Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 162: Cats

The 28th floor was filled with big cats, large predatory felines that ranged from 3 meters of height up to 10 meters in hight, there were lions, tigers, leopards, panthers and more, all had razor sharp claws and mouths full of pointy teeth.

The cats all had different attributes and used different magics, Lions hunted in packs with a focus on surprising attacks and deadly force, they used strength and dexterity buff. Tigers were solo hunters that used stealth spells and strength augmentation buffs, leopards were dexterity focused stalkers and relied on camouflage. There were mixed groups in the floor if there was a 10 meter high monster.

All the cats had high elemental resistance, but they were susceptible to overwhelming strength, and so the party went to melee focused combat, the ranged members would cast buffs and shields, while occasionally shooting an attack aimed at the eyes or the open maws, as for the melee users they were buffed by Yunan's area of effect all stats buff at 100% simply because it was easier to adapt to the new found strength.

With Yunan only Buffing his friends and not himself, he started feeling the difference in the power level he is used to and his own true body, he started taking injuries and feeling exhaustion, just like he did before, it was thrilling to have the feeling of his life hanging by a thread.

Although the armor was higher level, the damaged he was sustaining came from momentum and kinetic energy, giving him internal injuries instead of external damage, it could be healed easily by using mend and lesser heal but he chose not to overlap his own healing magic with the healing provided by Ophelia, even if she was not needed, being able to do something was a good boost to morale.

The 28th floor was split into three biomes, jungle, savannah and plain, there was no apparent order as these biomes intersected with each other like checkers, in each biome was a set type of cats, the jungle cats were stealth and ambush experts, able to hide from life detection and heat detection, the savannah cats worked in numbers and gave short chases, as for the plain the cats were more focused on speed and chasing than the rest.

The after feeding on the cats, the armor has changed the tail and claws, the tail gained the function of adding balance and stability, as for the claws, they become more hooked then just straight, they could latch into target's easier and allow better grip when climbing.

Yunan has been getting the feeling that the armor was turning more and more into another skin, the more it ate those monsters with sensitive hides, especially after sprouting whiskers that were extremely sensitive to air currents. And Yunan could feel the minute changes caused by a butterfly flapping its wings.

Yunan and friends were taking their time collecting hides to sell for funding Sarah and Kitty, and since the floor was basically an open space its mapping depended only on how much mana Yunan wanted to expand, it was a circle with a 5000 km radius, one could encounter as many as one group of monsters every kilometer if they were lucky, or up to a group every 100 meters if they were the luckiest.

There were mini bosses in each biome to replace the lack of challenge rooms in this floor, the boss of a biome would never leave his territory, Yunan hunted as many mini bosses as he could within one month and sold them to the guild.

The Valyrians also happened to bump into those who were hunting down adventurers, they approached with kind looking smiles and damaged bodies asking for healing because their healer was out of mana, once their wounds were healed they asked for some money or corpses because the one keeping it all was eaten by a monster, the Valyrians did not have the concept of extra corpses, they all had a purpose or the other so they just took out about 100 corpses as pity, however as the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished.

The Valyrians has been taking this floor as a picnic when ever they hit the plains, they would camp in the open simply because it felt good being exposed to nature, and since everyone slept together only one tent was needed. The adventurer hunters were a bit jealous of Yunan and his party full of ladies warming his bed and being able to fork a whole 100 monster corpses with cores still inside for pity.

Since wherever envy was the rest of the sins were never too far away, the adventurer hunters ended up using some mind control spell to capture everyone for some lusty activity, however they only incurred the wrath of the Valyrians, and were beaten to an inch of their lives, healed and beaten again, before being sent to the infirmary to be models for anatomy lessons by Ophelia.

When all was said and done Yunan was impressed that his group did not have any signs of killing intent, they did not even need to vote to see if they could keep them as prisoners or kill them. The adventurer hunters were delivered to the guild soon after when Yunan felt it was time to challenge the boss.

The boss was female cat with larger than life proportions, it looked like a mixed breed of all the monsters in the floor, it was stronger, faster, and harder to kill, it had very high Regeneration and it could regrow a severed limb in seconds. After a long arduous fight, the Valyrians found it was a mere illusion after they shattered it to pieces. The true boss was a cute little kitten that Yunan mistook for an offspring.

It was the only wisdom type cat in the floor and used such big images to tire out and cheat adventurers to leave the floor without killing it, and she could still kill them all if they decided to stick around tired and exhausted.

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