens of times bigger than what was thrown at Burg previously.

Evidently, the tainted commander had stopped holding back and threw this attack with the intention to kill. If the attack connected, there was no way Brett who was not a tank like Burg, would be able to endure it.

Perhaps, he might be able to keep his life intact by using several skills; however, if he took that attack head on, he would no doubt be severely injured in the process.

"Brett dodge it" Alvara cried out. Though the next second she realised how foolish those words were.

The attack from the tainted commander came as a surprise and Brett who was currently in the midst of operating the blowgun, had no way of dodging it.

SLASH… in a split second, the sword aura arrived and cleaved through the man and land alike. Destruction was left behind, a deep ravine that looked like the slithering body of a giant snake, formed on the ground.

As for Brett, there was no signs of his existence left behind. It was as if the man had disappeared along with the ground he was standing on.

When Alvara and the others saw that, their expression drastically fell.


Alvara cried out, all kinds of emotions fluctuated on her face. Even though she knew that stopping the former knight captain would be an incredibly dangerous task and she might very well lose some of her friends, when it really did happen, it was hard for her and everyone to accept it.

The loss of the old assassin Brett was devastating, it was a hard pill to swallow. However, they weren't given any time to mourn for the loss they suffered as the Perfect Tainted Commander after disposing of Brett, turned towards the mage next.

Swoosh… his body moved and he left an afterimages behind. His speed was so fast that they weren't even able to react in time.

In just a matter of seconds, the perfect tainted commander was already upon Marba who at this moment was still in the middle of casting her magic.

It was only now they realised that the real target of the former Knight Captain was her from the beginning.

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