Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 171: Naming the cat

Smiles always followed Debauchery when they took time to relax, and this week they came battered and bloody evidently straight from a gruesome battlefield, they did not seem bothered by it however.

It seems that the weekends they have been taking as rests have been a positive influence on their battle strength, usually one needs years to get rid of the battle stress from lower floors simply because most would just fight until there is no will to move before taking a rest, hence the 5 year vacation that Debauchery took and ended up raising the Valyrians as their students.

According to the analysis provided by Anne who played doctor for Debauchery since they first met, stress on the constitution attribute stops one from growing to full potential, hence taking longer and longer to clear floors and even longer vacations to clear the stress resulting in loss of too much time, however with the current set up of weekly rest, Debauchery has been able to exert more time for battle then before, as well as be less mindful of the stress and injuries they incur.

This was not news to anyone in this household, as the guild has been trying to convince adventurers to take weekly rests and work in smaller parties but who listens to authority? Therefore it has been popular among adventurers to seek safety in numbers and neglect the effects of stress because they simply did not accumulate too much of it, however as things grew more and more difficult to handle, stress became the biggest cause for death among adventurers, because it either took away their life spans and they died too early, or it sapped their life force like what Yunan has been through costing them their lives in the middle of battle.

Debauchery has been having a weekend full of rest each week and they used the cleansing pool weekly, leading to the regeneration of life force and the elimination of old stress from the body, for example, ad new adventures the Valyrians have simply restored 95% of their life spans back to track using that routine, factor in the amount of fruits and animals that are being raised in the garden, you could say that if they kept on this path, they could live out very long lives if nothing unforeseen happens.

The lively atmosphere was as usual starting in the bath, enjoying a good cleansing with tasty food and wine while chatting about the week and whatever news they felt like sharing. The new pet came into the talks while she sat on Drogon back while the dragon had his wings opened and used as floating rafts, it was not the groups first time seeing a talking monster, Drogon had taken that surprise long ago, as for her being an awakened, the party did not even remember that detail at all.

"So what did you name it?" Asked Fae who was seriously holding onto Reina and Kitty to stop herself from pouncing at the cat and smother it to death by mistake. " I thought we could choose a good name for her together, my naming sense is evident in Drogon, poor baby has to live with that name for ever" to this Drogon perked up his head "hey I like my name, if you dare change it I'll roast you good".

"So what kind of good cat names do you guys know" Yunan asked ignoring the blatantly obvious death threat, "Kitty is taken, and anything in the vain of other cat homonyms is out of the picture" he made sure to make rules otherwise with how Debauchery minds function, they would just choose any easy name and be done with it.

"Tama is a good name" said Reina "half the cats in the sun islands are named Tama and they don't seem to hate it". Lucian took it upon himself to act as a judge "how dare you name a royal Egyptian Mau cat like a common mix breed run of the mill cat! Rejected", Reina just spat out her tongue at Lucian and leaned back onto Fae's bosom. And them came a storm of names that were either rejected by the cat herself or judge Lucian.

" Pouncelot?", "I am a female", "how about Persian?", "rejected", "Lioness", "too cheesy", "Prancy", "never!", "Spots", "rejected", "Furball", "how dare you!", "Mittens?", "Rejected with prejudice". Just like this the tug of war kept on and on with more and more names being thrown out and getting rejected almost immediately. Yunan however had another thought going through his mind.

"What does Egyptian mean?" Yunan asked, he was not as well versed in history as the rest simply because he focused on studying for the dungeon or reading about the current era, therefore such a name was foreign to him.

"Egyptian is the name of a bygone civilization when the world was still young and humans were still savages in most of the world, it's a name that survived in the little history we have left from the old era before mana took over the world, many names and words are left for us from the dominant language at the time, and most of the names we use come from that era, one of the surviving species was the Egyptian Mau, it's a very royal and exclusive breed, they are the only naturally spotted breed of domesticated cats, they have an elegant disposition and a friendly vibe, they also make some vocal noises that are exclusive to them, they are very agile hunters and the only cat breed that kept their hunting instinct to this day. Their fur ranges from silver to bronze in color while the eyes are either green or blue and according to legend, they held the power of the gods"

Lucian was more than willing to share this bit of knowledge with Yunan and the rest, not many would question the names from the bygone era anymore. He kept on explaining. "According to what we know, the Egyptians had one of the earliest pantheons that took gods seriously instead of worshipping the suń and the moon and the land. Before you ask, most of the ascended we know about took their names from pantheons in that era, however we do not know if the ascended have existed so long ago, also ascension does not require power, the oldest of the ascended took that title thanks to the belief of their people", Lucian was very through when teaching, as always he hated misinformation most.

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