Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 854- Seven Kings Assemble (2)

Chapter 854- Seven Kings Assemble (2)

The dungeon they were currently in, was definitely something that went well and beyond that category to be able to nurture such treasures.

Giz-Wogo and the other crimson horns nodded their head. That's right, with the support of the dungeon, what did the Seven Kings even amount to? Once they grew stronger naturally the others would have to submit to them.

The blood of the ogres boiled as they pictured a wonderful future in their heads.

"You all, don't get too ahead of yourselves" Naturally, Gish-Bor knew what they were thinking "Taking over the dungeon won't be an easy task. It was already difficult enough to defeat the demon in his lair; however, with the addition of the harpies now, the threat that the dungeon represented grew exponentially".

That was right, since the territory of the harpies was empty, there was only one other place they could have gone to. And the evidence lay right next to them.

If the queen of the harpies and the Demon of the East had joined hands, then the subject of the matter changed completely.

"Of course, it could also be that the Queen of the harpies is controlling the demon. Given that woman's Evil Eyes and peculiar methods, I wouldn't think it past me for something like that to be the actual case".

The race of black ogres fell silent. Now that they had found the shocking news of the relocation of the harpies, the situation had changed completely.

"Hmph, what are you guys making that expression for? Even if the Demon of the East has now the aid of one of the Seven Kings, so do we. With the two kings together, taking over the dungeon won't be a big deal"

"And besides, if the dungeon has gotten stronger, then so did we. We now possess a secret weapon that none of the seven kings know" Gish-Bor commented flashing his sharp fangs.

"Glory to the Black Ogres!!"…

"Glory to the Black Ogres!!" the ogres shouted.

"Dial it down you all. Do you want the demon of this dungeon to know about us?".

The crimson horns and the other black ogres instantly shut their mouths.

"Station a few ogres to watch over the place. Giz-Wogo, you will be left in charge. Do not let anyone come in or out of this cave. The rest will come with me to report the events back to lord Gil-Garna"

Gish-Bor handed out orders. With him on the lead, the ogres exited the place, leaving only utter destruction and chaos in their wake.



 Up in the sky, or rather the ceiling that spanned for hundreds of meters up, a couple of figures with their presence completely hidden, could be seen staring down at the ground.

In the middle was a tall handsome man with pitch black hair and crimson horns protruding from his head, adorning him like a crown. He wore regal golden red clothes, and possessed heterochromatic eyes.

His pale skin compared with the fangs that intermittently flashed whenever he smiled, gave him quite a fierce and domineering look.

Who could the figure be other than Simon?

Beside him, were two women. One had tanned skin and a mesmerising body with the right amount of toned muscles and curves. She was wearing maid clothes and her peach coloured hair was tied into twin braids. Matching her hair, her peach coloured eyes glossed with an intense light.

 The other woman possessed an alluring body with a skimpy dress that was made of feathers. Her beautiful features along with her bountiful curves, evoked one's desires endlessly.

The woman at this moment had her eyes closed as she faced the direction where the ogres disappeared to.

"Was it a wise choice to just let them go, My lord?" she asked.

The two women were none other than Bea and Melinda.

"Are you doubting him? If he says that it's okay to let them go, then it must be okay. It's not your place to question him" The one to answer her was Bea as she glared at the former with clear hostility in her eyes.

"Enough Bea, she is a member of our dungeon now and one of my subordinates. You both are on the same side now so stop quarrelling with each other all the time" Simon interjected feeling a little helpless.

Ever since Melinda and her clan shifted into his dungeon, the two formed a weird rivalry of sorts. At first, he thought that this was a good thing, after all, rivalry would help both the parties to grow stronger.

However, who knew that the relationship between the two would deteriorate to this point? It came to the point where the two women beside him started duking it out with their fists and skills.

What's more, the battle between the two people who were well above level 700 could be imagined. The entire lower floor trembled and the floor itself would have suffered serious damage if not for his timely intervention.

Since then, he kept the two women by his side to keep a close eye on them. However, that too seems to have the reverse effect. Forget about getting along, the hostility in their eyes and voice seems to be growing stronger day by day.

It was so dense that, it was contrarily amazing they displayed it so openly.

"I was talking to your master. Of course, I know it is his plan to let them go. I was just worried on his behalf, not like you would understand anyways" Melinda retorted.

"Huh, what did you say you tramp?" Bea cussed.

"What? You want me to repeat it?"…

"Sigh, enough you two, this is not the time and place for you two to be quarrelling. The reason why I let them go is because I want to lure their forces here. They might think that it is a shortcut that leads directly to the dungeon. However, in reality, I opened this Phased Floor precisely to lure them in. In this regard, it can indeed be called as a shortcut"

Simon explained his reasoning behind letting the ogre army walk away even though they created such a scene on this floor.

"But master, won't bringing them directly to the 80th floor be dangerous? What if they possess some unique weapons like those adventurers from the past?" Bea raised her concern.

 Expecting her to ask something like this Simon simply smiled and answered "Haha, that was a unique case and besides, I have already prepared measures for something like this happening again. Prime is onto it. Believe me, we are ready. This time the enemy won't be able to take the shortcut"

"The other reason why I am bringing them directly to the 80th floor is because I have recognised their strength. Floors 1 to 70 won't be able to stop monsters like the Seven Kings of the forest"

"And besides if they came from the front entrance, it would spell doom for the Tower Town up there. It had only just recovered from a major battle not long ago and most of their high level member had gone with Cynthia to aid her reclaim the capital back. As such there are only a few people up there who could match up to the power of the Black Ogres. And given the latter's nature, they would completely raze the tower town to the ground. It is better to avoid such a scenario".

The tower town was the source of their income and he had bigger plans for this place. As such, he couldn't let the Black ogres destroy it.

Heck, he went through a lot of trouble to free the town from the criminal syndicates. Given all the efforts he put into saving the town, there is no way he was going to let it get destroyed again.

Bea and Melinda nodded their heads finally understanding his reasoning. Although the latter was here for just over a week, she had already seen and experienced the dungeon's various extraordinary aspects.

Thus she knew how important the tower town was for the dungeon. While Bea and Melinda looked at Simon, the latter stepped forward as a wicked grin appeared on his face.

"I hadn't been too long since floors 80-99 had been set up and restructured. Everyone had worked hard to make the floors as challenging as possible. I want to find out how well they do against opponents on the level of the Seven Kings and their subordinates"

"This will be a test bed to find out the effectiveness of the bottom floors of the dungeon. It's just as well, some of the guilds have already reached the 78th Floor. Now that Laplace has become a [B] ranking dungeon, It's about time it changes too and new floors open up"

"New challenges, treasures and opportunities will attract even more adventures to our dungeon. The battle with the Seven Kings and their forces will help us understand the new floors better and which areas they need improvement in. Hehe, the enemy might think that by finding the Phased Floor they got one over us. Little do they know that I set up this Phased Floor precisely to lure them in. I am going to use them as guinea pigs to beta test the new floors for the future adventurers"

 One should know that the grin on Simon's face looked extremely evil at this moment and he appeared like the very demon that he was.

Time had slowly and gradually swept away all of his gullibility, compassion and any humanity that was left within him. Simon had shed his former self like a snake shedding its skin.

In its place stood a being consumed by the darkness that lurked within, a demon in both appearance and demeanour.

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