Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 849- The Knight Captain's Last Struggle (2)

Chapter 849- The Knight Captain's Last Struggle (2)

On Alvara's gesture, Marba pointed with her staff which was currently blazing hot due to the vast amount of mana being channelled through it and the blazing giant started treading ahead.

Its massive size covered the distance in an instant and arrived before the knight captain.

"Guard commander, let us go"

Burg tugged Alvara's hand. Considering the massive size of the golem, they would get caught up in between once it starts attacking. It was better to clear the site for the two monstrosities to duke it out among themselves.

Alvara nodded her head and looked at her brother for one last time before turning around.

"My dear sister, live well" At that moment, a pleased voice came from the latter and their figure was quickly disappeared by the massive fist that dropped down on them.

BANG… BANG… BANG… BANG… the giant repeatedly pummeled its fist onto the ground, causing dozens of foot wide cracks to spread through the ground like sinister tendrils of underworld.

The ground quaked beneath its mighty blows. Each impact sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, knocking down several weak levelled soldiers out of balance. Their dread filled eyes looked into the distance where a gigantic balzing giant was standing as it beat down oin the earth.

The force of the blows reverberated through the air, pounding their hearts as they looked on with shock. They were all aware that were it them in the place of the Knight Captain, they would be instantly smashed into bloody spaltter.

The relentless assault of the giant continued, with each successive strike, the ground buckled and heaved, unable to withstand the sheer force of the giant's onslaught. Tall plumes of dust and debris rose in the air and dozens of meters of land was quickly torn asunder.

The might of the giant created an atmosphere of chaos and destruction, as the very earth itself seemed to tremble in fear of the construct's power.

Those who witnessed the spectacle could only watch in awe and terror as the ground beneath their feet was torn asunder by the unstoppable force of the giant's blows.

"Even the knight captain won't be able to endure this right?" many of the soldiers who recognised the appearance of the knight captain, discussed as they fought their adversaries.

"You idiot, you can't say something like this in the middle of the battle. Don't you know that's a bad omen?" another soldier rebuked.

Just as he had feared, things progressed in the way he didn't want to. After the pummeling of the giant stopped and the dust and debris settled down, out from the enourmous crater that was formed from the depresson made by the fists, a greyish balck shadow crawled out.

Their figure was twisted and they appeared more like a beast at this point than a human. From the looks of things they have taken some signigcant damge from the attack from the gaint earlier. However, it was still not enough to kill them.

BANG… a berserk to the extreme wind generated around the Perfect Tainted Commander, the greyish black energy like floodwater was completely released at this point.

ROARR.. the latter gave a bestial howl and punced forward. Their figure was so fast that in the blink of an eye, they were already upon the giant.

A punch was thrown and… BOOM… another deafening noise echoed out and in front of the astonished eyes of numerous people, the gigantic body of the blazing golem was lifted up and blown back.


The ground trembled when the giant crashed and a depression much larger than what was formed from the repeated slamming of the fist, formed on the ground where the giant crash landed.

That was not all, the sturdy body of the blazing golem that looked like it was hewn from the very bedrock, had cracks surface on the place where the Perfect Tainted Commander had thrown its punch.

"As expected of the former knight captain. Even with the [Inferno Crucilbe], I can barely keep up with him"

Marba commented. Her staff moved and another wave of dense mana was poured into the blazing giant.

 "Everyone's hope is now on me, I don't believe that I can't deal with you especially when all of them have damaged you to this extent".

The relentless assault from the blazing golem, combined with the cumulative damage inflicted by her friends who literally staked their lives on the line, should be taking its toll on the perfect tainted commander.

Though he had proven formidable thus far, the steady onslaught of attacks had left him battered and worn. No matter how impenetrable an armour was, every blow, every spell, and every strike would create small chinks that would steadily widen into gaping fissures.

The same was the case with the Knight Captain, With each passing moment, the effects of the battle would begin to accumulate, wearing down his defences and sapping his strength.

As could be seen from the scene that was happening right now. Just as Marba had predicted, after attacking the blazing giant and sending it flying, the knight captain's movement strangely grew slower and more sluggish.

Evidence that the damage dealt by Alvara and the other did have its effect. The former knight Captain's once-imposing figure now showed signs of strain and fatigue.

Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, the sheer intensity of the onslaught earlier proved to be too much to bear. This was the opportunity that Marba was waiting for.

As she poured all of her mana into the spell, the blaze on the inferno crucible intensified, enveloping the surrounding area into a searing inferno of flames. In the blink of an eye, the blazing giant looked like it was made of molten magma.

The giant picked itself up and once again appeared in front of the Perfect Tainted Commander. Though this time, it did not immediately attack and instead grabbed the latter.

"What are you trying to do Marba?" Seeing that she did not command the golem to attack, Alvara who arrived beside her couldn't help but ask.

"Ordinary attack won't be able to stop him. To defeat him for good, I have to self destruct the [Inferno Crucible]. Only with the raw destructive energy that is released during the self destruct, can we hope of defeating a monster like him"

After she spoke till here, Marba suddenly realised something and added "Ah, I didn't mean that about the knight Captain, guard commander".

"Yeah, I know, you don't have to worry about me. Do what you need to do"

Although Marba's words took her by surprise, she had already made up her mind. Desperate times called for desperate measures, there was no room for hesitation.

Just as her words fell, on the battlefield the giant tightened its grip around the perfect tainted commander, holding him in a vice-like embrace. The next moment, a huge blazing hot orb that was made of earth and fire, appeared on the chest of the blazing golem.

 With Marba focusing all of her mana into the Inferno Crucible, the orb embedded within the giant's chest started radiating with an intense light. When the light reached its peak, a surge of extremely powerful raw energy began to emanate from within it.

The blazing flames surrounding the giant also came to life at this moment as it pulsated with an intensity that seemed to consume everything in its path.

Feeling the danger, the Perfect Tainted Commander seemed to struggle intensely; however, the remnant consciousness of the Knight Captain got in the way, preventing the Tainted Commander from getting away.



Up in the sky, locked in an intense fight of brilliant display of power and skills, were the General and Cynthia. Every time that they collided, the sky would light up and the land would be turned upside down.

At this moment, the entire battlefield had become their battleground as they zoomed and flashed everywhere.

BOOM… two powerful attacks collided, one looked like the hideous tendrils of a sinister otherworld creature while the other was a gigantic white lion that gave off an intense ancient aura.

The resulting clash was nothing short of a calamity. The force of the attack pushed the two back. The general hurriedly stabilised his footing, his expression extremely ugly. He was just about to attack with an even more powerful moe when suddenly the pure destructive undulation in the distance attracted his attention.

His eyes quickly scanned through the battlefield, before landing on the gigantic blazing golem that was more than a hundred feet tall. That powerful annihilation like energy that was even able to give him a strong sense of death, came from that golem.

"This ripple… is she trying to self destruct that construct?"

The general narrowed his eyes. Even though he had been fighting the princess all this time, he made sure to seperate a portion of his attention to observe the battlefield. As such, he was quickly able to identify the source of the anomaly.

"To think that lass is able to use Amalagamtion magic with two intermediate tier elements that even mages above level 600 find it extremely difficult to achieve" Astonishment thick in his voice.

Why would it not, after all, this was the umpteenth time that the princess' army was surprising him. To think a tiny third grade country would be able to produce these many abnormalities…

Though ti was too late, he realised that their kingdom of Balckthorn had underestimated the Kingdom of Ellesmere. No, it was not the kingdom that they underestimated but rather this woman in front of him whose meteoric rise in infleucne had comeptley derailed their plan.

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